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Zabitan 02/04/16 01:30 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Jason then told Zack, and Kimberly “It’s morphin time you guys”. They all shouted “Mastodon” “Pterodactyl” “Tyrannosaurus” as the three landed in the park. Rita then ordered “Now attack” and the Rangers started fighting off Putties.

Rita then ordered “Don’t waste your time fighting. Get the others away from Jason”. At the fight Kimberly was worried “This is weird. It’s like they’re after something” she said. “We are” King Sphinx taunted before blowing away Kimberly, and trapping her in a tree.

“What happened to Kim?” Jason asked. Zack was angry “I don’t know but I’m gonna find out”. “We’re not telling” Squat taunted but Zack punched him, and Babboo. Jason told Zack “It wasn’t them it was the Sphinx”. Rita then screamed “That Jason has had it”. Then King Sphinx used his wings to blow Zack away, and trap him in a tree as well.

Jason was angry “That’s it bring my friends back” he ordered. “No way” King Sphinx taunted as he used his staff to shoot fireballs at Jason. At the Command Center Alpha was panicking “Aye ye ye Jason in trouble. Rita has him isolated”.

Jason then pulled out his Power Sword, and he, and King Sphinx slashed at each other with their weapons. King Sphinx then taunted “Let me show you some real fighting” as he, and Jason then teleported to the forest outside Angel Grove.

Zabitan 02/04/16 01:32 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Jason could hear the voices of Zack, Kim, and various children screaming for help but all he could see were some trees “What’s going on?” he asked. King Sphinx answered mockingly “Glad you asked Ranger. I trapped your friends, and a bunch of kids in these trees”.

He then pointed to some signs saying that the trees were marked for cutting down “In just a few hours loggers will come, and your friends, and the brats will be history” “You’re the one that’s history” Jason taunted as he, and King Sphinx once again fought but this time Goldar appeared, and helped the odds in King Sphinx’s favor.

At the Command Center Zordon instructed Alpha “Alpha contact Trini, and Billy, and tell them to go to Jason’s location”. Alpha agreed “Understood”. At Billy’s garage Billy, and Trini were working when Billy got a call on his communicator.

“What is it Zordon?” Billy asked. Zordon answered “Jason is in trouble. He, Zack, and Kimberly were fighting Rita’s King Sphinx monster when it teleported Zack, and Kimberly away, and teleported Jason to the forest outside Angel Grove, and now Goldar is attacking him as well”.

Billy, and Trini were ready. “We’re on it”. Trini said. “Time for molecular transmutation” Billy called out. They shouted “Triceratops” “Saber Tooth Tiger”, and teleported to the forest. Jason was glad “Good to see you guys”. He then warned however “Be careful though this guy trapped Kimberly, Zack, and a bunch of kids in these trees”.

“Don’t worry Jason we can handle this clown” Trini assured him. “Affirmative” Billy agreed. Then Billy, and Trini started fighting Goldar, and King Sphinx with Jason as Billy slashed with his Power Lance, and Trini slashed with her Power Daggers.

But King Sphinx was undaunted. He flapped his wings some more, and blew Trini into a tree as well “Trini” Jason cried out. Then he flapped them some more, and trapped Billy in one as well. Then Jason, King Sphinx, and Goldar teleported again this time to a rock quarry outside Angel Grove.

Zabitan 02/04/16 01:32 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Jason, and King Sphinx once again clashed weapons while Goldar shot fireballs from his sword. King Sphinx then taunted “Let’s face it you’re nothing without your friends. Why don’t just give up” while Rita, and her minions cheered on. Rita then threw her scepter, and yelled “Take this” making Goldar, and King Sphinx grow.

The two monsters then tried to stomp on, and hit Jason with their weapons. Jason was able to get out of the way but he regretfully admitted “Man I wish the other guys were here”. While at the Command Center Zordon instructed Alpha “Alpha adjust the Morphing Grid, and lock onto Jason’s location.

Alpha pressed some buttons, and the Viewing Globe showed Goldar, and King Sphinx attacking Jason. “Aye ye ye this is hopeless” Alpha screamed. But Zordon assured him “Not yet it isn’t try to send Jason the Power Crystals”. “Yes the Power Crystals of course”.

Then Alpha pressed some buttons, and five crystals appeared. One red, one black, one blue, one yellow, and one pink. Zordon then teleported a satchel, and Alpha put the crystals in the satchel which teleported away in white light. “I shall send them to Jason through his Power Sword”.

Zabitan 02/04/16 01:33 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At the fight Jason was losing. “Oh man this is not looking good” he cried. But then his sword started glowing, and he heard Zordon say “Jason these are your Power Crystals. They will allow you to access power directly from the Morphing Grid, free your friends, and stop King Sphinx, and Goldar”.

