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Cosmic Ranger 02/12/18 12:55 PM

Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Millions of years ago the Morphing Masters mastered the Morphing Grid. One of their own betrayed them and murdered his former allies for Power. He became Dark Specter the self proclaimed Grand Monarch of Evil.

The students of the Masters escaped and became the Power Rangers. They battled the dark forces in lewgue with Specter. Erdon and Bandora betrayed the other Power Rangers to join Spector. They became known as Zedd and Rita.

After a terrible battle Zordon , the last Power Ranger escaped to Earth. Zedd and Rita followed him. Zordon helped five local warriors known as Zyu to connect to the Morphing Grid. They became the Zyurangers.

The Sixth Zyuranger joined Rita and helped her betray Zedd. The two than planned to conquer the Earth. After a terrible battle much damage with done to the Zyuranger's civilization. Zordon sacrificed himself to seal Rita away. While the Zyuranger were able to defeat their traitor.

With Earthy Dying the Zyurangers used their powers to reset the Earth. But the spirkts of the Dinosuars remained in them. One day they coins would awaken and find new masters.

Zordon 's Spirit remained in his ship's Command Center. He watched over the Earth as evolution brought modern day humanity. But he knew evil would one day return and a new Rangers Team would be needed . The power coins were left around the Earth until thry bonded with their new holders.

Character Instructions

Powers are based on season 1. The Orginal Five Rangers are avaliable.




Character History

I will be the dungeon master and control all non playing characters.

Cosmic Ranger 02/12/18 01:03 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
The Moon was the remnants of part of the Earth that blew off. This is where Rita is trapped. Two Astronauts are studying the moon where they find a strange temple. As they study the temperature Rita is freed from her tomb

"Its been too long since I have awakened!" Rita looked at her two visitor's

"Why don't I give you the proper thank you for setting me free" laughed the evil Queen

Rita's powerful staff appeared in her hands as she used it to strike the astronauts.

"Now you will be my loyal servants and warriors."

As the two Astronauts screamed in terror their forms began to change into their new warrior bodies.

"Henceforth you shall be known as Goldar and Scorprina!"

The new evil warriors bowed to their new queen as their identities were now completely changed.

"I see Earth has changed and a new civilization has emerged. All the more interesting to conquer! But I sense Zordon 's Spirit. If he dares recruit new warriors to stop me, he will only bring more misery for his precious humans. "

Hexagon Ranger 02/14/18 03:39 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG

Name: Scott St. John

Powers: Red Ranger

Character History

A high school student skilled in a martial arts. He got into trouble for bullying another student. He lost his spot on the Angel Grove Football Team and his job as a karate instructor at the juice bar . Despite this he does have a good heart. But tends to jump into situations too quickly.

Cosmic Ranger 02/14/18 03:44 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Deep in the desert of Angel Grove the Command Center came to life as Zordon 's Spirit awakened.

"Alpha I sense the dark side of the Morphing Grid. I can sense that Rita has awakened".

" Ayi, Ayi Zordon, my calculations show the Earthlings don't have the technology to defend themselves! "

"That responsibility will have to fall to those that the power coins choose. Keep monitoring for bondings. The coins should react to the threat and chose their new owners. We will teleport these special humwns once they are found."

Hexagon Ranger 02/14/18 03:46 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Scott is in the juice bar finishing his fruit drink. He watches as he former karate class is taught by his rival . He gets frustrated and runs away to the park. Where he starts to practice his Kata to clear his head.

Cosmic Ranger 02/14/18 03:48 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
As Scott is practicing he hears something fall from the tree. It is a small gold coin with the the amblem of a Tyranasuarus.

Hexagon Ranger 02/14/18 03:49 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Scott sees the strange coin and picks it up. He feels himself feeling a rush of power he has never felt before.

Cosmic Ranger 02/14/18 03:52 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
"Zordon the Command Center detects that the Red Coin has found its new owner."

" Yes Alpha. I can sense it in the Grid. Teleport our new young friend quickly"

Alpha used the Command Center instruments to teleport the human to the Command Center. Wondering what the new human friend will be like.

Hexagon Ranger 02/14/18 03:54 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Scott feels a strange feeling as he is teleported away. Before he can react he finds himself in a strange place. He looks in fear at the strange robot in front of him and immediately grabs him.

