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Zabitan 02/19/14 12:49 AM

Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Hello there everyone I'm Zabitan, and I am here to take you on a strange trip into the world of American/Western Tokusastu productions starting with the first attempt at duplicating the success of Power Rangers, and one of my personal favorites VR Troopers.

I guess I'll start by saying what I plan on doing with this. I'm going to watch an episode of VR Troopers a day, and review it from Monday to Friday.

I will also watch episodes of Metal Hero but only the ones that the episode of VR Troopers used footage from so I can see for myself what footage they had to work with.

I'll save official reviews of those episodes when I decide to review the shows themselves.

Anyway I guess I'll start by talking about the Cybertron pilot. I like seeing Jason David Frank as the main character, Grimlord having a bully son who's the hero's main rival. Jamie Kennedy before he was famous as one of the comic relief characters.

My only real gripe is the transformation being just JDF starring at a crystal. I can understand him putting his hand on it, and then saying his transformation phrase to start it but just starting at it no.

Everything else I don't know I like Tao being a mentor, Tao's daughter Mia, and seeing how the show would have been like with only one Metal Hero show but at the same time I still like the VR Troopers we did get.

It mostly has to do with the fact that only the script for what the first episode would be about, and only about ten minutes of footage with 90% of it being Metalder

And it's pretty hard to judge a show that doesn't exist since there's no way short of a magic what if machine to tell if it would have been better or not.

I will say it's a pretty good what if though like if Saban was going to make an actual Karato series out of Janperson, or if they were going to take Rescue Hero or Blue Swat and make it something like Mega Patrol.

So on to the first episode of VR Troopers The Battle Begins written by Douglas Sloan, and directed by Shuki Levy.

So we start with how every episode starts with our main hero Ryan Steele sitting in front of a bell at park going on about his legendary missing daddy issues. Not much else to say since all the really good jokes have been made, and so no real reason to talk about them other than what the moral of the story is.

We then go to Tao dojo where Ryan, and his best friend JB Reese are in the middle of a karate tournament against the generic Crossworld City dojo with Tao dojo down 1 to Crosworld's 2 while their friend, and sensei Tao, and Ryan's pet bloodhound Jeb watch and cheer on.

I will say that I always enjoy how much 90's Saban shows treat karate tournaments like they're these big things that everyone in town is obsessed with. The middle aged white guy ref, random judges in business suits, and my personal favorite the audience that has a random guy with a 70's porn stache.

Ryan fights some random blonde guy in black gi, and they pretty much just kick at each other until they punch each other, Ryan takes him down with a scissor kick winning a point for Tao dojo.

Now for the tie breaker JB vs random Asian guy in black gi. They punch, and karate chop each other, then they kick each other, then random Asian guy jumps, and JB kicks him winning the tournament for Tao dojo, and Ryan, JB, and Tao celebrate.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where crazy editor Woody is on the phone giving the five Ws before comically slamming the phone on his own finger calling forth Kaitlin Star Ryan and JB's other best friend who works as reporter at UVD to tell her that local greedy evil rich corporate asshole type and the shows main villain Karl Ziktor is demolishing an old building to make a power plant.

Ryan, and JB then go on their motorcycles to meet Kaitlin at Occupy Crossworld City. While in his totally not creepy, and evil looking corporate headquarters Ziktor himself grabs his pet lizard Julia so they and his secretaries can watch the old building getting blown up.

Ziktor, and the foreman for the demolition team take turns counting down from five so that we can cut back and forth between Ziktor in his office, and Ryan and his friends at the demolition site, and then we see the old building get blown up.

Ziktor gets up, and tells his secretaries to return to virtual reality to await further instructions, and they turn into Skugs gold robots with weird faces in black tights with capes who are the show's henchmen, and slide into the floor while Ziktor starts gloating about taking over the city.

There's something about this part that bugs me but it won't make sense until I get to my final thoughts so let's move on.

Zabitan 02/19/14 12:50 AM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
We then go back to Tao dojo where Ryan is putting up the trophy he, and JB won from the tournament earlier, and straightening up around the dojo while JB is trying to update the dojo books on the computer, and Kaitlin is playing with Jeb.

Just then the computer starts acting weird, and Ryan, and his friends try to see what's going on, and the image of a middle aged black guy shows up on the screen. The man says he's Professor Horatio Hart, and that he has a message from Ryan's father.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries Ziktor's secretaries inform him of it, and he has them leave while he puts his hand on his crystal ball, and goes "Forces of darkness empower me. Take me back to my virtual reality", and transforms into Grimlord, and goes to his virtual dungeon to see his army of mutant robots.

Now I would like to make that one joke where you pretend to confuse the Japanese names with the American ones like if I was talking about Power Rangers I would joke "The astronauts open the space dumpster, and accidentally release Band-er I mean Rita Repulsa" but honestly I would be here all day if I did that, and we've just seen the Metalder monsters.

