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Zabitan 03/11/16 11:31 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Billy then went to Angel Grove lake, and didn't see Margaret anywhere. Billy cried out "That's strange where could she be?". Billy then looked on the ground, saw Margaret's necklace, and picked up. Billy said "It's Margaret's necklace".

Then a swarm of Super Putties appeared, and one of them kicked Billy in the stomach. Billy reached for his communicator. At Ernie's Jason, and Tommy were sparring when their communicators started beeping.

Jason went to his communicator, and asked "What is it?". Billy explained "I seem to have some problems with Super Putties over by Angel Grove lake". Jason answered "We're on it Billy", and the Rangers left Ernie's

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:32 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
When the other Rangers got to the park they helped Billy fight off the Super Putties by punching, and kicking them. Eventually the Super Putties retreated, and Jason asked "Hey Billy are you okay?". "Yeah I'm okay but I don't know about Margaret".

Billy continued "I didn't see her but I found her necklace". Jason said "They must have taken her". Billy nodded, and Zack assured Billy "Don't worry man will find her". Then their Communicators started beeping again,

Jason asked "What is it Zordon?". Zordon explained "Rangers it is of the utmost importance teleport to the Command Center at once". Jason said "We're on our way", and all of the Rangers teleported off. Jason asked "So what's wrong this time?"

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:32 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Zordon said "Behold the Viewing Globe". The Rangers turned around, and Zordon showed them images of Madam Woe on a beach next a black flame shaped altar next to a bowl of boiling water". Zordon explained "This is Madam Woe so named because she brings woe, and misery to all she touches".

Zordon continued "With the power of her blue crystal that has the rain spirit Luna in it she can control all weather, and if she abducts enough children she can summon storms that can cover Angel Grove, and the world with water".

Billy asked "Luna the rain spirit?". Then Zordon showed them images of two girls in silver jumpsuits, and red, and blue tunics. Zordon explained "Luna, and her sister Solaria were the spirits of the sun, and the moon with the power to control the Earth's weather".

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:33 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Zordon then showed them images of Rita chasing the girls, and trapping them in jewels. Zordon explained "However 10,000,000 years ago Rita trapped them in magical crystals, and gave the jewel with Luna in it to Madam Woe".

Billy asked "But what happened to Solaria?". Zordon explained "Eventually a random civilian found Solaria's gem, and gave it to their family as a keepsake, and eventually that jewel made it's way to your friend Margaret which is why Rita abducted her"

Zack asked "Is there any way to stop Madam Woe, and save Margaret?". Zordon explained "The six of you must give your coins to one Ranger, and one of you will have the power of the entire team. Billy said "Well then I volunteer".

Zordon said "Good choice now go all of you, and may the power protect you". Jason then said "Okay guys it's Morphin time". Then the Rangers all called out "Dragon", "Mastodon", "Pterodactyl", "Triceratops", "Saber Tooth Tiger", "Tyrannosaurus".

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:33 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Rangers then appeared at the beach where Madam Woe was casting her spell. Jason called out "Okay weather witch the Power Rangers are here". Madam Woe called out "So you think you can destroy my crystal, and save the children well you're wrong".

The Power Rangers then tried to punch, and kick Madam Woe but she kept slashing them with her claws. Then Madam Woe warped space, and took the Rangers to her dimension. Jason said "Oh man Madam Woe took us to another dimension".

Billy said "It would appear so now to find the children, and hey". Billy noticed Margaret, and called out "Margaret". Margaret called out "It's the Power Rangers". Billy asked "Are you okay?" Margaret replied "I am now".

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:34 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Then Madam Woe appeared, and called out "Don't think you'll be getting out of my dimension so soon Rangers". Madam Woe then blew wind at the Rangers, and grabbed Jason, and Zack with her hair, and threw them.

Trini called out "Man she's tough". Jason called out "There's gotta be some way to beat her". Billy cried out "Quick everyone Blade Blasters". Everyone got out their Blade Blasters, and fired at Madam Woe. Madam Woe bragged "It will take more than that to defeat me Rangers".

Madam Woe than shot some more wind, and shot water at the Rangers, and caused explosions with her Jewel. Then the Rangers tried to punch, and kick Madam Woe but she kept teleporting, and slashing them.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:34 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Billy then brought out his Power Lance, and tried to attack Madam Woe but she caught him, and Billy called out "There's only one thing left to do give me your Power Coins, and I can get out, and finish Madam Woe".

