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ShinySephiroth 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
Oh, that's why they did it? I did not know that.

Badcactus 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
The scene that showed the rangers "jetting" was honestly one of the most unintentionally hilarious power rangers scenes I think I've ever watched. I didn't get the point of it at all. But it did make for a good laugh. I also thought it was funny how Bulk and Skull mentioned it later on. But how did these two even know what it was called in the first place? Jetting was one of the many silly aspects of the first couple power rangers seasons imo.

johnboy3434 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting

Originally Posted by Ankh Primo (Post 72426)
But did they sell a Jetting toy? I'm not well-versed in the merchandise.

No, they didn't. Furthermore, I don't see how they could in a way that would justify featuring it on the show. How would a "jetting" figure be any different from a normal figure held horizontal in the air? The most you could do with it would be a Happy-Meal-style toy with a stand for the inarticulate Ranger figures in a "jetting" pose.

That's what makes it so bizarre: You can't use the "to sell toys" excuse because there was no toy to be sold.

ShadowThePika 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
I only saw one picture of red, black, and yellow flying "First superman movie style".

Wow. I didn't know this thing existed. It's so lame. It's just... SO lame

butterflyboy 05/13/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
It essentially gave the rangers the ability to fly. Granted, I think they were stuck going in one direction, but still.

Reaper33X 05/13/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
I remember a jetting scene where you could see the Rangers top halfs (in above superman pose) but the bottom half was in energy form (like teleporting)

I can't remember the episode though.

butterflyboy 05/13/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting

Originally Posted by Reaper33X (Post 72433)
I remember a jetting scene where you could see the Rangers top halfs (in above superman pose) but the bottom half was in energy form (like teleporting)

I can't remember the episode though.

That was in part one of "The Power Transfer" when the rangers teleport to the deserted planet. They didn't say they were jetting, so I always just took it as a weird teleportation effect they were trying out. In fact, right before that scene, Zordon tells them that Alpha will teleport them there.

ShinySephiroth 05/13/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting

Originally Posted by Badcactus (Post 72429)
The scene that showed the rangers "jetting" was honestly one of the most unintentionally hilarious power rangers scenes I think I've ever watched. I didn't get the point of it at all. But it did make for a good laugh. I also thought it was funny how Bulk and Skull mentioned it later on. But how did these two even know what it was called in the first place? Jetting was one of the many silly aspects of the first couple power rangers seasons imo.

I, too, have always wondered how Bulk and Skull knew about it. So much random!

ElusiveWookiee 05/13/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting

Originally Posted by johnboy3434 (Post 72430)
No, they didn't. Furthermore, I don't see how they could in a way that would justify featuring it on the show. How would a "jetting" figure be any different from a normal figure held horizontal in the air? The most you could do with it would be a Happy-Meal-style toy with a stand for the inarticulate Ranger figures in a "jetting" pose.

That's what makes it so bizarre: You can't use the "to sell toys" excuse because there was no toy to be sold.

I think that is exactly Titanium's point. Figures that were already in production could be used to recreate the "jetting." It gives kids one more type of make believe for playing with their toys.

CobraMorphBT20 05/13/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
Jetting is one of those stupid ideas, that a reversioning of MMPRS2 should have just erased & just re-edited into normal teleportation.

I assume the reason is similar to how vehicles like Shark cycles, Galaxy Gliders etc would seem like a good idea. On paper it might seem good, but in actual use doesnt quite work.

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