Then the sword shot out a lightning bolt that hit a cliff side. Goldar, and King Sphinx fired lasers at Jason but he got to the cliff side, and found the satchel “All right the Power Crystals thanks Zordon” then he taunted King Sphinx “Hey ugly I’d like you to meet some of my friends”.

Jason then threw the black, blue, yellow, and pink Power Crystals which freed the other Rangers from the trees. Jason then cried out “Now you’ll see the true power of friends working together. Dinozord power”.

Zabitan 02/04/16 01:33 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Dinozords then appeared, and Jason called out “Rangers log on” as he entered his Dinozord followed by Zack with “Zack here ready to rock, and roll”, Billy with “Billy here all systems go”, Trini with “Trini here ready, and steady”, and finally Kimberly with “Let’s jinx this Sphinx”.

Then the Rangers took out their Power Crystals, and put them in the controls. The Dinozords then combined to form a giant tank. King Sphinx, and Goldar fired lasers at it but the Tank fired lasers of it’s own.

But King Sphinx, and Goldar kept coming, and Jason ordered “Begin transformation sequence”. Then the tank started standing up as the Triceratops, and the Saber Tooth Tiger became legs, and the cannons of the tank became arms, and the Pterodactyl became a chest plate, and the Tyrannosaurus’ head became a humanoid head.

Zabitan 02/04/16 01:34 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Megazord then proceed to punch Goldar, and King Sphinx who tried to fight back but the Megazord turned back into a tank, and rammed them. Then transformed back to Megazord mode, and fired lasers but Goldar, and King Sphinx were undaunted.

Zack was annoyed “I’m getting sick of these guys”. Then King Sphinx flapped his wings, and Jason called out “Power Sword” just then a giant sword fell from the sky, and landed next to the Megazord. The Megazord then picked it up, and charged it with red energy, and then slashed at King Sphinx.

King Sphinx erupted into sparkles as he fell to the ground, and exploded. Goldar taunted “I’ll be back”, and teleported away, while at her palace Rita kicked her globe at Squatt, and Babboo, and screamed “I got such a headache”.

Zabitan 02/04/16 01:34 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Back at Ernie’s Jason was once again going for the record as his friends were cheering him on “1,094 1,095 1,096 1,097 come on just 3 more” Trini cheered “1,098 1,099 1,100”. Then everyone congratulated Jason for beating the Record.

“Thanks for cheering me on guys” Jason said. Then Ernie came in with a cake to celebrate “Happy Birthday Mom?” Jason read incredulously. Ernie explained “Well what do you expect at the last minute this was all they had left”.

Then Bulk, and Skull appeared, and Bulk warned “Yeah yeah celebrate now but someday that record will be mine again”. Kimberly scoffed “Get a life you two”, and Zack pleaded “Yeah man have some cake, and chill”.

Bulk then begrudgingly said “All right but I get the first piece” but then He tripped on some weights causing him to fall into the cake as everyone laughed.

The End.

Zabitan 02/09/16 08:47 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Power Rangers Dino Episode 4
Foul Play in The Sky
Written by Justin Best

It was a nice sunny day at Angel Grove Airport. Kimberly was talking on a payphone. “I know” she said excitedly “My uncle Steve is taking me on a plane ride through the mountains”. Then her uncle Steve came over, and pointed at his watch. Kimberly then said “Oh we have to go now as a matter of fact. I know bye” then she hung up the phone, and went with her Uncle Steve.

Meanwhile Bulk, and Skull were sitting on a bench watching planes go by with binoculars. Skull then bragged “You know I’ve been told I have the mind of a pilot”. Bulk asked “And how come?” Skull answered “Because Mr. Caplan called me an airhead”.

Then Bulk saw Kimberly with her uncle Steve, and said “Hey Skull look”, and Skull replied excitedly “Oh yeah it’s Kimberly”. While this was going on uncle Steve explained “And then we’ll go north, and then we’ll fly right over the mountains”.
Then Bulk, and Skull came over, and Bulk asked “Hey Kimberly what’s up?”, and Skull parroted “Yeah what’s up?”. Kimberly explained “My uncle Steve, and I are going on a plane trip over the mountains”. Bulk then asked “Cool can we come”, and Skull parroted “Yeah can we come?”

But Kimberly wasn’t sure “I don’t know you guys it’s kind of a small plane, and”. Then she turned to uncle Steve who shrugged, and said “If your friends want to come I’m sure we can take them” Bulk, and Skull screamed for joy, and grabbed their backpacks, and Bulk said “Thank You” “Yeah thank you” Skull parroted.