The other Rangers agreed "Right". Then they all got their coins out, and said "Dragon", "Mastodon", "Pterodactl", "Saber Tooth Tiger", "Tyrannosaurus", and "Triceratops". Then Billy teleported back to the real world but so did Madam Woe.

Billy got out his Power Lance, and tried to attack Madam Woe but she kept teleporting. Then Madam Woe kept blowing wind, and grabbing Billy with her hair, and throwing him around, and electrocuting him.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:34 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Madam Woe threw Billy at a rock formation but he was able to kick himself off but Madam Woe grabbed him again electrocuted him, and kept throwing him around. Then Billy saw Margaret's jewel, and then he kept hearing voices that sounded like little girls.

One voice came from Margaret's jewel, and said "Luna". Then Madam Woe's Jewel started saying "Solaria". Then Solaria said "Blue Ranger put my stone up to Luna's" Luna added "That way our powers can short out Madam Woe's, and you can free your friends.

Billy agreed "Affirmative". Madam Woe called out "Oh no you don't", and tried to blast more wind but Billy did a leg sweep, and said "That's what you think". Then Billy picked up Solaria's jewel, and put it up to Luna's

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:35 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Madam Woe cried out in pain "No this can't be you can't destroy my powers". Then both jewels disappeared, and Madam Woe's altar fell over, and the Rangers, Margaret, and the children were freed from Madam Woe's dimension.

Jason cried out "All right Billy you did it". Billy replied "Thanks now there's just one thing to do". The other Rangers agreed "Right". Then all the Rangers called out "Brachio Busters", and pulled out their Brachio Busters, and connected them to the Blade Blasters.

Billy called out "Okay guys lock, load". The Rangers pulled back on the Brachio Busters, and aimed them at Madam Woe. Madam Woe cried "No this cannot be". Then all the Rangers yelled "Fire", and fired lasers at Madam Woe, and she exploded.

Then two lights one blue, and the other red appeared, and they took the form of two girls. Solaria then said "Thank you Blue Ranger". Billy humbly said "It was nothing". Luna said "Now me and my sister can live in peace".

Then the Rangers, and Margaret waved good bye as Solaria, and Luna teleported off. Then Kimberly picked up the jewels, and said "Hey guys look". Trini said "I guess now that Solaria, and Luna are free their gems are just ordinary gems now.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:36 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Later at the dance Billy was talking to Margaret again. Billy said "So when I saw that you hadn't shown up at the designated rendezvous point I became worried that maybe Rita Repulsa or one of her monsters had got you".

Margaret explained "I was by some horrible witch monster that could control the weather but luckily I was saved by the Power Rangers especially the blue one. He was so gallant, and heroic. I'm partial to blue".

Billy was nodding, and said "Yeah he was. I mean he was?". Meanwhile Ernie caught Bulk, and Skull dancing in disguise, and pulled them to a table, and said "Okay guys did you really think I was going to fall for that?"

Ernie then demanded "Okay I'm going to say it again either pay me back for the cake or get out". Bulk said "Fine fine I'll get you your money it's in the bank". Skull cried out "No Bulk no". Then Bulk took off one of his shoes, and the sock underneath, and showed Ernie a wad of cash in between his toes.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:36 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Ernie asked "What's that?". Bulk answered "This is the bank". Then Bulk took out the money, gave it to Ernie, and asked "Here is this enough". The smell was so strong that Ernie passed out, and fell on the cake.

Skull quipped "Yeah that took care of the cake all right". Jason went over to help Ernie up, and said "It's not time for cake Ernie you still have to serve the sandwiches". Ernie got up, and said "Sure maybe after I work up an appetite". Then everyone kept dancing.

The End.

Only 7 more to go everyone. Next up another multi parter.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:36 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Power Rangers Dino Episode 14

The Yolks on You part 1

Written by Justin Best

It was another day at Ernies, and Kimberly was calling out "Hey Ernie have you seen a little girl with pigtails?". Ernie replied "No I don't think so". Kimberly replied "Okay thanks Ernie". Then she asked Billy "Hey Billy have you seen Marina?". Billy replied "I don't believe I have"

Kimberly replied "Okay", and kept looking. Jason, and Zack were sparring, and afterwards Zack asked "What's wrong Kimberly?". Kimberly answered "Me, and Trini volunteered for the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, and we have to watch over this little girl Marina".

