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TitaniumGoldRanger 04/24/02 09:49 PM

Jason David Frank..........As The Green Ranger?
I heard from some site Jason David Frank is going to be on a two part episodeon Power Rangers Wild Force.I think the episode is going to be called ''The Dragon Inside''

MorphinTime 04/24/02 11:58 PM

Well, it is possible. Maybe they are using an old loophole and letting him find the dragon coin that the clone had.

Cross My Line 04/25/02 03:01 PM

Or they conjure up the Wizard of Deception again. A slightly easier plot to pull off, and still not confuse the kiddies.

CobraMorph20 04/25/02 04:47 PM

or the green poewers r restored like Justin's were. & that is with no explination at all.

MiChaos 04/25/02 06:31 PM

But Tommy has lost his Green (and White) Ranger powers. Justin never lost his powers...although how his morpher got inside Storm Blaster is a mystery.

TitaniumGoldRanger 04/25/02 07:42 PM

Acually the Turbo Powers,Zeo Powers,and Morphin Power have all been destroyed.I don'te have a clue how Justin's morpher got into Storm Blaster are how Storm Blaster survived.It is known the only Zeo power that stayed alive is the Gold Ranger Powers.Anyways heres i thought i got for The Dragon Within part 1 episode.Cole,Max,Danny,Alyssa,Taylor,and Merrick jogged through the woods.Suddenly they saw something.A masked figure with a white mask,red chest,blue and black arms,and yellow and pink legs appeared.Each with one symbol of Ninjetti on it.''I am the Ninjetti Org.''It yelled''and I have come to destroy you.''''Growl Phones,Ready!''Cole yelled.The rangers transformed into there morphin forms.The Lunar Wolf Ranger tried to strike Ninjetti Org with his Lunar Blade but was knocked down all together.Suddenly a blue figure jumped out off a cave.''I am Ninjor the pretector of the Ninjetti.''''Do not fear I am here!''Ninjor yelled.He stroke Ninjetti Org with his sword but it wasn't enough.Ninjor tried to defeat him but he was ko'ed all together.Suddenly a blow from the original Red Turbo Ranger knocked Ninjetti Org out.''I will defeat you Green Ranger!''and with that Ninjetti Org dissapeared.Tommy walked up to Ninjor and the other rangers.''We have to find the Green Ranger powers.''Or this dimension could be lost forever.''Back at the Org's hideout a laughing was heard from Jindrix,Toxica,and Master Org.''Hahahahahahaha,the rangers will be defeated soon..........very soon.''

To Be Continuned.

MorphinTime 04/25/02 07:47 PM

Actually, the zeo powers were never confirmed if they were destroyed. I still think the zeo crystal is in the rubble of the power chamber. As far as the origional powers go(mmpr), they were destroyed, but ninjor could always recreate them. Also, the green dragon coin the the green ninja coin still exist.

TitaniumGoldRanger 04/25/02 08:04 PM

There was no Green Ranger Ninja coin.

Anyways I made up a story about Tommy called the Ranger chronicles.He finds the Clone Ranger's Power Coin and the Red Zeo Sub Crystal in rubble.He also takes out the White Ninjetti Coin.Suddenly a red car comes up.Lightning Cruser.It's morpher pops out and Tommy Transforms into the Red Turbo Ranger.Suddenly the Lightning Cruiser flies to the planet Aquitar.But when he arrives he gets a suprise.As Billy walks out with the Phantom Ranger costume.''Your The Phantom Ranger!!!!!''Tommy yelled out.Billy nodded his head in suprise as he saw Tommy as the Red Turbo Ranger.''This is how I became the Phantom Ranger''and billy started telling his story.''After I had that incident making me growing old and used the Aquitian waters it had some effect on me.I guess the Alien Water was so advanced techoligy I being of my kind couldn't handle it.So I used the power of the universe that I found on Minoroi to make a power ruby.It restored my stregth but also gave me powers as the Phantom Ranger.I helped the space rangers from time to time too time and also the Turbo Rangers.But Zordon's wave didn't destroy all the evil.Scorpius and other monsters fled to the lost galaxy.So I knew I would have to stop them but I also knew i couldn't do it by myself.I created powers so that new rangers could stop them.I used my power ruby and changed it into 5 Quasar sabers sticking them into a magical stone.Only the chosen 5 could release them.''I still wear the costume tho.''Tommy stared in awe.Wait a minute I think I got something that can restore your powers''Tommy said in excitement.Tommy took out the Zeo Sub Crystal.When Billy touched it his helmet appeared and his ruby appeared on his chest.''We have to go to Monoroi and gather more rangers.''Tommy said.Billy nodded and he and Tommy went in the Phantom Glider and Lightning Cruiser to Monoroi.