Zabitan 02/09/16 08:48 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At her palace Rita was watching this, and came up with another plan “So Kimberly’s going flying then. Well what goes up I can bring down” She bragged. “Squatt I want you to go down, and slip some sleeping potion in her uncle’s soda.” She ordered. “Right away your awfulness” Squatt said.

Rita continued “And with one less Ranger I’ll send down a monster to take care of the rest”. Goldar agreed, and added “Yes, and I know the perfect one the Snizzard”. Goldar then explained “He can spit out deadly cobras to drain the Rangers’ powers”. He further explained “Not only that but he can fire arrows that are laced with seeds from the apple on his head, and make apple trees grow on people’s heads”.

Babboo added “Then the apples will drain the life force from them as the apples grow, and when the apples are ripe they’ll trap the people inside”, and Squatt added “Then Babboo, and I will take them, and you can eat them to get their youth, and beauty”.

Rita was pleased “Yes that’s perfect” “Finster” she ordered. But Finster was right ahead of her “One Snizzard coming up” he said as he activated the monster matic, and out exploded a gold, and green humanoid lizard creature with a bow, and arrow, a golden apple on it’s head, and snakes coming out of it’s body.

Squatt then teleported down to Earth, and pulled out a vial of green liquid, and poured it into Steve’s can as he said “Man this sleeping potion is so potent it’s making me sleepy just pouring it”. Then when the vial was empty Squatt then teleported before anyone could see him.

Zabitan 02/09/16 08:49 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Then Bulk tried to get into the plane but he needed help so Bulk had to push him to get him into the plane. Uncle Steve then started drinking his soda, and asked“All right everyone ready?” “Yeah” Kimberly, Bulk, and Skull answered. “Great” he responded.

Steve then talked into the radio “This is 3042 echo requesting permission for takeoff”. A man at the watchtower answered back “Rodger 3042 echo you are cleared for takeoff”.

Then the plane took off, and started flying over Angel Grove. Skull asked “Hey Bulk are you afraid of flying?” Bulk answered “No I’m afraid of falling”. Then uncle Steve pointed out his window, and said “Hey look you guys it’s the park”. Skull then started looking out of Bulks binoculars.

Bulk then pulled them back, and said “Hey bonehead let me see”. Then Steve pointed again, and said “And there’s the youth center”. Eventually they got to the mountains outside Angel Grove, and looked out at them.

But eventually Steve started to get tired. Kimberly asked “Is something wrong?”. Steve replied “Ugh I’m feeling dizzy”, and then passed out. “Oh no he’s fainted”. Bulk, and Skull started screaming, and Kimberly yelled “Could you please be quiet I’m trying to think”.

“I think I’m going to faint” was all Bulk could blurt out before passing out. Followed by Skull with “Yeah me too I think” before he passed out as well. Desperate Kimberly reached for her communicator and screamed “Alpha, Zordon, anybody.

Zabitan 02/09/16 08:50 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Meanwhile in Angel Grove two kids were playing unaware that the Snizzard was watching them. Then Snizzard took out one of his snake like arrows, put it to the apple on his head, and loaded it. Then he fired the arrow, and it sprayed seeds down on the children’s heads.

Then trees started sprouting out of their heads as they started screaming in pain, and started aging. Then the Snizzard went all around Angel Grove doing the same to more children. All the while he quipped “You know what they say an apple a day drains your life force away”.

At the Command Center Alpha responded Aye ye ye Kimberly I hear you, But where are you” Zordon answered “My scanners indicate that she is currently at an altitude of 5,000 feet, and dropping”. Kimberly further added” I’m flying a plane or at least trying to.”

Alpha panicked “Aye ye ye if your life is in danger just morph out of there”. But Kimberly explained “I can’t I have other people here with me.”

Then the alarm at the Command Center went off, and the Viewing Globe showed them the images of the Snizzard going around making trees come out children’s heads. Alpha once again panicked “Aye ye ye Rita’s sent another monster what a terrible time to attack”.

Zordon was suspicious “This is no coincidence. Rita wanted to distract us while her monster attacks.” Zordon then ordered “Contact the Rangers at once”. Alpha complied “Understood I’ve alerted the Rangers now.”

Zabitan 02/09/16 08:51 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Then Alpha once again contacted Kimberly, and said “Kimberly I will try, and instruct you on how to fly the plane”. He then explained “Hold it as steady as you can, and pull the controls towards you”. Kimberly followed Alpha’s instructions, and the plane started leveling “I did it” she exclaimed “It leveled off”

At the Command Center Zordon showed the other Rangers what was happening with Kimberly. He assured them “Do not panic Rangers. Kimberly is a very bright, and capable girl”. He added “And she has already stopped the plane from losing altitude”

He also warned “However her fuel supply is dangerously low, but Alpha is doing everything he can to help her land the plane”. Then he showed them images of kids in the hospital, and in the park with trees growing out of their heads.

