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Dark storm 12/29/14 07:31 AM

Re: The gap between Zeo and TAPRM - your headcanon?
If you have the time for it, Hellion01 posted a fanfic a while back that I really enjoyed, and seemed to fit that hole pretty well.

Shadowforce_71 12/30/14 07:31 AM

Re: The gap between Zeo and TAPRM - your headcanon?
My head canon is this:

The Zeo Rangers fought the Machine Empire's remnants over the remainder of their senior year of high school (which explains why it was summer during the end of Zeo but they graduated at the beginning of turbo).

I like the idea the Zeo powers constantly got stronger as was directly mentioned on the show albeit off handed like. I imagine the powers got to a point like the Gold Ranger powers that a regular human can't use them for long intervals without physical damage.

About the Cold War thing, I always felt based on in series comments that Earth was considered the "backwater" of the Zordon/UAE war. The Southeast Asia/Vietnam/Middle East equivalent. So once they got the Millenium message, you have to wonder why they shipped off Veterans for a rookie ranger team? Why leave that rookie team with the new mentors?

My head canon is with the Zeo powers intact, Zordon was essentially playing the "long game". The Turbo Rangers were to be the "face" team that protects Earth while the Space Rangers protect KO-35, the Alien's Aquitar, and Trey Triforia.

Whether we accept Jason, Zack, Trini, Billy, Kim, Tommy, Aisha, Rocky, Adam, and Tanya had active powers or not, you can't tell me they weren't fighting somewhere off screen during C2D.

So my head canon is Zordon had the Zeo rangers as a reserve or insurgency team. Why else would you replace your vets at the beginning of a war?

Dinorider37 12/30/14 07:31 AM

Re: The gap between Zeo and TAPRM - your headcanon?

Originally Posted by arcticphoenix87 (Post 71961)
My head canon:

Zeo season premiere sets us up with the premise we are in a Cold War-esque fight between two Super Powers: Zeo Rangers, the MOST powerful rangers in the universe, versus the Machine Empire, the MOST powerful evil faction in the universe, who have just broke away from their alliance with Dark Specter. Explains why 5 (later 6) individuals have the power to fight back against thousands of Cogs and artillery.

Season progresses... mostly a stalemate, but the Machine Empire has a slight edge with their Neoplutonium armor. Day and night attacks makes the rangers fatigued. Dark Specter (still a secret behind the scenes), realizing that if the Rangers fail, knows that the Machine Empire will come for him next. Thus, he sends Rita and Zedd to negotiate a temporary alliance with the Rangers.

Zedd shows up on the viewing globe with a proposition. He has a weapon that is powerful enough to wipe out the Machine Empire (Surprise: Serpentera!) but it doesn't have a reliable energy source. That's where the rangers come in: all Zedd needs in one Zeo subcrystal to power Serpentera (again, these are the MOST powerful sources of energy in the universe) and Serpentera is good to go. Rangers don't trust Zedd, but they have no choice. Tommy agrees to Give his subcrystal to power Serpentera, since the Machine Empire recently destroyed/captured his Red Punchazord. We have a few interesting scenes of Billy and Finster working together to configure the Zeo Crystal with Serpentera.

With Serpentera powered, they successfully wipe out 95% of the Machine Empire's forces, including damaging the Royal House of Gadgetry who are taken hostage by Rita and Zedd. Of course Zedd is evil and double crosses the rangers, who sets Serpentera on a course for Angel Grove to wipe out Earth with the Zeo Crystal's power. The rangers can't disable it, but they realize they can overload Serpentera's engines if they sacrifice the other 4 Zeo Subcrystals in the its engine. Serpentera can't handle the additional power, and explodes and crashes on the moon (setting us up for Wild Force).

Rita/Zedd retreat with captured Machine King and Queen to be reprogrammed. Rangers won the war, but desperately need powers in case something happens. Zordon admits he doesn't have any backup powers to pull out of his ass, so Tommy suggests they build them from scratch with something modern: cars. Fortunately, there's just enough residual morphin' grid energy from the Zeo Crystal to power the Turbo keys, but the rangers will never again be as powerful as they once were. Fortunately their next villain (Divatox) isn't a "superpower", so the Turbo powers are sufficient to handle her threats.

That is a great head cannon. I really dig it.

Plus Tommy went on to race cars so it makes sense that he would pick the new team theme as he was the veteran ranger and Zordon favored him by that point.

