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Rita repulsa 09/02/06 03:03 AM

Obviously, you don't!

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/02/06 05:29 AM

Oooh, Thats original, The last time I heard that was in a Forturne Cookie <_<. Why do I waste my time arguing with morons <_<. Oh yeah, ITS FUN ^_^ , You so ugly, Yo Momma had to feed you with a Slingshot!!

Phantom/Ranger 09/02/06 08:07 AM

just shut up rider.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/02/06 12:46 PM

If thats a come back line I'm the king of Pluto, And since its not a plannet anymore I can take it

PuRpLeHaZe 09/03/06 12:51 AM

what the hell? i'm not him. i actually feel insulted you would think i was. jeeze... but that doesn't answer the question why do you guys hate the moron? i know hes fairly stupid but is that it or what? wat did he do?

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/03/06 03:11 AM

Made a error, we tried to correct him, he got pissed, Then thought the Dragon Coin could be used in DT, with more errors, we corrected them, he got pissed off yet again, Then we could'nt take it, then they made Dupe Acounts, thats why we thought you were them as you defended them

Rita repulsa 09/03/06 04:48 AM

That's your version anyway......you're obviously not half as smart as you like to think you are!

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/03/06 08:56 AM


Phantom/Ranger 09/03/06 09:45 AM

rider I wernt pissed cause you did'nt agree with the storie said about the green coin.
I got pissed cause you and cheet have giving me shit since I signed on this site, months ago. saying I should jump off etc, and for no reason.

PuRpLeHaZe 09/03/06 12:35 PM

lmao. yeah i noticed the fake accounts. so this is all you guys do, flame him? lol sounds fun.

PRangerX 09/03/06 02:56 PM


Originally posted by PuRpLeHaZe@Sep 3 2006, 04:35 PM
lmao. yeah i noticed the fake accounts. so this is all you guys do, flame him? lol sounds fun.
I actually have no evidence that the fake accounts belong to Shadow. I have tied them all to Lew. And since he ignored my warning about dupe accounts, I have banned his ip. Shadow has a different ip and email than Lew.

PuRpLeHaZe 09/03/06 04:30 PM

ok. it sounds like him but who knows.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/03/06 09:26 PM


Originally posted by shadowrangerpower@Sep 3 2006, 01:45 PM
rider I wernt pissed cause you did'nt agree with the storie said about the green coin.
I got pissed cause you and cheet have giving me shit since I signed on this site, months ago. saying I should jump off etc, and for no reason.


Phantom/Ranger 09/04/06 12:21 PM

I cant have two accounts. I only use 1 email address and I mest up my accounts in a few fourms now ( forgetting passwords) and I cant sign up for more accounts with one email address.
now i cant sign up for another account now can I.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/04/06 04:37 PM

Then how come you tried it >_>

PRangerX 09/05/06 12:09 PM


Originally posted by shadowrangerpower@Sep 4 2006, 04:21 PM
I cant have two accounts. I only use 1 email address and I mest up my accounts in a few fourms now ( forgetting passwords) and I cant sign up for more accounts with one email address.
now i cant sign up for another account now can I.

Everyone here is only allowed one account. You can request a name change request. And if you really want another account let me know. I can ban your current one so you can register a new account. Although I don't see the point in that.

Phantom/Ranger 09/06/06 12:51 PM

I have tried on other, only cause I messed up other accounts.

Look I only have 1 account on here and thats Shadowrangerpower.
but beleve what you want.

Kamen Rider Decade 09/06/06 01:04 PM

To the staff's knowledge there has ever been one person to ever make multiple accounts without permission, which is Lew / Good Green Ranger / Lew2 / Evil Green Ranger / Rita Repulsa / The Devils Reject / Conker / Birdy / Lew3 / Birdy 2 / RITA (this last one may not be Lew).

shadowrangerpower is NOT one of Lew's accounts.

AngelofChaos 09/06/06 01:37 PM

Exactly what is the purpose of creating numerous accounts? If this was the matter of forgetting your account screen name, then the simplest solution would be checking the member listing (located on the top upper right of the message board icons). From there you would have to recall the date you’ve enrolled, which can be set by scroll down and setting it to “Join Date” And if it was the matter of losing your password, its not difficult to retrieve it by selecting the “Lost Password”.

Should neither of the following applied to this situation, then this person is merely filling/flooding the message board with needless accounts. It needs to stop.

RITA 09/06/06 01:42 PM

This has hopefully been cleared up now with the mods by myself.So please let the subject drop and let's all get back to enjoying the true subject of the topic.

SkataPunkA7X 09/06/06 06:31 PM

ummm okay ANYWAYS...

i really liked both series, but just because of a better plotline, i choose mystic force

spd didnt get a central continuous storyline until the last few episodes

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/06/06 10:44 PM

You Idiots are the same person, thats 2 offences, dupe acount and that means it Double Posting too, And you spamed so thats 3, You've been PWNed you idiot

RITA 09/07/06 03:59 AM

....No...we just share the same IP address!...had you even considered that possibility?