Zordon then explained “This is why I have summoned you here. Rita has sent her latest monster The Snizzard to attack children in Angel Grove park”. Then he showed them an image of Snizzard about to attack more children.

Trini was shocked, and faintly uttered “Oh my goodness”. Zack angrily added “Man this is low even for Rita”. Jason then said “All right guys let’s do this. It’s morphing time”. Then they shouted “Mastodon” “Triceratops” “Saber Tooth Tiger” “Tyrannosaurus”.

Zabitan 02/09/16 08:51 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Rangers tried to attack Snizzard with their Blade Blasters in blade mode but they had not effect. Then they tried firing lasers from their Blade Blasters in gun mode but the golden apple on his head reflected the blast at the Rangers.
Trini explained “That apple on his head it reflected our attacks”.

Then the Rangers tried punching, and kicking the Snizzard but he just punched, kicked, and tail whipped them as he quipped “Now you shall taste MY fire power”.

Back on the plane Kimberly was still worried “Alpha I’m headed towards the mountains”. Alpha then explained “Just take your controls, and bank 20 degrees to the left. It should take you 45 seconds to complete a 180 turn”.

Just then Alpha got a message from Jason telling Alpha “Alpha we’re having a hard time defeating Rita’s monster we need Kimberly”. While the viewing globe showed that some of the kids with apples on their heads were now completely encased in the apples.

Zabitan 02/09/16 08:52 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Alpha screamed “Aye ye ye”. Kimberly screamed “Don’t say that Alpha you’re scarring me”. Alpha apologized “Sorry Kimberly I was talking about the other Rangers”. Alpha explained “They’re currently in a desperate battle with Rita’s Snizzard monter, and they need your help”.

Alpha then explained “Right now you need to land the plane as quickly as possible”. Kimberly worried “But what about my uncle?”. Alpha explained we’ve sent a message to Angel Grove Airport they will send an ambulance as soon as you land”, and Kimberly shouted happily “I think I can see Angel Grove”.

Back at the fight Snizzard opened his mouth, and fired snakes at the Rangers Trini grunted “Oh no snakes” followed by Zack with “This is bad”, and Billy with “I can’t move”. Then the Snizzard taunted “Feel my cobras draining your energy”.

Jason relunctedly admitted “He’s right I’m getting weaker” Then the Snizzard started once again hitting the Rangers leaving them crying in pain as the cobras kept squeezing them, and the snakes’ mouths inched closer.

Zabitan 02/09/16 08:53 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Back on the plane Kimberly said “Alpha I think I see the airport” Alpha exclaimed “Good now try to reduce your speed”. He added “Hit the switch to your right marked twaddle”. Kimberly did it, and the plane started landing.

She then took the radio, and hailed to the watchtower “This is 3042 Echo. I repeat 3042 requesting permission to land” she then added “Everyone except me is unconscious right now”. The watchtower answered “3042 Echo you have permission to land”.

Kimberly landed the plane, and congratulated herself “I did it”. But she realized she couldn’t land stop the plane. But luckily Steve finally woke up, and retook control of the plane saying “Don’t worry I’ve got this one”.

As soon as the plane came to a complete stop Kimbery got out, and said “Just make sure our passengers are safe”. Steve asked “But Kimberly” Kimberly answered “I’ll call you later”. Then she ran to where no one could see her, and shouted “Pterodactyl”.

Zabitan 02/09/16 08:54 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
But just as the Snizzard was about to fire his arrow at the Rangers another arrow came, and broke it. Kimberly appeared, and said nobody messes with my friends”.

Kimberly then used her Blade Blaster to break the snakes, and Jason congratulated “All right Kim”. With Trini adding “Yeah I thought we were goners”.
But the Snizzard was undaunted.

He summoned an army of Puttties, and said “Get them” but Kimberly fought them off with her bow”. The Snizzard then whined “Curse your power bow” Then Kimberly aimed her bow at his apple as Jason instructerd her “Kim aim for the apple on his head.

Kimberly agreed “You’ve got it”. She then fired her arrow at the apple destroying it. With the apple destroyed the Snizzard surged with electricity fell down, and exploded. At the hospital, and the park the children were freed from the trees, and their apples.

Zabitan 02/09/16 08:54 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Back at her palace Rita started throwing balls at Squatt, Babboo, and Finster shouting “You in competent nitwits. I have to do everything myself”. Then she put her hands to head, and cried “Ugh now I have a headache”.