Shadowforce_71 12/30/14 07:31 AM

Re: The gap between Zeo and TAPRM - your headcanon?

Originally Posted by arcticphoenix87 (Post 71961)
My head canon:

Zeo season premiere sets us up with the premise we are in a Cold War-esque fight between two Super Powers: Zeo Rangers, the MOST powerful rangers in the universe, versus the Machine Empire, the MOST powerful evil faction in the universe, who have just broke away from their alliance with Dark Specter. Explains why 5 (later 6) individuals have the power to fight back against thousands of Cogs and artillery.

Season progresses... mostly a stalemate, but the Machine Empire has a slight edge with their Neoplutonium armor. Day and night attacks makes the rangers fatigued. Dark Specter (still a secret behind the scenes), realizing that if the Rangers fail, knows that the Machine Empire will come for him next. Thus, he sends Rita and Zedd to negotiate a temporary alliance with the Rangers.

Zedd shows up on the viewing globe with a proposition. He has a weapon that is powerful enough to wipe out the Machine Empire (Surprise: Serpentera!) but it doesn't have a reliable energy source. That's where the rangers come in: all Zedd needs in one Zeo subcrystal to power Serpentera (again, these are the MOST powerful sources of energy in the universe) and Serpentera is good to go. Rangers don't trust Zedd, but they have no choice. Tommy agrees to Give his subcrystal to power Serpentera, since the Machine Empire recently destroyed/captured his Red Punchazord. We have a few interesting scenes of Billy and Finster working together to configure the Zeo Crystal with Serpentera.

With Serpentera powered, they successfully wipe out 95% of the Machine Empire's forces, including damaging the Royal House of Gadgetry who are taken hostage by Rita and Zedd. Of course Zedd is evil and double crosses the rangers, who sets Serpentera on a course for Angel Grove to wipe out Earth with the Zeo Crystal's power. The rangers can't disable it, but they realize they can overload Serpentera's engines if they sacrifice the other 4 Zeo Subcrystals in the its engine. Serpentera can't handle the additional power, and explodes and crashes on the moon (setting us up for Wild Force).

Rita/Zedd retreat with captured Machine King and Queen to be reprogrammed. Rangers won the war, but desperately need powers in case something happens. Zordon admits he doesn't have any backup powers to pull out of his ass, so Tommy suggests they build them from scratch with something modern: cars. Fortunately, there's just enough residual morphin' grid energy from the Zeo Crystal to power the Turbo keys, but the rangers will never again be as powerful as they once were. Fortunately their next villain (Divatox) isn't a "superpower", so the Turbo powers are sufficient to handle her threats.

only problem with that they were seen using Zeo Powers in TAPRM. Only reason for the upgrade is the Zeo powers couldn't get the rangers through the Nemesis Triangle.

Digificwriter 12/30/14 07:31 AM

Re: The gap between Zeo and TAPRM - your headcanon?
The only things that need explaining vis a vid Zeo/Turbo are why Jason and Kimberly were together, when Bulk and Skull came back and why, and why Zedd and Rita weren't fighting the Rangers.

Everything else is covered in the movie and season.

Void 12/30/14 07:31 AM

Re: The gap between Zeo and TAPRM - your headcanon?
My headcanon? Okay.

After the events of Zeo, Rita and Zedd returned as they said they would. They managed to recharge and improve Serpentera back when they were at Master Vile's and were now ready to use it. The Rangers find out about this and intercept Serpentera on it's way to Earth and fight it with ALL of their Zords.

A massive battle in outer space occurs with Serpentera destroying quite a few Zords and taking damage due to it's lower maneuverability than the Zords. Due to Serpentera being too powerful, Alpha had to transfer some energy to the Zords like he did in the fight against Rito, except he was more careful this time. Eventually the Zords attack Serpentera's power source, causing it to lose power rapidly. With it's remaining power, Serpentera attacks the remaining Zords before plummeting to the moon.

Serpentera's final attack overloads the Zords causing a power flux (like the one Rito caused when he fought the Thunderzords). But unlike the Thunderzords, the Zeo Zords and Zeo powers were too strong to be destroyed by it, but were severely weakened (also, just like in the battle with Rito, the power flux caused an overload in the Power Chamber as well, damaging it). With the Pyramidus badly damaged but capable of travel, Trey went back home in order to repair it. Auric was either killed or too injured and decided to reseal himself until he is fully healed. Zedd, injured by Serpentera's crash and realizing Rita is pregnant, decided to stop attacking the Rangers for the time being and returns to Vile's galaxy.