Cross My Line 04/26/02 03:23 PM

The Turbo powers were indeed destroyed, and I still go by my theory that, the morpher Justin found in "True Blue to the Rescue", was that of his Robot Ranger counterpart.

Even if when I wrote my fic, I screwed my own theory over, but hey, my universe.

TitaniumGoldRanger 04/26/02 06:06 PM

His robot counterpart's mopher?But the robot rangers are now on Eltar.I don't know how the Storm Blast could get all the way to Eltar.Where we're they in Count Down To Destruction anyway?

Cross My Line 04/26/02 09:05 PM

Hello? Zordon was on Eltare when he was captured by Dark Specter and his band of minions.

The planet was raided, and things were stolen by everybody, such as Zordon's key cards, which hid the secret location of the Mega Voyager.

Is it so hard to think that, the Robot Rangers were destroyed during the battle (otherwise, why the hell weren't they searching for Zordon too?), the Blue Robot Ranger's morpher was captured, and then given to Divatox, who put it inside Storm Blaster, seeing as she had control of that and Red Lightning anyway.

Think about what actually happened, before opening your mouth. You remembered some parts, but forgot specific details.

PRdude 04/26/02 11:41 PM

TitaniumGoldRanger, I hope you don't believe this now. It's probably some stupid ass rumor made up by some stupid ass person.

Now watch this one spread around like wildfire.

TitaniumGoldRanger 04/27/02 01:05 AM

Sorry I didn't watch to much of Power Rangers:in Space.My sister said I was to old for it and my friends at school called me power ranger boy and asked me if I was really a power ranger undercover.I broke a 2nd graders nose once when I was in 5th Grade cause he got on my nerves.I was almost expelled......luckily I was only suspended for a week.So I eventully got offPOwer Rangers but when I heard a new series came out(Power Rangers Lost Galaxy) and the Red ranger had my name.I decided to take a look at it.The thing was kind'a cool to me.Witht he mystical adventure thing and all.That why I didn't see much of PRiS

MiChaos 04/27/02 06:14 PM

I stay offline for a day and I miss all this.

OK, the Turbo Powers. IMO they were never destroyed, just severly weakened by the Power Chamber explosion and the Battle of Eltare where the powers were based. Thats how Justin was able to morph, though as I said how the hell the morpher ended up in Storm Blaster is a bit of a mystery. Speaking of Justin, where the hell was he and SB/LC at C2D?

Cross My Line 04/27/02 07:24 PM

Justin was probably hiding behind a couch.
And whilst your theory sounds good, you have to admit, mine sounds a bit more plausible, as it at least gives an answer as to how the Morpher got into Storm Blaster:)

MorphinTime 04/28/02 07:53 AM

How do you know there was never a green ranger coin? I mean think about it, Zordon said that the white ranger powers were just created, but half a season later when they go on the ninja quest there is a white ninja coin and a zord too? Seems pretty reasonable that there is a green ninja coin that Ninjor still has.

Cross My Line 04/28/02 08:20 AM

Or a Spunky Orange ninja coin too. Going by that, the coin could be that, which gives someone any color costume.