Back at the airport the ambulance was using smelling salts to revive Bulk, and Skull. The two woke up, and Uncle Steve asked “You guys okay?”. But Bulk, and Skull ran screaming back to the youth center. At the youth center Kimberly was telling somebody what happened.

Jason, and Zack were mocking this while Bulk, and Skull came in. But Zack got up just as Angela was getting some drinks, and Zack accidentally bumped into her causing her to spill them all over Bulk, and Skull.

The End.

Author’s Note I will do one more stand alone episode after this, and then after that it’s my first multi parter.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:07 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Power Rangers Dino Episode 5

Switching Places

Written by Justin Best

It was night at Angel Grove, and Squatt was sneaking around Billy’s garage laughing. Then Squat said “Oh boy that power source for Billy’s new machine has got to be around here somewhere”. Then he found the device he was looking for.

Squatt then proceeded to take some power cables, and switched them around as he bragged “I’ll just switch these things over here, and when Billy tests his new machine his brain will be scrambled like an omelet”.

Then he made sure no one was looking, and said “Those Rangers will be so busy fixing him they won’t notice when Rita attacks”. And then he proceeded to teleport back out of Billy’s garage. Back at Rita’s palace Squatt then said cheerfully “Now we can send down a monster”

Rita was excited “I’ll have Finster make one right away”. Then she saw Goldar, and ordered “Goldar come look it’s the chance we’ve been waiting for”. Goldar asked “You mean we can finally destroy those Power Rangers?”. Rita answered “Yes”, and then ordered “Attack”.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:09 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The next morning Kimberly was at Billy’s house. Kimberly asked “So what was the new project you wanted to show me?”. Billy answered I’ve created a device that will allow direct thought transference” Amazed Kimberly asked “You mean you found a way to read minds?”.

Billy humbly confirmed “Affirmative” then he took out a giant machine with two human shaped holes, and three panels on the left, middle, and right of the device. Kimberly was even more impressed saying “Morhpinominal”.

While this was happening Bulk, and Skull were secretly watching them. Bulk asked “Did you hear that?”. Skull answered “Yeah I think it was a dog”. Bulk corrected him “No you numbskull. These geeks have built a machine that can read minds”

He then asked “Could you imagine the possibilities? Well if you had a mind to read”. But Skull kept pointing at his shoulder going “Um Bulk”. Bulk then asked irritated “Yeah what?” then they saw Billy’s dog, and ran for it.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:09 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Billy then said “All right I just have to hit the switch and”. Then the machine roared to life as electricity surged through Billy, and Kimberly’s bodies. When the surge stopped they both got out of the machine, and Kimberly asked “Are you feeling nominal?”

Billy took of his glasses and rubbed his head going “Like I think so”. Then Kimberly took Billy’s glasses, and put them on, and asked worriedly “Kimberly?” Followed by Billy going “Billy?”. Then Kimberly as Billy asked “What’s going on?”.

Billy as Kimberly tried to explain “The machine must have overcharged, and we have experienced spatial personality displacement”. Kimberly as Billy was furious “In English” Billy as Kimberly explained “We switched brains”. Then the two started screaming.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:10 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At Rita’s palace Babboo was fishing. He started singing “Lalala I hope I catch something big”. Then Squatt appeared and chided him “Babboo what do you think you’re doing?”. But Babboo scoffed “I’m fishing, and I’m sure I’m gonna catch the big one”.

Then Babboo’s hook caught what looked like a lamp, and pulled it to the palace. Goldar came in, and demanded “What are you two numbskulls doing?” Squatt then picked up the lamp, and explained “Babboo over here has been fishing for junk”.

Then Babboo rubbed the lamp, and out popped a white mist that took the form of a blue humanoid jackal like creature. The creature then said “I am the genie of Canis 35 your wish is my command”.

Squatt was excited “Oh boy a genie”. Goldar then ordered “Genie you are to go to Earth, and destroy the Power Rangers”. The Genie agreed “Your wish is granted my master”.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:11 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Back at Billy’s garage Bulk, and Skull snuck back in, Bulk then gloated “Come on I saw how it works”. The two then got into Billy’s machine, and Skull asked “So now what?”. Bulk angrily answered “Think of something, and I’m gonna try, and read your mind”

Skull nodded, and then asked “Can I think of Kimberly?” Bulk then replied “Don’t tell me I’m going to try, and read your mind”. Skull once again nodded, and Bulk activated the machine.Then a surge of electricity went throught their bodies.

When it was done they got out, and Skull angrily stole Bulks hat. But instead of getting angry Bulk just laughed at him. Then the two of them realized what had happened, and started screaming.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:12 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At Angel Grove high Billy as Kimberly was trying to put on makeup, but did a bad job. Then some other girls started laughing, and Billy whined “Well I think make up is over rated anyway”, and went to Kim’s Home Economics class.

