View Full Version : Omni in SPD?

Green Lantern
08/11/20, 09:53 PM
Anyone else feel like the whole storyline was bungled?

Piccolo Diamond
08/11/20, 09:55 PM
The whole reveal of the magnificence ended up being a big letdown.

Omega Black
08/11/20, 09:56 PM
I think it finished up satisfactory. They set it up throughout the season and paid it off.

08/12/20, 07:24 AM
Exactly. Plus the final confrotation between Cruger and Grumm was excellent.

Inner Senshi
08/13/20, 08:39 AM
They couldn't go too dark since its a kids show.

Piccolo Diamond
08/13/20, 08:41 AM
The problem with Omni is that he felt two tacked on. It felt random that all the heists led to building his body. Plus the American Made zord battle was disapointinf.

08/13/20, 08:42 AM
Plus they never explained why Gruumm was so devoted to him.

Green Legend
08/16/20, 07:12 PM
I don't know, I just wish we got more of a climatic finale.

SPD Emergency
08/16/20, 07:13 PM
The SPD finale seemed pretty busy to me. They even broughy Commander Birdie back.

Ranger Black
08/16/20, 07:14 PM
I was more disapointed thry reduced Gruumm into an obsessed lackey.

Massive Ego
08/16/20, 07:15 PM
He was already made to look lime a baffoon when he maded thst stupid tea party with Mora.

10/05/20, 10:39 PM
SPD should have taken place on another planet. Maybe, a planet like Trifornia. :o

Kendrix Pink
10/14/20, 10:17 PM
Or Mirinoi?