Zack said "Hey never fear detective Zack is here". Jason said "Yeah I mean how much trouble can one little girl get into?". Unbeknownst to them a little brunette girl was messing with the hot, and cold settings on Ernie's showers.

All of a sudden a group of young men in towels came running out, and Kimberly, and Trini called out "Marina". Marina said "Sorry guys I was just having fun". Trini explained "Marina you don't have to pull pranks to get people's attention. Marina lowered her head, and said "All right".

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:37 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At her palace Rita was shouting ecstatically "Yes I found them I found them". Babbo asked "Found what my wickedness?" Rita explained "Somewhere in a cave is a chest containing the last two remaining Dinosaur eggs".

Squatt asked "Dinosaur eggs I thought we destroyed the Dinosaurs 10,000,000 years ago". Rita explained "We almost did but that fool Zordon had the people of the mystical forest keep them in a cave for safe keeping"

Squatt said "Oh boy eggs can we have boiled, fried, or scrambled?" Babboo said "Do you always have to think with your stomach?" Rita yelled "Quite you nincompoops, and find me those eggs I hate Dinosaurs just as much as I hate children".

Finster started stroking his beard, and asked "You know in all the 10,000,000 years I have served you I never wondered until now why do you hate children, and Dinosaurs so much. Did one of them do something bad to you a long time ago".

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:38 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Rita protested "No I just hate them because I'm evil. You don't really believe I have some sad story do you?". Finster changed the subject "No I suppose not". Rita then ordered "Squatt, Babboo, Goldar I want you to come down with me, and get the Dinosaur eggs".

Rita, and her minions went to a cave where inside was a chest surrounded by five crystals. Squatt said "Oh boy Dinosaur eggs they make the best omelets" Rita yelled "Just get them will you". Squatt said "Right away your horribleness".

Squatt tried to pick up the chest but was thrown back by various colored lights. Rita cried out "Oh how can I forget only a child can get through the barrier, and get me the Dinosaur eggs". Rita went back to her palace, and ordered "Finster make me a monster".

Finster asked "What kind do you want?" Rita answered "Something mean, and creepy that can capture a brat I need to help me get the Dinosaur eggs. How about a Chunky Chicken?". Finster agreed "A Chunky Chicked excellent choice"

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:38 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Finster made a sculpture of a chicken holding some scissors, and placed it in the Monster Matic. Finster said "Just a few seconds in the Monster Matic, and". Then the Monster Matic roared to life, and from it exploded a giant chicken creature carrying scissors.

Rita cried out "He's hideous. He's revolting. He's perfect". Finster said "Thank you my queen". Rita then said "Now we just have to find a brat to get through the barrier". Goldar suggested "Why don't we capture that pipsqueak Nemo?" Rita cried out That's perfect".

Rita then ordered "Let's go down, and get that little runt right now". In the magical forest Quagmire, and Nemo were getting thing ready. Nemo said "Oh boy father I can't believe were going fishing today". Quagmire replied "Aye son I can't think of a better dish than a nice fresh fish".

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:38 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Just then Goldar started stomping through the magical forest as a giant, and was shooting lasers out of his eyes. Everyone in the village was fleeing for their lives while in their hut Nemo cried out "What's wrong father?"

Quagmire said "I may sound like a loon but I think we're being attacked by Rita's goons". Quagmire, and Nemo tried to run as fast as they could, and found Rita, and her minions waiting outside. "Ahh Quagmire" Rita cried out.

Rita continued "Why don't you hand over your little brat Nemo, and I'll have Goldar stop destroying your village". Quagmire cried out "The universe will be done before I give you my son". Rita cried out "I thought you would say that". Then she ordered "Squatt, Babboo get them".

Babboo cried out "Right away oh horrible one". Then Squatt, and Babboo chased after Quagmire, and Nemo as Quagmire cried out "Come my son I do believe we have to run". Nemo agreed "Right away father", and the two of them kept running before teleporting away. Rita cried out "Get them".

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:39 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Meanwhile at Angel Grove park Kimberly, and Trini were sitting with Marina when Kimberly asked "So Marina who's the hottest boy in your class?" Marina replied "None of them they're all dorks". Kimberly laughed, and said "Someday she'll learn". Trini replied "Yeah".

