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Zabitan 02/15/16 03:37 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Jason then appeared in what looked like a jail cell. But the Jail cell looked like it was floating endlessly in outer space, and it had gold bars, and strange statues of what looked like human heads with goat horns sticking out.

Jason asked "Where am I?". Then Goldar teleported in, and said "You're in Rita's dark dimension prison". Goldar explained "She has asked me to personally dispose of you in return for Eons of faithful service".

Jason went to his communicator, and said "Anybody, anybody" but it didn't work. Goldar gloated "That won't work but maybe this migh" He then held up Jason's Power Morpher which Jason just now realized he was missing.

Zabitan 02/15/16 03:37 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Goldar teased "If you want it come, and get it". Jason punched Goldar a few times but it didn't phase him. Goldar then grabbed him by the neck, and said "Why don't you just give up you can defeat me no human has ever defeated the great Goldar.

Then Goldar threw Jason's Morpher on the ground, and then threw Jason himself on the ground. Then he made his sword appear, and said "I was just toying around with you but now it's time to finish you off".

Goldar swung his sword at Jason but Jason duck out of the way. Goldar tried to stab Jason but couldn't find him. Goldar called out "You're only delaying the inevitable". Then Jason got up behind Goldar, and jumped kicked him.

Jason said "So Goldar how does it feel to be outsmarted by a human being". Goldar whined "That's impossible no human has ever defeated me". "Well I'm going to change that" Jason cried out, and he kept punching, and kicking Goldar while Goldar kept trying to slash, and stab him.

Zabitan 02/15/16 03:38 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At Ernie's Kimberly went up to Zack, and asked "Hey Zack have you seen Jason?" Zack shrugged, and said "No have you?". Kimberly answered "I saw go up to Tommy but I never saw him come back". Zack said "This is weird".

Kimberly nodded, and she and Zack were about to leave when she bumped into Tommy. Kimberly asked "Hey Tommy have you seen Jason? Did you do something to him?" But Tommy just gave a smug grin, and said "Why what's the matter. Let me guess you're worried about him".

Tommy then explained "I banished him to Rita's dark dimension, and he's never coming back". Then he corrected himself to say "Well not alive anyway" Then Tommy gave an evil laugh, and said "Later", and walked off. Kimberly said "We've got to follow him". Zack nodded, and they chased after him.

Zabitan 02/15/16 03:39 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Kimberly, and Zack chased after Tommy, and called out "Tommy Tommy". While in her palace Rita was watching. She said menacingly "So Kimberly, and Zack are trying to mess with my Green Ranger". She smiled, and said "Well not on my watch".

Just then a swarm of Putties appeared in front of Zack, and Kimberly "Oh no Putties" Kimberly said. Zack said "Let's deal with them first, and then confront Tommy later". Kimberly nodded, and the two fought off the Putties.

Kimberly, and Zack jumped onto some park booths, and started kicking putties. Then they jumped back off, and started flipping them over as well. Eventually all the Putties were defeated, and Zack said "Come on we have to go the Command Center", and Kimberly nodded.

Zabitan 02/15/16 03:40 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Zack, and Kimberly went to Billy's garage, and went to the RADBUG. Kimberly said "Hope you know what you're doing". Zack nodded, and said "Me too". Then they took off in the RADBUG. Zack noticed Kimberly feeling sad.

"Is it Tommy?" he asked. Kimberly answered it's like he's now a totally different person". Zack assured her "Don't worry we'll find a way to help him". Then he shrugged, and said "Maybe now Billy, and Alpha have fixed the Command Center".

Zack, and Kimberly arrived in the Command Center, and saw that Biiy, Trini, Alpha, Quagmire, and Nemo were still fixing up the Command Center. Zack asked "Any luck finding Zordon?" Billy solemnly answered "Negative".

Zabitan 02/15/16 03:40 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Zack then asked "How about Jason? He tried to talk to Tommy but then he disappeared". Alpha explained "We haven't heard from Jason all day". Zack was worried "Man first Zordon now Jason". He then cried out "Rita's going out of her way this time".

Just then a flicker came on Zordon's pillar, and Rangers called out "Zordon". The Rangers tried to make out what Zordon was saying but all they could make out was "Rangers… Tommy…. There's not much time" before breaking out completely.

Trini was crying "Zordon Zordon we need you". Zack said "Alpha, Billy try, keep trying, and see if you can bring him back". Billy complied "Affirmative". Alpha agreed "Understood". Then Zack turned his attention to Quagmire, and Nemo.

