View Full Version : Adlibing on set

02/04/18, 12:36 AM
Do Power Ranger actors adlib a lot on set? I mean where they film them and the actors just act natural?

02/04/18, 01:17 AM
generally no unless they know that their Producer doesn't mind such stuff since he would have to approve any of that and if he doesn't then they have to re-shoot the scene with the scripted dialogue.

Tzachor was generally known for being a stick in the mud so he wasn't a fan of that.
20th Century Fox was in charge of the first movie and Adam's "I'm a frog" line was ad-libbed and while some Producers might not like that their Producers didn't mind it since it was a funny line.
Any of Yoshi and Peter's Sentai references (or references to previous Power Rangers seasons) they throw in during some of their scenes it's ad-libbing since they weren't told to do them it's just stuff they chose to do out of their own free will.

02/04/18, 08:31 AM
I would ad lib lot but sometimes I'd bring my own script and see if the Director likes it.

Massive Ego
02/04/18, 08:38 AM
Your not goings to be able to just do what you want. Acting isn't a Larp or RPG.

Astro Omega
02/04/18, 08:40 AM
generally no unless they know that their Producer doesn't mind such stuff since he would have to approve any of that and if he doesn't then they have to re-shoot the scene with the scripted dialogue.

Tzachor was generally known for being a stick in the mud so he wasn't a fan of that.
20th Century Fox was in charge of the first movie and Adam's "I'm a frog" line was ad-libbed and while some Producers might not like that their Producers didn't mind it since it was a funny line.
Any of Yoshi and Peter's Sentai references (or references to previous Power Rangers seasons) they throw in during some of their scenes it's ad-libbing since they weren't told to do them it's just stuff they chose to do out of their own free will.

Wow I didn't know that that stuff was made up on the fly. Iwas talking about the Sentai and past season stuff, not the Frog thing.

02/04/18, 08:44 AM
JDF probably adlibbed a lot and is responsible for Tommy being so cool. The producers never would have said no to him. JDF was like one of the honorary producers and most definitely came up with a lot of the scripts in general. He wrote the whole romance between Tommy and Kim. For zome reason tney overruled him and put in the awful Kat storyline. I wonder if thats why he left the series?

Goldar's Revenge
02/04/18, 08:49 AM
JDF probably adlibbed a lot and is responsible for Tommy being so cool. The producers never would have said no to him. JDF was like one of the honorary producers and most definitely came up with a lot of the scripts in general. He wrote the whole romance between Tommy and Kim. For zome reason tney overruled him and put in the awful Kat storyline. I wonder if thats why he left the series?

Don't be ridiculous ,there is no evidence for any of that. The only real possibility is the "Aww-Man!" thing. Which may have been icorporated by the writers from JDF. But Frank was never a writer or producer on the seriea. And to the best of out knowledge followed the scripts as much as everyone else. Remember he was new to acting at first and was just learning. They hired him for his martial arts ability first.

They did also use the fact JDF was forgetful and put that in Tommy's character. But ultimately the writers decided to do that and it wasn't some adlib.

Tommy and Kim was done by the writers. Just like Tommy and Kat. And of course was a result of Amy finishing up on the series. And to say Tommy left the series because of the Kat storyline is pure fiction. JDF wanted to leave the series because he felt like it was time to move on. I am sure he had no problem with the Kat Romance.

02/04/18, 08:54 AM
Don't be ridiculous ,there is no evidence for any of that. The only real possibility is the "Aww-Man!" thing. Which may have been icorporated by the writers from JDF. But Frank was never a writer or producer on the seriea. And to the best of out knowledge followed the scripts as much as everyone else. Remember he was new to acting at first and was just learning. They hired him for his martial arts ability first.

They did also use the fact JDF was forgetful and put that in Tommy's character. But ultimately the writers decided to do that and it wasn't some adlib.

Tommy and Kim was done by the writers. Just like Tommy and Kat. And of course was a result of Amy finishing up on the series. And to say Tommy left the series because of the Kat storyline is pure fiction. JDF wanted to leave the series because he felt like it was time to move on. I am sure he had no problem with the Kat Romance.

Well thats my opinion so I have a right to be!ieve all that.

Massive Ego
02/04/18, 09:17 AM
Well thats my opinion so I have a right to be!ieve all that.

Opinions can't argue with facts. Nor can you just assume something happened because you wanted it to. And wrong facts should be corrected to prevent the spread of missinformation.

