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Pink Ranger Sasha 10/10/06 07:49 PM

It was a quiet day at SPD which was the norm now that Gruumm was captured and secure. The corridors of SPD were quiet, the city was quiet and day after day all B-Squad did was sit waiting for something to do.

Z strolled into the rec room, her uniform half unfastened as she made for the couch, falling down to the seated position as she felt bored out her mind.

theblue1 10/10/06 08:21 PM

Sky was at the Sythesizer(that is what it's called right) Looking for something to snack on....he finally decided on an apple, after he got his food he went and sat down next to Z
"So....how has your day been" he asked not really careing just being bored as usual

Ron/aqua 10/10/06 08:28 PM

Bridge pops up from behind the couch next to Z and sky, “hey guys, want some toast? Its buttery,” said he, moving his fingers.

SkataPunkA7X 10/10/06 10:11 PM

"Dude," Blaze said as he walked into the room, munching on a Hershey bar, "You should get a copyright on that phrase." "You know," Sam said, "If you keep eating those, you're gonna get FAT." "Well you're not exactly Heidi Klum yourself." Blaze retorted.

AngelofChaos 10/10/06 11:49 PM

“Wow! It looks like almost everyone here is snacking on something.” Syd replied astonished walking into the room minutes later holding a fashion magazine in one hand. Smiling slightly, Syd walked over to an empty seat and sat down. She would have visit her folks today, but she rather spend her time here instead.

SkataPunkA7X 10/11/06 07:51 AM

"Well helloooo Sid!" Blaze said, a smile coming across his face, "So I just got a new engine for my speeder, 450 HP. Wanna check it out, maybe go for a ride?"

Pink Ranger Sasha 10/11/06 09:14 AM

Z raised her hand to Syd's 'everyone is eating' statement, placing her feet on the table around the couches and seats. She crossed her arms looking at Blaze trying to win her over or something and she smirked waiting for Syd's move.

She turned to Sky and shrugged answering his question "Bored out my mind Sky. Everyday we sit around here listening to Bridge and his toast catchphrase or Syd and her fashion tips or....Blaze and his....well something has to change or we'll all end up leaving SPD like Jack did."

Arucard 10/11/06 01:46 PM

Lestat came in a few moments later, completely ignoring them and taking a table alone as usual but took amusement in listening to their conversation. The young man continued glaring at them, although his skills were great he was one who many of the younger cadets feared, many of them even refused to make eye contact with him because of his power. His dark and sullen eyes continued to stare at Z and the others in a very cold and careless way.

Pink Ranger Sasha 10/11/06 05:15 PM

Z caught sight of Lestat looking over at them almost with hatred in his eyes as she smirked looking at him, a clone of Z appearing beside him "Something bothering you about us?."

The clone of Z sat down at the table beside him waiting for an answer, actual Z still hanging with the others at the lounge area.

AngelofChaos 10/11/06 06:33 PM

“I resent that last statement, Z” Syd replied looking somewhat offended. Though in truth was not and took everything in good spirit. What Z had mentioned couldn’t have been truer. Syd remembered things before Jack and Z, but when they join them things were quite extraordinary. With Jack gone from the team, things had started to take on a dull atmosphere. Smiling slightly Syd look towards Blaze “Hm? A ride?” she thought for awhile, “I suppose it better than hanging out here all day.”

SkataPunkA7X 10/11/06 07:07 PM

A slightly cocky grin ran across Blaze's face. "Hang on," Sam said. Blaze walked over to him. "Look Sam, you're my bro, and I love ya like family man, but I'm getting ready to take Syd on a ride, something I've been trying to do since I first got here. So can it wait?" Sam laughed. "Yeah, I was just going to say, you know she's just doing this out of boredom and she's WAY out of your league?" Blaze smiled again. "Of course I do. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm taking her for a ride!" He noticed Z and Lestat having a bit of a problem. "One sec, Syd," he said. He slid down to the two, or technically three. "Lestat dude, what's up."

theblue1 10/11/06 07:30 PM

Sky got up "I think im gonna go out to, maybe catch a movie or something, you guys know how to reach me" Sky said as he walked out of the room

SkataPunkA7X 10/11/06 08:01 PM

Jack finished unloading the boxes from the van. "Hey Ally, we're done, wanna catch a movie?" he asked. Ally smiled. "Sure!"

