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MattEmily 12/23/14 06:24 PM

Re: What happened to the Dragon Coin?

Originally Posted by No Green Spandex (Post 50243)
I thought it made no sense for Tommy to have his Green Powers again. They can't make up their mind what powers he has. He had Red in "Forever Red" but not in DT. Yes we know he lost the Black Powers at the end of DT. But now he suddenly is the Green Ranger. What happened him losing his powers "forever" in season 2. I guess Eltarians have a different deffinition of forever.

Of course it made sense since Tommy was more well known as a Mighty Morphin Power Ranger and the Green Coin was his first power ever so it was a nostalgic choice on his part to go with the power.

Yes he was Zeo Ranger V in "Forever Red" but that was because it was a mission for Red Rangers only.

Yes he wasn't a Ranger anymore in DT but that was because something happened that resulted in him losing his powers either that or he just opted to not take anything with him.

Tommy never lost his powers forever in Season 2 and besides Zordon was always saying that about something but it was more like a case of a battery issue. Once you drain all of a battery's energy you can't use it anymore until you get a new battery. In this case something happened that allowed the Green Coin to be re-energized and it really could be any number of things. Zordon's wave energized it to the point it broke Rita's spell on it.
Rita canceled the spell on the coin which negated any draining issues with it.
Ninjor was found again and he restored it back to normal and made it so Rita's spell wasn't affecting it anymore.
Someone found a fix for it either on Earth, Eltar, Aquitar or wherever.
It's possible Karone might have heard of a way to fix it due to Rita's big mouth.

Todd Oliver 12/24/14 05:08 PM

Re: What happened to the Dragon Coin?
Tommy was pretty resourceful too. So he could have found a way to fix his own powers.

Captain Codfish 12/24/14 10:57 PM

Re: What happened to the Dragon Coin?

Originally Posted by Adam White Tiger (Post 50244)
Maybe Sentinal Knight restored his powers? just like with Adam.

I doubt it. Sentinal can't just restore everyone's powers. Its not like we haven't seen powers restored before anyway. Look at " Forever Red". Like I said before the coin was probably stored away. And at some point someone found a way to get it working again.

MattEmily 12/24/14 11:03 PM

Re: What happened to the Dragon Coin?
It's possible Sentinel Knight can restore any Ranger's powers after all we don't know the extent of his powers and keep in mind he was able to restore Adam, Tori and Kira's powers all while he was in a very WEAKENED state.

Captain Codfish 12/24/14 11:17 PM

Re: What happened to the Dragon Coin?
Thats true, it just seems kinda too easy to just assume he restored everyone's powers.

MattEmily 12/25/14 10:58 AM

Re: What happened to the Dragon Coin?
True but he did state that he restored Adam, Tori and Kira's powers based on his statement in "Once a Ranger" so we know it's very possible especially now considering he returned to his true form at the end of "Overdrive" which likely meant he was even more powerful than he was in his other human form.

Obviously we know he didn't restore Bridge's powers since they came from the future and Kat Manx could always just repair it or create a new Morpher for him like she always did.

Xander's powers... now that's hard to say. We saw in "Mystic Fate" how they were lost at one point but then the civilians (the ones that were humans and the ones that were magical) gave them the power back due to them believing in magic so it's possible Xander's powers were still there as long as there's enough energy from others that believe in magic.

Galaxy Supreme 12/25/14 11:06 PM

Re: What happened to the Dragon Coin?
I aways thought "Mystic Fate" ended pretty silly. I mean the people given the Rangers their powers back and then winning with the care bare stare?

Captain Codfish 12/25/14 11:19 PM

Re: What happened to the Dragon Coin?
Yeah, Mystic Force was lame. Everything kinda was duex ex machina. The way they defeated the master was weak. I didn't like how they forgot about the villagers/forest dwellers storyline and just brought it back. I thought the Mystic Mother stuff was corny. It was also lame how Necrolai became good and human.

MMPR Forever 12/25/14 11:22 PM

Re: What happened to the Dragon Coin?
I thought it was pretty goofy too. MMPR wouldn't have been that goofy. I like goofy but it just didn't click for me. A poor imitation of MMPR. The only part i loved was the Mystic Mother part.

Disney Ranger 12/25/14 11:30 PM

Re: What happened to the Dragon Coin?
I loved it. It was like the end to a perfect Disney movie. I thought it was fun and gave good closure to everyone. I loved the Mystic Mother part. I like that the magical world and city people had to work together to help the Rangers. I thought it made perfect sense. Necrolai being saved and becoming human was a nice ending for Leelee. I like how Nick, Udonna, and Leanbow got to be a family. Phineas cracks me up btw. Love how Claire became the new sorceress.

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