All of a sudden Quagmire, and Nemo teleported in, and we're being chased by a swarm of Super Putties. Kimberly cried out "What are they doing here?". Trini replied "I don't know but it can't be good". Then Kimberly, and Trini surrounded Marina while they punched, and kicked the Super Putties.

Marina saw Quagmire, and Nemo, and cried out "Hey who are those guys?", and ran off after them. Kimberly cried out "Stop Marina wait". But Marina was already chasing after them. Meanwhile Squatt, and Babboo grabbed Nemo, and said "Okay brat you're coming with us".

But Nemo stomped on Squatt's foot, and punched Babboo with his elbow, and got away. Squatt cried out "Quick he's getting away". Marina chased after Nemo crying "Wait stop who are you?", and grabbed his hand.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:39 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Nemo teleported away with Marina. Meanwhile Kimberly, and Trini were still punching, and kicking Super Putties until the Super Putties retreated. Kimberly called out "Marina", and Trini called out "Marina where are you?"

Kimberly cried out "Do you think the Super Putties got her?" Trini replied "I don't know". Then they saw Quagmire calling out "Nemo, Nemo". Trini called out "Is that Quagmire?". Kimberly asked "What's wrong Quagmire?".

Quagmire explained "Rita tried to take my son, and now I think that he's gone". Trini cried out "You don't think she took Marina too?" Kimberly replied "I don't know but we need the guys' help", and Kimberly, and Trini ran off.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:40 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At Ernie's Ernie himself was getting Zack a huge tray of ice cream, and said "Okay Zack here's one of Ernie's specials". Then he turned to Jason, Tommy, and Billy, and said "Yours are coming up". Jason said "There is no way that you can eat that by yourself".

Zack was eating his ice cream when Kimberly, and Trini appeared. Tommy asked "What's wrong?" Kimberly explained "Rita tried to kidnap Nemo so he, and Quagmire tried to escape to here but we think Rita took him, and she might have also taken Marina".

The Rangers then went to where they were sure no one was looking, and Jason went to his communicator, and said "Alpha, Zordon. No response". Then the Rangers pushed the teleportation buttons on their communicators, and Billy cried out "Teleportation is down too".

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:40 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Then the Rangers all ran to Billy's garage where they got in the RADBUG, and flew to the Command Center. When they got there Quagmire was already there but Zordon's pillar was blank, and Alpha was deactivated.

Tommy cried out "Oh no is something wrong?". But Quagmire explained "Aye tis not a problem large Zordon just gave the Morphin Grid a recharge". Then everything in the Command Center came back online.

Alpha reactivated, and gave out a yawn, and said "Oh sorry for the confusion Rangers. Me, and Zordon just had to deionize for a bit". Then Zordon's pillar came on, and he called out "I see you were worried Rangers but now that the Morphin Grid is recharged things should be operational".

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:41 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Kimberly cried out "Zordon we think a little girl me, and Trini were watching, and Nemo may have been kidnapped by Rita". Zordon explained "If what I think is happening then we must rescue them at the utmost importance. Behold the Viewing Globe".

Zordon showed them images of him holding a chest, and he explained "10,000,000 years ago when Rita destroyed the Dinosaurs I was able to find the last two remaining Dinosaur eggs, and placed them in a chest for safe keeping".

Zordon showed images of five elderly men in togas with the chest, and continued "But I knew Rita would stop at nothing to finish what she started so I sought out the five wisest sages from the tribes of Atlantis, and they agreed to send the chest out into the ocean where Rita, and her minions couldn't harm them".

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:41 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Then Zordon showed the chest washing up on a beach, and explained "Eventually the chest floated through what you humans call the Bermuda Triangle, and were warped to the magical forest where Quagmire, and his people agreed to watch over the eggs in a special barrier that could only be opened by children".

Zack called out "So that's why Rita wanted Marina, and Quagmire". Zordon agreed "Yes however" then he showed images of Nemo, and Marina wandering around the magical forest. Zordon explained "Right now Marina, and Nemo are safe in the magical forest but it's only a matter of time before Rita finds them, and forces them to get the Dinosaur eggs for her".

Jason called out "Okay guys let's do this. It's Morphin Time". Then the Rangers all called out "Dragon", "Mastodon", "Pterodactyl", "Triceratops", "Saber Tooth Tiger", Tyrannosaurus". Then the six Rangers teleported off.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:45 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Meanwhile in the magical forest Marina was calling out "That can't be true Dinosaurs have been extinct for over 10,000,000 years". Nemo tried to explain "That's what everyone else thought but Zordon was able to get the eggs to here, and me, and my people were able to guard them ever since".

