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-   -   Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue? (powerrangersonline.com/showthread.php?t=7430)

Cole0186 06/04/01 07:33 PM

Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
Horrible. Not as bad as Turbo or Ailen, but that's not saying much. Lightspeed Rescue had the worse weapons and the zords looked more like big toys than any zords before. If you actually liked that series (which really turned me off of PR for a while) let me know.

cosmicbimbo 06/04/01 07:33 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
I also did not like lightspeed rescue very much.

Jason38UK 06/04/01 07:33 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
Lightspeed Rescue = Worst PR series. It was so trashy with it's useless villians, plot rip-offs, lousy Cast, ugly suits, masses of Sentai footage, new weapons every other episode which wern't needed e.g Thermo Blaster the was pointless and a greedy toy ad cause the ranger got frozen once. Turbo had the Phantom Ranger at least + non-ugly suits. Alien Rangers was better then Lightspeed Rescue also. I'm not surprised Fox Kids pulled it from the weekday slot.

jack off 06/04/01 07:33 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
all of you peeople are obvious idiots because if you didnt see with your asses instead of your eyes you would realise that power rangers:lightspeed rescue was not oly a GREAT series but one of the BEST series in pr history of all damn time. characters like carter, ryan, joal, and chad were all memorable sometimes funny, they can get a little dramativ when possible and thats what made them the best damn pr team of all time!. the weapons were the greatest in history and im sorry to disapoint you people also but they zord absolutely rocked. the supertrain megazord was the mackdaddy of megazords and all you have the gawl to diss it like that. you know a TRUE power rangers fan would stick with the show THROUGH THICK AND THIN no matter what or how "bad" it was. and i dont see true pr fans here saying @#%$ like "oh it totally tured pr off to me for that long while. bullshit the series was great, the only thing ytou assholes did as watch a few eps and that all of a sudeen made you judge jury and exicutioner.all uyou so-called pr fans can kiss my ass as well, and another thing the suits also were the best damn ones in the history with coming in at a close second and third are the lost galaxy and space rangers. that bastard company fk was also had their heads up so far up their ases that they didnt se the potential of the show and thats why they are sooo on time forces dick and giving them episodic comercials every @#%$ day. tieforce can kiss my ass those zords look like trash and the suits are just plain shitty an dthey make me wanna puke as i write this right now. i hate the fact the the pink @#%$ ranger is the leader as well, that just disgraces all that pr has ever stood for, with a red ranger as leader and it al started with that @#%$ tommy. now if we wanna get ito series that REALLY REEKED OF SHITITUDE, NOW WERE TALKIN ABOUT ZEO OK PEOPLE. i hate jason david frank and i hope that one day he dies of the worst case of sifolis, ballsack cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer the world has ever seen. AND THAT MY NON-PR FANS THROUGH AND THROUGH WHO WOULD ALWAYS WANT TO JUDG A BOOK BY ITS COVER AND NOT GIVE IT ONE SINGLE TRY WHO ARE ALSO A BUNCH OF SNOT NOSED PUNK ASS BITCHES IS TRUE! ITS DAMN TRUE!

Jason38UK 06/04/01 07:33 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
I've seen nearly all of Lightspeed from start to finish the cast were terrible the helmets were just visors and nothing else and the series copied plots from other rangers series except not very well. Masses of Sentai didn't help either. I've watched from Day of the Dumpster and IMO Lightspeed is the weakest link in the PR universe.

cosmicbimbo 06/04/01 07:33 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
why give that jerk the honor of a reply. nobody here has to justify their opinions.

Natinspace 06/04/01 07:33 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
IMHO, Lightspeed Rescue wasn't THAT bad. I actually liked it. The characters were more well rounded. We had Carter who was a perfectionist, Chad who was more quiet in his opinions, Joel who was the biggest flirter than any other Ranger in history, Kelsey who was a tomboy and liked anything extreme, Dana who was more experienced in Lightspeed than any other, and Ryan who was trying to search for the real meaning in his life. I liked the zords (Lightspeed Zords in Particular). They actually DID something while they were in regular zord mode. Look at the Time Flyers. The Trans Warp megazord might as well just send the megazord, because the individual zords do NOTHING (other than make three other modes). The villians were more well rounded also. All the demons wanted to do was serve their Queen, but in return they were betrayed by the one thay served. Overall, PRLR wasn't as bad as some of you say.

