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Super Cena 06/27/20 11:31 AM

What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I mean in continuity. When she left it seemed like it was open for her to return. Would Kat have given her back the Pink Powers?

Calamity Kimberly 06/27/20 11:32 AM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
Kat would have given her powers back to Kimberly and remained an ally.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed 06/27/20 11:35 AM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
Zordon wouldn't have let Kimberly come back. He wanted her gone since she was beginning to think for herself like the other former Rangers. Zordon knew Kat would be easier to control and would help keep Tommy in line. Until they got too old and Zordon forced Dimitria to start over.

KimandTommy 06/27/20 11:36 AM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
Kat wouldn't give up the powers she stole without a fight. But Kimberly would have took them back.

MMPR Awesome 06/27/20 11:38 AM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I don't think Kimberly wanted to take the powers from Kat. She wanted to let her have a turn with the powers.

Billy in The Middle 06/30/20 08:57 AM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
She would have been a consultant like Billy.

Kimberly Cares 06/30/20 08:58 AM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
Kat would have given Kimberly back her powers because it was the right thing to do..

Calamity Kimberly 06/30/20 09:00 AM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
Kimberly probably would have tried to turn Kat down so she wouldn't take Kat's spot from her.

KimandTommy 06/30/20 09:03 AM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I would have loved to see a one on one fight where Kim finally puts Kat in her place.

Samurai Mentor 06/30/20 08:18 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
It is funny because in the early years they always acted like the Rangers were only leaving got a little while. When they knew that it was a permanent change. I mean at the time there is no way they though Austin, Thuy, or Walter were coming back. I suppose Amy was a possibility but she left the show , so its not like it was a certainty. They had to know she was probably done too. Billy and Aishia were given pretty diffinite endings as characters. Of course Billy wasn't a Ranger anymore when he left.

Zordon Unlimited 06/30/20 08:19 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
Yeah, and within the confines of the show they never really came right back when they were done with their reasons for leaving. It took several years and special team ups for any to return as Power Rangers.

No More Pink 06/30/20 08:27 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I really wish Kim just lost her powers. They only have Five Shogun Zords so it would have made sense. Too bad Zeo would have forced them to have a Pink Ranger anyways.

Maligore 06/30/20 08:28 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I am surprised Saban didn't have her lose her powers. He is usually so cheap that its surprising he didn't save money by not having to hire another actor right away.

Putty On The Brain 07/01/20 08:48 AM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I think the original 3 and Kimberly.were only supposed to be gone temporarly. But they decided to retire and let.their replacements.continue.

Corn-Ball Kimberly 07/01/20 08:56 AM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
Kat proved herself as a Ranger. Once that happened Kimberly wasn't going to be asked back.

Miki1988 07/01/20 06:01 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I think the better question is - would Kim even be able to return to her Power Ranger duties? The Pen Global Games have been potryed as a big thing back in MMPR S3 and now in BM. So if she would gain popularity and a large fanbase, then the next logical step for her would be to expand her horizons. She wouldn't be able to stay in sports athletics forever and Kim an Zack did preform a song for Tommy in one MMPR S1 episode, so it's safe to assume that she would rather build upon her success and eventually switch to be a music star, which would open new business opportunities for her down the road in the world of the media.

She would probably want to come back for Ranger events like the legendary battle or the most recent 3 dino teams team-up. But returning to active Power Ranger duty would be a step back for her. Plus if she would become a media star, it would be very hard for her to be an active Power Ranger, keep her Ranger identity a secret and be the media star that everyone loves. It would complicate her personal live too, since she probably started a family of her own somewhere with someone following the events in the Turbo movie.

Superstatler 07/01/20 07:32 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
That is a good point. It would be hard for her to go back to being a Ranger if she was a celebrity. Plus Zordon let the Turbos go to move on to bigger and bigger things. So the Rangers that departed earlier not coming back for those reasons makes sense.

Sentai Fate 07/02/20 08:54 AM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I think Kimberly had other things to do like Miki pointed out. Kat was working out so there was no reason Kimberly Hart had to come back. It made sense then for Kat to keep the spot. And by the time Kim would have been ready to come back Kat would have retired and given her powers to Cassie.

Calamity Kimberly 07/02/20 08:59 AM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I do wish Kim could have had a guest spot in Zeo. It would have been a good plot for an episode of Zeo. With Kim returning to become a Power Rangers again. Only to decide It was better for Kat to keep the power. Also to deal with fallout from her relationship with Tommy.

