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MattEmily 11/14/17 01:11 AM

Re: Did Justin ruin it for you?

Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 57423)
Did Justin ruin it for you in Turbo? Was it too much to see a child as a Ranger?

I wouldn't say he ruined Turbo for me since if you're using characters as an excuse to despise a season then you weren't going to like it to begin with anyway I just didn't like how they really did nothing with the child prodigy aspect of him.


Originally Posted by Captain Codfish (Post 57428)
Justin was pretty annoying at first. But once the second half of Turbo came he was much better. He didn't hog the spotlight and seemed to mesh well with the younger Turbos. It was probably better that he didn't overstay his welcome and go beyond Turbo. I was happy to see him in the Space Team Up though.

I didn't find him annoying but I do agree that he did fit in better (but not much better) once the veterans left. I was also happy that he didn't remain for Space.


Originally Posted by Jen's Revenge (Post 57446)
I don't think he would have fit in as much during the more serious seasons. Beyond a one time appearance like he made in Space.

yea that I agree with.


Originally Posted by Superstatler (Post 57468)
At least Blake was a good actor for his age. That made it somewhat better. They didn't have to dub his voice like they do in the NZ years at times.

to be fair that's not saying much since a lot of kids are generally voiced over to begin with anyway even American ones they even voice over people who aren't kids like the 3 actors who played the Trey triplets and an example of a kid being voiced over is Jason's cousin; Jeremy in the Rock Star episode.

No Green Spandex 11/15/17 11:51 AM

Re: Did Justin ruin it for you?
I remember wondering why Jeremy sounded so ridiculously high pitched.

Justin was an attempt to create a new Tommy. One that was young enough to remain for several more seasons. Thankfulky, it didn't work.

MattEmily 11/15/17 02:37 PM

Re: Did Justin ruin it for you?
yea some young actors can't act for whatever reason so that could be 1 reason as to why Jeremy was dubbed or it could also be because he had some kind of accent which didn't mesh due to his character being a relative of Jason's

Captain Codfish 11/16/17 08:24 AM

Re: Did Justin ruin it for you?
He was on the older side for a child actor. He was probably older than the character he was playing. He probably didn't sound young enough and they dubbed him with a younger voice.

MattEmily 11/16/17 11:14 AM

Re: Did Justin ruin it for you?
ah yes I forgot about that excuse his voice probably started to go deeper due to maturing and aging.

PRangerX 11/16/17 11:20 AM

Re: Did Justin ruin it for you?
He kind of reminded me of Jonathon Brandis . God rest his soul.

Bonus Ranger 11/16/17 11:30 AM

Re: Did Justin ruin it for you?
Oh he was dubbed over? He always did sound like his voice was odd.

MMPR Supreme 11/16/17 11:32 AM

Re: Did Justin ruin it for you?
I wonder why they invovled Jason's nephew in a putty battle?They almost never did that for non Rangers and never did it with the child guest stars.

Putty On The Brain 11/16/17 11:33 AM

Re: Did Justin ruin it for you?
They must have had "Putty On The Brain".

MattEmily 11/16/17 11:35 AM

Re: Did Justin ruin it for you?
hilarious response but truthfully that's probably it they wanted to get their mileage out of their own Putty suits before they were going to be ditched in the next season

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