Marina asked "Why can't you just give Rita the eggs so we can go home?" Nemo explained "Would you like it if you were the last person of Earth, and all your friends, and family were gone, and whatever came around after people said 'Why not just give Rita the last human girl?'".

Nemo continued "Rita hates all life especially children. She also tried to destroy humanity what do you think happened to Atlantis?". Marina lowered her head, and said "Sorry I guess I never thought of it like that". Nemo said "Come on I'll take you back to the human world".

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:46 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
But just then Squatt, Babbo, and Goldar showed up, and grabbed Nemo, and Marina. Marina called out "Hey you big bullies let us go". Goldar bragged "I don't think so. What can you do to stop us?" Then Goldar, Squatt, and Baboo were hit by laser.

Tommy then called out "You heard the little girl". Kimberly agreed "Yeah let them go you creeps". Goldar called out "Super Putties get them". A swarm a Super Putties appeared, and the Rangers, and the Super Putties started punching, and kicking each other.

While this was going on Squatt, and Babboo took Marina, and teleported off. Nemo cried out "Marina". Kimberly cried out "On no they got Marina". Jason called out "Come on you guys let's go after them". The other Rangers agreed "Right", and they all teleported off.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:46 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Rangers teleported to an abandoned building just outside of Angel Grove where Marina was hanging by a thread while Chunky Chicken was holding his scissors next to the rope. Kimberly cried out "Let her go Rita".

Rita replied I don't think it will be that easy Rangers the way I see it you have two choices give me Nemo, or let your little friend splat. What will it be Rangers". Nemo called out "Let her go Rita this is between you, and me".

The Rangers brought out their weapons, and Jason said "Don't worry Nemo we'll save her". The Rangers, Goldar, and Chunky Chicken then started slashing, and stabbing each other. But then Chunky Chicken said "That's enough I'm cutting straight to the point" and cut the thread holding Marina.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:46 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Nemo cried out "Okay Rita I'll help you open the barrier, and get the eggs but don't hurt Marina". Marina cried out "But Nemo remember what you said about the eggs". Nemo replied "I know but I don't want you to get hurt".

Rita bragged "I knew you would see it my way". Then she called out "Squatt, Babbo, Goldar take this little brat to get me the eggs. Goldar complied "We'll have the eggs before you know it my mistress". Babboo called out "Okay you little twerp you're coming with us", and they teleported off with Nemo.

Jason said "Green Ranger you go after them we'll stay, and help Marina". Tommy agreed "Right", and teleported off. Then Rita said "Chunky Chicken let the girl go", and Chunky Chicken completely cut the thread, and let Marina fall.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:47 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Jason said "Oh no Marina. We need Dinozord power now". All the Dinozord's except Dragonzord appeared, and they quickly combined into the Megazord. Marina started falling but the Megazord came, and grabbed Marina.

Jason asked "Are you okay Marina?". Marina said "I am now but what about Nemo?" Meanwhile in the cave in the magical forest Squatt said "Okay now get us the Dinosaur eggs before Rita gives you a crack". Nemo then went through the barrier, and grabbed the chest, and gave it to Squatt, Babboo, and Goldar.

Rita cried out "Enough magic wand make my monster grow", and threw her scepter, and made Chunky Chicken giant. The Megazord then tried to punch Chunky Chicken but he used his scissors to cut open holes in space.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:47 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Meanwhile Squatt, Babboo, and Goldar came back with the eggs, and said "All right your wickedness we finally got the eggs". Rita bragged "Perfect now I can finish what I started 10,000,000 years ago". But then out of nowhere the RADBUG appeared.

Goldar lost the eggs, and they fell off a cliff into the ocean. Rita cried out "Oh no the eggs". Alpha got out of the RADBUG, and said "The Green Ranger, and Nemo told us what happened so me, and Quagmire thought we could offer an assist". Jason replied "All right Alpha".

Tommy teleported in, and he, and Goldar started slashing, and stabbing each other while Tommy called out "Marina get into the RADBUG with the others". Marina said "You don't have to tell me twice", and got in.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:48 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Megazord summoned the Power Sword, and clashed weapons with Chunky Chicken. But Chunky Chicken slashing, and stabbing the Megazord with his scissors, used them to fire crecent energy beams, and jump kicked the Megazord.