RangerJ 06/04/01 07:33 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
i have to agree with jackoff everything he said about it was true i loved lightspeed rescue it is the reson i even started watching power rangers again

Cole0186 06/04/01 07:33 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
First, Lightspeed Rescue was horrible, and I watched throught the enitre thing. Second, jackoff that was a sickening display what you wrote in there. A true PR fan would never say crap like that to another PR fan just because they don't have the same opinions. So jackoff, that was sickening.

TimeForceRed 06/04/01 07:33 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
well I think Lightspeed Rescue had it's points I liked it but I think it needed a little work they had more weapons then any series some they used once or twice and never again the story line was........ I have nothing to say about that. the whole Ryan thing was to easy they could have dragged it on a little longer as him being evil but all else I liked Lightspeed Rescue.But who else thinks they tried to hard or not enough I think they tried to hard but anyway let mw know what you think.

TimeShadow001 06/04/01 07:47 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
This is a reply to one of Jasons and a few overs No disrespect to your opinions,Why do you hate the Sentai Footage, if it wasnt for that then we would not have PR, Also Rhetts actings was pretty Good, his Character could of done with a bit of work, i liked the Suit it was different,Also Demon Hunter wouldnt fit right with the other Rangers, PRIS was good PRLG was okay i didnt like somethings about it, also Lightspeed shouldnt be compared to the old Shows because it had nothing to do with them, also it gives a break from the Magic Powers that was before PRLR

jenlovesalex 06/04/01 07:47 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
Galaxy was the worst okay worse until Karone came into it.Lightspeed was cool it was definitely better than galaxy.Okay maybe sure there was that whole little girl has to please daddy at every turn but we had to have a whole father daughter thing you know once in this whole thing.

Jason38UK 06/04/01 07:47 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
I may be repeating myself but ...
Lightspeed uses the "Power Rangers" name so I have every right to compare it with the past.
After 3 years of American footage going back to Sentai heavy action seems like a step backwards. They also did this in Zeo.
As for Rhett Fisher for a specific example see him on Ryan's destiny in the scene with father that was BAD acting.
Chad again in the 2 episodes with Marina - he just couldn't handle the whole "love" thing well and messed up those episodes.
Dana annoyed me cause she was always getting beaten up and needed "big strong" Carter to rescue her. NONE of the other pink rangers were like this.
The suits were the worst I've seen. If you dig that "motorcycle helmet" look then good for you however I thought they were terrible.
The storys were weak. Compare for Example The Titanium saga with the likes of Green with Evil and the Kat episodes.
The Fate of Lightspeed was a predicatable clone of Journey's end.
The writers had no shame - a cheap ending to a cheap season. http://web.archive.org/web/200105150...icons/eyes.gif

jenlovesalex 06/04/01 07:47 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
Ah hate to tell ya but flashback to MMPR:TM Kimberly crying out for help to Tommy she was the pink ranger.And he came to her help when she probably didn't need it.

Jason38UK 06/04/01 07:47 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
You picked 1 occasion ... I remember Kimberly saved Tommy on countless occasions.
I don't see Dana rescuing Carter. Dana's character was weak in general - you are picking out a single example where Kim was in trouble.
Dana ALWAYS gets beat up by monsters and even batlings

ForeverBlue 06/04/03 07:40 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
It wasnt bad all and the last 2 episodes was great.

UniversalRanger 06/04/03 07:40 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
I think Lightspeed rescue was a great show!!!