Zabitan 02/15/16 03:42 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Zack asked "So how you feeling now Nemo". Nemo answered "I'm okay now but I still feel bad about what happened to Tommy". Quagmire assured his son "It's okay, and things have passed. Now we have to break what Rita cast".

Zack asked "I still don't get it". Billy agreed "Yeah until now we didn't know you had a son". Trini added, and why doesn't he rhyme like you". Quagmire explained "The explanation is that it skips a generation". Then Nemo explained "I was born sometime after the last great war with Rita". He then got sad, and said "That's also when my mother disappeared". The Rangers just nodded sadly.

Zack assured Nemo "Don't worry little dude we'll try to find a way to help Tommy", and just as he said it Tommy appeared on the Viewing Globe as The Green Ranger holding the sword from the cave. "It's Tommy" Kimberly cried out.

Zack said "we know what we have to do". The other Rangers agreed. Zack then said "Alpha you, Quagmire, and Nemo try to contact Zordon, and Jason". Alpha complied "Understood". Zack then said "All right guys it's morphing time". "Mastodon" "Pterodactyl" "Triceratops" "Saber Tooth Tigers".

Zabitan 02/15/16 03:42 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Rangers fires their laser guns at Tommy but they didn't phase him. Then they tried running at them but he sliced them with his sword. Then Tommy charged his sword with dark energy, and cried out "Now feel the true ultimate power of the Sword of Darkness".

Tommy stabbed the ground with his sword, and it sent out a dark energy wave that hit the other Rangers. The Rangers tried to fight off Tommy but he kicked Trini, and Kimberly, and slashed Billy, and Zack some more.

Zack said "There's only thing left to do". He went to his communicator, and asked "Alpha can you operate the Tyrannosaurus from your end while we summon our Zords?". Alpha answered "I can but for only a short time".

Zack answered "I think that's all we have anyway". Alpha complied "Sending Tyrannosaurus now" Kimberly called out "But Zordon said". But Zack interrupted "I know what Zordon said but Zoron's npt here right now, and it just might work".

Zabitan 02/15/16 03:43 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Zack cried out "We need Dinozord power now". The Dinozords appeared, and the Rangers got in their cockpits. Zack "All right guys". Followed by "Billy here systems go", "Trini here let's kick it", and "Let's get it together".

The Dinozord's combined into the Dinosaur Tank, and fired lasers around Tommy. Then the Dinosaur Tank transformed into the Megazord, and fired more lasers at Tommy. Zack called out from the Megazord "Tommy surrender now, and we can help you".

But Tommy just shrugged, and bragged "No way", and fired a laser from the Sword of Darkness at the Megazord but the Mastodon shield just reflected the blast back at Tommy. Tommy got back up, and just gloated "You haven't seen the last of me". Then Tommy teleported away.

Zabitan 02/15/16 03:43 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Rita was undaunted she simply shrugged, and said "If the Rangers think it will be that easy they're dreaming". She then bragged "I'll just call out my old friend Scorpina. Then somewhere in a dark forest a rock covered in scorpions appeared.

The Rock then teleported to Angel Grove where it rolled around for a bit before exploding into yellow light. The yellow light then solidified in the form of a woman in gold, and silver armor with a scorpion stinger for a ponytail carrying a strange sword.

While in the Dark Dimension Tommy teleported, and told Goldar "All right Goldar it's time for me to destroy the Red Ranger". Goldar complained "But I thought I had the honor of destroying him". Tommy bragged "Rita has given me that honor. She wants you back at the Palace". Goldar begrudgingly teleported off.

Zabitan 02/15/16 03:45 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At the palace Goldar complained "Your highness why have you called me back I was just about to destroy the Red Ranger". Rita explained "Quit you bellyaching I've got something you might want to see".

Goldar looked in the telescope, and gasped in excitement. He cheerfully exclaimed "At last after 10,000,000 years my beloved Scorpina has returned". He then went to Rita, and cried out "Thank you your evilness now we shall destroy the Rangers in your honor". Rita cackled evily.

Back in the Dark Dimension Jason pleaded "I'm not going to fight you". Tommy bragged "Because you know I'll win". Jason corrected "No because I know the real Tommy is in there, and if you were truly a Ranger then you would be fighting on Zordon's side, and not Rita's".

