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I Love Lothor 01/12/17 12:34 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
This was my favorite part of Mystic Force. I just wish we had Mystic Mother all season.

A Gia To Remember 01/13/17 11:58 AM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
If Rita had that kind or power I am surprised she didn't use it against the Rangers.

Troopers Supreme 01/14/17 12:34 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
I think that kind of power would have been insane. If she was that powerful she would be stronger than Zordon and Specter put together.

Quasar Saber 01/14/17 12:36 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
What dk you think happened to the Dark Demensions? Which Rita created anyway. After she turned good she transformed it into the Mystic Realm and combined it with Zedd's demension.

Lothor's Revenge 01/15/17 04:42 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
The Dark Dimension transforming into the Mystic Realm makes a lot of sense. Some of the evil was probably accidentally retained. Which led to the rise of the Master and creation of the Underworld.

Captain Mutiny 01/15/17 07:54 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
Could the master be a powered up Goldar?

Super Rad 01/16/17 06:45 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
You guys are givening the poor writing way too much credit.

Time Force Rules 01/17/17 08:05 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
The Mystic Realm is totally unbelievable anyway. As is Rita creating or rulling it.

Overdrive Omega 01/17/17 11:33 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
The Mystic Realm did not make much sense. I don't know what Rita was doing as Mystic Mother. Maybe its another AU. Since we seem to have been getting those lately?

SPD Emergency 01/23/17 10:55 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
Why would she create the Mystic Realm if she wasn't evil anymore? Creating a whole realm to rule would be something the old Rita might do. And I am not even sure she would be powerful enough pre or post the wave.

Superhero Galaxy 01/24/17 04:35 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
It would make sense for her to purify the Dark Dimension. Things probably evolved slowly after that.

Inner Senshi 01/24/17 07:35 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
I just thought of something that could actually explain the Mystic Realm...Rita could have created it for magical people to have a sanctuary.

Digimon Ranger 01/24/17 07:37 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
Its funny , the Mystic Realm is amost like the Digital World in Digimon.

Massive Ego 01/24/17 08:26 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
And they say I must have a Massive Ego! Well I said it too so....But Rita creating her own world is pretty egomaniac like behavior. Not that I don't believe it. Since Mystic Force is total garabage anyway. As is the continuity destroying fact Rita is Mystic Mother. Ah the good old days. When PR was only terrible and not Boring plus Terrible.

Lightspeed Rescue 01/25/17 09:30 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
I never really cared for Rita Repulsa at all. Bansheera was so much better. No disrespect to Soga. Who didn't even know Bandora would be adapted into Rita.

Bandai Guy 01/25/17 09:55 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
Creating the whole raealm sounds like too big a task. Its more likely she earned the role after In Space.

Hailey Ziktor 01/25/17 10:27 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
Perhaps Rita turned the Mystic Realm into the Dark dimension thousands of years ago..After she turned good she turned it back. But all the people of the Realm didn't remember the Dark Dimension once it was restored. It was as if it never left.

Blue Ranger Gone Bad 01/25/17 10:32 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
Its more likely the reformed Mystic Realm would have gone through thousands of years of time for every year on Earth. Since we know Nick was sent to Earrh 19 years prior. Which overlaps with MMPR. Perhaps Phineas jumping through the portal with Nick caused some sort of magic temporal anomaly that brought them back 19 years in the past. And at some point it lined up with Earth's time perfectly.

Ginger Snap 01/25/17 10:33 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
Sounds very complicated. But so is trying to explain Rita in Mystic Force.

Destiny Defeated 01/27/17 11:50 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
It really felt like they shoehorned her in. I know they wanted to have a tribute to Soga. But they could have done a better job explaining why Rita was Mystic Mother.

Roman Ranger 01/28/17 12:36 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
I don't think Rita was always Mystc Mother. She became Mystic Mother after In Space. She just looked older because Finister's youth treatment from "The Wedding" wore off.

Itzy Bitzy Carter 01/28/17 12:47 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
I don't think she had that kind of power.

Turbo Guy 01/28/17 12:54 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
I liked seeing Rita again. She was one of the best villains. I wish Divatox would get a cameo like this. Since she was the best and from the best season no less.

Kelly Power 01/28/17 07:07 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
I've said it before, Rita should have been the mentor in Mystic Force. It would have made so much more sense. A season about magic would have been perfect for this.

Mystic Magic 01/29/17 01:30 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
I really like that idea. Not sure how you use the Soga footage all year though. You almost have to hire back Carla Perez or a new actor to play Rita full time.

Space Hero 01/29/17 01:47 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
I just can't comprehend how Rita is supposed to be Mystic Mother when she became a regular human in "Countdown".

No Green Spandex 01/29/17 01:48 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
Its all part of "Zordon's Master Plan" apparently.

