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Zabitan 07/02/15 09:26 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was pretty good.

I liked the story with the Troopers trying to hold a benefit concert, and Grimlord trying to steal the talent from the band.

I also liked all the various funny parts like when the Krossworld Kids, and their fans made fun of Grimlord's minions.

I also liked that we got to see Ryan use the Combat Module, and JB use the Battle Cruiser, and still got a Shaider monster.

And I can't think of anything that was cut from the Shaider episode I would have kept.

I think my only problem is that Bongotron was one of those monsters that seems like they couldn't decide if they wanted to be silly or serious.

And it seemed like instead of the thing with Kaitlin in the energy field they could have just had Ryan, and JB join her earlier, and just made the fight longer.

And it seemed like some parts like Tao seeing no one at the dojo, and JB, and Kaitlin waiting till they found Grimlord's base to transform could have been removed without hurting anything.

Only 10 more episodes of VR Troopers.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 07/06/15 04:42 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Magnetic Attraction written by Michael Ryan, and directed by Al Winchel.

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him that sometimes technology may not always be there when you need it.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where Ryan is writing a story about martial arts for the paper.

Then Percy comes in with a giant magnet, and we get a comedy bit where he accidentally destroys Kaitlin's computer.

At Ziktor industries one of his secretaries informs him that Despera has discovered the Troopers' greatest weakness.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and Despera explains that it's magnetism, and she has Oraclon create a white, red, and blue mutant with magnets on his forearms named Magnetbot.

At the Underground Voice Daily we get another comedy bit with Percy, and the magnet, and JB, and Kaitlin go to the dojo.

At the Dark Fortress Despera tells Grimlord that Magnetbot is waiting to destroy the Troopers, and Grimlord orders Doom Master to help.

Then we see JB, and Kaitlin driving when Magnetbot appears, and hits Kaitlin's car with magnetism causing it to go haywire, and crash.

Then we see some more comedy bits with Percy harassing Ryan, and playing with the magnet when the other Troopers try to contact Ryan.

And eventually all the magnetic fields cause Percy to merge with his magnet, and he gets stuck to a support beam with various objects stuck to him.

Zabitan 07/06/15 04:45 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Magnetbot attacks JB, and Kaitlin so they transform but he shoots more magnetism at them, and it damages their systems.

Ryan appears but so do Doom Master, and the Vixens so he transforms as well, and fights Magnetbot who tries to attack Ryan with a spear, but Ryan keeps dodging.

Ryan then tries his laser but Magnetbot hits him with magnetism, and now his systems are damaged, and Grimlord's minions attack him so the Troopers escape in the Skybase

At the lab the Professor explains that he can repair their systems, and make them immune to magnetism but it will take time.

At the Underground Voice Daily we get another comedy bit where Woody makes a clock stick to Percy.

Then the Troopers go to where Grimlord's minions are, and try to transform but only Ryan can transform, and even his powers aren't finished.

Ryan fights Ultra Skugs while JB, and Kaitlin fight regular Skugs and nothing much happens other than Kaitlin, and some Skugs kick each other.

Ryan fights Vixens, and more Ultra Skugs while Kaitlin, and JB just keep kicking the Skugs.

Ryan, and Magnetbot clash weapons until Magnetbot throws him, hits him with his spear, and shoots magnetism at him.

But Ryan is still able to beat up some Ultra Skugs but a swarm of Grimstars fire on him while JB, and Kaitlin destroy the Skugs.

Then Magnetbot fires more magnetism at Ryan but he just fires his laser, and destroys Magnetbot with Laser Saber which also demagnitizes Percy.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at the Underground Voice Daily we get one last comedy bit with Percy thinking he's still magnetized.

Ryan then sums up the moral of the day the end.

Zabitan 07/06/15 04:46 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was okay.

On one hand it seemed like a rehash of Virtually Powerless minus Poindexter who I actually liked.

And Magnetbot had the same thing as Transgressor, and Bongotron where it looks like they couldn't decide if they wanted a silly design or a scary one.

On the other hand it solved one of my pet peeves about Virtually Powerless just by having JB, and Kaitlin transform before Magnetbot destroyed their powers.

And I liked all the comedy bits with Percy.

Also I can't think of anything that they cut out of the Shaider episode they used that I would have kept.

Only 9 more episodes.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 07/08/15 01:49 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Get Me To The Lab On Time written by Michael Ryan, and directed by Al Winchel.

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him that love can be a powerful force.

We then go to Ziktor industries where Strickland explains that he's created a love potion, and Ziktor orders him to give it to the Troopers.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and explains his latest evil scheme to them.

Then we go to the Underground Voice Daily where Strickland disguised as a delivery man gives love potion laced chocolates but Percy takes them, and eats one falling in love with Kaitlin to her dismay.

At the Dark Fortress Despera explains what's going on, and Grimlord decides to go ahead, and use the love potion on the whole world.

At the Underground Voice Daily Percy gives Kaitlin gifts including the chocolates, and she falls in love with Percy to Ryan, and JB's dismay, and Percy proposes to her, and she accepts.

At the Dark Fortress Despera explains what's going on so Grimlord orders Skugs to attack the Troopers.

At the Underground Voice Daily JB realizes that Kaitlin, and Percy both ate the chocolates so he, and Ryan decide to go the lab to analyze the box they came in.