During class Billy explained “The cheese soufflé”. Then he got out the ingredients, and a bowl, and put the ingredients in the bowl, and got a mixer, and started mixing the ingredients but Billy got them all over everyone.

Then Billy put the soufflé in the oven, and when it was done Billy excitedly exclaimed “Voila”. But then a bubble started forming that got bigger, and bigger until the entire soufflé exploded, and got on everyone in the class causing them to groan “Kimberly”.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:12 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Meanwhile in Billy’s computer class Kimberly as Billy was telling Willy “Now press the key in that corner”. But the computer gave an error message, and Kimberly tried to explain “No silly the other corner”.

Willy tried it, and got another error message. Willy asked “Are you okay? We can do this some other time”. But Kimberly answered “Nah I’ll just do this”. Then she pushed a button, and the computer started overheating.

Willy screamed “It’s gonna explode”. Then Willy, and Kimberly ducked under the desk as the computer exploded, and afterwards they got back up, and Kimberly started laughing nervously.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:13 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At Rita’s palace Goldar ordered “Go in this lamp that way you can get down to Earth undetected”. Babboo added “And by the time he does it will be too late”. Squatt rubbed the lamp again, and said “Into the lamp with you”. Then The Genie once again turned into white mist, and went back into the lamp.

Rita was pleased “All Right now send these two down to Earth at once” “Then Squatt, and Babboo teleported down to Earth, and Babboo ordered “All right did you bring it?” Squatt pulled the lamp out if his satchel, and said yeah I got it”.

Then Squatt rubbed the lamp again but then he lost his grip, and dropped it. But the lamp still released the Genie in the form of white mist.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:14 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At Angel Grove high Kimberly was screaming “I can’t believe it you ruined my hair, you ruined my make up, you ruined my entire life”. Billy retorted with “Well I gave you a simple processor tutorial, and you turned all my systems into a synaptic nightmare”.

Jason, Zack, and Trini appeared, and, and Zack aske “What’s wrong? You guys have never been in each other’s faces this much before”. Kimberly explained “Billy’s invention switched our minds”. Billy explained “My device overloaded causing a spatial personality displacement”.

Jason was taking this in, and pointed to Kimberly, and said “So if you’re Kimberly” then he pointed to Billy, and Kimberly answered “Obviously someone who doesn’t know how to put on make up”. Trini then asked “Kimberly is that you?” Kimberly answered “Afraid so.”

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:14 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At the Command Center Zordon explained “Alpha my sensors indicate a disturbance in the morphing grid”. Alpha panicked “Aye ye ye” I’ll summon the Rangers at once”. The Rangers teleported in, and Zordon explained “Rangers Rita has sent down a mysterious Genie monster to Angel Grove park”

Jason, and the others accepted. Jason said “All right Zordon we hear you”. They all shouted “Mastodon” “Pterodactyl” “Triceratops” “Saber Tooth Tiger” “Tyrannosaurus”. The Genie started by throwing spears at the Rangers which not only trapped them but caused explosion when they hit the ground.

Then he fired webbing out of his hands which covered the Rangers. Zack asked “What is this?”. Jason grunted “I can’t move”. Babboo gloated you guys are gonna get it now”. Then the Genie started throwing the Rangers around telekinetically.

Then the genie turned the webbing into a rope, and pulled out a dagger that fired a green laser at the Rangers. But Jason was able to block it, and it reflected back at the lamp knocking it out of Babboo’s hands.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:15 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The lamp was thrown so far no one knew where it went. The Genie disappeared along with the rope freeing the Rangers. “What was that?” was all Jason could ask. While Babboo chided Squatt “Now look what you did you blunderhead”. And they both teleported off.

At the Command Center Zordon ordered “Alpha contact the Rangers, and tell them to return to the Command Center”. Alpha agreed “Understood”, and he hit a button on the console. The Rangers teleported in, and Jason asked “What’s wrong Zordon?”.

Zordon explained “My sensors indicate that the lamp is somewhere in Angel Grove”. He further explained “You must try to find it before Rita’s minions or worse a random civilian finds it” Jason agreed “We’re on it Zordon”. Then the Rangers teleported off.

While at Ernie’s Bulk as Skull was eating a huge sandwich while Skull as Bulk was watching. Bulk angrily said “I’m going to get that geek, and force him to fix us”. Then he interrupted himself to add “Right after my spaghetti, and meatballs”. Skull parroted “Yeah spaghetti, and meatballs”, and proceeded to laugh hysterically.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:16 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Meanwhile somewhere in Angel Grove park two boys one on a skateboard, the other on bike appeared, and found the lamp. The boy who was seemingly the oldest asked “Hey Bobby what do you think it is?” Bobby answered “It looks like some kind of lamp”.