"I don't know who you are but your not gonna have your way with me"

Kimberly Hart 02/14/18 07:51 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG

Name: Sarah Johnson

Powers: Pink Ranger

Character History

Sarah Johnson is a high school student at Angel Grove High. She was a Queen Bee who lost her popularity when she dated a nerd in secret. To make matters worse he dumped her once he realizes she was ashamed of the relationship. Now she is desperately trying to rebuild her reputation.

Cosmic Ranger 02/14/18 08:00 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
"Aye, Aye! your hurting me!"

Just then the Command Center started to rumble as the image of Zordon took shape. Lighting appeared from his tube as it forced Scott to the ground.

"Listen hear Scott, we are not your enemies. But there isn't much time. You were summoned here because your world is in trouble. Rita Repulsa is an evil being who has awakened . She used the dark side of the morphing grid and still no doubt look to totally take over your planet. Which she failed to do long ago. The Red Power Coin has selected you to one of the heroes who will protect this world. "

Kimberly Hart 02/14/18 08:06 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Sarah is at home alone in her room. Too embarrassed to go to the juice bar alone knowing that her former friends would be there. And maybe even her ex. Johnson's parents were concerned about this but Sarah just wouldn't leave the house. Except of course for school. As she had no choice in the matter.

Cosmic Ranger 02/14/18 08:09 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
A Pink Power Coin appears in Sarah's bed. It has the emblem of the Pterodactyl.

Hexagon Ranger 02/14/18 08:17 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Scott is in shock. Just a little whole ago his problems were being kicked off the football team and losing his job at the youth center. Now some evil lady was going to invade the Earth and he was somehow supposed to stop her. I

"I don't know who think I am but I am no hero. You should call the army or something. They can help you. I'm just a teenager. "

Luke Skywalker 02/17/18 10:41 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG


Name: Zayden Erdos

Powers: Black Ranger

Character History

A skinny black-haired, blue-eyed high school student who spends most of his time alone, due to being raised by a single mom and having no siblings. He is extremely intelligent and gifted in his studies, but otherwise never made friends due to his shy and nerdy nature. His loneliness is both a prison and a solace, as he sometimes wishes he had friends, but at the same time, is afraid of getting to know others. He is soft-spoken and gentle, and has a good heart.

Kimberly Hart 02/17/18 11:33 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Sarah sees the odd coin on her bed and picks it up. She feels a sense of power like she has never felt before.

Cosmic Ranger 02/17/18 11:41 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
"Well young Scott, it is clear you want to leave. I won't force you to stay. But know that you are now permanently bonded to your coin and could face attack from Rita's forces. So I can't let you go without given you your morpher. "

Just then Scott's power coin disapeared. A power morpher appeared around his waste with the power coin inside.

"This morpher was created long ago by the Morphing Masters and gifted to their first Power Rangers. It will allow your power coin to connect to the Morphing Grid. Which will allow you to morph into one. Just call out the name of your dinosuar spirit.Alpha will also give you a communicator which will allow you to contact us if you change your mind or need help" .

Alpha placed the Communicator around Scott's right wrist. Before Scott could react the found himself teleported back to the park.

"Alpha I sense another one has connected to a coin"

" Ayi,Ayi Zordon,I am reading the same thing".

"Teleport, the girl here".

Alpha used his keys to teleport the second new recruit to the Power Chamber.

Luke Skywalker 02/17/18 12:27 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Zayden was in the library, having to gone to get a supplemental textbook from the racks only to come back to where he had been sitting and spotting a black-ish coin sitting innocently on his open notebook.

Staring at it, the frail genius picked it up, only to feel in himself a strange power, the like of which the skinny nerd had never felt before.

Cosmic Ranger 02/17/18 12:52 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Zordon and Alpha detected the new Ranger. Alpha teleported Zayden to the Command Center with the other new recruit.

Kimberly Hart 02/17/18 12:55 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Sarah is shocked to see her surrounded and starts to panic. She jumps when a young man is teleported in . And freaks out some more whe she she's Zordon's big head.

" Please , sir. I don't want any trouble. I am just an innocent girl. Please let me go! I'm too young to die!"

