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butterflyboy 05/12/15 04:14 PM

What did you all think about the not oft-used transport mode called "Jetting"?

It seemed weird and somewhat pointless to me. I'm left wondering what the point was, unless it was made up solely to further pad out the Ninja Encounter three-parter. But it didn't even do that very well. Did the writer's have some other ideas in mind for it?

I think they used it arbitrarily in one other episode before it faded into MMPR obscurity.

What are ya'll's thoughts?

Ankh Primo 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
I haven't yet been in one discussion about this subject where a single person has any insight into why the practice was ever implemented. Or even one where a single person enjoyed seeing it.

It was just bizarre.

butterflyboy 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting

Maybe it was one of those things that sounded better on paper than it actually turned out?

It literally made no sense. When it was introduced, Alpha stated that the advantage of it was that it allowed them to see exactly where they were going. Problem is, until then we didn't know that they couldn't do this while teleporting. Disregarding the fact that we saw them hold a full conversation while teleporting in "Teamwork" (indicating that they remain in a conscious state), in almost every episode they would just morph directly to the danger anyhow.

The only time it made a semblance of sense was in "Forever Friends" when it gives Bulk and Skull the idea to chase them in their own rocket packs.

I guess its important to remember that this was during a really tumultuous time of MMPR's production and maybe the writers were just flyin' by the seat of their pants to get shows produced.

Titanium321 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
They thought it would be interesting and that they could sell toys with it. Can't sell a teleporting toy, but one that just flies around? Any toy can Jet.

WhiteMystechRanger 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
I had to rewatch that. Wow. Jetting looked far slower than the instantaneous teleportation (though there are times we see them as coloured blobs flying around. But even then it was blatantly faster than Jetting.

Silver_Tiger 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
I think Alpha may have worded it wrong, Direct site to site teleportation is programed in, thus can not be changed during mid sequence. as with Jetting the rangers were not on a static path and could move freely in 3 dimensional space. At least that's the way I view it

Zabitan 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
Eh I wouldn't have thought it was so dumb if they didn't already have teleportation or the Radbug.

mjohnson1989 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
I've always wondered what happened to the Radbug

On the topic, I don't know why they bothered to use Jetting given that IIRC they only used it twice

Ankh Primo 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting

Originally Posted by Titanium321 (Post 72421)
They thought it would be interesting and that they could sell toys with it. Can't sell a teleporting toy, but one that just flies around? Any toy can Jet.

But did they sell a Jetting toy? I'm not well-versed in the merchandise.

They could just as easily put a helmet on a red lightning bolt and call it a teleporting Red Ranger. I don't see why adding a concept to the show was necessary.

Martyn 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
It worked for the reason it was introduced, fill time and have the three suits for the actors they were missing do it helped well. In the long run yes it is pointless but it fixed a production problem at the time, of missing half the cast.

ShinySephiroth 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
Oh, that's why they did it? I did not know that.

Badcactus 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
The scene that showed the rangers "jetting" was honestly one of the most unintentionally hilarious power rangers scenes I think I've ever watched. I didn't get the point of it at all. But it did make for a good laugh. I also thought it was funny how Bulk and Skull mentioned it later on. But how did these two even know what it was called in the first place? Jetting was one of the many silly aspects of the first couple power rangers seasons imo.

johnboy3434 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting

Originally Posted by Ankh Primo (Post 72426)
But did they sell a Jetting toy? I'm not well-versed in the merchandise.

No, they didn't. Furthermore, I don't see how they could in a way that would justify featuring it on the show. How would a "jetting" figure be any different from a normal figure held horizontal in the air? The most you could do with it would be a Happy-Meal-style toy with a stand for the inarticulate Ranger figures in a "jetting" pose.

That's what makes it so bizarre: You can't use the "to sell toys" excuse because there was no toy to be sold.

ShadowThePika 05/12/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
I only saw one picture of red, black, and yellow flying "First superman movie style".

Wow. I didn't know this thing existed. It's so lame. It's just... SO lame

butterflyboy 05/13/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
It essentially gave the rangers the ability to fly. Granted, I think they were stuck going in one direction, but still.

Reaper33X 05/13/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
I remember a jetting scene where you could see the Rangers top halfs (in above superman pose) but the bottom half was in energy form (like teleporting)

I can't remember the episode though.

butterflyboy 05/13/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting

Originally Posted by Reaper33X (Post 72433)
I remember a jetting scene where you could see the Rangers top halfs (in above superman pose) but the bottom half was in energy form (like teleporting)

I can't remember the episode though.

That was in part one of "The Power Transfer" when the rangers teleport to the deserted planet. They didn't say they were jetting, so I always just took it as a weird teleportation effect they were trying out. In fact, right before that scene, Zordon tells them that Alpha will teleport them there.

