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DarkMan 02/12/07 11:04 PM

where did everyone go?

Sweetened Angel 02/13/07 02:17 PM

that what i want know. hope they come back soon.

hello, how are you?

DarkMan 02/14/07 09:25 AM

ok i guess

Razi 02/14/07 05:52 PM

Besides being sick, I have been doing a lot of dancing getting ready for our competition this month and the 2 next month.

School sucks at the moments, cause of all the work, and lack of cooperation going on in our drama class (these people are naturally dramatic, but don't use any of that on the stage).

But yeah, how r u guys ?


kiraford5 02/15/07 06:28 PM

hello! sorry i havent been on in a while...things have been really hectic at school and then we got a new computer that my dad wouldnt let me go on till today and we got it on monday.

Hows everybody?

Razi, i finished the Power Ranger blends for the top page, i put them in the board comment section!

Razi 02/15/07 07:43 PM

cool, I will check them out when I get a chance :) Thanks


RavenX 02/17/07 02:43 PM

Hey everybody. Sorry I've been away, too. Work has been crazy. And Isis is back on the street again doing her super cop thing. haha How have you all been?


kiraford5 02/17/07 07:37 PM

ive been good, except i got news about Dog the Bounty Hunter, they have to go to Mexico, which breaks my heart.

greywolf 02/18/07 04:33 AM

I have the Flu so I have been gone and will likely be gone for a lil longer. Hope everyone else is doing well.

kiraford5 02/18/07 11:32 AM

hope you get better soon!

RavenX 02/21/07 01:38 PM

Yeah, hope you get better soon Wolf. :)

greywolf 02/22/07 02:15 AM

I aint dead yet. In fact I'm feeling pretty good now. Thanks everybody.

DarkMan 02/22/07 09:23 AM

good idea honestly we dont need no deaths

The Eye of Isis 02/22/07 10:02 PM

Hey everyone. I'm back. *sigh* Work is hectic. I miss you all. Glad you are feeling better. Greywolf. :)


kiraford5 02/23/07 05:29 PM

hey isis...glad to have you back!

Glad that your feeling better Jon!

The Eye of Isis 02/24/07 01:32 AM

Thanks. :) How are you Mel?


greywolf 02/24/07 06:14 AM

Thanks guys I feel alot better now.

And I finally got a Nintendo WII. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

kiraford5 02/24/07 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by The Eye of Isis
Thanks. :) How are you Mel?


I'm pretty good...trying talk my dad into getting me a Chocoalate Phone!

The Eye of Isis 02/25/07 08:54 PM

haha A "Chocoalate Phone" you say? Wow, don't think I've heard of one. :)


Razi 02/25/07 10:43 PM

Hey peoples! I am still here, but just dancing and stuff :) We had a competition today and did well :) I got major kudos in my dances for having excellent stage presecnce and emotion. We had a good time, and have our next convention/competition on the 10th and 11th of March and then ANOTHER competition on the 24th, and 25th of March.

Busy I have been, but its all worth it :)


kiraford5 02/26/07 04:52 PM

its not an actual "chocolate" phone...thats just the name of the phone cause it looks like a chocolate bar in a sense!

Razi, thats great! hope you do well in the other competitions as well!

DarkMan 02/27/07 12:04 AM

yeah on those commercials

The Eye of Isis 03/02/07 10:39 PM

Sounds like you are having a good time Razi. :) Good luck sweetie. And, now I should buy myself a chocolate phone Mel. haha :D

kiraford5 03/02/07 11:19 PM

no...you should buy 2 chocolate phones....one for you and one for me! LOL!

Razi 03/03/07 12:54 AM

Thanks everyone :)

I think we'll be ready for the next competition next weekend.

Hope everyone else is doing well. :)


kiraford5 03/03/07 12:46 PM

thats great razi! know yall will do great!

Yup....im good!

DarkMan 03/03/07 04:30 PM

hey raze good luck

The Eye of Isis 03/05/07 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by kiraford5
no...you should buy 2 chocolate phones....one for you and one for me! LOL!

LOL :lol:

kiraford5 03/05/07 05:14 PM

oh yeah...im hilarious...

Oh guess what...i've just been made a Mod on mymostwanted.com/forum, which is like my fave forum (besides this one of course :wink: ) so, yall should join, and say freelelandchapman reffered ya!

RavenX 03/12/07 01:47 AM

Sounds cool Mel. Congrads. :)


The Eye of Isis 03/12/07 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by kiraford5
oh yeah...im hilarious...

Oh guess what...i've just been made a Mod on mymostwanted.com/forum, which is like my fave forum (besides this one of course :wink: ) so, yall should join, and say freelelandchapman reffered ya!

Yes you are. :) And, congrads sweetie. That's Great.


kiraford5 03/12/07 10:21 AM


Razi 03/29/07 09:54 PM

Oh boy. Its been a while. I feel like I'm danced out.

Anyway, competitions for the year are OVER :)

We did well, and got silver for both lyrical and tap.

Next project(s)
*Children's play! Our school is doing "Briar Rose :the tale of Sleeping Beauty" and I get to be the Queen, Briar Rose's Mother. We do a tour to some of the elementary schools and have a perofrmance over the weekend. so it should be loads of fun
*2 IB essay. Stuff for school since I am in this honors progam.
*Take the SAT
*RAFTING TRIP!! I think I get to go rafting again this year with my school club, and it is always so much fun :)
*Dance recital/pictures. Oh boy, more fun :)
*Choir Spring concert and competition/festival in Anaheim. We perform @ Cal Sate Fullerton, and then get to go to Disneyland and chill.
*Find a new dance studio for next year. Its between Broadway By the Bay and Spindrift School of Performing Arts. I am danced out. I still wanna dance, but I think I might focus more towards musical theater and develop my voice before going off to college.


I know u guys probably don't wanna listen to all this nonsense, but I figured I would let you know whats going on. Cause I won't post for a while, but I will still come by. I have been making checks everyday just to make sure everyone is on their best behavior (and you have been)

So Take Care and Til Next time :)


DarkMan 03/30/07 11:26 AM

raze did u get a chance to take a look at my preposal?

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