MiChaos 04/28/02 05:04 PM

Does that mean there may be a green Aquitian coin lurking around as well?

Cross My Line 04/28/02 08:19 PM

Well, there could have been one for Cestria, but that would have been pink or purple.

Green would have been cool though, and I think JediMB actually played up on that in his fic series.

MorphinTime 04/28/02 09:56 PM

All I am saying is that Ninjor created the origional powers as well as the Ninja powers later on. Therefore, it only seems logical that he created a green coin.

Cross My Line 04/29/02 03:02 PM

Why? He may have gotten sick of the color green so replaced it with white.

MiChaos 04/29/02 07:39 PM

And the point I was making was that he created apparently numerous powers, each with different amounts of Rangers (5 or 6), different colours, different fighting machines, not just Zords. Why would there be a green Ninja Coin? What about a Green Ninja Zord, where would that fit into the MegaFalconzord configeration?

Cross My Line 04/29/02 10:24 PM

*nods* Seeing as he did create the Alien Ranger powers, if there is another Green coin, its most probably going to be with them.

Especially seeing as their Battle Borgs don't form up at all.

MorphinTime 04/30/02 02:24 AM

You're right. A green ninja zord wouldnt fit. Of course, it is kinda funny that a ranger that had only been created for a few months already had a ninja coin and zord, yet a ranger that had been around for 10,000+ years and was, with out a doubt, the strongest origional ranger, wouldnt. Another thing, the coin isnt with the aquartian rangers, because they are a group of only five, and dont even have a pink ranger.

Cross My Line 04/30/02 02:59 PM

Um..... when Zordon and Alpha created the White Ranger, the could have been basing it on the mythical White Ninja Ranger, as at that time they didn't know if the myth of Ninjor was true or not.
Those Ninja powers could have been around just as long as the Dino Coins.

MorphinTime 05/01/02 09:14 PM

I am the only person who remembers the fact that Ninjor was the creator of the power coins?

Cross My Line 05/02/02 02:42 PM

No you're not. But you're the only one that doesn't seem to be able to understand that just because he did create the Dino Coins doesn't automatically mean he'd use the same colors for other sets of coins.

Who's to say, that both didn't have a legend, a myth surrounding them?

fire1823 07/18/02 01:55 PM

Power Rangers
I bought the VCDs or MMPR through PRIS on ebay; this is the 411 on the powers.

The zeo crystal originated on Eltar and is the bases for all of the other powers. The other powers were created because the zeo crystal/s were missing.

Ninjor created the power coins. He didn't create any of the other powers (except the ninja powers, duh).

The zeo powers are the original powers. Zedd once tried to posess them but was left disfigured (thats why he doesn't have skin and what-not).

The zeo powers are alive and well. Zordon created the turbo powers as an upgrade of the zeo powers. The rangers just kinda quite using the zeo powers.

The turbo powers were connected with the morphing grid. When the grid went so did they.

Only the coins for the original powers were distroyed. Zordon said that they would return someday (except for the green powers which were bound to the green candle) and then he told the rangers of the zeo powers; which were only ment to be used as a substitute untill the day the dino powers return (even though zeo power was supposed to be more powerfull than the dino powers).

The thing about there being a white ninja coin is just coincidence; the most common colors are red, blue, yellow, green, black, pink and white.

The 2 "living" cars from turbo were captured when Divitox raided the power chamber. That's why they are around later.

The Phantom Ranger is from Eltar. Zordon knows him but never reviels anything to the rangers.

All of the different kinds of rangers make cameos at the end of PRIS except the android turbo rangers. This points to their probable demise. They were on Eltar when it was attacked and a turbo morpher show up that still works (the android rangers were not linked to a morphing grid). This would explain why Justin could morph; but if there was a morpher for justin then there are probably turbo morphers left from the other robots.