Jimmy suggested “Hey let’s show it to everyone”. Bobby agreed “Yeah that would be cool”. The two boys went to a club house where there was a group of kids. Two geeky looking African American children one male, and one female.

An Asian American girl with a baseball hat. A white boy holding a cat, and another boy who was eating a candy bar. Bobby, and Jimmy appeared, and Jimmy shouted joyfully “Hey guys check this out”. Bobby added “Yeah we found a lamp”.

The kid with the candy bar looked at it, and asked excitedly “Wow does it work?”. Jimmy shrugged “I don’t know Carl”. Then Jimmy rubbed the lamp, and the Genie came out, and said “Your wish is my command”.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:17 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
All the kids gasped, and Carl made his first wish “I wish for all the burgers, pizza, and tacos I can eat” he shouted joyfully. The genie simply said “Granted”, and snapped his fingers. Then a puff of smoke came, and when it disappeared there was a pile of pizza, burgers, and tacos around Carl.

Carl cried tears of joy, and said “This is the happiest day of my life”. Jimmy said “All right who’s next how about Sandy, and Burt?” the two geeky kids went up to the genie, and Sandy said “I want every video game ever made”.

Burt chimed in “I want every comic book ever made”. The genie said “Granted”, and with another smoke cloud Sandy was standing in a pile of video games, and Burt was standing in a pile of comic books.

“Who’s next? How about Cassie?” Bobby said. The girl in the baseball cap said “I want a magic carpet”. “Done” the Genie said, and he made a carpet appear, and when Cassie got on it it started floating, and started flying Cassie all over Angel Grove.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:17 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Now Mark” Jimmy said. The boy with the cat said “I want every animal for a pet” once again the Genie said “Done”, and with another puff of smoke Mark was surrounded with various animals. How about you Jimmy?”

Jimmy gave it some thought, and said “I want to surf the biggest wave ever” “Granted” the Genie said, and in a puff of smoke Jimmy was in Hawaii surfing a huge wave, and screaming happily at the top of his lungs.

Now it was Bobby’s turn. The Genie asked “What do you want Bobby?”. Bobby thought about but couldn’t think of anything. “I don’t know” he shrugged “I’ll have to think about it”.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:18 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At the Command Center the Rangers were watching the Viewing Globe when it showed an image of Cassie on the flying carpet. Trini was the first to ask “Guys what’s that?”. Zack answered dumbfounded “It looks like some girl on a flying carpet.

Jason knew what it was “It’s the Genie that girl must have it”. The other Rangers nodded, and they all grabbed their morphers, and Jason said “Back to action”, and the Rangers teleported off. While Cassie went back to the Clubhouse.

Cassie got off the magic carpet, and yelled happily “That was awesome”. The other kids were still happy with their wishes, and Sandy agreed “Yeah Genie your’re the best”. Just then the Power Rangers teleported in.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:19 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
“Oh no” they gasped. Cassie then closed up the lamp, and the Genie turned back into mist, and went back in. Jason asked “Did you kids see a lamp with a genie in it?” The kids tried to lie by saying “Nope”, Na ah”, and “I haven’t seen it”.

But the Rangers weren’t convinced. Trini explained “Please tell us the truth. That genie is not a toy” “Yeah” Zack agreed “You kids could wish for something, and something bad could happen”. Billy added “Or somebody like Rita could find out, and take him.

But the Kids stood their ground. Cassie said “But the genie’s our friend”. Burt agreed “Yeah we’re not giving him away like that”. Just then Squat, Babboo, Goldar, and an army of Putties appeared. Jason shouted “Kids get out of here we’ll take them”.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:19 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Kids nodded, and got away while the Rangers fought off Goldar, and the Putties. Squatt, and Babboo started chasing after the kids. Babboo threatened “All right brats give us the lamp, and nobody loses a kidney”.

But then the Genie appeared, and punched out Squatt, and Babbo. Then he turned them into balloons before quipping “Sorry but you guys are full of hot air”. Babboo whined “This stinks this is your fault”. Squatt fired back “You’re the one who found that stupid lamp”.

Just then Rita herself appeared, and taunted “You all want to do this the hard way fine”. Then she fired lasers at the Rangers. Then she made the lamp levitate, and shattered it. Then she taunted “Now the Genie is worthless” before lauhing maniacally, and teleporting off.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:20 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Genie was despondent. “What’s wrong?” Sandy asked worriedly. The Genie answered sadly “I either have to repair my old lamp or find a new one within 24 Earth hours or I disappear forever” “Oh no” the children all gasped”

Mark asked “What can we do?”. The Genie answered “We can try to find all the pieces of my old lamp, and fix it”. But he warned “However that could take forever”. Billy had an idea “What if we all split up, and looked within the radius of where it shattered”.

