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AngelofChaos 10/15/06 10:14 PM

“Commander Cruger has a valid reason for him being given one, just like the rest of us have been chosen.” Syd replied, glancing down fixing her jacket. She heard Blaze’s last comment and look up at him curiously, “Hm? Something wrong?” Syd noticed Blaze looking at her in a way. "Is there something on me?"

Arucard 10/16/06 03:49 PM

Lestat turned and looked at Sky almost in disgust at the friendly offer he had just been given but then headed to his room for a few moments and then returned no longer clothed in uniform instead he was clothed in a long red overcoat made of leather, a black turtle neck shit and a simple pair of jeans and shoes. "Not interested," he said, responding to Sky's previous offer and with that he brushed past them intending on leaving the facility itself.

theblue1 10/16/06 03:52 PM

"I don't know what his problem is sometimes" Sky blurted out "He needs to learn to get along or if evil ever strikes again this team might not work"

Arucard 10/16/06 04:24 PM

Lestat continued heading out of the facility pushing past each cadet or captain out of his way regardless of which squad they were in. The comment Sky made had angered him to a great deal. He had still not got used to SPD at times and made it clear that he didn't like practically anyone in the whole nine yards of the place.

As he neared the entrance and exit of SPD he stopped as Commander Crugar stood in front of him.

SkataPunkA7X 10/16/06 04:36 PM

"Uhh, nothing." Tres said, blushing slightly. "Let's go." He lead Syd out to the cruiser section of the garage.

theblue1 10/16/06 04:43 PM

"Alright Z im gonna go start up my motercycle meet me out there" Sky said walking to the garage

Arucard 10/16/06 04:47 PM

Lestat did not speak at first and neither did Crugar and Lestat tried to make a quick exit only to be stopped by him. "Hold it Lestat!" he yelled but however Lestat ignored him and continued heading on to which Crugar gave off a frustrated growl. Although Lestat was powerful he was rather rude but nevertheless he had got used to it by now. With that Crugar headed back to the Command Center.

Lestat on the other hand continued to try and find another way out, without getting caught by anyone. He spotted Blaze and Syd and gritted his teeth as he was risking his pride more then ever if he asked them. "Oh what the hell," he thought and approached them.

AngelofChaos 10/16/06 05:18 PM

Syd looked at him silently before shrugging it off and followed behind. She slow down slightly looking over her shoulder spotting Lestat approach them.

SkataPunkA7X 10/16/06 07:43 PM

Blaze carefully lifted the tarp off of his cruiser. He took a moment as he admired its beauty. In his opinion, it was possibly the only thing in the universe that could possibly be more gorgeous than Syd. He tossed Syd a helmet as he put his on and slid down his pilot goggles. Racers had lost sight from going to fast, and that was the last thing he wanted to do.

Ron/aqua 10/17/06 12:51 AM

Bridge still standing upside down on his hands lifted one hand of the ground and waved it in the air to view lestat’s aura. Realizing that his powers didn’t work with his gloves on he tried to slip it off with his teeth and ended up losing his balance, causing him to fall to the floor. “Oops!”

By the way Sasha, could I play piggy?

AngelofChaos 10/18/06 06:53 PM

“Changed your mind, Lestat?” Syd questioned moving her hair, before putting the helmet on.

SkataPunkA7X 10/19/06 05:12 PM

"Yeah, you can come along if you want." Blaze said. He didn't really want him to come, he wanted be with Syd without anyone else for once. But he had been trying to get to know Lestat since they started training. He had always seemed like a cool guy once you get past the whole dark-evil-anarchy thing.

Arucard 10/21/06 05:34 PM

Lestat shook his head in response. "No, but thank you for the offer. I need a way out, without being caught by Crugar," he responded. He seemed rather polite and quite formal for a change which seemed rather surprising considering from the fact he rarely seemed to show respect to pretty much anyone in SPD.

Ron/aqua 10/21/06 07:52 PM

Bridge sits back up, removes his glove and waves his hand to examine Lestat’s aura, “well that’s a first.”