MMPR Forever 01/29/17 02:04 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
I would have liked the series a lot better if Rita was the mentor in some form. Maybe it would have made more sense too. For the people unhappy for the cameo. I liked the cameo because it was Rita and I wasn't going to complain. I don't care about what happened in Space anyway.

Rangerlord 01/30/17 10:32 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
Rita became Mystic Mother after Space. Since she was now good she no longer cared about superficial things like looking young. So she stopped using Finister's youth treatment.

Bratty Katty 01/30/17 10:35 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
It still makes no sense for her to become so powerful that she is the leader of good magic in a Mystic Realm.

Shadowhawk 01/30/17 10:54 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
I think Vile was the rightful ruler of the Mystic Realm. He was just deposed for being evil. Rita took up the throne after she became good.

Crazy Kelsey 02/01/17 12:35 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
No way Rita had that kind of power good or bad.

Massive Ego 02/02/17 12:23 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
Rita couldn't even beat a bunch of teenagers and you think she had the power to make her own mystical realm?

PRangerX 02/02/17 12:26 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
This thread got me thinking. What if Vile was originally from the mystic realm? He looks like a member of the Undead. Vile and Impurius look a lot a like actually. He could have been a good sorcerer that fell in love with the previous Mystic Mother. And after she died he turned to Black Magic and went Undead. He escaped to Earth and took Rita with him.

Decepticon 02/02/17 10:36 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
That actually isn't a bad idea. It would make a lot of sense.

Adam White Tiger 02/11/17 09:46 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
Rita had to be adopted she doesn't look like Vile or Rito at all.

Superstatler 02/11/17 09:50 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
She did create the wizard of deception. Who could create whole worlds. Rita would probably have more power than him.

MattEmily 02/11/17 10:33 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?

Originally Posted by Bonic Ranger (Post 62166)
No way! Rita as Mystic Mother was just a dumb idea that made no sense. I think the posters here have put more thought into it than the writers. There is no reason for why Rita would be Mystic Mother. It was probably a Bruce idea.

it wasn't a dumb idea at all and Bruce had nothing to do with it. He wouldn't have had any knowledge of Soga's importance to the series.


Originally Posted by Destiny Defeated (Post 62298)
Mystic Mother was a parallel version of Rita. Mystic Realm was an AU like RPM.

that's utterly ridiculous. It may be a different dimension but it's not an alternate universe like RPM was.


Originally Posted by Wesley Smallings (Post 62403)
Its way too much power for Rita to have. Especially since "Countdown" shows her as a normal human at the end. Mystic Force acts like that never happen. Which is ridiculous since Rita would still be evil if it didn't .

I do agree that it's too much power for her to have in regards to creating a realm but just because she was purified doesn't mean she was a normal human being. All we saw of her after being struck by the Z-Wave was being asked by Zedd if she wanted a dance. She may look human but that doesn't tell us whether she still has powers or not.
They weren't acting like CtD had never happened that's just a bad assumption that you're trying to spin.


Originally Posted by Kameron Poe (Post 62774)
I like the reference to Rita and tribute to Soga. But it makes no sense that Rita would be Mystic Mother for thousands of years while she was supposed to be trapped in the dumpster and later active for the UAE. They needed to put more.thought into this to make it make sense.

it makes no sense? of course it makes sense.


Originally Posted by Mitchell's Navy (Post 62779)
Well a lot of things could have happened off screen. I would prefer it was more easily explained. But I am sure there is a good reason to be made in continuity.

yea it would've been nice if there was an explanation for it but they didn't have the time for it.


Originally Posted by Call Titanus (Post 62840)
I was super glad to have Rita back. I don't care if it makes sense. I never understood why some people couldn't just enjoy it?

exactly. Some people have to whine and complain about anything and everything.


Originally Posted by A Gia To Remember (Post 62859)
If Rita had that kind or power I am surprised she didn't use it against the Rangers.

If she did she probably didn't have it when she was evil. Ranger magic was probably higher in power.


Originally Posted by Roman Ranger (Post 63660)
I don't think Rita was always Mystc Mother. She became Mystic Mother after In Space. She just looked older because Finister's youth treatment from "The Wedding" wore off.

that's a good theory and you're exactly right with the moon mud.


Originally Posted by Space Hero (Post 63721)
I just can't comprehend how Rita is supposed to be Mystic Mother when she became a regular human in "Countdown".

Just because she was turned human doesn't mean she's a normal human. Did you see her do anything but react to Zedd's purified form? No you didn't so you can't say just based on that scene that she's a normal human there's no possible way any of us can tell whether she still has magic or not.

No Green Spandex 02/12/17 10:10 AM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
If they wanted to honor Soga's Rita it made a lot of sense to do it this way. Since the continuity implications gave us all a headache!

White Tiger Fan 02/12/17 01:55 PM

Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?
I think Amit should have been consulted. He would have figured out a way to make the whole thing make sense. Since he did such a good job with "Forever Red".

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