Zabitan 02/15/16 03:46 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Tommy came back with "She is my queen, and I am her Green Ranger". Jason pleaded "She's evil". But Tommy simply rebutted "Yeah, and so am I". Then the two of them proceeded to punch, and kick each other.

At the Command Center Zack was asking "Quagmire, Alpha any luck finding Jason or Zordon?" Quagmire sadly answered "Aye searching for our friends has only lead to dead ends". Just then a noise came from a console. Alpha cheered "I think I found him". Alpha then started pushing buttons on the console, and said "I just need to get a lock on his wrist communicator".

In the Dark Dimension Jason, and Tommy were still fighting when Jason saw his Power Morpher, and was about to reach for it when Tommy pinned him down, and summoned the Sword of Darkness, and was about to stab Jason with it.

Tommy smirked under his helmet, and bragged "To the destruction of the Power Rangers". But just as Tommy was about to stab Jason he was teleported out of the Dark Dimension. Tommy screamed "No how can this be".

Zabitan 02/15/16 03:47 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Jason appeared in the Command Center, and everyone went around him. Jason got up, and said "Man am I glad to be back". Billy asked "What happened?", and Jason answered "Tommy, and Goldar almost sliced, and diced me".

Just then the alarms started blaring. The Rangers turned to the Viewing Globe, and saw Scorpina. "Whoa who's that?" Jason asked. Alpha panicked, and explained "That's Scorpina Goldar's wife, and one of Rita's most powerful warriors".

Zack just scoffed, and said "Man first Quagmire has a kid now Goldar's got a wife". Billy exclaimed "She's destroying the downtown warehouse district". Jason said "We've got to stop her". The other Rangers agreed".

Zabitan 02/15/16 03:47 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Rangers once again morphed, and Scorpina called out "Putties attack". The Rangers then started fighting off Scorpina, and the Putties. Scorpina threw her sword like a boomerang, and it hit Jason. Kimberly got him back up, and asked "Are you okay?" Jason said "Yeah".

Then Goldar appeared, and the Rangers continued fighting him, Scorpina, and the Putties. Eventually however they started to retreat, and Goldar bragged "Don't think you've won just yet Rangers". Scorpina added "Yeah Rita's got something that will trash that miserable Megazord of yours, and they teleported away.

At Rita's palace Tommy teleported in, and said "You wanted to see me your evilness". Rita happily explained "As all you know the Megazord runs on solar power, and I'm trying to find a way to cut off it's power".

Zabitan 02/15/16 03:48 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Rita then explained "I just need you, Scorpina, and Goldar, and I'm sure we can do it". Then she further explained "And tomorrow is a once in a century solar eclipse" she added "We just need to draw the Rangers out when it's the right time"

Goldar cheered "That's brilliant my queen". Tommy agreed "Soon the Rangers will be nothing more than a memory". Rita grinned "I'm glad you like it" She then said "Soon my dark prince you shall become my evil king".

At the Command Center the Rangers, Alpha, and Quagmire were still trying to find Zordon. Jason exclaimed "Man we've been searching for hours, and still no trace of Zordon". Zack agreed "It's like he's ceased to exit".

Zabitan 02/15/16 03:48 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Alpha assured them "We can't give up hope Rangers we almost found him once. I know we can do it". Then the pillar flickered some more, and some more distorted language came from it. "Rangers" "Must Help" "Before" "Too Late".

The message ended, and the Rangers, and everyone else just bowed their heads in disappointment. Zack said "Man we almost had him that time". Jason assured them "Alpha's right though we can't give up". Trini agreed "Were getting closer to finding him" Zack said "I just hope we do it sooner rather than later", and everyone agreed.

To be continued.

Author's Note: Whelp we're halfway through everyone. Only two more parts left of The Green Ranger saga.

Zabitan 02/18/16 09:13 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Power Rangers Dino Episode 8
Green with Evil Part 3
Written by Justin Best.

In the Command Center the Rangers were telling Alpha, Quagmire, and Nemo about the previous battle. Jason asked “We don’t know is it true what Goldar, and Scorpina said?” Zack agreed “Yeah can they really destroy the Megazord?”.

Alpha bowed his head, and sadly said “I’m afraid so Rangers”. He explained “Later today is a once in a century solar eclipse”. He continued “When that happens the Megazord will be cut off from the source of it’s power, and will be vulnerable”

Trini, and Kimberly gasped “Oh no”. Billy asked “How long will the eclipse last?” Alpha answered “About 8 minutes however the Megazord’s backup power can only last 3-5 minutes without sunlight”. Zack said “So we just either have to wait until the eclipse is over to summon the Megazord or get it over quick”.