Then Kaitlin runs into them, and she sees a woman in a wedding dress but she transforms into an army of Skugs.

Nothing much happens other than the Skugs try to kick Ryan, and JB but Ryan, and JB just grab them, and throw them, and eventually throw the Skugs into each other, and destroy them.

Zabitan 07/08/15 01:49 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
I will admit that I like how while this is going on Kaitlin is too distracted by being in love with Percy especially when he shows up to help fight Skugs.

At the lab the Professor analyzes the chocolate box, and explains what's going on so Ryan, and JB try to find an antidote to the love potion.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord orders his minions to protect his love potion factory, and Oraclon creates a white angel like mutant with a demonic face, and a spear with a heart shaped point named Cupidtron.

Then the Professor explains what's going on so Ryan, and JB transform, and JB takes the Battle Cruiser while Ryan fights Grimlord's minions with his sword, and laser.

JB finds the love potion at Grimlord's factory, and escapes in the Skybase before it can self destruct while Grimlord's minions attack Ryan so JB fires missiles at them.

Ryan fires lasers at Grimlord's minions while at the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin, and Percy's wedding is underway, and Tao gives out Kaitlin.

Ryan, and Cupidtron clash weapons but she escapes into the Indigo Sector but Ryan chases after her, and fires lasers, and clashes with his sword.

But Cupidtron fires exploding hearts from her spear, and hits Ryan with it, and breathes fire on him, and teleports so Ryan uses Laser Saber, and Cupidtron's own spear to destroy her.

At the lab JB creates an antidote, and Jeb tries to stall the wedding just in time for JB to put the antidote in some punch, and have Percy, and Kaitlin drink it breaking the spell.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord shames his minions, and swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at the Underground Voice Daily we get one last comedy bit where Percy falls in love with a girl who's the female version of him.

Ryan then sums up the moral of the day the end.

Zabitan 07/08/15 01:50 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was okay.

I liked the idea with Grimlord using a love potion on the Troopers, and making Kaitlin fall in love with Percy.

My only problem was that it felt like a rehash of that Power Rangers episode The Potion Notion without the stuff I actually liked about it.

It also bugged me that Kaitlin didn't transform at all in this episode especially since not only did they have to do just one thing to cure her.

But also it seemed like they could have replaced the part where JB piloted the Skybase with Kaitlin piloting it instead.

Cupidtron was another weird monster that like Transgressor, Bongotron, and Magnetbot seemed like they couldn't decide if they wanted it to be scary or silly.

Though to her credit they for the most part just focus on a cute, and cuddly theme with only her face being off from the rest of her design.

And aside from some scenes with the Combat Module, and the Shoulder Cannon that were replaced with the Battle Cruiser, and Skybase scenes nothing was cut from the Shaider episode.

Only 8 more episodes.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 07/09/15 02:51 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Grimlord's Big Breakout written by Eric Moford, and directed by Vickie Borough

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him that we must always learn, and change.

We then go to a field just outside a prison yard where Strickland, and some secretaries use a laser to tear open a hole in the fence freeing a criminal named Nutty Nichols.

At the Underground Voice Daily Woody finds out, and tells Kaitlin, and has her do a story about it, and JB goes with her while Ryan goes to the dojo, and Percy overhears everything.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor tells Nichols that since he has the evilest brain in Crossworld City that Ziktor plans to make him invincible so he can conquer the world.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and explains his latest evil scheme.

At the prison Kaitlin, and JB talk to the warden about Nichols, and the warden just says that guys like Nutty are just evil, and can't tell right from wrong.

Then we get a comedy bit where Percy sneaks into the prison but a guard mistakes him for an escaping prisoner, and takes him away.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord sees JB, and Kaitlin investigating Nichols' escape so he orders Despera to go after the Troopers.

JB, and Kaitlin run into a guard who turns out to be a Skug but instead of fighting him they just drive away but the Skug chases after them, and more Skugs appear but Kaitlin throws it into them.

At Tao dojo Ryan is teaching a class when he gets a message from Kaitlin telling him to meet them at the lab, and once there Ryan explains what's going on, and the Professor thinks that Nichols is in a bus.

Ryan transforms, and chases after the bus on the Nitro Cycle but Strickland spots him, and sends Ultra Skugs after Ryan but he fights them off.

Then a weird green, and gold mutant with a golden gate on his back, and gold wings named Jailbot appears, swallows the bus, and teleports away.

Zabitan 07/09/15 02:53 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
At Grimlord's secret lab Nichols starts having second thoughts after seeing the place but Strickland sticks a helmet on Nichols.

Then electricity surges into Nichols, and he mutates into an Incredible Hulk/Frankenstein pastiche with a giant brain, and at the Dark Fortress Despera shows Grimlord what's happening.

At Crossworld prison we get a comedy bit where Percy sees a big burly prisoner who's actually scared of him after hearing his story.

Then Nichols rampages the Underground Voice Daily, and we get another comedy bit where Woody just casually asks him questions despite being scared of him earlier.

At the lab the Professor explains what's going on, and also explains that Jailbot is the real world so the Troopers transform.