Miki1988 07/02/20 11:11 AM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
Zeo already had a lot of drama in store and the Tommy/Kimberly personally breaking up would just be too much in my opinion. First, Tommy trying to catch up with David and then trying to save him, than there was the Gold Ranger loosing his powers and Jason coming back to replace Trey, followed by Tommy being brainwashed by Gasket and then remembering thanks to the other 4 demorphng in Gasket's arena, than Billy's sudden exit, and finally, Jason's life being in danger because the Gold Ranger powers were too strong for a human body to support them. Zeo basically screwed with Tommy a lot - not only he bacame the Red Ranger, but he bacame the leader once again and that ended up to the character going trough a lot of crap that's happened to him and his friends.

The "Dear John" letter wasn't the best idea of ending a relationship in-series, but it did make a lot of things go a lot smoother and a lot faster than if Kim would come back and do stuff.

Gosei Great 07/02/20 12:06 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
It is true, Zeo was a terrible year for Tommy and arguably worse then his power loss storylone. No wonder why he needed to retire in Turbo.

Ninja Kat 07/02/20 12:08 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I think he real reason for the Dear John letter was that Amy Jo Johnson was unavailable or they didn't want to pay to bring her back for a guest spot. We are actually lucky thry addressed the relationship and didn't randomly have Tommy and Kat start dating.

Maya Leo 07/02/20 12:13 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I could see Tommy and Kim talking things out and deciding to be friends. This would have been after Snow Business. But I agree the actor returning wasn't in the cards. And there was no time in the Turbo Movie to deal with the relationship fall out.

Dragonzord Beta 07/02/20 12:17 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I can buy Kimberly sending the leter. This was long before cell phones were common and there was no video chatt. But why send the letter to the Juice Bar?

Lady Katastrophe 07/02/20 07:15 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I would have loved it if Kimberly came back and Kat ended up being a villain. I would have called her Lady Katastrophe.

Kimmy Repulsa 07/02/20 07:23 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
Thats the way I am with Kim. I always wanted to see what she would be like as a villain. if Goldar really would have successfully made her evil. I would have called her Kimmy Repulsa.

Lady Katastrophe 07/02/20 07:27 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
The way I would have done it... Have Kat steal the Zeo Crystal at the beginning of Zeo. She would corrupt it and use it to overthrow Zedd and Rita. She would take over and declare herself Lady Katastrophe. But Trey would come and give the Rangers the Super Zeo Gems so they could morph into the Geo Rangers and use the Super Zeo Zords. Kimberly would rejoin the team and become Pink Ranger again. She would get together with Tommy. Although Katastrophe would target them. Still the Rangers would successfully stop her plans.

Billy in The Middle 07/02/20 07:27 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
What about Billy?

Lady Katastrophe 07/02/20 07:29 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
He steps down to be the tech guy like in the real Zeo. But he ends up becoming Gold Ranger later on.

Also there is a team up with Jason, Trini, and Zack using their old Dino Powers. Turns out the Sword of Light gave them duplicate morphers with power left for one battle.

No Green Spandex 07/02/20 07:30 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I could see that happening in a Boom Comic.

KimandTommy 07/02/20 07:30 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
Yes, that is what should have happened. Excellent ideas Lady Katastrophe! I don't mind Kat at all as a villain, like she always should have been presented as.

MMPR Forever 07/02/20 07:31 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
it also sounds good but I would have them get the MMPR Powers back instead. I love the part where Kim and Tommy get back together. Plus Kat is finally exposed for the evil that she is .

Massive Ego 07/02/20 07:33 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
You guys are basically talking about a fan fic. Which doesn't count at all. Maybe Boom would do an AU like that. But until they do there all fan fic ideas that aren't canon.

Turbo Charger 07/02/20 07:34 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I think Kim did come back off screen. There doesn't seem to be a hint of tension in the Turbo Movie.

Also the Dear John letter wasn't as bad when you realize that she had no idea he would read it in front of their friends.

Superstatler 07/02/20 07:36 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
She sent it to the Juice Bar. How would she not think he might read it to their friends. She knew Tommy well.

Ranger Eagle 07/02/20 07:37 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
She should have wrote Private on it or something.

Piccolo Diamond 07/02/20 07:38 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
Zordon was just being positive. Chances were Kim and none of the other Rangers were ever coming back full time. Especially with Zordon letting his teams graduate after High School.

Movie Ranger 07/02/20 07:39 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
Maybe the producers were just making sure they had a way of bringing people back. Just in case, since you never know.

Captain Logan Knows Best 07/02/20 07:40 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
I wouldn't use the Turbo Movie to say there was no tension. Kim, Tommy, and Kat barely had any scenes together.

Citizen Velancia 07/02/20 07:43 PM

Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?
Kimberly's story was done. Outside of guest spots, there was no need to have her come back. Kat was more interesting since there was more story to tell there. Also by Zeo it was pretty clear Kat was a good person. So that twist wouldn't have made sense.

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