View Full Version : We need the the later Season 2 Rangers

Ninja Encounter
04/05/17, 12:14 PM
I think the sequel will do much better if Rocky, Adam, and Aisha are part of the team. Jason, Trini, and Zack just aren't as memorable.

Adam White Tiger
04/05/17, 12:16 PM
I know , it was a big mistake not to have Adam. Ludi Lin would have been a great Adam. No one really cares that much about Zack.

MMPR Forever
04/05/17, 12:17 PM
I like all the MMPR Rangers except for Kat.. The originals were the best though. The problem is the new movie didn't adapt their new versions right.

Ninja Storm Fan
04/05/17, 12:19 PM
I think its more people were disappointed when this wasn't a Ninja Storm film. I don't know where people got that idea that MMPR was the signature PR season. Ninja Storm is really the only good season.

Space Seasons
04/05/17, 12:21 PM
Ghe movie needed to be a Space Season to be ultra successful. The characters they used weren't as important. As long as they were done right. I would personally rather them use the Space Characters though.

Space Hero
04/05/17, 12:22 PM
The Movie would have not flopped if they did a Space Season.

04/05/17, 12:24 PM
The movie didn't flop. At worst it t will turn out to be a disappointment. Flops are movies that make almost nothing back from the budget. Power Rangers has made a significant amount of money to not be anything close to a flop.

Sentai Is Forever
04/05/17, 12:25 PM
They really should have went with the Zyuranger characters.

Sentai Snob
04/05/17, 12:26 PM
They should have did the movie based on the current Sentai. With Toei at least writing the story. Also leave the Power Rangers name out of this. American Sentai doesn't need that tired name.

Everyone Loves Rocky
04/10/17, 12:58 AM
Rocky should at least be the new Green Ranger.

Princess Org
04/10/17, 10:56 AM
I think they were actually the better team.

A Gia To Remember
04/12/17, 11:45 AM
I don't think we will start seeing the season 2 Rangers till movie 3.

04/12/17, 02:38 PM
They really should have went with the Zyuranger characters.

Going with Zyuranger for an international film would have been a great (and fascinating) leap to take. Calling the pink ranger 'Mei', the main villain 'Bandora'...

In Pacific Rim, they incorporated an East Asian character as co-protagonist in the story; Mako Mori had the gumption, the attractive outward appearance and the depth of story which all served well in bringing more form to the film. Still, this kaiju-Jaeger movie would have become self-alienated if it were strongly East Asian with a cast composed of Japanese characters.

I think the new Power Rangers film is quite well-balanced. Many commentators have praised the diversity and realism of the cast, and some of them were very impressed by the quality of the acting.

Power Rangers Forever
04/12/17, 07:48 PM
Using Zyuranger elements would have been fine. But I think this has to be more of a Power Rangers Movie. Specifically MMPR to be more exact.

Captain Mutiny
04/12/17, 07:54 PM
There is no point to adapting the season 2 replacements unless they're have a casting issue. It makes far more sense to keep the originals together. Especially since we just have had one movie. Casual fans are more connected to the original characters anyway. They never would have broke up the original cast so soon if it wasn't for the walkouts.

Green With Envy
04/12/17, 07:59 PM
Rocky should at least be the new Green Ranger.

Why he was never the Green Ranger in the show. And is really not that much of an iconic character to be honest. Rocky the Green Ranger doesn't count. Since that was just another idea that would have been a different character.

Omega Black
04/22/17, 09:17 PM
Those Rangers were a good team. But the originals are definitely more well known.

Hailey Ziktor
04/22/17, 09:44 PM
I did like Adam better than Zack.

Inner Senshi
04/24/17, 09:05 PM
Both sets of Rangers were great. I don't prefer any over the other.

Hexagon Ranger
04/24/17, 09:16 PM
The first set of Rangers mean more and absolutely are the ones to use.

Call Titanus
04/24/17, 09:24 PM
The season 1 Rangers should always be the top choice to adapt.

05/12/17, 10:49 PM
I respect peoples opinion but if they adapted the current Sentai or anything like that it would have done much worse.

The show wanted to cash in on nostalga and casual fans, there was no other choice than to adapt the original team. Most people don't even realize the show went on past Mighty Morphin much less is on today. Hell, the average person doesn't even know that the tv series is an adaption of a Japanese show.

For the movie to succeed they needed to appeal to everyone, which meant cashing in on nostalgia, dragging in casual fans and bringing in new ones all in one movie. They would not do that adapting In Space, doing a space season or adapting some Sentai that 90% of the American population didn't know existed.

Yeah it failed and there are plenty of reasons to speculate. But the fact they went with rebooting the original cast and premise was not where they made a mistake.

Sentai Master
05/12/17, 11:29 PM
I think they did a pretty good job trying to make a movie that would appeal to an older audience and have nostalgia for older fans. The interest just didn't seem to be there for a major success.

05/14/17, 09:20 AM
The choice of Rangers to use was perfect.

Green With Envy
05/28/17, 11:00 AM
Introducing too many new characters would backfire. Tommy would be enough as an addition for now. Ideally you want to keep the cast together for any sequels.

05/29/17, 12:15 PM
The season 1 Rangers are more marketable.