Nichols continues rampaging the Underground Voice Daily when JB, and Kaitlin try to fight him off while Ryan fights Ultra Skug, and shoots lasers at Grimlord's minions.

Ryan, and Jailbot jump at each other, and Despera takes the fight to the Indigo Sector where Jailbot teleports, and creates explosive shockwaves with his spear.

At the Underground Voice Daily JB, and Kaitlin are still fighting Nichols when he gets distracted by a bag of peanuts, and they use it to lure him out of the Underground Voice Daily.

In the Indigo Sector Ryan, and Jailbot are clashing with their weapons when Grimlord's giant spaceship attacks Ryan so he summons the Troopertron, and it destroys Grimlord's spaceship.

Ryan then destroys Jailbot with Laser Saber, and at the lab the Troopers turn Nichols back into a human being with the lab's machines.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at the prison Nichols doesn't remember anything that happened, and says the experience has changed him for the better, and we get one last comedy bit with Percy.

Ryan then sums up the moral of the day the end.

Zabitan 07/09/15 02:54 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was pretty good.

I liked the idea with Grimlord turning the most evil criminal in Crossworld City into a mutant.
I also got a kick out of how Nichols was a Joe Pesci parody.

I also liked all the various comedy bits.

Jailbot was just like Cupidtron but for the opposite reason in that they seemed to focus on making him scary with only the gate on his back, and his hat being silly.

I wasn't fond of Nichols' mutant form since I thought it looked silly, and I would have preferred something kitbashed from various Power Rangers monsters.

Especially since they already had Alexis/Transformatron from Into Oraclon's Web, and that unused Dairanger monster form Quest for Power.

Or just have it where Jailbot was Nichols monster form, and just have JB, and Kaitlin use the Troopertron to fight spaceships, and tanks.

Also I can't think of anything that was skipped from the Shaider episode except for a part with the Valvios' robot form that got replaced with the Troopertron.

Only 7 more episodes left.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 07/10/15 11:30 AM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Field, and Scream written by Worth Keeter, and directed by Vickie Bronough

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him that there's more than one way to solve a problem.

We then go to Ziktor industries where Ziktor is having a press conference to announce he's tearing down Crossworld Forest to build a research park.

But the Troopers challenge Ziktor to go on a camping trip they're hosting for the nature scouts, and if he goes through with it Kaitlin will give him good publicity, and he accepts.

Later though we find out that the research park is a front to build an oil well, and he transforms into Grimlord, and orders Despera to prevent the camping trip with the Troopers.

At Tao dojo the Troopers are taking out some camping stuff, and explain everything to Tao then some kids show up, and transform into an army of Skugs.

The Skugs just jump around, and after one of them trips on some camping gear, and the Skugs just say fuck it, and transform into Ultra Skugs, and one of them gets a fishing box on it's head.

Otherwise nothing much happens other than JB, and Kaitlin knock some of the Ultra Skugs into a tent, and destroy them, and Ryan destroys the rest.

Then Grimlord summons Ivar, and orders him to summon Knighttime, and have him take over for him while he's on the camping trip.

At the forest the Troopers, and the nature scouts are just arriving, and it looks like Ziktor won't show up.

But then he shows up in his limo, and we're treated to some comedy bits where everyone goes hiking but Ziktor sucks at everything.

At the Dark Fortress Knighttime appears, and Ivar tries to shake his hand but it's intangible, and Ivar expresses his displeasure with Knighttime.

At the camping trip we get another comedy bit where Ryan makes Ziktor listen to some scary stories, and Ziktor doesn't like the one Kaitlin tells.

Zabitan 07/10/15 11:31 AM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Then Knighttime appears in the real world, and later in the morning we get another comedy bit where Ziktor has to clean up after breakfast

Then the Troopers get a message from the Professor telling the what's going on so JB transforms.

Knighttime shoots a laser at JB, and disappears so JB chases after him, and after some more comedy with Ziktor falling into a pond.

Then he contacts Ivar, and orders him to send two mutants Bazookabot, and Ravagebot through the reality barrier.

Then Ryan, and Kaitlin get a message from JB saying he needs help so Ryan decides to stay with the kids while Kaitlin transforms to help JB, and splits into two Kaitlins.

The two Kaitlins fight Skugs while JB fights Bazookabot who's a red mutant with a cannon sticking out it's shoulder.

Then Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters appear, and fire on everything so JB takes the fight to virtual reality but the Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers keep firing on them.

At the camp site Ziktor comes back just as Ryan gets another message from the Professor who explains what's going on so he puts Ziktor, and Jeb in charge, and sneaks off to transform.

Then some kids make Ziktor play a game while Ryan fights a hairy white mutant with a trident named Ravagebot.

Ryan, and Ravagebot clash weapons, and Ravagebot shoots electricity from his trident but Ryan shoots lasers, and destroys Ravagebot with Laser Saber.

JB destroys the Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters with Techno Bazooka, and Bazookabot fires lasers at JB, and the two Kaitlins.

So JB kicks Bazookabot, and he, and Kaitlin shoot lasers at him, and JB destroys him with Laser Lance.

At the Dark Fortress Ivar expresses his displeasure with Knighttime some more but Knighttime just acts suspicious.

Back at the camp site we get another comedy bit where Ziktor accidentally runs into a bee hive, and all the bees start chasing him.

