View Full Version : Would you have liked it better if Astronema...

Astro Omega
12/13/17, 08:07 AM
Stayed Evil?

12/13/17, 12:09 PM
not at all

12/13/17, 07:01 PM
It would have made the end of C2D more tragic and sad. Assuming you mean this involves her staying dead.

Ranger Black
12/13/17, 07:02 PM
That would be some "Ranger Black" like darkness. As much as I like Karone, it would have been cool if they had Astronema go out like the above. It also removes the Cyber Astronema stuff.

12/13/17, 07:03 PM
She was always evil. So I would like it if she didn't pretend too be good. I would have her arrested though. People on PR shouldn't be killed.

MMPR Forever
12/13/17, 07:11 PM
Yes I agree, the only change I would make would be that Andros would arrest her.

Evil Astronema
12/13/17, 07:28 PM
I really like this idea. Not because I hate the character. She is my favorite villain. I just think it would have made for a more dramatic story. Astronema wou!d have still been a complicated villian. It would have given PR a chance to push its boundaries further than ever before.

Mojo Bulk
12/13/17, 10:17 PM
I don't think standards and practices would have allowed her to stay dead. Whether she turned good or not.

Original Power Rangers
12/15/17, 11:26 AM
No, Astronema was already redeemed and deserved to live. I wouldn't want to get rid of the redemption plot. Since it was so interesting.

Sentai Snob
12/15/17, 11:28 AM
Astronema shouldn't even have been a character. They should have used the Sentai Main Villians and dubbed him like Rita.

12/15/17, 11:39 AM
As much as I like villian Astronema. Part of the reason is because of her true self as Karone. Her backstory and redemption arch adds to the character and the season.

Inner Senshi
12/16/17, 11:38 AM
She needed to turn good so Andros could have an happy ending

A Gia To Remember
12/16/17, 05:45 PM
I could barely handle her dying with coming back lol.

Bandora's Ghost
12/16/17, 05:53 PM
It would have been more dramatic of she stayed evil and also wasn't revived. But the better feel good story was her redemption and resurrection.

Astro Omega
12/16/17, 05:54 PM
Thanks guys, I didn't specify her staying dead. But its up to you to decide. I suppose she would have been purified by the after effects of the Z Wave either way so to stay evil she would have to stay dead. Just my theory.

Disney Ranger
12/16/17, 05:56 PM
Her resurrection was a very Disney thing to do. Its surprising since Saban owned the series at that time. But Saban 's team also produced the MMPR seasons, which hole up to the Disney seasons.

Byron Stinger
12/16/17, 06:01 PM
Actually I am gonna say I would have left everything the same through the Cyber Astronema storyline. Her dying for good after being redeemee and reprogrammed would have been a good dramatic tragady.

12/16/17, 06:10 PM
problem is whether someone didn't want her to come back to life or not it doesn't matter since if the show wanted her dead FOX would be telling them no.

MMPR Supreme
12/16/17, 10:00 PM
Astronema was just an uninteresting character that couldn't measure up to Rita. Killing her off or having her stay evil wouldn't have helped.

Gold Ranger In Danger
12/17/17, 02:33 PM
I think both scenarios work , its just a matter what they chose. And we know they choose Astronema being redeemed.

12/17/17, 02:48 PM
Astronema only pretended to turn good anyway. So either way she did stay evil.

Forever Jason
12/17/17, 02:55 PM
Astronema was never real, her true self was Karone. Even when she deluded herself into thinking differently. Either by choice in the beginning or the cyber equipment that later kept her on the side of evil for a time.

12/17/17, 03:24 PM
Depends on if they still wanted Karone to die, and have Andros bring her back because if so then yes but if not maybe just have Karone stay good, and have Dark Spector make his own robot Astronema that looked like her.

Hexagon Ranger
12/17/17, 05:04 PM
I could see someone turning her into a zombie cyborg if she wasn't revived. Maybe someone ambitous like Deviot would do it or a resurrected Darkconda.