Adam could still morph into the MMPR black ranger but it was/ is very dangerous (it hurt Adam to morph when he did it in PRIS) and the power could be lost forever. This is one of the reasons Zordon and Alpha give the rangers for needed to search for the zeo crystals at the end of MMPR.

Zordon and Alpha could make coins more coins if they wanted, but as seen in the white ranger saga it appears to be very difficult and dangerous.

Forget about the clone green ranger. Those episodes involve lots of time travel. So unless you have a firm grasp of quantam mechanics and know the 2 big theories about time (time as a river/ branches and predestination) you should leave this alone or your head will explode. There is no easy way to explain this.
If the clone green ranger was a ranger in the old west, then Zordon would have had the green coin instead of Rita (Zordon said the coin had been lost for like, 10,000 years). This means that when the rangers went back in time they probably created an alternate timeline. This might explain why Kim is the only person with any memory of it (she could be time displaced). Or when the rangers back in time it created a new timeline in which the rest of the searies takes place; which means that there could really be a second, lost green coin (If Rita had the coin in the other timeline she, or another evil person probably still has it). Besides, different races mixing in the old west? No way did that ever happen. Theories about time travel make my ears bleed. :(

fire1823 07/18/02 02:01 PM

white ninja ranger
Forget trying to explain the white ninja ranger. The ninja powers were just something to get kids to buy more zords, like the thunderzords were.

Why doesn't anybody every wonder why, if the rangers have new power represented by new animals, then why do they still keep the same costumes. If Rocky is the ape then why keep a t-rex on his helmit?

Contempoize, man.

JZSpock 09/30/02 05:29 PM

Re: white ninja ranger
then people would get confused, and think MMPR the Movie was the series pilot for a new series. Hey, it happened with Turbo.

matt20052002 11/28/02 06:47 PM

white ninja ranger
Listen, I followed the power rangers saga from the very begining so I know what I am talking about. The power coins died, so did the ninja powers and the zeo powers. The turbo powers died too. The only thing from the ninja saga is Ningore, the only thing from zeo is the gold ranger, the only thing from the turbo saga is the phantom ranger. The powers of all the red rangers on that episode of wild force are fake. The power coins are gone so the scientists of earth made the red rangers coin, tommy returned as the zeo ranger with a new power sorce, not some magical power, cause by LS they were making ranger powers, so tommy's morpher was rebuilt with a new power. So was T.J.'s. The rest was not destroyed so they fit in. Thats my story.

MattEmily 06/11/12 02:26 PM

Re: Jason David Frank..........As The Green Ranger?
Thread locked due to missing posts.

Orange Ranger 10/26/14 11:49 AM

Re: Jason David Frank..........As The Green Ranger?
I know this trailed why off from the original point. I might as well make a fan fic. about it since that's the best thing to do, and I didn't see anything like that already. I'm mainly confused by other things people said, but oh, well.

PRangerX 10/26/14 11:50 AM

Re: Jason David Frank..........As The Green Ranger?
This thread is from 2002. Thats probably why you're confused. Its fun to read what people we're thinking back then.

Its funny to think how the fandoms till has debates about these powers so many years later. This topic is old but it does bring up some interesting concepts. Obviously the rumor about Tommy coming back as Green Ranger in Wild Force was wrong. And was not based on any facts.

The Dino Powers were lost . Any power they had left from that were too dangerous to use. As demonstrated by Adam in "Always A Chance". In the Ninja Ranger's comic Lord Zedd found left over energy from the Ranger's Dino Powers and created a team of evil Rangers. Amit's reasoning for Jason having his powers back in "Forever Red". was that Jason took it from the evil Ranger from the comic. Adam got his powers back in "Once A Ranger" because of Sentinal Knight. The Ninja Powers were lost when the Ninja Cions were destoryed. There was no Green Ninja Coin.