Then at the Underground Voice Daily we get one last comedy bit where Ziktor gives up on his plan after seeing the embarrassing pictures Kaitlin took.

Ryan then sums up the moral of the day the end.

Zabitan 07/10/15 11:31 AM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was pretty good.

I liked the story with Grimlord having to spend most of the time as Ziktor so he puts Knighttime in charge of his army.

Speaking of whom it was cool to see Knighttime again, and even see him directly fight one of the Troopers if only briefly.

I also liked Bazookabot, and Ravagebot since they were both cool monsters with cool powers.

Especially Ravagebot since he's a Shaider monster who's design focuses exclusively on being scary.

I also got a kick out of all the comedy bits with Ziktor since they showed that outside of his element.Ziktor's actually kind of a wimp.

Which actually more than PR would explain why despite being an asshole with a heart of asshole who the Troopers hate just as much as Grimlord they never suspect he's the same guy.

I think my only problem was that it seemed like they could have had all the Troopers transform at the same time instead of one at a time.

As well as some parts feeling like they were put in as filler.

I can't think of anything that they cut out of the Shaider, and Spielban footage they used except for a fight between Valvios' robot form and the giant spaceship.

And a part where the Gran Nazca's robot form destroyed some spaceships both of which were replaced by the part with the Techno Bazooka.

Though I think they may have shortened the fight with Ravagebot.

Only 6 more episodes left.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 07/10/15 11:28 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at The Duplitron Dilemma written by Chip Lynn, and directed by Vickie Bronough

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him that no two things are alike.

We then go to a park where the Troopers are playing with a toy helicopter.

At Ziktor industries Strickland shows Ziktor the Duplitron a device that can create anything you type in, and Ziktor uses it to create a secretary, and orders Strickland to make more Duplitrons.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and checks on Duplitronic a blue, and gold half duplitron/half owl themed mutant with big eyes, and teeth who's overseeing production of Duplitrons.

At the park the Troopers are still playing with the toy helicopter when they spot Strickland in limo carrying plans that get blown out.

When the Troopers try see what the plans are for the limo driver transforms into an army of Skugs

Nothing much happens other than JB kicks some Skugs, and takes the plans, and throws them to Kaitlin who knocks some Skugs into each other.

Then the Skugs transform into Ultra Skugs, and the Troopers keep throwing the plans to each other while they knock the Skugs into each other.

I will say there's a funny part where an Ultra Skug knocks into Strickland but it just annoys him since he's still in human form.

Then the Troopers find a Duplitron, and take it, and the plans to the Underground Voice Daily to study them both.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord shames Strickland for losing the Duplitron to the Troopers, and orders him to retrieve it.

At the Underground Voice Daily the Troopers are trying to figure out the Duplitron when JB accidentally creates a restaurant menu with it.

Then the Troopers create a rose, and go off to talk about the Duplitron while Jeb uses it to create dog bones, and Percy comes in, and borrows it thinking it's just a regular computer.

The Troopers return, and find out what happened so they look for Percy but he's in the dark room, and when he comes out he finds out what the Duplitron can do, and uses it to create money.

At the lab the Troopers find out that the Duplitron can create life as well as objects, and it runs on a rare substance so Ryan transforms, and uses the Blue Hawk to find the factory.

Zabitan 07/10/15 11:29 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
JB, and Kaitlin go to the Underground Voice Daily, and find Percy who's in a limo surround by beautiful women, and refuses to give the splitting back so they transform.

Ryan finds the factory while Doom Master demands Percy return the Duplitron but he still refuses so Doom Master electrocutes him, and Percy gives it to him.

But JB, and Kaitlin appear, and destroy the Duplitron with lasers so Doom Master just teleports away.

Ryan finds the factory guarded by Ultra Skugs in disguise so he asks JB, and Kaitlin for help, and they summon the Skybase, and fire on the factory.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord orders a fleet of Grimstars to attack the Skybase
but JB, and Kaitlin destroy them.

The Professor informs Ryan that Grimlord's real factory is underground so he summons the Combat Module to destroy the factory while JB, and Kaitlin destroy more Grimstars.

Ryan, and Duplitronic jump at each other, and Duplitronic attacks Ryan with his scimitar but Ryan keeps dodging, and hitting him.

At the Dark Fortress Despera takes the fight to the Fractal Zone where Duplitronic creates an evil clone of Ryan who beats him up.

Then Despera takes the fight to the Indigo Sector where Evil Ryan turns his sword into a fan of blades while Duplitronic attacks with shockwaves.

Then Ryan tries to shoot lasers at Evil Ryan but it doesn't work so he tries it on Duplitronic, and it destroys the Evil Ryan, and Ryan destroys Duplitronic with Laser Saber, and his own scimitar.

Then everything that was created by the Duplitron disappears leading to a comedy bit with Percy.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord once again shames his minions, and swears vengeance on the Troopers

Back at the Underground Voice Daily JB considers using the plans to create more Duplitrons but a comedy bit with Percy convinces him otherwise.

Ryan then sums up the moral of the day the end.

Zabitan 07/10/15 11:29 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was pretty good.

I liked the idea of Grimlord creating a computer that magically creates anything you type into it.

I also liked the comedy bits with Percy.