A Gia To Remember
02/04/18, 09:18 AM
I don't think JDF was more than just an actor . He wasn't a writer. And I don't see why he would care about Tommy and Kat being love interests.

02/04/18, 09:30 AM
I'm surprised Saban doesn't allow adlibbing. Then he wouldn't have to pay the writers.We know how cheap he is.

02/04/18, 12:19 PM
JDF probably adlibbed a lot and is responsible for Tommy being so cool. The producers never would have said no to him. JDF was like one of the honorary producers and most definitely came up with a lot of the scripts in general. He wrote the whole romance between Tommy and Kim. For zome reason tney overruled him and put in the awful Kat storyline. I wonder if thats why he left the series?

sorry but no. JDF's "Aww man" and his signature cry is pretty much all he did ad-libbing-wise also he wasn't their poster child until he came back since kids were refusing to eat unless he came back. Tommy/Kimberly's romance was already set in stone regardless of who Tommy was. JDF and A.J. had no control over their characters' romance same thing with Kimberly breaking up with him and putting him with Kat. It didn't matter what he or Catherine thought on the subject in fact she wasn't a fan of it herself but they have no control over what the writers and Producers decide to do. JDF has went on record as saying that he wanted to leave earlier in Zeo but the Producers went with the threat of "if you leave then we'll fire the others" so they came up with a compromise. JDF was just burnt out due to how much he was working.

Don't be ridiculous ,there is no evidence for any of that. The only real possibility is the "Aww-Man!" thing. Which may have been icorporated by the writers from JDF. But Frank was never a writer or producer on the seriea. And to the best of out knowledge followed the scripts as much as everyone else. Remember he was new to acting at first and was just learning. They hired him for his martial arts ability first.

They did also use the fact JDF was forgetful and put that in Tommy's character. But ultimately the writers decided to do that and it wasn't some adlib.

Tommy and Kim was done by the writers. Just like Tommy and Kat. And of course was a result of Amy finishing up on the series. And to say Tommy left the series because of the Kat storyline is pure fiction. JDF wanted to leave the series because he felt like it was time to move on. I am sure he had no problem with the Kat Romance.

exactly in fact there are cases where writers (or Producers) might insert something into the script if they hear it from an actor. Alpha 5 as far as we're aware of didn't have a catchphrase until someone heard Richard say it once and it stuck. Some shows are like that even Full House in fact in most scripts it was written for D.J. to say "Oh my God" but she never wanted to use the Lord's name in vain so she replaced it with "Oh mylanta" it was never intended to be a catchphrase for her but she caused it to become one since one day the writers finally caught on and just threw it in there

Opinions can't argue with facts. Nor can you just assume something happened because you wanted it to. And wrong facts should be corrected to prevent the spread of missinformation.

exactly opinions are just that your own opinion there's no solid basis to prove whether it would result in a fact or not but facts are just that absolutely cold facts that you can't deny or argue.

I don't think JDF was more than just an actor . He wasn't a writer. And I don't see why he would care about Tommy and Kat being love interests.

he was pretty much just an actor and it wasn't his business who the writers wanted to pair his character with since it wasn't up to him

I'm surprised Saban doesn't allow adlibbing. Then he wouldn't have to pay the writers.We know how cheap he is.

ad-libbing wouldn't replace writers and who said they don't allow ad-libbing? Saban leaves it to the Producers to decide on what they'll allow they don't care either way as long as they get the job done.

Continuity Ranger
02/04/18, 03:06 PM
Its more important to have real scripts and follow them. You want to maintain good continuity and a united creative vision.

02/05/18, 07:23 PM
Your not gonna be able to just show up and do what you want. TV Productions are very structured. PR is especially strict with their actors. Since they are adapting Sentai Footage.

Hayley Oliver
02/05/18, 07:31 PM
I think Forever has some miwconceptions about acting and how hard it really is.

02/05/18, 08:19 PM
I think Forever has some miwconceptions about acting and how hard it really is.

that he (or she?) does it may look fun to us on TV but it's not all that glamorous for the actors

Baby Ranger
02/05/18, 08:52 PM
I bet they do let actors just make stuff up as they go along. I mean who cares its Power Rangers? They don't have real writers anyway? Doesn't most pf it come from Japan anyway?

02/05/18, 09:02 PM
yes it does come from Japan but most of the dialogue doesn't since real writers do write the dialogue well with the exception of Samurai.

Countdown to Destruction
02/05/18, 09:05 PM
Why wouldn't Power Rangers have writers like any series?