Meanwhile Rita was on her tricycle ranting "Those troublesome Rangers have only delayed the inevitable. I'll get those Dinosaur eggs, and they'll see I'll win in the end just like I should". Then she called out "Squatt, Babboo, Goldar you help too".

Goldar stopped fighting Tommy, and complied "Yes oh heinous one", and teleported off. While in the Megazord Jason called out "Okay you guys let's roast this bird". Then the Megazord charged the Power Sword, and slashed Chunky Chicken making him explode.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:49 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Later at Ernie's the Rangers were watching a news report. The Reporter said "And in other news once again the heroic Power Rangers have not only saved our fair city, and the world from one of Rita Repulsa's lethal monsters".

The Reporter continued "But they also saved a local girl Marina Prescott. We now go live to Angel Grove elementary where Marina herself has more to say". Then it cut to Marina saying "I'm now the most popular kid at my school because I met the Power Rangers".

Marna continued "I also met this nice elf boy who was their friend but he said that he couldn't tell me who they were because it was a big secret, and Rita tried to get him to give her some Dinosaur eggs but the Rangers got them away".

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:49 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Zack said "Wow it looks like things are doing okay for Marina after all". Tommy agreed "And last time I checked Alpha said Quagmire, and Nemo are okay". Billy said "It's a shame we throw the Dinosaur eggs into the ocean". Jason assured him "Hey Rita didn't get them either, and that's all that matters".

Meanwhile in another cave outside of Angel Grove noises were being made. A voice was calling out "Hello Hello anybody. Is there anybody in here. Help". Then all of a sudden a strange reptilian creature came out of the cave.

The Creature's eyes adjusted to the light after 10,000,000 years underground, and then the creature said "Hello anyone. Are there any other imps? Hello". The Creature then cried out "I hope Rita hasn't destroyed them all". Then the creatures stomach growled, and the creature said "I'm hungry I hope there's some Dinosaur eggs around".

To be concluded

Only 6 more to go everyone.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:50 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Power Rangers Dino Episode 15

The Yolks on You Part 2

Written by Justin Best

It was the day of the school talent show at Angel Grove high, and Tommy, and Jason were wearing karate gis for their big act. They walked into the school auditorium, and Tommy said "Wow". Everyone in school it seemed was in the auditorium doing some kind of act.

Some kids were doing gymnastics, some were singing, and others were doing other acts like puppetry, comedy, and acting. Jason said "Man it's like the entire school is out here". Tommy agreed "I just hope nobody's too busy performing to actually watch".

Then Mr. Caplan went up to them, and asked "Mr. Scott, Mr. Oliver are you two ready for tonight's show?". Jason replied "Yeah me, and Tommy will do some sparring, and…". Then Jason looked down, and realized he didn't have his black belt.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:50 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Jason said "Oh man I forgot my black belt". Tommy looked down, and realized he didn't have his either. Tommy said "Oh man me neither". Jason said "I guess we'll just have to do our act without them". But Tommy disagreed "No way man we need them".

Tommy said "You know what I'll just go back to my place, and get them". Jason said "Are you sure it's only a few hours until the show". Tommy assured him "Don't worry bro I'll go home get them, and then come right back"

Jason grinned, and said "All right but hurry the show's in a few hours". Tommy assured Jason "Man I'll be back faster than you can say "Hut Zah", and he did a phantom kick. Tommy then went out the door while Jason looked on, and then started practicing by himself.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:50 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Meanwhile somewhere just outside of Angel Grove the strange blue reptilian creature had ventured back into it's cave. Somewhere in the cave the creature went up to a small pool of ice, and water, and rummaged through it.

The creature pulled out a couple of eggs just like the ones in the chest. The creature broke an egg, and devoured the yolk whole. Then the creature broke another one, and ate that one as well. Then the creature saw that they were only two eggs left.

The creature exclaimed "Oh my only two eggs left? Well maybe I can take these out, and save them for later. Then the creature took the two eggs, and walked out of it's cave with them. Then the creature saw a spot, and hid the eggs there.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:51 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At her palace on the moon Rita was watching this, and said "What how can this be?". Goldar asked "What is it my queen?". Rita answered "It's an imp I thought I destroyed those creatures 10,000,000 years ago".