I also liked the part where Ryan had to fight an evil version of himself.

I also got a kick out of the part where the Ultra Skugs knocked into Strickland but it just annoyed him.

My only problem is that Duplitronic was another mutant that's design didn't know if they wanted to be silly or scary.

And they cut out stuff from the Shaider episode they used.

Only 5 more episodes left.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 07/14/15 12:17 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Despera Strikes Back written by Michael Ryan, and directed by Vickie Bronough

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him that trust is a gift but it requires responsibility.

We then go to Tao dojo where the Troopers are leading a workout with the students, and afterwards Tao tells Ryan that he's leaving for business, and wants Ryan to run the place while he's gone.

At Ziktor industries one of his secretaries informs him that Despera wants to talk to him.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and Despera explains that she's summoned her sister Desponda (who's Queen Pandora from Spielban), and Desponda volunteers to destroy the Troopers.

At Tao dojo Ryan thinks he has it easy when a woman comes in with her son, and explains that she's upset he still doesn't have a blue belt.

At Grimlord's Air Castle Desponda appears, and Despera appears on the monitor to tell her to destroy the Troopers, and Desponda just tells her that she's handling it.

At Tao dojo Ryan is teaching some kids when they get a message from the Professor explaining what's going on, and JB, and Kaitlin answer it, and Ryan has to stay so JB, and Kaitlin go alone.

Then we get a comedy bit where Ryan is trying to deal with a bunch of screaming children..

At the dam where Grimlord's Air Castle is Desponda has Despera send Skugs after Ryan while she appears outside in a robot form with Skugs so JB, and Kaitlin transform, and Kaitlin splits into two.

Zabitan 07/14/15 12:18 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
At Tao dojo Ryan is exhausted from everything when two men come in claiming to be painters but Ryan doesn't remember hiring them so they transform into Skugs.

Nothing much happens other than a Skug gets it's leg trapped in a paint can, Ryan flips Skugs over, and they use painting supplies as weapons but Ryan uses that against them, and destroys them.

Then Grimlord's Air Castle rises from the dam, and sucks up JB, and the two Kaitlins with a red laser, and Desponda appears.

Kaitlin throws her double edged scythe at Desponda but she hits it back at her with her staff, sets a time bomb, and then electrocutes them with her staff.

While this is going on Ryan tries to contact his friends but can't reach them so after thinking about it he goes out, transforms, and summons the Blue Hawk while Tao's brother shows up.

At the Air Castle Desponda electrocutes JB, and the two Kaitlins before splitting into two forms her robot form, and a plant creature form.

Desponda's robot form fights JB while her plant creature from fights the two Kaitlins before they recombine into a half robot half plant mutant which electrocutes them with tentacles.

JB destroys Desponda with Laser Lance but the Air Castle self destructs but Ryan appears in the Blue Hawk, and everyone escapes.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord shames Desponda, and Despera for failure.

Back at Tao dojo Tao has come back early, and Ryan is worried but Tao and his brother are happy with how he ran things but Ryan is glad that it's over.

Ryan then sums up the moral of the day the end.

Zabitan 07/14/15 12:18 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was pretty good.

I liked the idea of Queen Pandora from Spielban not only being Grimlord's minion but also Despera's sister as well.

I also enjoyed Desponda's various monster forms.

I also liked the story with Ryan filling in for Tao, and everything going crazy.

And I enjoyed all the various funny parts.

My only problem is that it made me wonder how come they never made Queen Pandora Desponda to begin with, and make her one of Grimlord's higher ranked minions since she was the main villain of Spielban.

Especially since they at least made Kubilai Khan from Shaider the main monster maker for this season.

Like off the top of my head maybe make her Ziktor's wife who's Not-Cruella De Vil the way Ziktor's Not-Lex Luthor.

Especially since the show hinted that she might be a returning minion had VR Troopers lasted longer anyway, and there was only one other fight with her they didn't use.

Come to think of it there was only one fight scene with Despera from the episodes they used for Grimlord's Dark Secret.

So it's tempting to imagine this episode as a two parter that would use both Despera's fights from Grimlord's Dark Secret, and Desponda's.

I don't know I'm just throwing out ideas.

Only 4 more episodes left.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 07/14/15 11:38 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Ghost of Crossworld Forest written by Margo McCahon and directed by Al Winchel

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him that no matter how strong an individual is teamwork is better.

We then go to Crossworld Forest where the Troopers are going back from a camping trip when Kaitlin's car runs out of gas just outside of a ghost town called Ghost Mine Town.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor watches, and explains that the town is right next to his secret lab where he is building a device called the Reality Buster.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and shows us the Reality Buster which is a giant ray gun looking device, and Despera summons Fogbot a green spikey mutant with tusks to protect the device.

At the ghost town the Troopers are bringing their things into an abandoned house when Ryan almost falls down an abandoned mine shaft.

That night the Troopers are inside making a fire, and Kaitlin tells a ghost story, and Jeb believes it but JB doesn't, and Jeb goes outside, and sees some Shaider footage of Despera but JB doesn't believe him.

At Grimlord's secret base Despera appears, and Doom Master explains that the Reality Buster is almost complete.

Also Fogbot, and the Fogtrons (five guys in fireproof suits with guns) will attack the Troopers with a gas that prevents them from transforming.

