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Lightspeed Zeo 12/03/16 11:37 PM

Re: Was Time Force evil?
I think it was more they were stuck up. But everyone in the future was free. Only the criminals were arrested and frozen.

Jen's Revenge 12/03/16 11:41 PM

Re: Was Time Force evil?
I think they were pretty tyrannical. And the bottom line is that they played with nature when they genetically modified their young. Mutants turned to crime due to prejudice and the oppression they faced. This was all because of Time Force. They also trained the officers to be cold and uncaring. Thankfully Wes helped his friends overcome that. And even taught Alex to loosen up. I think Time Force went through a lot of reforms once the Rangers returned.

Captain Codfish 12/03/16 11:49 PM

Re: Was Time Force evil?
I think the Rangers time in the past definitely made them better people. When they returned to the future a lot of reforms were made to Time Force. We saw it in the team up Notice how mutants were put in prision instead of being frozen? There were also programs to get mutants back in society like Time Force did with Nadiera.

Rita's Pita 12/05/16 12:33 AM

Re: Was Time Force evil?
They weren't evil but they weren't very likeable either.

Galaxy Forever 12/05/16 11:34 AM

Re: Was Time Force evil?
I thought Time Force was very likeable. They even let honest mutants become cops. Its just Stellix turned out to be a traitor. And seemed to do it for money and not anything to do with mutant civil rights.

Destiny Defeated 12/05/16 11:41 AM

Re: Was Time Force evil?
I wouldn't say they were evil. They just had flaws like any society. There was diffinitly mutant prejudice in the future. But I don't think Time Force tried to promote it. Could there have been racisit officers? Sure....But I do think Time Force was legimately trying to keep the peace. Plenty of wrongs were done by some mutants too. Which Ransik realized. Alex is a good representive of Time Force. Since he had a flawed idea of how the Rangers needed to handle the mission. Yet was able to learn from Wes that there were other ways. As well as that niether he nor Time Force had all the answers.

One major mistake Time Force did make was the genetic experiments. They played with mother nature and have to take full responsibilities for the consequences. This led to mutant prejudice and some of them becoming the very thing Time Force had to fight to protect Millennium City from. So Time Force definitely deserves flak for doing that. But I can't say they had bad intentions or are an evil organization for it.

No Green Spandex 12/05/16 11:44 AM

Re: Was Time Force evil?
Maybe its more that the genetic experiments caused mankind to lose something. It lost the ability to deviate from the norm and make decisions on the fly. And became less cabable of empathy in the process. Meeting Wes helped the Time Force Rangers ( and later Alex) to reclaim some of that. And I think their future will be better for that.

Quasar Saber 12/06/16 12:44 PM

Re: Was Time Force evil?
Time Force is the perfect Zordonesque society. Even more so than SPD brought on. It would be interesting to see the state of the rest of the univierse. But I would guess that it was similar. Its not a society I would have wanted to llive in as it was without much freedom. And full of a lot of oppression for anything that felt like a threat. Even if it was actually harmless or good intentioned.

Doomsday 12/06/16 12:46 PM

Re: Was Time Force evil?
Definitely a George Orwellian society..

Ninja Storm Fan 12/06/16 12:49 PM

Re: Was Time Force evil?
To be honest. Time Force feels like it is full of pompous excuse my french jerks. They are not likeable at all. Niether were the Rangers. Even Wes couldn't save them. Especially since he wasn't quite so fun after the furst few episodes himself.

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