Rita continued "And worse it seems to have more Dinosaur eggs with it". Babboo asked "But don't imps eat dinosaur eggs maybe if we leave him alone he'll just eat those ones, and all our problems will be over".

Rita argued "Yes but then the imp will still be around, and there's still the eggs in the chest". Goldar asked "What shall we do my queen?". Rita answered slyly "Why just go down there, and eat the ones he has now. Then when we find the ones in the chest we'll get him to eat those"

Squatt asked "But what if he doesn't want to, or what if the Rangers find out?". Rita answered "Then we'll just make him fight the Rangers for us. Then when the Rangers are gone, and he eats the eggs we'll destroy him, and all our Ranger, Imp, and Dinosaur problems will be over".

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:51 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Tommy was walking through the woods when he said to himself "Man I hope Tao doesn't mind me coming back home in the middle of his meditation". Then all of a sudden a swarm of Super Putties teleported in, and ambushed Tommy.

Tommy simply said "Oh man I don't have time for this". Then he said "But I suppose I can use the practice before the big show" Tommy, and the Super Putties than started punching, and kicking each other.

However during the fight one of the Super Putties grabbed Tommy's communicator. Tommy yelled "Hey give that back". But the Super Puttie just shuck it's head no, and Tommy said "Okay then we'll do this the hard way".

Tommy then chased after the Super Puttie who was still dangling his communicator in a mocking fashion. Tommy said "I'll give you one last chance". But then Tommy noticed he was standing in a net, and was caught worse his Morpher fell. Tommy yelled "Oh no my Morpher".

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:52 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Back at the Auditorium Jason was worried. He said "Hey guys have you seen Tommy?". Billy answered "No I don't think I have". Jason explained "He went back to his place to get the black belts but he hasn't come back".

Kimberly snarked "What happened did he go all the way to Japan to get those black belts?". Zack rebutted "This is serious Rita, and her goons might have gotten him". Then their communicators started beeping, and they went to where no one was looking.

Jason said "What is it?". Zordon explained "Rangers it is imperative that you come to the Command Center right away". Trini asked "Do you think it could be about Tommy?" Jason said "I don't know but maybe he can help". Then the Rangers teleported off.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:52 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
At the Command Center Jason asked "Is something wrong with Tommy". Zordon said "As a matter of fact there is. Behold the Viewing Globe". The Rangers looked, and saw Tommy in the net surrounded by Super Putties.

Zack cried "Oh no Tommy". Zordon explained "Tommy is safe for the time being but If the situation gets dire I shall send for help". Then Zordon explained "But that is not why I summoned you". Billy asked "Then what is it Zordon?".

Zordon explained "First I have good news, and bad news". Zordon showed them images of the chest containing the Dinosaur eggs washing up on a beach near Angel Grove. Zordon explained "The good news is that the Dinosaur eggs are safe, and near Angel Grove.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:53 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
The Rangers cheered but then Jason asked "But what's the bad news?". Zordon showed them an image of the imp. Zordon explained "This is an imp they used to be fairly common on your planet 10,000,000 years ago".

Zordon continued "They are normally fairly peaceful but their primary diet is Dinosaur eggs. If the imp finds the Dinosaur eggs he will surely eat them. Not to mention Rita may have already discovered the Dinosaur eggs, and the imp, and will try to destroy them".

Kimberly asked "What should we do?". Zordon explained "Try to find the Dinosaur eggs before the imp does, and if you find the imp do not hurt him unless absolutely necessary he may be the last of his own species". Jason said "All right we're on it", and the Rangers teleported off.

Zabitan 03/11/16 11:53 PM

Re: Power Rangers Reloaded
Meanwhile Squatt, Babboo, and Goldar had already teleported to the area where the imp had stashed his Dinosaur eggs. Babboo said "Do you see those Dinosaur eggs anywhere?". Squatt answered "No but I sure smell some".

Then Squatt saw the imp's stash, and said "All right here they are". Squatt then broke the Dinosaur eggs he saw, and ate their contents. Goldar mocked "If only the Power Rangers were edible maybe you would be actually useful".

Babboo said "Now we just got to find the ones in the chest, and the Dinosaurs will be gone for good". Then the imp saw what they were doing, and cried out "What do you Zandozans think you're doing? Those are my Dinosaur eggs".

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