Zabitan 02/18/16 09:14 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
In the Dark Dimension Tommy as the Green Ranger was practicing with the Sword of Darkness while he could hear Rita’s voice call out “Are ready for your next battle Green Ranger?” Tommy cheered “Yes my queen I will crush the Power Rangers”.

Rita called out “Good”. In her palace she called out to her other minions “So you guys understand plan right?”. Scorpina explained “I will go down with some Putties, and attack the city to lure the Rangers out”.

Goldar explained “Then I will destroy the city to force the Rangers to summon the Megazord, Then when the solar eclipse happens me, Scorpina, and the Green Ranger will destroy the Megazord”. Rita nodded “Good”.

Zabitan 02/18/16 09:14 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At the Command Center the alarm started going off, and the Rangers saw Scorpina, and some Putties once again rampaging Angel Grove. Zack said “It’s Scorpina she’s destroying the City again” Billy said “It might be another trap”.

Jason said “We ain’t got a choice”. Alpha warned “Remember Rangers wait until the eclipse is over to summon the Megazord or only summon it if you really need to”. The Rangers nodded, and Jason called out “It’s morphin time”.

The Rangers then proceeded to punch, and kick the Putties, then Scorpina came, and started slashing the Rangers with her sword. Then Scorpina charged her sword with dark energy, and threw it like a boomerang at the Rangers.

Zabitan 02/18/16 09:15 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Meanwhile in her palace Rita bragged “Now for the next stage of my plan”. Then she threw her scepter, and shouted “Magic wand make my Goldar grow”, and Goldar grew into a giant, and started shooting lasers from his eyes at the buildings in Angel Grove.

Jason called out “Oh no it’s Goldar”. Kimberly asked “What do we do?” Zack
added “Yeah we can’t summon the Megazord until after the eclipse but we can’t let Goldar destroy the city”. Jason begrudgingly admitted “I don’t know”.

Goldar then proceed to rampage through Angel Grove bragging “What’s wrong Rangers? Oh yeah I remember it’s the eclipse today you can’t summon you Megazord”. Then Goldar started laughing manically.

Zabitan 02/18/16 09:15 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At Ernie’s the building was shaking due to Goldar’s rampage, and Ernie was trying to get everyone out as fast as possible saying “All right everyone let’s get out before the building collapses”. Then Ernie, and everyone got out of the building as fast as they could.

However Bulk, and Skull were still sitting down eating ice cream. Skull finally noticed the destruction, and said “Hey Bulk maybe we should get out of here”, and tried to get up but Bulk pulled him back down, and said “Not until I’m finished with my sundae”.

Then a support beam fell next to where Bulk, and Skull were eating, and Bulk quickly finished his ice cream, and said “Okay I’m finished let’s go”, and the two got out of Ernies as fast as they could. Bulk noticed the Youth Center bus, and he had an idea.

Zabitan 02/18/16 09:16 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
“That’s it” he shouted. Skull asked “What’s it?”. Bulk explained “The Youth Center bus it’s the fastest way out of here” Skull agreed “Oh yeah right”, and the two got in the bus, and drove off. Bulk demanded “Hurry numskull we don’t want that gold guy to get us”.

Skull asked “Hey Bulk where are we going?”. Bulk answered “As far away as we can go”. But then Goldar saw them, and picked up the bus. Jason called out “No leave them alone they’re civilians” Goldar just laughed.

“I know that in fact I think they’re friends of yours. I think you call them Bulk, and Skull”. Kimberly cried out “Oh no now he’s got Bulk, and Skull”. Billy added “And he’s headed for the beach”. Jason cried out “We’ve got to stop them”.

Zabitan 02/18/16 09:16 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Rangers teleported to the beach, and saw the bus dangling on cliff while Squatt, Babboo, and some Putties were trying to push it off. Rita then teleported in, and said “well well Rangers you seem to caught between a rock, and a hard place”.

Trini gasped “Oh no Bulk, and Skull”. Rita then bragged “Well it looks like you have two choices rangers summon the Megazord or let your friends go splat. What will it be Rangers?”. While on the bus Bulk was whining “Well Skull I guess we’re history”.