Then came TAPRM. The Zeo Zords and powers were still too weakened and damaged from the battle with Serpentera to be used to their full extent. This is why Kat's Zeo form couldn't withstand falling into water and why the powers and Zords were incapable of getting through the Nemesis Triangle.

Fortunately, in true Zordon fashion, he had a backup plan, so he and Alpha were working on stabilizing the weakened Zeo powers in order to use them to create new Zords and powers. The Rangers later helped them finish. And so the Turbo Zords and powers were created. They were superior to the damaged Zeo Zords and powers, but inferior to Zeo Zords and powers as they were during the Zeo season. Still, they were better than nothing so they had to get the job done.

The battle with Serpentera attracted attention from people on Earth as pieces of Zords started raining down like a meteor shower, one of them crashing into the French agency Bulk and Skull were working for, destroying it and causing them to have to return home. People got worried about the pieces of Zords falling, so the police force was willing to re-hire Stone, Bulk and Skull. They needed all the men they could get.

Kimberly also saw this and decided to check on the Rangers. She contacted Jason (since she was reluctant to contact Tommy after the infamous letter) and he told her everything was okay, and that Rita and Zedd are defeated for good. Happy to hear this, she decided to visit them and called Jason over to help her plan her visit. So he traveled to where ever she was, the two spent some time together, reminiscing about old times and, when Kimberly finally had some free time, they left for Angel Grove. They thought scuba diving might be a good way to hang out with the team, so they decided to test out their gear and got themselves captured.

The power flux damaged the Power Chamber, hence why everyone decided to move their center of operations up. This is why, instead of being underground like in Zeo, the power Chamber was on ground floor in the Turbo finale.

cleanuphtr15 12/30/14 07:31 AM

Re: The gap between Zeo and TAPRM - your headcanon?
Rita and Zedd called off their conquest because she was preggers. Duh. (sticks out tongue icon)

Titanium321 12/30/14 07:31 AM

Re: The gap between Zeo and TAPRM - your headcanon?
I don't know if it necessarily needs head canon. A lot of these things can just be chalked up to the passage of time and how Zeo ends.


Originally Posted by blacklion400 (Post 71954)
.What happened to the Zeo powers and where did the Turbo powers come from?

Turbo powers are made in the movie as the dialogue states. Zordon tells them they are making new powers right there to cross over to Maligore's island and they just stick with them over Zeo. Which we saw they still had in the movie. Turbo Powers were just more effective at the time.


.What happened to Bulk and Skull's trip to France and why did they, and Lt. Stone suddenly get re-hired into the police force?
They went to France, they came back. They got one last chance on the force, according to Stone. But Stone ultimately went with running the juice bar and Bulk and Skull disappeared as far as everyone else was concerned.


.Why did Rita and Zedd suddenly quit trying to fight the power rangers, when they seemed quite determined at the end of Zeo?
Who said they quit? Rita just told Divatox to run. Laughing at her. She was mocking Divatox, thinking she was beneath her and an attempt at taking down the Rangers when she couldn't was ridiculous.

Rita and Zedd just weren't on Earth or the Moon at the time of Turbo. When we see them again, they're working for Dark Spectre to fight the forces of good. Turbo was a breather for them.


.Where did Jason suddenly disappear to, as the movie suggests he's been away for a while?
Same place Tommy disappeared to when he lost his powers. He just wasn't there and stayed out of the Rangers way until he got a SCUBA invite from Kimberly.

Dark storm 12/30/14 07:31 AM

Re: The gap between Zeo and TAPRM - your headcanon?
lol and I think many of us still wonder about and question that too, even tho is has really nothing to do with the storyline. Why does Kimberly break up with Tommy and then come back and invite Jason to go scuba diving?


Originally Posted by cleanuphtr15 (Post 71970)
Rita and Zedd called off their conquest because she was preggers. Duh. (sticks out tongue icon)

of course. That must have been when they had Thrax. Can't imagine what child-birth must be like for an evil sorceress, especially one whose Japanese counter-part hated children

Reaper33X 12/30/14 07:31 AM

Re: The gap between Zeo and TAPRM - your headcanon?

Originally Posted by Dark storm (Post 71972)
Why does Kimberly break up with Tommy and then come back and invite Jason to go scuba diving?

To make Tommy jealous, the bitch! haha

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