The Titanium Ranger 06/04/03 07:40 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
HELL YES!prlr rules!the actors are great !!!so bull ya fools

Frax2001 06/04/03 07:40 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
lightspeed rescue rocked if u liked it give me a hell yea

Jason38UK 06/04/03 07:40 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
We are getting reruns of Lightspeeds "Curse of the Cobra" episodes at the moment on Fox Kids and when compared to other ranger series it sickens me how cheap and trashy EVERYTHING about the show is.
Titanium Ranger (after all the net hype I read) is as cheesy as he sounds.Must I be the one to say Rhett Fisher can't act ? seen him in the scenes with his father ?
The "titanium" suit was blantant in ripping off Megasilver and his axe was a clone of Zack's Power Axe.
Other poor actors in Lightspeed include Chad (as shown in episodes with Marina) and Dana. Carter had a dull (if any) personality.
The suits were absoluty hideous. The helmets had visors only and no real detail - like some kind of freaken cycle helmets !!!
The villians - Diabolico was almost as cheesy as Titanium himself to begin with, Loki's death was no where near as dramatic as Ecliptors or Villamax - Loki bearly featured it was like so what if he died ? His relashonship to Diabolico was established on the episode on which he died. Vypra couldn't act at all; probably the worst actress in PR history.
The plots ripped off regulary and blatently past PR plots. With MMPR reruns airing alongside Lightspeed it laughably shows how much Lightspeed has "borrowed" from the past and it's clear for kids to see.
I wonder why Saban only made 40 episodes and why it was pulled from US TV ......

ZEOBlue3 06/04/03 07:40 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
No... it was bad. The characters were plain and boring (except for Joel and Ms. Fairweather, the only good part of the show), the was basically no character development.

"I am the Pink Ranger. My Brother is the Titanium Ranger. We fight evil. Wacky hijinks ensue." ^_^

The acting sucked, "Oh! I got hit by...what's that thing called again?"

The plots sucked. "Let's beat down a monster! Fun, fun, silly willy!"

The Zord and Fight scenes were rushed greatly. "Punch! You're dead Batling! V-Lancer! Your dead Evilthingio!" "Use the Whatever-Power-Move-We-Have-This-Week attack and watch it explode!"

Conclusion: ZeoBlue likes to exaggerate. ^_^ Second Conclusion: Lightspeed is a low part in PR history.

Frax2001 06/04/03 07:40 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
curse of the cobro rocked i thought and plus PRLR rocked the wepons rocked esspecilly the v lancers and with joel it was hillarous PRLR ROCKED

ShadowForceBlue 06/04/03 07:40 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
Power Rangers lightspeed Rescue......well the first esp showed it was going to bomb one show that has never happned ever. The only thing(s) I liked were the V-Lancers and the Omega Megazord and that's it Ryan oh please they were better just as five Rangers if it was'nt for Jole and Mrs.F the show would have bomed sooner.

And someone tell me how many times the rangers fought monsters with Ryan in the base were was he all thoes fights!!!!! He just came in with his Zord and thats it he was a waste of time.

Midnight Ranger 06/04/03 07:40 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
Lightspeed wasn't horrible, but it did need some
work. The villians could have had the family ties
that they did in GoGo V, and the Demon Hunter could
have been included. An american made Ranger wasn't a bad idea, but Ryan's character needed to be more developed. And the actress who played Vypra could
have done a better job.
What I liked about the series was the Aquabase, the Joel and Angela(Ms. Fairweather) thing, Kelsey(she's my favorte Lightspeed Ranger, Marina, (I think it
was cool to include a mermaid in the series,) the
Mega Battles, and the lasat few episodes. I also liked the PRLR/PRLG team up, although it wasn't as good as
the PRIS/PRLG and MMPR/ Masked Rider team ups. The one thing about Lightspeed that really burned me up was that it was yanked from Fox before I could get "The Fith Crystal on tape.:-(

Jason38UK 06/04/03 07:40 PM

Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?
Quick Fact :
The Fifth Crystal episode was in memory of Bob Manahan/Zordon. http://web.archive.org/web/200105020...icons/wink.gif

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