Skull replied “You mean famous”. Bulk retorted “No I mean dead”, and the two screamed. Zack cried out “What do we do?” Jason said “There’s only one thing we can do. We need Dinozord power now”, and one by one the Ranger’s Zord’s appeared, and formed the Megazord to Rita’s delight.

Zabitan 02/18/16 09:17 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Goldar then started slashing, and stabbing the Megazord, and the Megazord started punching it back. All the while the sun started going out. Then Rita turned to Scorpina, and ordered “Get them”, and Scorpina replied “With pleasure”, and jumped down.

Then Rita threw her scepter, and cried out “Magic wand make Scorpina grow”. Then Scorpina not only grew into a giant but she mutated completely into some humanoid scorpion creature. Then Scorpina helped her husband in slashing, and and stabbing the Megazord as the sunlight kept depleting.

Then the Megazord fell down, and the sun had finally completely eclipsed. Billy cried out “Sun’s out we’ve only got five minutes of reserve power”. Zack asked “What do we do?” Jason ordered “Let’s summon the Power Sword".

Zabitan 02/18/16 09:18 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Megazord then summoned the Power Sword, and started slashing, and stabbing Scorpina, and Goldar who in turn kept slashing, and stabbing the Megazord. While at the Command Center Alpha, Quagmire, and Nemo were still looking for Zordon.

“Aye ye ye” Alpha cried out. Quagmire tried to assure Alpha “Don’t despair my friend We’ll find Zordon by this day’s end”. Then they saw another flicker of Zordon who said “Alpha…Q4”. Then Alpha shot out in excitement “Of course Q4”.

Alpha hit the button on the console. Then Zordon kept sending Alpha scambled messages that slowly but surely got more coherent as Alpha kept pressing buttons. Nemo cried out “You’re doing it Alpha”. Alpha agreed “Just a little more, and we’ve found Zordon”.

Zabitan 02/18/16 09:18 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
But just then Tommy teleported, and bragged “Not on my watch”. Nemo cried out “It’s Tommy” but it was too late. Tommy unplugged Alpha, and punched Quagmire in the stomach. Nemo cried out “Tommy stop it”.

Zordon then tried to reason with Tommy “Tommy let us help you. Rita is leading you down a dark path”. Tommy rebutted with “No she has shown me the light, and soon I shall take my rightful place as her king”.

Then Tommy bragged “But first things first I’m going to banish you to another dimension were your pathetic Rangers will never find you”. Tommy was about to once again trash the Command Center when it turned out Alpha, and Quagmire were playing possum, and got back up.

Zabitan 02/18/16 09:19 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Tommy whined “No how can this be?”. Quagmire merely quipped “You though that you had won. But instead it’s you who are done”. Alpha then pressed a button on the console trapping Tommy in some electrical barrier.

“What is this?” Tommy cried. Alpha explained “An anti dark magic barrier”. Alpha explained “Now I will run a scan to find a way to destroy your evil powers”. Tommy whined “No I will not let you do that”. Nemo cried out “Hurry Alpha”.

Back at the battle the Megazord was finally getting an upper hand on Goldar, and Scorpina. Zack cried out “The eclipse is almost over”. Billy added “And we still have 2 minutes of power left”. Jason said “Hurry let’s deactivate the Megazord at least until the eclipse is over”.

Zabitan 02/18/16 09:19 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
But Rita snarked “Don’t think it will be easy Rangers”. Then she cried out “Green Ranger I summon you now”. In the Command Center Tommy was teleported out by Rita. Alpha cried out “Oh no”. Then Tommy appeared giant sized in front of the Megazord.

Zack cried out “Great now we’ve gotta deal with Tommy”. Tommy then proceeded to slash, and stab the Megazord with the Sword of Darkness. Then Scorpina wrapped her stinger around the Megazord’s neck, and electrocuted it.

Then Goldar, slashed, and stabbed the Megazord, and then Goldar, and Tommy crossed their swords together, and fired a laser at the Megazord seemingly destroying it. A crack opened up in the Earth, and the Megazord plummeted.

Zabitan 02/18/16 09:20 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Rangers could do nothing but cry as the Megazord separated back into the Dinozords as they sank into the lava. Zack cried out “It’s like Rita destroyed a part of us”. Then Trini cried out “They were always there for us when we needed them, and now they’re gone”.

