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NormaN 05/14/11 01:19 PM

Re: Doctor Who
I am on Season 4 now. Season 3 finale was pretty epic but right now Season 2 tops it. Doctor Who is a hard show to watch, I just got used to Martha Jones and she left, having companion changes almost every season is sad.

Digifiend 05/15/11 08:08 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Yeah, the current season, series 6, is the first one since the revival where the previous season's Doctor and companion have stayed around.

Series 1: Doc 9 and Rose
Series 2: Doc 10 and Rose
Series 3: Doc 10 and Martha
Series 4: Doc 10 and Donna
Series 5: Doc 11 and Amy
Series 6: Doc 11, Amy and Rory (see Promoted to Opening Titles on TV Tropes)

Originally Posted by Kamen Rider Decade (Post 41328)
I am not British. I live in the formerly good ole USA.

Doesn't matter. It aired there and is out on DVD. Of course, you'll want to avoid it anyway.

Kamen Rider Decade 05/16/11 12:28 AM

Re: Doctor Who

Originally Posted by Digifiend (Post 41387)
Doesn't matter. It aired there and is out on DVD. Of course, you'll want to avoid it anyway.

If it aired on BBCA I couldn't have seen I just got it this summer and only started watching the channel when the new series of DW came on.

NormaN 05/18/11 08:29 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Watched Season 4 finale recently, pretty good. It was nice to see all of the old companions in the revived series. It was nice seeing The Doctor and Rose again, but I was disappointed that there wasn't much scenes where the real Doctor and Rose could interact like they did in Season 1 and 2.

NormaN 05/21/11 10:43 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Just finished The End of Time, what a way to end an era.

Digifiend 05/28/11 09:56 PM

Re: Doctor Who
:eek: Amy's a Ganger!

NormaN 05/29/11 08:16 PM

Re: Doctor Who
Heh, yes she is. I loved that part when Matt said "Ah! I'm still not ginger!"

Anyway I just finished Season 5. At first I didn't like Matt Smith that much, I didn't see how he could replace Tennat, but in Angels of Time he got me with his speech about never putting him in a trap.

The cracks scared me a bit in the beginning, it was like they were doing a complete reebot of the series and even though I have only seen the past 4 seasons I thought it would suck. Luckily The Doctor fixed the cracks and everything is restored. Can't wait to see more of Matt Smith in Season 6.

Digifiend 05/31/11 06:14 AM

Re: Doctor Who
lol, you won't get my reference above until you see episodes 5 and 6 of series 6. I wasn't talking about her hair!

NormaN 06/02/11 10:43 AM

Re: Doctor Who
Ah! I see now, good thing I didn't remember what you said until Matt dissolved her.

Well, now I am finally all caught up and can watch the shows live, or at least live when it is airing in Canada.

Digifiend 06/03/11 06:32 AM

Re: Doctor Who
How far behind are you? In the UK, episode 7 is tomorrow, and in the US, episode 6 is tomorrow.

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