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/07/06 04:22 AM


Originally posted by RITA@Sep 7 2006, 07:59 AM
....No...we just share the same IP address!...had you even considered that possibility?
O Rly?? And I'm the Dictator of all the Aliens on Neptune >_>

Malachi 09/07/06 04:24 AM

Wait if your useing the same computer that would mean your his Mommy.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/07/06 04:25 AM

ShadowRangerPower, if that is their momma, they will still fall to jokes of that theme, Hey SRP, Yo Momma so ugly, she looked out the window and got arrested for mooning"

Malachi 09/07/06 04:32 AM


Originally posted by shadowrangerpower@Sep 7 2006, 02:21 aM
Shadow you took the words right out of my mouth.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/07/06 05:51 AM

I love it, They may not me Lew, but their sure a LewSer

RITA 09/07/06 06:35 AM

Look...i've tried to be mature enough to sort this problem but you still continue to bully...yes i am lew's mum...bot NOT on the same computer,just the same IP!! (it IS possible to own more than one computer you know!!!!)..IT IS MY DUTY as a parent to ensure his safety while online from bullying idiots such as yourselves ....and no i wasn't asked to..i do it because i take my responsibilty as a parent seriously...at the end of the day he's just a little boy who loves power rangers and thought that he would be chattingg with likeminded kids on here,not falling prey to bullies whilst still in his own home!
I can only conclude from your behaviour that you get bullied yourselves,so inflicting the same misery on others makes you feel better about yourselves.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/07/06 08:22 AM

Whatever, This is the wrong place for polite, Try RangerForums.net

Kamen Rider Decade 09/07/06 09:39 AM

Forums are generally not the right place for those under 13-14. While there are some geared younger, vast majority aren't. Can't say about Rangerforums.net but I can confidently say that every Power Ranger board I have been to is safe for kids. Some are more suitable but they still attract the Kid Unsafe crowd.

TV.com (which has a PR board) does the best job at being kid friendly but it comes at a price, way to many rules. The guy who mods the PR section is jaded and very strict, he won't pull any punches, Lew may get bullied there as well. There are ways to prevent that, searching previous posts, using capitalitazation, commas, and periods, will get him a long ways there, wouldn't even need proper grammar. Heck that would go a long ways here as well.

If either of his parents is a stay at home parent maybe you could restrict his online acces to times when the stay at homer could be there with them and show him ways to improve his posts (puncuation, spelling, grammar, capitalization), he'll eventually learn that and the supervision could be lessened over time.



STOP harping on the same IP address thing, devils reject, Rita Repulsa/RITA, and evil green ranger are not Lew. They are his family.

Give the bullying a rest, it's old.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/07/06 10:01 AM

Oops, Sorry everyone, I really thought Lew was older and put that on for sympathy, I appologise

RITA 09/07/06 10:02 AM


Originally posted by Cheetamus Primal@Sep 7 2006, 01:39 PM

If either of his parents is a stay at home parent maybe you could restrict his online acces to times when the stay at homer could be there with them and show him ways to improve his posts (puncuation, spelling, grammar, capitalization), he'll eventually learn that and the supervision could be lessened over time.


Which is exactly what we've been trying to do....Thank you Cheetamus for being so reasonable .

RITA 09/07/06 10:06 AM

Thank you too Rider for being big enough to accept when you're wrong...(i'll just ignore the pm you sent me earlier then eh?) ;)

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/07/06 10:13 AM

Its OK, I just felt like you were Lew and you were lying about your age, I appologise, Some Grammar and Punctuation should be used, I saw some smart posts but needed some work, I appologise

Lew 09/07/06 10:16 AM

Ok Rider & Cheetamus, I accept the apology.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/07/06 03:28 PM

Its OK, After that ShadowRangerPower thing we were tense, But one thing that would help is stick to one acount as dupe acounts are not allowed

Lew 09/07/06 03:41 PM

OK, I`m not gonna make any more.

Kamen Rider Decade 09/07/06 10:07 PM

Another suggestion, if you're post is one that just states that you agree with a previous post but have nothing else to say, don't bother posting. It's nice that you agree but to make an entire post just to say so, is generally bad forum behavior.

Same goes for any one word posts or posts just to say thank you.

If you want to say thank you but nothing else please do that via PM.

Lew I hear you want your Birdy 2 account renamed to Lew and your others deleted or whatever, that may not happen for a while, X is known just to leave without notice for months.

Rita, devil reject, evil green ranger your accounts that were suspended due to being considered another one of Lew's many accounts, same thing as I said about the rename for Lew, don't hold your breath. It will probably happen eventually, but it might be months down the road.


Originally posted by PRangerX@Sep 3 2006, 02:56 PM
I actually have no evidence that the fake accounts belong to Shadow. I have tied them all to Lew. And since he ignored my warning about dupe accounts, I have banned his ip. Shadow has a different ip and email than Lew.
That IP ban wasn't all that effective. Are you sure you know what an IP ban actually is?

Malachi 09/08/06 01:51 AM

Well sorry if I offended anyone. With the mom thing and the misquote.

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