Later at the Command Center Jason was trying to rally his friends. He said “Guys we can’t give up”. Zack protested “You don’t get it Tommy was Rita’s trump card she played she won”. But Alpha argued “Jason’s right if Zordon was still here he’d agree”.

Trini protested “But Zordon’s not here just when we need him the most”. Billy agreed “There’s only a %10 chance of contacting Zordon. Quagmire tried to assure The Rangers “Rangers they say a night is always darkest before the light”.

Zabitan 02/18/16 09:20 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Jason agreed “Isn’t the smallest chance a reason alone to keep fighting”. Then there was a blip on the console, and Alpha cheered “Aye ye ye it worked” Kimberly asked “What did?” Alpha explained “Earlier Tommy tried to destroy the Command Center again”.

He continued “However I was able to trap him in an energy barrier, and I tried to run a scan for a way to destroy his powers”. Billy asked “What did you find?”. Alpha explained “All this time Zordon, Quagmire, and I believed that the Power Coin, and the Morpher were the source of Rita’s spell”.

Then he pointed to the Viewing Globe, and showed an image of Tommy as the Green Ranger, and had a red square highlight the Sword of Darknes, and explained “But the stronget sources of dark magic were coming from this sword”. Zack cried out “No way”.

To be concluded.

Welp only one more to go everybody.

Zabitan 02/24/16 09:49 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Power Rangers Dino Episode 9

Green with Evil part 4

Written by Justin Best.

The Rangers were reacting to the news Alpha had told them. Kimberly said "No way you're saying that all this time that sword was what was controlling Tommy?". Alpha replied "The computers says that the Sword of Darkness is the most likely source of Rita's spell".

Zack was incredulous he said "But the computer has acting buggy how do know it's right?". Billy replied "Not necessarily Alpha, and Quagmire corrected the malfunction". Zack then said "So we've got to destroy that sword to free Tommy".

Trini was shocked "I can't believe all this time that sword was what was making Tommy evil". Jason then said "You see guys this is why we can't give up we've got to save Tommy". Nemo then warned "I hope you can do it fast because it's only a matter of time before he summons the Dragonzord", and everyone nodded.

Zabitan 02/24/16 09:49 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At her palace Rita, and her minion were having a party to celebrate the seeming defeat of the Power Rangers. Goldar cheered "To Rita Repulsa empress of all that is evil, and soon queen of the entire universe".

Rita then gloated "Why thank but you know I really couldn't have done it without my evil Green Ranger". Then Tommy teleported in, and Rita exclaimed "And there he is". Tommy asked "Is there anything else you want my queen?".

Rita then said "Why yes I want to give a special present that will help put the final touches on my glorious plan". She then gave Tommy the Dragon Dagger, and ordered "Go take the Dragon Dagger down to Earth, and summon the Dragonzord to destroy it". Tommy answered "It shall be done my queen".

Zabitan 02/24/16 09:50 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Later at Ernie's Kimberly appeared just as Ernie, Bulk, Skull, and some other patrons were watching a news report about the Rangers' defeat. Ernie said "Man I hope that's not true I hope the Power Rangers aren't gone for good".

Bulk then interrupted to say "Hey what about us? We were the one's who helped scare off that gold guy". Skull agreed "Yeah it should be us on tv". Bulk then daydreamed, and thought "Yeah maybe we should".

Kimberly then interrupted to say "Dream on Bulk". Then she turned to Ernie, and asked "Hey Ernie have you seen Tommy?". Ernie answered "The new kid yeah he's over there" as he pointed to Tommy on an exercise machine.

Zabitan 02/24/16 09:50 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Kimberly said "Thanks Ernie", and went to Tommy. Kimberly pleaded "Tommy we know about the Sword of Darkness let us help you". Tommy argued "No you don't know Rita has given me the Dragon Dagger, and with it I'll destroy you, and the other Rangers before you have the chance to destroy my precious Sword of Darkness".

Then Tommy got off the machine, and left Ernie's. Kimberly then went over to Billy's house, and met with the other Rangers, and explained what happened. Kimberly then said "I'm telling you guys he said Rita gave him the Dragon Dagger already".

Jason said "So it's only a matter of time before Rita orders him to use the Dragonzord to destroy the city" Billy said "And without our Zords there's no way to stop him". Jason then said "Hopefully Alpha, and Quagmire found Zordon before then".

Zabitan 02/24/16 09:51 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Meanwhile at the Angel Grove docks Tommy appeared as the Green Ranger, and played the Dragon Dagger as a flute. When that happened the ocean started churning, and from it rose the mighty Dragonzord after 10,000,000 years.