Luke Skywalker 02/17/18 01:18 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
(OOC: I think you posted in the wrong thread, Quantum.)

Suddenly, the library disappeared and Zayden was in a completely new place. Shocked, he looked around, only spot a girl around his age and a giant, floating head.

"What in the world!?" he shouted, before the girl started panicking. Not knowing what else to do, the black-haired boy grabbed the girl by her shoulders. "Hey, calm down! Take deep breaths! No one's gonna die!"

At least, he hoped.

Quantum Hunter 02/17/18 02:16 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
(oc Opps your right can a mod delete?)

Cosmic Ranger 02/17/18 02:34 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
"Calm yourselves young ones. You have both been chosen to become Power Rangers by the power coins. A great evil known as Rita Repulsa has awakened. The coins were meant to bond with those worthy of their power. Thanks to the teachings of the Morphing Masters I can give you a morpher that will connect your coins with the Morphing Grid and allow you to become Power Rangers."

Just then the two visitors saw their new coins disappear. They re-appeared along their waists, now encased by power morphers.

Hexagon Ranger 02/17/18 02:41 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Scott looked around the park and couldn't believe what just happened to him. He would have said he was hallucinating but he still had the strange coin and his morpher.

Kimberly Hart 02/17/18 02:44 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
"Power Rangers? Morphing Grid? Power Coins? We are just teenagers how can we defend the Earth? By the way this new belt and morpher thing doesn't go with my outfit."

Luke Skywalker 02/17/18 03:22 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
"Power Rangers? Morphing Grid? Power Coins?"

Was this like a nerd fantasy come true or what?

"You mean, with this," Zayden held up his morpher, "I'm suddenly, what, strong now?"

He certainly did feel it like he never had before - the strength, the power, to be much more. But then the full force of what the floating head was saying hit him: "And... I have to defend the Earth?"

Cosmic Ranger 02/17/18 03:28 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
"Yes, rest assured both of you. The coins wouldn't have chosen you if you didn't have potential to be great heroes. And fear not,because the power will protect you!

" Since you both seem skeptical I think you should morph. Call out the name of your spirit beasts and you shall morph into Power Rangsrs for the first time. "

Green With Envy 02/18/18 10:04 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Name: Billy Somers

Powers: Blue Ranger

Character History

Billy is a trouble maker at school and an under acheiver. But he is secretly very smart. And has a lot of scientific knowledge. He just doesn't want to show it for fear of people thinking he is a nerd. He hates bullies and will defend them no matter what. He started taking martial arts lessons to make himself look cool.

Hexagon Ranger 02/18/18 10:09 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
"Wait a minite, why am I being a fool, I have power now!"

Scott decided to used his new powers.

"Its morphing time!"


Scott's ranger suit encased his body as he felt the power of his animal spirit and the morphing grid.

"This is amazing!"

Cosmic Ranger 02/18/18 10:18 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Back at the moon Rita could feel a disturbance in the grid.

"So Zordon has begun recruiting his Rangers. And this fool has morphed. Only leading me to him. But I sense more are coming. Goldar! Go to Earth and kill him. Bring me his power coin."

"Yes my Queen!"

Rita blasted Goldar with her staff. He become absorbed into the wand. Rita than threw her wand to the Earth as Goldar was discharged in front of Scott. The wand then disappeared and returns to Rita.

"Aaaah! human, my Queen has ordered your death. The Power will not protect you!"

Hexagon Ranger 02/19/18 11:57 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Scott started freaking out like he did back in the Command Center. He gave Goldar a karate chop.

Cosmic Ranger 02/19/18 12:07 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Goldar took the chop and almost lost his balance.

"You will pay for that human!"

Goldar struck Goldar back harder and blasted hom with energy from his sword. Csusing the Red Ranger to fall to the ground.

"You're not the only one with special powers. But mine our stronger becausethey come fro Queen Rita. A Dark Monarch of the Dark Power. "

Meanwhile at the Command Center , alarms Glared.

"Ayi,Ayi Zordon...Scott is under attack by a Morphological Being. And it looks like he is over matched. "

" Yes Alpha. It appears Rita has already morphed an innocent human into one of her minion. Rangers I know you have more questions. But Scott is another recent recruit that needs you help. Alpha will give you your communicators and teleport you to help Scott. Use the names of your Dinosaur Spirits to morph. And remember the Power will protect you! "

Alpha gave the bewildered tees their communicators and teleported them straight to the battle scene.