The following morning Ryan wakes up, and decides to go for a jog when Fogbot, and the Fogtrons appear, and shoot gas at him.

Ryan tries to transform but can't so he's forced to run from Grimlord's minions, and he contacts JB, and explains what's going on but Despera destroys his VRVT.

Zabitan 07/14/15 11:39 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
JB transforms, and summons the Skybase, and Grimstars appear but JB destroys them with missiles, while Kaitlin hears what's going on, and falls down the abandoned mine shaft.

Ryan is still being chased by Grimlord's minions, and runs to a bridge but Grimlord's minions corner him, and he jumps off into the river all the while there's brief clips of Shaider without armor.

JB tries to contact the other Troopers but can't, and Kaitlin is dangling from a support beam in the mine, and Jeb tries to save her but there's a spider on the rope, and Ryan hides from Grimlord's minions.

Jeb scares the spider off, and throws Kaitlin the rope, and tries to pull her out while the Professor explains what's going on to JB, and tells him to use the scanner to undo the effects of Fogbot's gas.

JB finds Ryan just as Grimlord's minions are pushing Ryan off a cliff so JB shoots lasers at Ryan that let him transform again so he summons the Combat Module while JB fires missiles.

Jeb rescues Kaitlin so she transforms, and summons the Battle Cruiser, and she, and Ryan destroy Grimlord's base.

Forgot attacks Ryan with a mace, and Despera takes the fight to the Fractal Zone so Ryan summons the Laser Saber.

Fogbot summons his own sword, and attacks Ryan with sparklers but Ryan turns his sword into a whip, and steals it, and destroys Fogbot.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord shames his minions, and swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at the Underground Voice Daily Woody explains that they were able to get this week's paper done without her, and we get a comedy bit where Jeb pretends to be a ghost.

Ryan then sums up the moral of the day the end.

Zabitan 07/14/15 11:40 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was good.

On one hand it seemed like a rehash of Watered Down but in a forest instead of a beach, gas instead of goop, and a Shaider monster instead of a Spielban one.

On the other I did like Fogbot since he was a cool monster with cool powers.

Especially since like Gameoid, and Ravagebot, he was one of the few Shaider monsters who focused on being scary.

I also got a kick out of the fact that they showed Shaider without his armor since it means that now unless there's a clip of Ryusei Tsurugi in VR Troopers I either forgot or missed we finally have all three Troopers appear in Japanese footage as their counterparts without armor.

My only problems are that the part where Kaitlin fell down the mine shaft felt like it could have been removed without hurting anything.

Especially since they cut out a lot of stuff from the Shaider episode they used.

Only 3 more episodes left.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 07/23/15 05:30 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Grimlord's Dummy written by Michael Ryan and directed by Al Winchel

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him that you should never underestimate something because of its size.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where a children's hospital benefit party is being hosted but Woody explains that the clown he hired's car broke down, and we get a comedy bit with Percy juggling eggs.

The Troopers then go to the park to look at street performers, and see a guy named Wendell with a dummy named Woodman, and decide he's perfect.

But two mimes who are secretly Ziktor's Skugs are spying on them, and teleport back to Ziktor industries.

At Ziktor industries the Skug mimes explain what's going on, and Ziktor has once again been reading the Power Rangers villain playbook because he gets an evil scheme.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and explains that he wants to use a device to bring Woodman to life as a mutant, and have him steal the Troopers' virtualizers.

At the park Grimlord's Skugs run over Wendell disguised as skaters so that one of them can put the device on Woodman.

At the Underground Voice Daily the Troopers show Woody Wendell, and Woodman, and he likes them but then Woodman starts insulting everyone.

Wendell asks to speak with the Troopers privately, and it turns out Woodman is alive, and Wendell explains what's going on but only Kaitlin believes him.

At the Dark Fortress Despera explains what's going on to Grimlord.

At the Underground Voice Daily the Troopers look for Woodman, and realize that Wendell was telling the truth.

Zabitan 07/23/15 05:30 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Woodman then proceeds to shoot green lasers everywhere, and when the Troopers, and Wendell confront him he grows human sized, and steals JB, and Kaitlin's virtualizers, and teleports away.

At the Dark Fortress Despera recommends sending another mutant named Puppetoid, and in a funny bit Grimlord disagrees only to suggest that, and he orders Woodman to destroy Tao dojo.

At the lab the Troopers, and the Professor explain what's going on, and JB sees Woodman destroying Tao dojo when the Professor explains that Grimlord's invading reality.

Ryan transforms, and fights off Ultra Skugs but Grimstars fire on him so he summons the Blue Hawk, and destroys them.

JB, and Kaitlin arrive at Tao dojo, and fight Woodman who fires lasers at them.

Ryan fights with Puppetoid who's a pale green mutant with tusks, a sword, and a shield, and Despera takes the fight to the Indigo Sector.

In the Indigo Sector the weird spaceship with the face that's finally given a name Gargantus, and some Grimstars fire on Ryan so he summons the Troopertron, and destroys them.

At Tao dojo JB, and Kaitlin are still fighting Woodman when they distract him so Kaitlin can pull out her makeup mirror, and use it to reflect Woodman's laser transforming him back to normal.