The Zeo Crystal was never destoryed. The Rangers just abandoned it from the Turbo Powers. The orginal draft of the Turbo Movie script said that this was because they permenantly bonded with the Turbo Powers and couldn't go back. So this could be the reason. Since Tommy had the Zeo Powers in "Forever Red" and didn't have it in DT... Its possible the Zeo Crystal has some how been depowered since then, but we don't know.

The Turbo Powers weren't lost . The power source for the Turbo Powers was on Eltar. The attack on Eltar put the Turbo Powers offline for awhile. The Robot Ranegrs were probably destoryed as well. Justin got his powers back from Mountain Blaster. So Lightning Crusier givening TJ his powers back is plausible. The theory someone had about the morphers coming from the Robot Ranger's is interesting.

Orange Ranger 10/26/14 04:25 PM

Re: Jason David Frank..........As The Green Ranger?

The above link is the one to this lost episode that I wrote. I hope that you like it. Feel free to discuss it here, just keep in mind that it's not as good as it could be.

PRangerX 10/26/14 04:26 PM

Re: Jason David Frank..........As The Green Ranger?
Cool, Orange Ranger. Congrats on getting you're fic posted.

psychic ranger 10/26/14 04:28 PM

Re: Jason David Frank..........As The Green Ranger?
Ninjor didn't make the dragon coin Rita did. I believe that zeo didn't lose their power just got switch out with Turbo powers and Justin did lose his powers at the end of Turbo

Zabitan 10/26/14 04:29 PM

Re: Jason David Frank..........As The Green Ranger?
Indeed feel free to post it, and other fics in the fanfic forum.

Also for a moment there I thought this was about how supposedly JDF is the voice of the Green Samurai Ranger in Super Megaforce.

PRangerX 10/26/14 04:30 PM

Re: Jason David Frank..........As The Green Ranger?

Originally Posted by psychic ranger (Post 46584)
Ninjor didn't make the dragon coin Rita did. I believe that zeo didn't lose their power just got switch out with Turbo powers and Justin did lose his powers at the end of Turbo

Rita somehow stole the Green Power Coin. Ninjor made it with the orginal power coins. Rita had no way to create Ranger powers by herself.

Yes, the Turbo team did lose their powers ( possibly temporally due to the Eltar attack). "In True Blue To The Rescue" we see how Justin got his powers back.

MattEmily 10/26/14 06:30 PM

Re: Jason David Frank..........As The Green Ranger?
Okay this is going to have a lot of quotes in here.


Originally Posted by CobraMorph20 (Post 29609)
or the green powers r restored like Justin's were. & that is with no explination at all.

I do believe the Green Ranger's powers were likely restored at some point even though this thread was originally about a Wild Force episode that doesn't exist.


Originally Posted by MiChaos (Post 29610)
But Tommy has lost his Green (and White) Ranger powers. Justin never lost his powers...although how his morpher got inside Storm Blaster is a mystery.

Yes Tommy lost his Green Ranger and White Ranger powers but the Green Coin was only drained so it's capable of being fixed as has been proven. Although the White Ranger powers was claimed to be destroyed that's not the truth since the Tiger Coin was only damaged due to the Command Center overload that resulted after the zords were destroyed, only the Ninja Coins were destroyed.
I don't believe the Morpher Storm Blaster had was the original Morpher that Justin had during Turbo, that it was just a copy kept inside it in case they ever needed it for whatever reason. I believe Lightning Cruiser likely has a copy of the Red Morpher inside of it as well.


Originally Posted by TitaniumGoldRanger (Post 29611)
Acually the Turbo Powers,Zeo Powers,and Morphin Power have all been destroyed.I don'te have a clue how Justin's morpher got into Storm Blaster are how Storm Blaster survived.It is known the only Zeo power that stayed alive is the Gold Ranger Powers.

That's untrue and I've stated my opinion on the MMPR powers. The Zeo powers were never destroyed. The Turbo powers were never destroyed either they were just unable to access them at the time because of the UAE's hold on Eltar.