"Ayi,Ayi Zordon, do you think there ready."

" The power coins chose them for a reason. We must have faith in them and that the power will protect them".

Green With Envy 02/19/18 12:18 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Billy was in the park getting dissed by a couple of popular girls that he was trying to impress. He bought a hot dog and sat at the bench , wondering why he had to mentiom his interest in ants.

Somers than can't believe his eyes as he sees a monster battling spandex clad heroes. Fear gripped his mind as he started to run for it. He tripped and fell to the ground. His hot dog laid on the ground and changed into a strange gold coin.

Billy quickly got up to run again but noticed the coin. He couldn't help but to pick it up on. As he did he felt a rush of power and confidence. Instead of fear he was compelled to fight the monster. He ran towards the battle scene half wondering if he just lost his mind.

Luke Skywalker 02/20/18 08:13 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Zayden's face got a determined expression as Zordon explained to him the cause behind the alarms. A few hours ago, he would have run from the thought of being a hero like this, but the Power that the Coin had filled him with gave him both confidence and courage.

"Alright, I'm in. Take me to him!"

Soon enough, Zayden found himself at the battle scene. He saw the Red Ranger battling Goldar, and some other guy there as well who was probably going to get himself killed.

As if the Power Coin spoke to him, he knew what he had to do. Bringing the Coin forward, Zayden let the Power enshroud him in a layer of black energy.


Where Zayden had stood was now a being adorned in Black Ranger armor. The Black Ranger looked at his new form for a second, before sprinting straight towards Goldar and jumping, coming in at Rita's Minion with a flying kick.

Cosmic Ranger 02/21/18 12:01 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Goldar drops backwards and loses his balance this time. But he quickly recovers and knocked the Black Ranger to the ground. He zapps him with his sword

"So another Ranger! Looks like you are going to die too".

As Billy runs towards the battle a morphee appears on his waist, enclosing his Power coins. And a communicator is around his wrist. Zordon's voice blasts out from his communicator.

" Billy you are a Power Ranger. Say the name Triceratops to morph into a Power Ranger."

Green With Envy 02/21/18 12:11 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Billy stops in his tracks as he sees the two heroes blasted to the ground. the ground. . He is surprised by his new morpher and communicator. But he was also surprised by the coin. He knows he has no choice but to trust the voice he just heard.


Energy forms around Somers as his Ranger Suit forms around him. Billy feels the power around him. But knows he just can't attack the monster head on or he will just get blasted too.

Billy sees the strange blaster around his waist. He takes the blaster out of the holster and shoots at Goldar repeatly.

Kimberly Hart 02/21/18 12:13 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Sarah is scared and runs away.

Hexagon Ranger 02/21/18 12:18 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Scott uses the distraction to get up and decides to use his own blaster. He joins the Blue Ranger by blasting Goldar himself.

"Black attack him while he is distracted!"

Luke Skywalker 02/21/18 10:45 AM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
The Black Ranger was shot back by Goldar's attack, and he grunted in pain, but quickly pushed himself onto his feet. He spared a glance at Sarah who was running away instead of fighting.

"Wait!" he called to her, "come back! We need your help!"

Then the Blue Ranger showed himself, and the Black Ranger decided to focus his attention on the matter at hand.

"Hey, Zordon! Do I have any weapons other than this blaster?! Like a sword or something?!" he called out.

As both Red and Blue Rangers began distracting Goldar with their blasters, the Black Ranger nodded at them and assumed a fighting stance, before beginning a sprint straight towards Goldar, launching himself into the air with full Power Ranger strength with a kick aimed straight at the back of Goldar's head.

Cosmic Ranger 02/21/18 10:53 PM

Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG
Goldar feels the full force of the blasts and the Black Rangers attack. He falls to the ground in pain. But slowly starts to get up.

Zordon responds to the Black Ranger, "Yes you can summon your power axe. "

" Billy you can use your Power Lance"

"Scott you can you the Power Sword."

"Sarah rejoin your comrads and believe that the power will protect you. Your weapon is the Power Bow."

Goldar recovers enough to begin his latest attack.

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