Despera then takes the fight to the Fractal Zone where Puppetoid breathes gas on Ryan then they go back to the Indigo Sector where Puppetoid teleports.

Ryan uses his scanner to find Puppetoid, and shoots him with his laser then destroys Puppetoid with Laser Saber.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at the Underground Voice Daily the benefit party is a success, and we get a comedy bit where Wendell catches Jeb talking, and Ryan tries to pass it off as his attempts at ventriloquism.

Ryan then sums up the moral of the day the end.

Zabitan 07/23/15 05:31 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was not very good.

For starters the plot is essentially A Dirty Trick but with a ventriloquist instead of a magician, and the monster being a separate character.

What's odd too is that I liked Puppetoid because he was one of those Shaider monsters that focused on being weird, and creepy.

But Woodman's monster form on the other hand wasn't that good since it was just a regular guy with a giant Woodman head.

It especially bugged me since this was one of those episodes where JB, and Kaitlin don't transform, and the plot with Woodman stealing the virtualizers felt phoned in as an excuse not to use Spielban footage.

Like why not have Woodman teleport after coming to life, and just have Puppetoid be his mutant form, and have JB, and Kaitlin summon the Troopertron or replace the part with the Blue Hawk with the Skybase.

It also bugged me that they cut out some stuff from the Shaider episode they used that I would have kept.

Only 2 more episodes left.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 07/24/15 12:24 AM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Time Out written by Michael Ryan and directed by Al Winchel

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him how to slow down, and take it easy.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where everyone, and everything is frozen, and at Tao dojo the exact same thing happens.

Then we see some Spielban footage of Knighttime explaining that he's frozen Crossworld City in time, but plans to take it over himself instead of for Grimlord

At Ziktor industries one of his secretaries informs him about what's going on, and that it doesn't affect virtual beings.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and Oraclon explains that Knighttime has used a device called an Omegacron to freeze time, and Grimlord orders his minions to destroy it.

At the lab the Professor explains what's going on, and that Knighttime's device is in a building across from the park so the Troopers go there, and see a guy stealing a woman's purse, and stop him.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord summons Knighttime who now has an American actor, asks why Knighttime betrayed him, and to give him the device but Knighttime disagrees so he's taken to Grimlord's dungeon.

At the park the Troopers see a little girl about to be run over by a truck so they get her some place safe, and go back to looking for the time device.

At the Dark Fortress Ivar takes Knighttime to the scrap yard where Knighttime uses his powers to create his own mutant Conatron.

Grimlord finds out, and orders Fanbot a red, and blue fan themed mutant to destroy Knighttime, and Conatron, and Ivar helps him.

But Knighttime blocks, dodges, and uses intangibility so Oraclon takes the fight to the Fractal Zone.

But Knighttime, and Conatron are still defeating Fanbot, and Ivar until Fanbot uses his fan, and that by itself not only destroys Conatron but drains Knighttime of his powers.

Zabitan 07/24/15 12:27 AM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
At the warehouse the Troopers find Knighttime's device but two workers appear, and one turns out to be Doom Master while the other transforms into an army of Skugs.

Nothing much happens other than the Troopers punch, kick, and throw Skugs, and eventually knock.two into each other, and do the same to the other three destroying them.

Then the Professor explains what's going on so Ryan stays to deactivate the device, and transforms to use his laser but it doesn't work.

While JB, and Kaitlin also transform, and Kaitlin splits into two but Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers fire on them so JB takes the fight to virtual reality.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord shames his minions, and they tell him that only he can stop Knighttime's device.

So he teleports to the warehouse, and just picks up Ryan, and throws him but can't deactivate Knighttime's device either.

The Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers are still firing on JB, and the Kaitlins so JB uses Techno Bazooka to destroy them.

Back at the warehouse Ryan convinces Grimlord that he can't rule over a frozen reality, and Grimlord reluctantly agrees.

Fanbot tries to suck up the two Kaitlins but JB kicks him but he hits JB, and the two Kaitlins sending them down a hill.

So they use lasers but it doesn't work, and Fanbot tries to suck them up again but JB uses Laser Lance to stop Fanbot's fan, and destroy him.

Ryan shoots lasers while Grimlord shoots lasers from his eyes, and hands, and together they destroy Knighttime's device returning everything to normal, and Grimlord teleports away.

Back at Tao dojo we get one last comedy bit where the Troopers think time is still frozen but it's just Tao meditating, and Jeb sleeping.

Ryan then sums up the moral of the day the end.

Zabitan 07/24/15 12:27 AM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts

Today's episode was pretty good.

I lIked the whole story with Knighttime trying to take over reality for himself, and Ryan, and Grimlord having to work together to stop him.

I also thought Conatron, and Fanbot were both really cool monsters with cool powers.

I also liked that we finally got an American actor to play Knighttime in American footage.

Also I can't really think of anything that was cut from the Spielban episode they used.

Really I think my only problem, and even that was more of a nitpick since it's more the Spielban episode then the episode itself.

And that's the fact that despite being Knighttime's final appearance the Troopers, and Knighttime finally having an American actor the Troopers don't actually fight him or Conatron.

Only 1 more episode left.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 07/28/15 03:23 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Galileo's New Memory written by Chip Lynn and directed by Al Winchel

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him that friendship comes with the responsibility that you have to protect your friends.