AngelofChaos 10/22/06 08:20 AM

“All right” Syd replied after slipping on the helmet, “The offer is still open should you change your mind.” Syd was quite surprised from Lestat response, but smiled, “It is great to take a little time off once an awhile.”

Pink Ranger Sasha 10/22/06 10:26 AM

Z nodded following Sky to the garage a few minutes later after he did, excited to be hanging with him outside SPD for a change and all she could hope for is that they could spend a little time together without interuptions.

SkataPunkA7X 10/22/06 01:47 PM

Blaze revved the engine a couple times, called "Later Lestat.", and shot off. They began to cruise at a steady speed through the city.

Arucard 10/22/06 03:43 PM

A slight sinister smile sleeked itself across Lestat's face. The brunette watched them leave and smirked. He realised that Bridge was viewing his aura and couldn't care less about what he thought. He left SPD and headed for a small club called the Admiral's Arms.

AngelofChaos 10/22/06 07:05 PM

Syd started feeling more relax watching things go by as the sped along the road.

Ron/aqua 10/23/06 12:03 AM

“Weird?” Said Bridge, slipping his glove back on, “I need a little exercise,” he decides. He walks into the sparring room and sees the beaten cadets, “um…what happened here?”

Gundam178 10/23/06 12:28 AM

Scora walked the dangerous steets in Angle grove, cloaked in a dark tan, leather, hooded suit. Her body was hidden from veiw. The only thing you can see that was a part of her was a skinny, black tail that hung out from benieth her coat. It wagged slowly as she continued to walk down the road, not even looking at other people. She know they were looking at her but she didn't care, if long if they stay far away from her.

Arucard 10/23/06 01:51 PM

Lestat was greeted by an array of people, all of them clad in gothic attires each of them giving him a large amount of respect. The brunette gave off a small chuckle at this new found respect. He had given them all a new god to worship...him.

Here, no matter who they were, alien, human or anything else nothing mattered. All they could do was simply relax and enjoy themselves and also they all found a place where they belonged here whereas the outside world had cruelly shunned each of them in a repulsive manner. Lestat calmly walked threw the crowds and made his way round the back where his band were practising.

Gundam178 10/23/06 03:05 PM

Scora reached into her pocket and grabbed some coins. And sighed. "5 bucks left. What a joke. I'm just going to have to get some more as usual." She hasn't eaten much so her stomach was growling, begging for food. "heh grumpy as usual." She said to her self as she patted her belly. Hopefully piggy is still around then I won't have to put up with the stomach. He has the best any one can offer for cheap. Hopefully when I get enough money I can get a job like his. If possible for me I will no longer have to live this cheap life.

Arucard 10/23/06 03:11 PM

"Sorry I'm late, I was just catching my breakfast," Lestat apologised but also gave off a sarcastic joke afterwards in a very dry fashion. His band laughed in response, they knew why he was late but it didn't bother them much. "Excuse me a moment I need to head out for a bit," he said and quickly dashed out of the club. He noticed Scora but didn't know who she was exactly but then walked over towards her. "Hungry?" he asked sardonically.

Gundam178 10/23/06 03:27 PM

An unfamiliar voice cut into her fit from behind she turned towards it and a man wear red leather was walking towards her. "she looked up at the man, holding the neak of her hood. "Well. This is rare." She spoke to herself. "Well. Um..." She spoke aloud for the first time, her voice sounding weak and exhuasted. "thank you for the offer. Yes."

Arucard 10/23/06 03:32 PM

Lestat couldn't but laugh a little and titled his head as a gesture for her to follow him. "Come on, I'll take you to get something to eat," he offered kindly. Whoever this girl was she intrigued him for some strange reason, there was something different about her but he couldn't quite put his finger on it just yet though.

Gundam178 10/23/06 03:41 PM

Lestat couldn't but laugh a little and titled his head as a gesture for her to follow him. "Come on, I'll take you to get something to eat," he offered kindly. Whoever this girl was she intrigued him for some strange reason, there was something different about her but he couldn't quite put his finger on it just yet though.

