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Emz 02/07/06 12:46 PM


02/08/06 01:56 AM

My computer is running very slow tonight.

And I just remembered that I have a Biology Test that I forgot to study for and I left my book at my "Bros" house. :x

Razi 02/08/06 10:48 AM

The Calculator is a very stupid machine.


Emz 02/08/06 02:42 PM


Kari 02/08/06 02:50 PM

I like eggs!

02/08/06 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Emz

Been there done that. Hope it comes back soon.

Razi 02/08/06 11:23 PM

Me too. I lost my voice the day right before I had to give a speech on a part of a book I read. I felt so stupid! Not to mention that I don't like talking in front of my class because my hands shake uncontrollably, I usually blank and have to go with whatever comes to mind AND it is hard to give a speech altogether! Oi Ve!

I don't know why I can perfrom in front of a crowd with no fear but I CAN"T SPEAK!!

I think I may be losing my voice again though which sucks.



02/08/06 11:33 PM

When I lost my voice I was suppose to talk to people the next night about what movies they should get and which ones they should avoid. That's a great part of working at Blockbuster untill you can't talk then you wonder what you are suppose to do for those four hours of the night.

02/12/06 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by greywolf
Gracias a Dios es Viernes. :D

This is for those of you who don't know what this means and didn't feel like looking it up. Here is what it means. You learn something new everyday.

Thank God it's Friday

I posted this on Friday but all the posts from that day seem to have vanished.

Sweetened Angel 02/12/06 02:20 PM

why my post was deleted. i just post few sec. ago now it gone.

02/12/06 02:36 PM

Where have all the posts from Thursday & Friday gone?

02/15/06 02:02 AM

I am eating one of my favorites snacks, Ritz and Peanut Butter. :)

waaowcazdevil 02/15/06 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Emz

yea evry1 except me am i the only sane one here?? hmm no cuz i put ldz of eyeliner on yesterday and ma mum was laughing at me oh no emz has her voice bak no so i hav to put up wit u annoying me all next week or not maybe i get 1-2 days break from yaz dunno depends wat the skool says yey on saturday i get to see a welsh person well a lil welsh gal and she staying at ma house until the following sat i think

02/16/06 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Cazza

Originally Posted by Emz

yea evry1 except me am i the only sane one here?? hmm no cuz i put ldz of eyeliner on yesterday and ma mum was laughing at me oh no emz has her voice bak no so i hav to put up wit u annoying me all next week or not maybe i get 1-2 days break from yaz dunno depends wat the skool says yey on saturday i get to see a welsh person well a lil welsh gal and she staying at ma house until the following sat i think

I may be sane.....

Wait no the voice in my head just told me there is something major wrong with me.

waaowcazdevil 02/16/06 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by greywolf

Originally Posted by Cazza

Originally Posted by Emz

yea evry1 except me am i the only sane one here?? hmm no cuz i put ldz of eyeliner on yesterday and ma mum was laughing at me oh no emz has her voice bak no so i hav to put up wit u annoying me all next week or not maybe i get 1-2 days break from yaz dunno depends wat the skool says yey on saturday i get to see a welsh person well a lil welsh gal and she staying at ma house until the following sat i think

I may be sane.....

Wait no the voice in my head just told me there is something major wrong with me.

hee hee lol i'm addicted to lovebites - he's fit and also you broke my heart

Razi 02/18/06 09:41 PM

Hey Big Spender!


ybrik 02/18/06 10:30 PM

c'est la vie

Razi 02/18/06 10:43 PM

It's Rainin Men!



02/19/06 06:41 AM

I am going our of town for a few dayz to visit my Dad so I won't be able to check up on you kids. But maybe I can get another Ch of my fan fic done for next week. I will be on a few times today before I go.

C-ya Tuesday.

02/23/06 02:55 AM

I'm back with what may be the greatest random thing I have ever heard it came from my Dad. My Lil sister and I were talking to him and he said something kinda odd, and my sister told him he was crazy and he said....

"You're just jealous that the voices don't talk to you."

waaowcazdevil 02/23/06 02:38 PM

i'm happy coz it was snowing where i am but unfortunetly it didn't stay on the ground coz it's quite warm where i live

MeSsAgE fOr EmZ:
Did you have a nice 2 days at skool witout me then??
pm me all the detailz plz

02/24/06 04:16 PM

We don't get snow here very often. The last time we had snow was Christmas Day 04.

Sweetened Angel 02/24/06 04:28 PM

it snow here NC last weekend.

02/25/06 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by jenniferc
it snow here NC last weekend.

All we ever get is cold rain. Oh and wind, lots and lots of wind.

That is why I have always wanted to travel around the world to see all kinds of weather and cultures.

Razi 02/25/06 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by greywolf

Originally Posted by jenniferc
it snow here NC last weekend.

All we ever get is cold rain. Oh and wind, lots and lots of wind.

That is why I have always wanted to travel around the world to see all kinds of weather and cultures.

Me too! It is foggy too here.


02/28/06 03:00 AM

TEAM CHUCK NORRIS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

waaowcazdevil 02/28/06 12:59 PM

it snowed again today but on the way to science i fell over and cut my bad knee i'm very clever :) oh well i hurt but i laughed when i fell over coz i was talking to my friends then i suddenly fell over lol people were laughing at me but i got a merit in ma fav lesson MUSIC

03/07/06 11:47 PM

Do U guys think I could get away with giving a speech on the history of Video Games and not fail? I would have to right it in like one day?

Razi 03/07/06 11:55 PM

I dunno. I am not a video gamer, and have completely lost interest. My guy friends are video game junkies, but its cool. I have my tastes in the artsy, writing and fine art category. They just don't like my taste. :P

I think you can pull it off though but I don't think I could. Go for it! Give it a shot! And if all else fails...........WING IT!


03/08/06 12:18 AM

Yeah it is kinda the only topic I have come up with so I may be stuck with it. Oh Well like you said I could always wing it if I don't remember it all. Plus I am sure I know more about them than my teacher. :D

04/16/06 06:32 AM

I love Sudoku puzzles.

Razi 04/16/06 11:53 AM

It SOOO Rainy Here! It hasn't stopped! 25/31 days in March it rained, and almost every day in April! This sucks! At least I have my music!


waaowcazdevil 04/16/06 02:38 PM

7 days until my birthday and i'll finally be 13 yey my party in 5 days yey oh no skool on weds

Esther 04/16/06 02:44 PM

my birthday's in less than a month!....oh boy, can't wait! ...i'm gonna be 18!..it's on May 9th!

04/16/06 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Razi
It SOOO Rainy Here! It hasn't stopped! 25/31 days in March it rained, and almost every day in April! This sucks! At least I have my music!


It hasn't rained here in a few weeks. I am starting to miss it.

waaowcazdevil 04/18/06 02:31 PM

My party this friday woot but unfortunately i go back to school tomorrow but 1 good thing about goign back is seeing my m8s that i haven't seen during the easter hols another is i have my 2nd guitar lesson i luv it

04/20/06 04:45 AM

I have spent the last hour and a half of my life talking to a Cop.

No worries though it was becuase we were both had nothing to do so we sat in our cars and got to know each other.

Yes that is one ticket I won't be getting anytime soon. YAY ME!

TheDarkOne 04/20/06 10:38 AM

Recently I just turned 19.
Go me!
New art...I'll post some soon, I have them in Ranger-Power if you want to check it out.

waaowcazdevil 04/20/06 01:43 PM

guess what my birthday on sunday and i have a sore throat

04/20/06 04:33 PM

Happy Late and Early Birthday to both of you.

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