We then go to a junkyard where Ryan, and JB are taking various old parts, and they explain that they're making a robot.

Then a Skug appears, and despite being right there next to them they don't see it spying on them.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor is watching what the Skug sees, and learns that they plan to store the lab's information in the robot.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and orders his minions to steal the robot so he can learn it's secrets.

At the lab the Troopers are finishing up the robot which looks like either a poor man's R2D2 or Dalek, and it works, and the robot names itself Galileo.

Then they test out Galileo but it seems he still has bugs so Kaitlin suggests going to Poindexter's which they do, and after a comedy bit with an invention they explain everything, and he agrees.

At the Dark Fortress Despera explains what's going on, and Grimlord orders Doom Master to go to Poindexter's lab, and steal Galileo.

At Poindexter's lab Poindexter has finished fixing Galileo, and reveals that he put in an access code to use Galileo, and tracking device.

Then two scientists show up, and one of them transforms directly into an Ultra Skug, and summons reinforcements while the other transforms into Doom Master.

Nothing much happens other than the Troopers dodge, and flip Ultra Skugs, and Poindexter helps with a fire hose, and actually destroys two Ultra Skugs with it, and the Troopers throw the remaining Ultra Skugs into each other destroying them.

Zabitan 07/28/15 03:23 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
So Doom Master just goes fuck it, and uses his sword to shoot a laser that abducts Galileo, and teleports away but Poindexter reminds them of the tracking device in Galileo.

And at the lab they use the lab's computer to find Galileo.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord demands Galileo give him the Troopers secrets but he refuses so Grimlord orders Oraclon to scan his memories.

But Galileo keeps running off causing a comedy bit but Oraclon eventually hits Galileo, and Grimlord accidentally guesses his password so Oraclon starts draining his memory.

After a brief scene at the lab where the Troopers find out Galileo is in the Dark Fortress Despera recommends sending a mutant, and Grimlord agrees.

At the lab JB, and Kaitlin decide to use the Skybase to rescue Galileo while the Professor explains that Grimlord sent a mutant so Ryan transforms to face it.

Ryan fights with Ultra Skugs, and clashes weapons with Forkoid a weird red, blue, and yellow mutant with a three pronged spear while JB, and Kaitlin transform, and summon the Skybase.

Despera then takes the fight between Ryan, and Forkoid to the Indigo Sector where Forkoid teleports around, and throws his spear so Ryan fires his laser while JB, and Kaitlin find the Dark Fortress.

At the Dark Fortress Oraclon has almost drained Galileo's memory, Grimlord, and his minions leave, and JB, and Kaitlin show up.

Ryan breaks Forkoid's spear, and uses it, and his own Laser Saber to destroy Forkoid.

While JB gives Galileo an impossible task to shut down Oraclon which causes him to explode, and JB, Kaitlin, and Galileo teleport away.

Grimlord returns sees what happened, and swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at the lab the Troopers have finished giving Galileo all the lab's information, and all his bugs are fixed, and we have one last comedy bit with Jeb, and Galileo.

Ryan then sums up the moral of the day the end.

Zabitan 07/28/15 03:27 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts

To completely, and utterly misquote T. S. Elliott: VR Troopers ends not with a bang but with a random seemingly regular episode.

Something that would be all too common in Saban's superhero shows.

Now do, I wish the show had this huge epic multi parter finale that wrapped up everything, and had epic final battles with all of Grimlord's mutants? Absolutely.

I personally wanted this big two or three part episodes where it turned out that when Oraclon tried to drain Galileo's memory he also accidentally put Grimlord's information into Galileo.

And as a result the Troopers finally find out that Ziktor is Grimlord, Ziktor repairs Oraclon, and finds out that Oraclon still got at least a little information from Galileo.

Not only that he was able to get information from Knighttime, and as a result Grimlord comes up with one last plan to take over reality for good, and it looking like it will work this time.

Tyler Steele, and maybe some other allies coming in at the last minute to give the Troopers something that lets them defeat Grimlord, and his minions.

Everyone in Crossworld City finds out that Ziktor is Grimlord, he goes to prison, and his company is shut down for good.

Tyler stays with Ryan for good, JB goes to college, and Kaitlin gets another promotion at the Underground Voice Daily, and Jeb has his own puppies with princess.

All that stuff.

Then again I also like one last fight scene with the Troopers in Battle Grid mode maybe one where they fight regular Skugs, Ultra Skugs, and Vixens.

On it's own merits however today's episode was still very good.

I liked Galileo he was a cool, and funny character, and I liked how he interacted with Jeb.

I also liked the story with Grimlord trying to steal Galileo.

I liked Forkoid since not only did he have cool powers but even though he was one of those Shaider monsters that was purely silly looking I still liked that they at least focused on silly.

Really I think my only problem was that they once again cut out stuff from the Shaider footage they used but that was it.

As for the future I plan on doing my overall thoughts about the show as a whole then if I can find episodes I'm still thinking of either Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Metal Hero starting with Gavan or something else.

And I'll probably still write fan fics, and make fan art, and other things about VR Troopers.

But it's more of a question about when not if.

So tune in next time for more Magic Happy Reviews

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