Scora hesitatated a bit. She knew about the massive criminal activities happening around here. But she didn't care. If the guy tries to hurt me in any kind of way. I'll...nm. she silinced her thoughts. But this man is differant. He seemed kind, loving, and was willing to help. A stranger. But how did he know that I was hungry. He must have heard me arguing with my tummy. It growled out loud and she held her stomach tight, trying to muffle it. "I'm sorry." She laughed softly.

Arucard 10/23/06 03:47 PM

"Don't be," Lestat responded carelessly and took to the Admiral's Arms. True it may have been over doing it a little but he didn't care for the time being, all he cared about was getting her something to eat. It was strange for him to actually want to help someone but then he realised why she intrigued in the first place. Because she seemed like him and and also seemed to be like the others who came to this place.

Although it was usually a rather noisy place filled with rock and metal music Lestat didn't care about. For the time being it seemed ideal enough, Lestat then brought her over to one of the tables. "Stay here for a moment," he instructed gently and disappeared into the crowd a moment or two and then returned with food. "Here," he said placing the food on the table.

Gundam178 10/23/06 04:05 PM

As the man vanished into the crowd. She sat silently at the table and glanced around. This was unfamailiar to her. But the music was relaxing even though it was kinda loud she still liked it. The beats and vibes seemed to blend together, working together to creat a great piece or music. She smlied a little, litting the music enter her. She sat back and relaxed, letting her hood slip down just anough to allow light to touch her red eyes. She felt even better at knowing that at least someone cared about her even though she didn't know who he was. But the thing that made her happy was that she gets a free mael. She looked at the coins in her hand and drops them into her pocket. The mystirous man soon returned with a plate of food she dug in.

Gundam178 10/23/06 04:07 PM

(ooc) Omg I think I messes up. when I tried to edit my post it deleated yours. I'm sorry.

Arucard 10/23/06 04:09 PM

((Hey,hey, don't worry about it, it's okay don't apologise for something you don't need to))

Lestat watched her in amusement for a moment then placed his chin in his hands. "So what is your name?" he asked her kindly.

Gundam178 10/23/06 04:15 PM

"My name is Toscora." She took in a spoon ful or mashed potatoes and continued. "But you can call me Scora for short. Not that it makes such a big differance." Her voice was still weak but as she ate it began to sound healthier. "So Um...What's your name? if it's not too much to ask?"

Arucard 10/23/06 04:24 PM

"Lestat Townsend at your service madam," he replied in a gentle fashion with a slight nod of his head. "I apologise if the scenario is a little... off putting," he added.

Gundam178 10/23/06 04:36 PM

"Lestat Townsend at your service madam," he replied in a gentle fashion with a slight nod of his head. "I apologise if the scenario is a little... off putting," he added.

"well it's actually quite amusing to me." She took in a few more spoons full of potayoes then started on the meat, grabbing a knife and cutting off a small piece. She pokes it on to the end of a fork. then looked back up at the man now known as Lestat. "so.. where are you from, and what exacally is this place?" She popped the piece of mean into her mouth.

Arucard 10/23/06 04:53 PM

"This place is the Admiral's Arms, a club and also a place for people to stay for however long they like in other words a shelter. And I can't exactly remember where I am from nor does it bother me," he explained while lighting a cigarette for himself.

Gundam178 10/23/06 05:01 PM

"well." She said "thanks for recommending me to this place. I guess I will now have to rome around much now. No thinks to you I'v got a hangout."

Arucard 10/23/06 05:07 PM

Lestat took a few puffs from his cigarette and slammed it into the ash tray while exhaling one last bit of smoke. "You can stay if you like, there are plenty of rooms here," he offered while leaning his head on his right hand.

Ron/aqua 10/23/06 06:40 PM

“Well no point in hanging around here,” said Bridge, walking out of the sparring room. I wonder what, cat’s doing? Thought Bridge, heading toward the lab.

Arucard 10/23/06 06:44 PM

Not bothering to wait for an answer from Scora, Lestat stood up and looked at her again. "If you want to stay then please just tell Roger over there and he'll take you to your room in no time," he explained before going back out and returned to SPD and noticed Bridge going into the lab and decided to follow him.

theblue1 10/23/06 07:48 PM

Sky looked at his watch
"Man where is Z?" he said starting up his bike

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