Pink Ranger Sasha 10/11/06 08:04 PM

Actual Z turned to look over at Sky, chuckling "You going to a movie, this I have to see now. Mind if I tag along?, I promise not to double team you." I gestured my head to my double talking with Lestat.

theblue1 10/11/06 08:09 PM

"Haha....yea sure but im gonna go chage out of my uniform so meet you in the main lobby in like 10 minutes" Sky said walking to his room

Pink Ranger Sasha 10/12/06 10:54 AM

Z nodded to Sky turning to her copy, smirking as it vanished. She stood up looking over to Syd and Blaze "Now you two try and behave yourselves on this...ride was it?."

She smirked looking to Sam and Bridge "later guys I have my own date by the looks." It was a joke but spending time with Sky outside his disciplined self might be fun so she rushed to get changed into something less official.

Arucard 10/12/06 02:14 PM

Lestat gave off a casual grunt and watched as the replica of Z disappeared. He already knew that it was a copy and he didn't even need to use his powers to realise it, his eyes turned towards Z and Sky who were heading off now. The young man gave off a tired yawn and stood up again and headed out a few seconds after them.

SkataPunkA7X 10/12/06 04:28 PM

"Alright Syd, your chariot awaits." Blaze said.

AngelofChaos 10/12/06 06:04 PM

Syd watched with a bewildered expression upon her face. What was with the parental speech from Z?! It made her feel like there was something Z knew and wasn’t sharing. Shaking the feeling off, Syd look up at Blaze. “All right” Syd laughed at his humor, “Just let me drop this magazine back into my room first and change into something casual, and I’ll catch up to you.”

SkataPunkA7X 10/12/06 09:48 PM

"Alright, I'll do the same." Blaze said.

Ten minutes later he emerged from the room he shared with Sam wearing a brown Velvet Revolver shirt, jeans that had a couple of natural tears in them, and tan Vans. He ran a brush through his thick dirty-blonde hair and brushed his teeth quickly. Blaze was walking out the door when he realized he forgot his Meteor Morpher. He quickly turned around and grabbed it, feeling foolish that he had almost walked out the door without it.

Ron/aqua 10/13/06 02:42 AM

Bridge finished off his toast then did a headstand for a few minutes. “I bored, totally bored, bored out of my mind, bored, to death, what should I do?” said Bridge out loud to himself. “Hey I’ve got an idea!” he exclaimed, he started walking away on his hands, he walks by Lestat, “hey Lest, are doing anything right now, I’ve got an idea,” he Bridge talking upside down.

AngelofChaos 10/13/06 08:14 AM

Syd had returned to her room and spent a few minutes (or so) searching through her wardrobe. Syd changed out of her uniform into a pair of stone-washed denim jeans, a white v-neck shirt and a short stone-washed denim jacket to match. Placing the uniform into the closet, Syd removed the SPD license/morpher and place the device inside her pocket. Walking out of the room, placed her hair into a ponytail.

Pink Ranger Sasha 10/13/06 08:47 AM

Z had got changed into almost the same outfit she joined SPD in. The combat looking pants, her leather jacket with her little hat on her head. She slipped her SPD morpher pouch at her side, hanging on her belt as she pulled her jacket over it.

After getting dressed she moved to her mirror, looking at herseld and smirked "Not bad." She turned walking out the room that she shared with Syd, heading to meet Sky.

Arucard 10/13/06 08:54 AM

Lestat ignored Bridge and continued on and reached the end of the hallway. He saw Z approaching, most likely going to meet up with Sky. "Your one step closer to achieving everything," he said to her.

Pink Ranger Sasha 10/13/06 09:40 AM

Z slowled down, stopping beside him "What does that mean?." She had a confused expression on her face as she waited for his answer to what he was talking about.