ShinySephiroth 05/13/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting

Originally Posted by Badcactus (Post 72429)
The scene that showed the rangers "jetting" was honestly one of the most unintentionally hilarious power rangers scenes I think I've ever watched. I didn't get the point of it at all. But it did make for a good laugh. I also thought it was funny how Bulk and Skull mentioned it later on. But how did these two even know what it was called in the first place? Jetting was one of the many silly aspects of the first couple power rangers seasons imo.

I, too, have always wondered how Bulk and Skull knew about it. So much random!

ElusiveWookiee 05/13/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting

Originally Posted by johnboy3434 (Post 72430)
No, they didn't. Furthermore, I don't see how they could in a way that would justify featuring it on the show. How would a "jetting" figure be any different from a normal figure held horizontal in the air? The most you could do with it would be a Happy-Meal-style toy with a stand for the inarticulate Ranger figures in a "jetting" pose.

That's what makes it so bizarre: You can't use the "to sell toys" excuse because there was no toy to be sold.

I think that is exactly Titanium's point. Figures that were already in production could be used to recreate the "jetting." It gives kids one more type of make believe for playing with their toys.

CobraMorphBT20 05/13/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
Jetting is one of those stupid ideas, that a reversioning of MMPRS2 should have just erased & just re-edited into normal teleportation.

I assume the reason is similar to how vehicles like Shark cycles, Galaxy Gliders etc would seem like a good idea. On paper it might seem good, but in actual use doesnt quite work.

RangerZero 05/13/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting

Originally Posted by CobraMorphBT20 (Post 72437)
Jetting is one of those stupid ideas, that a reversioning of MMPRS2 should have just erased & just re-edited into normal teleportation.

I assume the reason is similar to how vehicles like Shark cycles, Galaxy Gliders etc would seem like a good idea. On paper it might seem good, but in actual use doesnt quite work.

Eh, the only real problem with the Shark Cycles is that they didn't get more use. While they didn't make sense as an alternative to teleporting, they at least had combat applications. Jetting, not so much.

McAster 05/13/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
Forget the Shark Cycles and Galaxy Gliders, I wanted more kart driving for the Rangers.

Such an under appreciated mode of transportation.

Silver_Tiger 05/13/15 04:14 PM

Re: Jetting
I usually enjoy all the Power Ranger vehicles, but Galaxy Gliders, and Jet Jammers will always be my favorite

MattEmily 01/09/18 04:41 PM

Re: Jetting

Originally Posted by butterflyboy (Post 72418)
What did you all think about the not oft-used transport mode called "Jetting"?

It seemed weird and somewhat pointless to me. I'm left wondering what the point was, unless it was made up solely to further pad out the Ninja Encounter three-parter. But it didn't even do that very well. Did the writer's have some other ideas in mind for it?

I thought it was interesting but it really didn't make a whole lot of sense.


Originally Posted by Zabitan (Post 72424)
Eh I wouldn't have thought it was so dumb if they didn't already have teleportation or the Radbug.


Originally Posted by mjohnson1989 (Post 72425)
I've always wondered what happened to the Radbug

On the topic, I don't know why they bothered to use Jetting given that IIRC they only used it twice

yea it was dumb since they could teleport and they also had the Radbug but I suppose the car they were using for the Radbug wasn't working anymore that's the only thing that I can think of for why we didn't see it after Season 1.


Originally Posted by Martyn (Post 72427)
It worked for the reason it was introduced, fill time and have the three suits for the actors they were missing do it helped well. In the long run yes it is pointless but it fixed a production problem at the time, of missing half the cast.


Originally Posted by ShinySephiroth (Post 72428)
Oh, that's why they did it? I did not know that.

that's what I had assumed as well since I was under the assumption that they were using jetting as another illusion technique to make us gullible little kids believe Zack, Trini and Jason were still there even though their actors weren't.


Originally Posted by Ankh Primo (Post 72426)
But did they sell a Jetting toy? I'm not well-versed in the merchandise.

They could just as easily put a helmet on a red lightning bolt and call it a teleporting Red Ranger. I don't see why adding a concept to the show was necessary.


Originally Posted by johnboy3434 (Post 72430)
No, they didn't. Furthermore, I don't see how they could in a way that would justify featuring it on the show. How would a "jetting" figure be any different from a normal figure held horizontal in the air? The most you could do with it would be a Happy-Meal-style toy with a stand for the inarticulate Ranger figures in a "jetting" pose.

That's what makes it so bizarre: You can't use the "to sell toys" excuse because there was no toy to be sold.

he's right they didn't and it'd be hard to make one to begin with anyway.