Originally Posted by MorphinTime (Post 29612)
Actually, the zeo powers were never confirmed if they were destroyed. I still think the zeo crystal is in the rubble of the power chamber. As far as the origional powers go(mmpr), they were destroyed, but ninjor could always recreate them. Also, the green dragon coin the the green ninja coin still exist.

That's correct that the Zeo Powers were never confirmed if they were destroyed and I do believe that the Zeo Crystal is in the remains of the Power Chamber since if the Command Center's explosion couldn't destroy it then neither would the Power Chamber's destruction.
There was never a Green Ninja Coin. Could there be? Always possible since Ninjor made the Ninja Coins but he never made it because it was not needed.


Originally Posted by TitaniumGoldRanger (Post 29613)
There was no Green Ranger Ninja coin.

I agree with you there.


Originally Posted by Cross My Line (Post 29614)
The Turbo powers were indeed destroyed, and I still go by my theory that, the morpher Justin found in "True Blue to the Rescue", was that of his Robot Ranger counterpart.

I agree that Justini's Morpher during his Space appearance was a Morpher but the Turbo powers were not destroyed, just disconnected as I said.


Originally Posted by TitaniumGoldRanger (Post 29615)
His robot counterpart's mopher?But the robot rangers are now on Eltar.I don't know how the Storm Blast could get all the way to Eltar.Where we're they in Count Down To Destruction anyway?

Yes the Robot Rangers were on Eltar but it's always possible. The Storm Blaster was capable of flying as was shown once or twice so it could have gotten to Eltar without a problem.


Originally Posted by Cross My Line (Post 29616)
Hello? Zordon was on Eltare when he was captured by Dark Specter and his band of minions. The planet was raided, and things were stolen by everybody, such as Zordon's key cards, which hid the secret location of the Mega Voyager. Is it so hard to think that, the Robot Rangers were destroyed during the battle (otherwise, why the hell weren't they searching for Zordon too?), the Blue Robot Ranger's morpher was captured, and then given to Divatox, who put it inside Storm Blaster, seeing as she had control of that and Red Lightning anyway.

Yes Eltar was raided and things were definitely stolen on there (such as the Key Cards) but keep in mind that not everything on Eltar was destroyed so it would be difficult to think that the Robot Rangers were destroyed but somehow the Blue Senturion wasn't despite also being on Eltar during the battle.


Originally Posted by MiChaos (Post 29619)
the Turbo Powers. IMO they were never destroyed, just severly weakened by the Power Chamber explosion and the Battle of Eltare where the powers were based. Thats how Justin was able to morph, though as I said how the morpher ended up in Storm Blaster is a bit of a mystery. Speaking of Justin, where was he and SB/LC at C2D?

I agree with you there.


Originally Posted by MorphinTime (Post 29621)
How do you know there was never a green ranger coin? I mean think about it, Zordon said that the white ranger powers were just created, but half a season later when they go on the ninja quest there is a white ninja coin and a zord too? Seems pretty reasonable that there is a green ninja coin that Ninjor still has.

Ninjor needed to make those Ninja Coins though. He didn't have them made yet.


Originally Posted by MiChaos (Post 29623)
Does that mean there may be a green Aquitian coin lurking around as well?

It's always possible.


Originally Posted by Cross My Line (Post 29624)
Well, there could have been one for Cestria, but that would have been pink or purple. Green would have been cool though, and I think JediMB actually played up on that in his fic series.

I thought Pink would've fit Cestria better. Indeed Green would've been cool.


Originally Posted by MorphinTime (Post 29625)
All I am saying is that Ninjor created the origional powers as well as the Ninja powers later on. Therefore, it only seems logical that he created a green coin.

You have a point there but keep in mind that while he did create both kinds of coins he did not have the Ninja Coins made at that point in time.