Rita then appeared, and ordered "Now go Green Ranger, Destroy Angel Grove". Tommy complied "Yes my Queen", and jumped into the Dragonzord's cockpit. Alpha, Quagmire, and Nemo were watching at the Command Center. Alpha panicked "Aye ye ye".

The Rangers communicators started beeping as Alpha explained "Rangers Green Ranger has already summoned the Dragonzord hurry to the warehouse district by the docks right away". Jason agreed "Okay you guys let's do this". They all called out "Mastodon", "Pterodactyl", "Triceratops", "Saber Tooth Tiger". "Tyrannosaurs".

Zabitan 02/24/16 09:51 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Rangers teleported down to the Angel Grove warehouse district just as the Dragonzord was rampaging it. The Dragonzord started picking up smoke stack, and ate them like candy canes. The Dragonzord also stomped on buildings, and fired missiles everywhere.

Jason called out "Tommy stop it you don't know what you're doing" Tommy rebutted "I'm destroying you, and I'm doing it because my empress commands me". Then he blew into the Dragon Dagger, and ordered it to keep destroying Angel Grove.

Billy cried out "He's gonna destroy the city if we don't stop him". Kimberly asked "What do we do?" Jason bemoaned "If only Zordon, and our Zords were still here". Zack cried "There's gotta be something we can do".

Zabitan 02/24/16 09:52 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At the Command Center Alpha was desperately pushing buttons. Alpha panicked "Oooh what was it again?". Then he pushed some buttons, and said "Let's see sector 104 Q9". Then he pushed the buttons, and there was a blip.

Alpha was excited "Yes access granted". Then Alpha pushed some more buttons, and the image of Zordon once again appeared, and Alpha, Quagmire, and Nemo cheered. Nemo exclaimed "You did it Alpha you found Zordon".

Alpha then explained everything to Zordon. Zordon then said "So the Sword of Darkness is the source of Rita's spell." Zordon then said "Activate the Geoseismic Modulator, and I will teleport the Rangers to their Zords". Alpha complied "Understood".

Zabitan 02/24/16 09:53 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At the Warehouse district the Rangers' Power Coins started glowing. Jason said "Hey my Power Coins glowing". The other Rangers said things "So is mine", and "Mine too". Then they heard Zordon's voice say "Rangers Alpha, and I are restoring your Zords".

Then Zordon said "Hurry teleport to them right now there's a chance we can still help him". Then the Rangers teleported to where their Zords were buried, and an explosion occurred, and all the Dinozords erupted from it.

Jason got into the Tyrannosaurus, and said "Rangers log on". Followed by "Mastodon here online". "Triceratops all systems go", "Saber Tooth Tiger ready to rock", "Pterodactyl looking good". Alpha was watching, and said "Of course how could I forget the Zords can be powered by geothermal power as well as solar power".

Zabitan 02/24/16 09:53 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Then the Tyrannosaurus Zord, and the Dragonzord started punching, kicking, and tail whipping each other. Jason called out "Tommy you don't know what you're doing". But the Dragonzord kept attacking the Tyrannosaurus.

Jason called out "Guy's I'm in trouble. We need Megazord Power". Then the Zords combined into the Megazord which then started punching, kicking, and slashing the Dragonzord. But the Dragonzord just punched, kicked, and tail whipped the Megazord.

The Megazord then picked up the Dragonzord by it's tail, and threw it into a mountain reducing the mountain to rubble. Jason called out "Tommy surrender now we can help you" but Tommy rebutted "No way".

Zabitan 02/24/16 09:54 AM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Jason called out "I'm sorry we have to do this Tommy but Zordon says we have to stop you before you, and Rita destroy the world". Then Tommy jumped out of his Dragonzord, and Jason got out of the Tyrannosaurus.

Tommy put the Dragon Dagger, and the Sword of Darkness together, and fired a laser at Jason. Then the two of them started clashing their weapons, and stabbed, and slashed each other. Jason brought out his blade blaster, and started firing at Tommy.

But Tommy started playing his Dragon Dagger, and a force field came from his Dragon Shield, and reflected Jason's lasers back at him. But Jason was undaunted, kept slashing at Tommy. Then he charged his sword with red energy, and fired it at Tommy knocking, the Dragon Dagger, and the Sword of Darkness from his hands.

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