Originally Posted by ElusiveWookiee (Post 72436)
I think that is exactly Titanium's point. Figures that were already in production could be used to recreate the "jetting." It gives kids one more type of make believe for playing with their toys.

problem is they never did it.


Originally Posted by CobraMorphBT20 (Post 72437)
Jetting is one of those stupid ideas, that a reversioning of MMPRS2 should have just erased & just re-edited into normal teleportation.

I assume the reason is similar to how vehicles like Shark cycles, Galaxy Gliders etc would seem like a good idea. On paper it might seem good, but in actual use doesnt quite work.

yea it was a bad idea but no one was going to edit it out.


Originally Posted by RangerZero (Post 72438)
Eh, the only real problem with the Shark Cycles is that they didn't get more use. While they didn't make sense as an alternative to teleporting, they at least had combat applications. Jetting, not so much.

I agree the Shark Cycles had more of a practical use in case they were up against a monster who was quite fast since they had combat capabilities whereas jetting didn't it would've made more sense if jetting had combat capabilities.


Originally Posted by McAster (Post 72439)
Forget the Shark Cycles and Galaxy Gliders, I wanted more kart driving for the Rangers.

Such an under appreciated mode of transportation.


Originally Posted by Silver_Tiger (Post 72440)
I usually enjoy all the Power Ranger vehicles, but Galaxy Gliders, and Jet Jammers will always be my favorite

Kart is for Mario Kart you're looking for Cart but yes it would've been nice to see more of the Turbo Carts in action.

I too usually enjoy the vehicles in fact I think for me the Shark Cycles, Galaxy Gliders, Tsunami Cycles, Raptor Riders, Patrol Cycles and Uni-Force Cycle were some of my favorites along with the Galactic Rover.

Zabitan 01/09/18 05:54 PM

Re: Jetting
I was just reading this and that reminded me for some reason that for the longest time I remembered Forever Friends having a part where at some point after they rescued Kimberly there was a part where when they jetted Kimberly jetted with the others.

But recently I saw it, and I only saw the part before they rescued her where they Jetted without her.

PRangerX 01/09/18 06:26 PM

Re: Jetting
Its funny that they made it such a big deal and juat dropped it.

White Spandex Rules 01/09/18 06:27 PM

Re: Jetting
I was like, is this Power Rangers or Superman?

MattEmily 01/09/18 06:30 PM

Re: Jetting

Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 72447)
Its funny that they made it such a big deal and juat dropped it.

more like it was sad but hey at least it wasn't the only thing they've dropped! Thunderslingers, Sword of Power, Sword of Light need I say more?

Ninja Brody 01/10/18 11:37 AM

Re: Jetting
I don't know, it was pretty pointless. I am not surprised that they don't do it anymore.

PRangerX 01/10/18 11:46 AM

Re: Jetting

Originally Posted by MattEmily (Post 72449)
more like it was sad but hey at least it wasn't the only thing they've dropped! Thunderslingers, Sword of Power, Sword of Light need I say more?

It feels like season 3 just through a lot out there. I mean we had like four or five opens that season alone lol. I had a lot to do with the fly by your seat nature of production.

Captain Codfish 01/10/18 11:48 AM

Re: Jetting

Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 72503)
It feels like season 3 just through a lot out there. I mean we had like four or five opens that season alone lol. I had a lot to do with the fly by your seat nature of production.

People wonder why they didn't do MMPR longer? The question should be how did they manage to do it for as long as they did?

MattEmily 01/10/18 12:15 PM

Re: Jetting

Originally Posted by PRangerX (Post 72503)
It feels like season 3 just through a lot out there. I mean we had like four or five opens that season alone lol. I had a lot to do with the fly by your seat nature of production.

well they had at least 2 maybe 3. Friend in Need wasn't much of a premiere but that's how Fox Kids aired it. Ninja Quest should've been the proper premiere but as for the 3rd one I dunno maybe Master Vile's entrance? oh yeah and the 4th one is the Aquitians.


Originally Posted by Captain Codfish (Post 72504)
People wonder why they didn't do MMPR longer? The question should be how did they manage to do it for as long as they did?

I don't know what that has to do with his post but true you're right especially since in Season 3 they spent a lot of money to shoot even more original footage.

PRangerX 01/10/18 09:26 PM

Re: Jetting
I was talking about the opening credits. They changed the open a whole bunch of times in season 3. And actually did so a lot in season 2 as well.

MattEmily 01/10/18 09:42 PM

Re: Jetting
ah yup that they did

Trooper Forever 01/10/18 09:45 PM

Re: Jetting
I thought it was interesting. But it wou!d have got old after awhile.

Hexagon's Revenge 01/11/18 11:52 AM

Re: Jetting
It was un-needed. I am not surprised it was dropped. It really served no purpose and made no sense. We already knew the Ranges streaked through the air when the teleported.

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