Originally Posted by MiChaos (Post 29627)
And the point I was making was that he created apparently numerous powers, each with different amounts of Rangers (5 or 6), different colours, different fighting machines, not just Zords. Why would there be a green Ninja Coin? What about a Green Ninja Zord, where would that fit into the MegaFalconzord configeration?

Actually it was just 2 sets of powers but he did make the Dinozords, Ninjazords and Battle Borgs. That's a good question about the Green Ninjazord though... where would it go? Also would it be compatible with the Shogunzords?


Originally Posted by Cross My Line (Post 29628)
Seeing as he did create the Alien Ranger powers, if there is another Green coin, its most probably going to be with them. Especially seeing as their Battle Borgs don't form up at all.

Nothing was ever indicated that he created the Alien Rangers' powers.


Originally Posted by Cross My Line (Post 29630)
Um..... when Zordon and Alpha created the White Ranger, the could have been basing it on the mythical White Ninja Ranger, as at that time they didn't know if the myth of Ninjor was true or not.
Those Ninja powers could have been around just as long as the Dino Coins.

and the Ninja powers could have just been made as well for all we know.


Originally Posted by fire1823 (Post 29633)
I bought the VCDs or MMPR through PRIS on ebay; this is the 411 on the powers. The zeo crystal originated on Eltar and is the bases for all of the other powers. The other powers were created because the zeo crystal/s were missing. Ninjor created the power coins. He didn't create any of the other powers (except the ninja powers, duh). The zeo powers are the original powers. Zedd once tried to posess them but was left disfigured (thats why he doesn't have skin and what-not).

Nothing indicates the Zeo Crystal was an Eltarian artifact. Ninjor did create the Dino and Ninja Coins however. The Zedd thing was just a bad joke.


Originally Posted by fire1823 (Post 29633)
The zeo powers are alive and well. Zordon created the turbo powers as an upgrade of the zeo powers. The rangers just kinda quit using the zeo powers. The turbo powers were connected with the morphing grid. When the grid went so did they. Only the coins for the original powers were destroyed. Zordon said that they would return someday (except for the green powers which were bound to the green candle) and then he told the rangers of the zeo powers; which were only ment to be used as a substitute untill the day the dino powers return (even though zeo power was supposed to be more powerfull than the dino powers).

I agree that the Zeo powers are fine.
It was never stated 'who' created the Turbo powers but they definitely weren't an upgrade for a Zeo team powered by the Zeo Crystal, an artifact that grew stronger as time went on. Yes they did quit using the Zeo powers once they became Turbo though. Zordon never once did the old powers would return 1 day.


Originally Posted by fire1823 (Post 29633)
The thing about there being a white ninja coin is just coincidence; the most common colors are red, blue, yellow, green, black, pink and white. The 2 "living" cars from turbo were captured when Divitox raided the power chamber. That's why they are around later.
The Phantom Ranger is from Eltar. Zordon knows him but never reviels anything to the rangers. All of the different kinds of rangers make cameos at the end of PRIS except the android turbo rangers. This points to their probable demise. They were on Eltar when it was attacked and a turbo morpher show up that still works (the android rangers were not linked to a morphing grid). This would explain why Justin could morph; but if there was a morpher for justin then there are probably turbo morphers left from the other robots.

I don't believe it was a coincidence I just think the Ninja Coins took on the form of their previous powers instead of giving them new Ranger forms. It was never said Phantom was from Eltar, it was only assumed by Dimitria that he could be an Eltarian voyager. Yes it's possible Zordon knows Phantom but he never said anything one way or the other.
Also they were the Robot Rangers, not the android Rangers.
Yes they weren't there for the big battle but neither was MMPR, Zeo, Ninjor or Auric. Does that mean Ninjor was destroyed? Does that mean Auric was destroyed? No it doesn't.


