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Cross My Line 04/26/02 09:05 PM

Hello? Zordon was on Eltare when he was captured by Dark Specter and his band of minions.

The planet was raided, and things were stolen by everybody, such as Zordon's key cards, which hid the secret location of the Mega Voyager.

Is it so hard to think that, the Robot Rangers were destroyed during the battle (otherwise, why the hell weren't they searching for Zordon too?), the Blue Robot Ranger's morpher was captured, and then given to Divatox, who put it inside Storm Blaster, seeing as she had control of that and Red Lightning anyway.

Think about what actually happened, before opening your mouth. You remembered some parts, but forgot specific details.

PRdude 04/26/02 11:41 PM

TitaniumGoldRanger, I hope you don't believe this now. It's probably some stupid ass rumor made up by some stupid ass person.

Now watch this one spread around like wildfire.

TitaniumGoldRanger 04/27/02 01:05 AM

Sorry I didn't watch to much of Power Rangers:in Space.My sister said I was to old for it and my friends at school called me power ranger boy and asked me if I was really a power ranger undercover.I broke a 2nd graders nose once when I was in 5th Grade cause he got on my nerves.I was almost expelled......luckily I was only suspended for a week.So I eventully got offPOwer Rangers but when I heard a new series came out(Power Rangers Lost Galaxy) and the Red ranger had my name.I decided to take a look at it.The thing was kind'a cool to me.Witht he mystical adventure thing and all.That why I didn't see much of PRiS

MiChaos 04/27/02 06:14 PM

I stay offline for a day and I miss all this.

OK, the Turbo Powers. IMO they were never destroyed, just severly weakened by the Power Chamber explosion and the Battle of Eltare where the powers were based. Thats how Justin was able to morph, though as I said how the hell the morpher ended up in Storm Blaster is a bit of a mystery. Speaking of Justin, where the hell was he and SB/LC at C2D?

Cross My Line 04/27/02 07:24 PM

Justin was probably hiding behind a couch.
And whilst your theory sounds good, you have to admit, mine sounds a bit more plausible, as it at least gives an answer as to how the Morpher got into Storm Blaster:)

MorphinTime 04/28/02 07:53 AM

How do you know there was never a green ranger coin? I mean think about it, Zordon said that the white ranger powers were just created, but half a season later when they go on the ninja quest there is a white ninja coin and a zord too? Seems pretty reasonable that there is a green ninja coin that Ninjor still has.

Cross My Line 04/28/02 08:20 AM

Or a Spunky Orange ninja coin too. Going by that, the coin could be that, which gives someone any color costume.

MiChaos 04/28/02 05:04 PM

Does that mean there may be a green Aquitian coin lurking around as well?

Cross My Line 04/28/02 08:19 PM

Well, there could have been one for Cestria, but that would have been pink or purple.

Green would have been cool though, and I think JediMB actually played up on that in his fic series.

MorphinTime 04/28/02 09:56 PM

All I am saying is that Ninjor created the origional powers as well as the Ninja powers later on. Therefore, it only seems logical that he created a green coin.

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