Arucard 10/13/06 09:59 AM

"I've said all of this before, all these words make no sense. You found bliss in helping others and I found bliss in ignorance and the less that we both hear the less there is to be said," Lestat responded in a calm and collected manner but also his words sounded like a riddle slightly.

Pink Ranger Sasha 10/13/06 10:28 AM

"Right, okay..." she replied trying to make sense of what he was saying but it was all riddles. She shrugged looking at him "no idea what you're talking about so why don't you talk normal?."

Arucard 10/13/06 11:38 AM

"I am merely comparing the difference between us both," Lestat explained in a simple way. He looked at her for a few moments and his eyes showed a rather melancholy look in them but then the returned to usual look of hate and bitterness. He brushed a hand through his hair in a rather feminine and carefree way. "I can tell what you want, you want change, and it irritates you you can't change anything. So I have to ask, why exactly you did not quit when you had the chance," he continued before awaiting an answer.

Pink Ranger Sasha 10/13/06 01:26 PM

Z tilted her head forward looking over his shoulder as a clone of her leaned over his shoulder, whispering into his ear "You really don't know me that well do you?."

Actual Z smirked "I joined SPD to make a difference, something that was worthwhile and I think it still is so that is why I'm here. The question is, why are you?."

Arucard 10/13/06 01:30 PM

Lestat grunted in response at first but then smiled a little. "Do you ever why I quit the old organisation that I was in before coming here? Or have you been kept you in the dark about that like most people here have been?"

Pink Ranger Sasha 10/13/06 02:57 PM

"Somethings are best kept secret and I don't know your past because nobody can talk to you because you're creepy." She stood her ground, her clone standing behind him as they both waited for his answer.

theblue1 10/13/06 02:59 PM

Sky put on a blue polo and and a pair of jeans, when he walked out of his and bridges room he say 2 Z's and Lastat, he walked up to them
"Hey is there a problem here?"Sky asked

Arucard 10/13/06 03:03 PM

Lestat smiled a little at the last part and then looked at her again, his eyes softening for a moment or two. "You're too late Sky. You're both too late now," he said simply before walking away from them and was heading out of the facility.

AngelofChaos 10/13/06 09:44 PM

Syd had moved back into the room, only to see Lestat leave the others. It was probably for the best not to asked what happen.

Arucard 10/14/06 03:55 PM

Lestat while walking away bumped into Syd with little concern and continued to head onwards to where most of the cadets would spar with one another.

AngelofChaos 10/14/06 04:59 PM

Syd had been pushed back slightly as Lestat bumped into her. She stared at him even more bewildered, with her back against the wall. At this point Syd would have shouted at the person to excuse themselves, but lately she would not even if it was the person (or herself) fault. Syd smiled, “My fault, Lestat.” she called out .

Arucard 10/14/06 05:24 PM

Lestat had ignored her in response and continued to walk onwards towards the sparring area. When he got there the whole place filled with numerous amounts of rookies and veterans fell silent in an instance and to this Lestat gave off a small challenging smile for a response.

SkataPunkA7X 10/15/06 03:54 PM

"Hey, what'd I miss?" Blaze said as he jogged up beside Syd. As he did this, he saw Lestat walking away. "Ahhh, forget the question, I already know the answer. Just forget about him. He's been here about as long as I have, and he's trouble. I don't see how Cruger gave him the Patrol Morpher." He looked at Syd for a moment, a bit taken aback. He hadn't seen her in much else other than her uniform, and he was astounded at how amazing she looked. "Whoa..." he said.

Arucard 10/15/06 04:02 PM

Lestat had fought with each of the cadets in the training area and had quickly defeated each of them, leaving most of them badly beaten and some with a few fractured bones or two. He didn't even bother using his powers in order to beat them, they were not even a challenge. With boredom and disgust lurking in his heart he left the sparring area and came back, once again ignored the presence of Z, Syd, Sky and Blaze for a few moments before stopping after he was a few feet away from them.

theblue1 10/15/06 09:20 PM

"Lestat, how about you come with me and Z, i never really see you outside the academy" Sky said

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