Originally Posted by fire1823 (Post 29633)
Adam could still morph into the MMPR black ranger but it was/ is very dangerous (it hurt Adam to morph when he did it in PRIS) and the power could be lost forever. This is one of the reasons Zordon and Alpha give the rangers for needed to search for the zeo crystals at the end of MMPR. Zordon and Alpha could make coins more coins if they wanted, but as seen in the white ranger saga it appears to be very difficult and dangerous.
Forget about the clone green ranger. Those episodes involve lots of time travel. So unless you have a firm grasp of quantam mechanics and know the 2 big theories about time (time as a river/ branches and predestination) you should leave this alone or your head will explode. There is no easy way to explain this.

Yes Adam could still morph into Black MMPR even though it was dangerous to do so because of his damaged Morpher AND Coin. Actually that was the reason they had went on the search for Ninjor and his Temple of Power. They went on a search for the Zeo Sub-Crystals because their Ninja Coins WERE destroyed and they also needed to find something to restore time back to normal.
Actually there's no need to forget about Tom (the Wizard clone) and yes it involves time travel but it shows it doesn't matter considering we now have Time Force and S.P.D. in the picture.

Originally Posted by fire1823 (Post 29633)
If the clone green ranger was a ranger in the old west, then Zordon would have had the green coin instead of Rita (Zordon said the coin had been lost for like, 10,000 years). This means that when the rangers went back in time they probably created an alternate timeline. This might explain why Kim is the only person with any memory of it (she could be time displaced). Or when the rangers back in time it created a new timeline in which the rest of the series takes place; which means that there could really be a second, lost green coin (If Rita had the coin in the other timeline she, or another evil person probably still has it). Besides, different races mixing in the old west? No way did that ever happen. Theories about time travel make my ears bleed.(

Zordon never made such a comment about the Green Coin.


Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 46574)
Its funny to think how the fandom till has debates about these powers so many years later. This topic is old but it does bring up some interesting concepts. Obviously the rumor about Tommy coming back as Green Ranger in Wild Force was wrong. And was not based on any facts.

These topics are always interesting and yup the Wild Force was indeed false in regards to Tommy returning as the Green Ranger.


Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 46574)
The Dino Powers were lost . Any power they had left from that were too dangerous to use. As demonstrated by Adam in "Always A Chance". In the Ninja Ranger's comic Lord Zedd found left over energy from the Ranger's Dino Powers and created a team of evil Rangers. Amit's reasoning for Jason having his powers back in "Forever Red". was that Jason took it from the evil Ranger from the comic. Adam got his powers back in "Once A Ranger" because of Sentinal Knight. The Ninja Powers were lost when the Ninja Cions were destoryed. There was no Green Ninja Coin.

I don't believe the Dino powers were ever lost, yes it was dangerous to use them but I've explained my theory on that already.
I'm not a fan of that comic book idea that Amit whipped out as a way to explain Jason's restoration of his powers.
I do believe there was no Green Ninja Coin.


Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 46574)
The Zeo Crystal was never destroyed. The Rangers just abandoned it from the Turbo Powers. The original draft of the Turbo Movie script said that this was because they permenantly bonded with the Turbo Powers and couldn't go back. So this could be the reason. Since Tommy had the Zeo Powers in "Forever Red" and didn't have it in DT... Its possible the Zeo Crystal has some how been depowered since then, but we don't know.

The Turbo Powers weren't lost . The power source for the Turbo Powers was on Eltar. The attack on Eltar put the Turbo Powers offline for awhile. The Robot Ranegrs were probably destoryed as well. Justin got his powers back from Mountain Blaster. So Lightning Crusier givening TJ his powers back is plausible. The theory someone had about the morphers coming from the Robot Ranger's is interesting.

I agree that the Crystal was never lost. Yes the powers were just abandoned for the newer powers. I don't know about that whole script thing since I've never heard of it. I personally don't think the Zeo Crystal was depowered I just think it was just a case of Tommy not bringing his Zeonizer with him once he came to Reefside since he was hoping it'd be a peaceful place but boy was he wrong.

I agree with you regarding Turbo and their powers.

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