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Esther 08/25/06 02:22 PM

to Em
HEY, Em!..whatever you do i wish you the best of luck and as always....do what you do best...you're a triple threat and We know it! ..you can sing, act and kick butt while you're doing it...good luck and hopefully we'll see you on the big screen!......i might be getting a few tracks up on my music site *hopefully soon*...i've already created 13 songs!..oh and thanks for answering the question i asked about what's the difference betwen NZ and Australia....it's good to hear from you......and i hope you get on MTV someday with your CD...

TheHistoryFollower 08/26/06 11:26 PM

hey miss lahana im sorry that you feel that way but i hope that everything good comes your way i mean it and ive been a big fan of your work and i pray that the road rise's to meet you and may the wind always be at your back and untill we meet again (the fans) may god hold you in the hollow of his hand

i know i've caused fights on here in the past but things have changed. the guy known as travis that u hated that i once stood up for started stalking me and i finally got rid of him. my friend razi is an admin i believe on here. i'm sorry for the fights i caused but i have changed because i've gone through so much and i've had my friends help me through bad times. and emma, i think the reason this forum didn't get shut down last year was cuz of aaron being admin on here. he was controling. he banned me for no reason and when the admin powers switch, he was suppose to be baned but he figured out how to get back on here and ya know, i think there r good people running this now and so i say, don't close it, just have the admins say if they see anything like fighting that the people fighting will be banned. i mean, me and some friends got a good admin system on some message boards we run and it seems to work cuz i'm pretty mean at times because i have to watch out for certian people showing up that aren't allowed there. and so just keep this up. it's a really awesome message board.

really jdf's fan for life you thought you had gotten rid of him for good but u failed on that part

IM Darth Vader

i was still on under this name and when emma was still on

the revolution p ranger x and u shelia have failed

PRangerX 05/27/07 11:34 PM

You do know this is an old thread from Lahana Forums right? This isn't one made recently.

Sweetened Angel 05/28/07 03:54 AM

yeah it is. emma was post on lahanaforum long time ago.

TheHistoryFollower 05/31/07 09:20 AM

i still regret everyday of every minute of what i done

PRangerX 05/31/07 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by SuperFlyDarkMan (Post 28790)
i still regret everyday of every minute of what i done

Don't worry about it. I am sure Emma would have moved on anyway. She is a very busy woman. Plus it was more then just you causing trouble.

TheHistoryFollower 06/01/07 10:22 AM

and it still confuses me that why can't u give us the old board and make that are hang out from now on besides in my opinion the old board which is my home and the revolution and i dont know if i have earned back shelias respect yet because of past circumstances because of both of us not talking for awhile because of are lives other then the net cant u just give us that old board

the last time i said something stupid was when i lost everything

PRangerX 06/01/07 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by SuperFlyDarkMan (Post 28792)
and it still confuses me that why can't u give us the old board and make that are hang out from now on besides in my opinion the old board which is my home and the revolution and i dont know if i have earned back shelias respect yet because of past circumstances because of both of us not talking for awhile because of are lives other then the net cant u just give us that old board

the last time i said something stupid was when i lost everything

Every post from Lahana Forums as well memberships are here. This forum was the former General Emma Discussion thread.

I know I said I'd think about bringing the old board back in some shape of forum ( it is already a part of PRO though). I am just not sure if I want to bring it back, since I kind of like the idea of it being one with this one. I actually have another major change, that invovles this board merging with another board. But I am not ready to announce who its just yet. But it is more active than this forum.

I'll give some more thought to given you guys your own board. But I am not promising anything.

RavenX 06/02/07 10:17 PM

Interesting. That could bring more life to this place.

TheHistoryFollower 06/02/07 10:32 PM

well i hope it happens yet greg because it would be an interesting future

but i would like to point out the old board that we go onto has been ares for the longest time ide hate to see it die because it is not watched

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