“That’s brilliant” Kimberly said. Jason agreed “All right Jimmy, and Bobby come with me”. Then he pointed to Zack, and said “Black you take Sandy, and Burt” Zack agreed “On it”. Then he pointed at Kimberly “Blue you take Cassie”

“Totally”. “Trini you take Carl” “You got it” she replied”, and Pink you have Mark “Affirmative” he replied.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:21 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Rangers, and the kids along with the Genie went around looking for the pieces. It took forever but slowly but surely found them. Jason said “All right Alpha we found a piece” Alpha responded “All right Jason I’ll teleport it here right now”.

Eventually they found all the pieces. Zordon then told them “All right Rangers we found all the pieces now Alpha, and I will use the Molecular Reassembler to restore the lamp”. He warned “However it might take us a few minutes”.

The Kids, and the Genie cheered nonetheless. But just as they were celebrating Rita appeared again this time carrying a red lamp. “Genie I got you a new lamp” she said. “Now you have to work for me” she ordered.

The Genie turned back into mist, and went into Rita’s lamp. Rita then ordered “Genie destroy them”. The Genie came out of the lamp only now he had sharp fangs, and red circles on his eyes, and he roared at the Rangers, and children

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:22 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Jason called out “We need Dinozord power now”. Then the Dinozords appeared, and the Rangers got inside. Jason said “All right log on”. Zack replied “Zack here kicking” followed by “Kimberly here I mean Billy I mean”, “Trini here ready to rock”, and finally “Billy here all systems online”.

Jason called out “We need Megazord power”. Then the Zords all combined into the Dinosaur tank. Jason called out again “Switching to battle mode”. Then the Dino Tank transformed into the Megazord. The Genie then materialized some strange drill like weapon, and started punching, kicking, and stabbing the Megazord.

The Genie then threw some more webbing at the Megazord which exploded. Rita laughed, and cheered “Yes you’re doing it get them”. While the children could only gasp “Oh no”. Zack warned “He’s overloading our power supply.

Jason asked “Billy can you do something?” Billy answered “I can reboot the synchros” Jason agreed “Good”. He then ordered “Kimberly, Trini you help him”. “Right” they agreed.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:22 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At the Command Center Alpha was hitting some switches.
Zordon asked “Alpha how much longer until the lamp is finished” Alpha answered “Just a few more seconds”.

At the battle the Genie was about to destroy the Megazord. “We’re finished” Zack screamed. Just then the lamp reassembled, and Alpha cheered “Yay we did it”, and the lamp teleported out.

The Genie once again turned into mist, and went back into his original lamp. Rita screamed in defeat “Ahh now I have a headache again”. Then Rita teleported out.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:23 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The kids then hugged the Genie, and said things like “Yay you’re back”.
The Genie was happy. “Thank you my friends, and thanks to the Rangers for bringing me back to normal”. Billy shrugged “Eh we had a little help from the kids, and Alpha”.

Then the Genie went to Bobby, and asked. “So Bobby have you thought of what you want?” Bobby gave it some thought but after a while he smiled, and nodded. “Genie I wish for you to be free”.

The Genie, the other children, and the Rangers were surprised. The Genie asked “Are you sure Bobby?” Bobby answered “Yeah having things is fun but friends are better, and I don’t want anyone like Rita getting their hands on you again”.

Jason nodded “You did the right thing Bobby”. Just then the lamp disappeared forever, and the Genie gladly said “Well kids, well Rangers I’m going back to Canis 35 but maybe someday I’ll be back”.

He then added “And when I do maybe everyone’s wishes will come true”. The Kids, and the Rangers waved good bye as the Genie disappeared again.

Zabitan 02/11/16 12:24 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Back at Billy’s garage Zack was congratulating Alpha on his communicator “Yo Alpha man thanks for fixing the lamp. That Genie almost had us”. Alpha humbly replied “It ain’t nothing home boys, and home girls”.

Billy had just about fixed the machine, and he, and Kimberly got back in. Kimberly asked “Are you certain it will work?” Billy answered “In science nothing is certain” Then Billy said “Flip the switch”. Kimberly flipped it, and once again electricity surged through them.

When it was done Jason asked “Did it work?”. Followed by Trini with “Are you back to normal?” Billy took his glasses back, and answered “I believe my synaptic neurons are functional again”. Kimberly added “And I’m me again too.”

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