Instead I'll just compare and contrast what I like and what I don't like about the villains of VR Troopers with regards to the ones on Power Rangers.

For starters I like how they look since they look like how I imagine robots, and mutants would look like if they were real, and I like how they are an actual army as opposed to just a few characters.

And I like General Ivar if I wasn't such a wimp about needles I would get General Ivar as a Tattoo on my back I think he's that cool.

On the other hand there's just so many of them, and it's always the same amount no matter who gets blown up so it's hard to care sometimes who's supposed to be a main minion and who's just an MOTD.

Especially since it still comes across like Grimlord's the Zedd/Rita, Ivar, Decimator, and maybe Zelton, Dark Heart, and Blue Boar are the Goldars, Icebot is the Finster, and Toxoid, Air Striker, Fighterbot, and maybe the tankbots are the Squats, and Baboos.

Anyway Grimlord calls up General Ivar, to make sure that the final assault on reality is under way, and to stop Ryan, and his friends from going to Professor Hart's lab

We then see Ryan, and his friends in Kaitlin's car driving to the lab while Ryan explains that Professor Hart worked with his dad, they were both close to a major scientific breakthrough when his father disappeared.

Just then two of Grimlord's mutants Air Striker, and Fighterbot appear, and on Grimlord's orders start trying to blow up Kaitlin's car with enough missiles, and lasers to turn mount Everest into a gravel pit, and still end up missing it.

And yet our heroes are still smart enough to get out soon as they get the woods to escape to the bridge but Grimlord is also smart enough to have Fighterbot destroy the bridge before they can reach it.

Zabitan 02/19/14 12:51 AM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
We then see our heroes walking through a field explaining that when we weren't looking they were able to find a side road.

You know I'm starting to notice a pattern with this episode of just Ziktor/Grimlord screwing over Ryan, and his friends, and then the next scene is like they don't even care.

Anyway Ryan, and his friends then find some weird triangle thing in the middle of nowhere. The Professor's voice comes out, and tells them to enter, and they do. we then see Professor Hart's lab, I'll admit I like it just because of how futuristic it looks.

Inside our heroes look around, and then the Professor appears on the lab's screens revealing he only exists as a virtual image, and tells them to put on some VR visors which he makes appear out of thin air.

Our heroes put them on, and are assaulted by a 90's screen saver that the Professor explains is them looking through the reality barrier. Then Ryan's father appears which JB explains is a virtual recording like a 3D video.

Ryan's father shows some Metalder clips, and explains that Grimlord has been making mutant robots so he can attack the reality barrier and take over the world.

He then says that he and Professor Hart need Ryan, and his friends to become superheroes called the VR Troopers, and explains about the skugs but he doesn't actually show them.

He then explains that if they fail to defeat the Skugs in our world they will have to fight them in an outpost next to a virtual black hole called the Battle Grid.

But instead of showing what the Battle Grid looks like he shows them transforming into the Battle Grid suits but doesn't explain why they have those suits when they go there.

Though I'll admit I like the insta morph effect with the weird "seizure" lights, and the Troopers glowing as civilians, and being in the suits when it fades.

I will say this just to get it out of the way I do enjoy the Battle Grid suits. I Like how all three of them try to incorporate elements from the Metal Hero suits into them like the padding meant to be the metal plates on their main suits.

And how they make the Troopers look more like they're part of the same team while still having individual elements to tell who's who.

Like Ryan's suit has this half red half blue color scheme with the yellow eyes, and all these various designs that I'm guessing are supposed to look like metal plates.

Kaitlin has this white suit with a red stripe, and black visor on the helmet, and a design that looks like she's wearing a one piece swimsuit/leotard, and even looks like it has straps, and it even has these yellow crystals on her chest, and a belt on there.

Hell JB's is the most "normal" looking and it still manages to have elements of both Ryan, and Kaitlin's suits with this solid body suit and armored design like Ryan but with this silver helmet with a black stripe, and red visor, and red, and silver crystal like shapes like a male version of Kaitlin.

We finally get to see the main suits, and I'll say that I like how they have full body armor, and how they all have unique designs to them, and the various lights on all them.

Ryan's father then tells them they are Earth's last hope, and there's an admittedly touching part where Ryan tries to reach out to his dad, the message ends, and our heroes take off their visors, and Ryan's still sad about his dad.

The Professor then has these three pendants appear which he explains are the transformation virtualizers that will allow them to become VR Troopers, and travel between realities to stop Grimlord' and his mutants, and our heroes then put them on.

Meanwhile at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord has his Tankbots attack the lab, so the Professor tells them to say Trooper Transform, and use their new powers which they do, and we get to see them transform for the first time.

Ryan's transformation is the Metalder one with Brad Hawkins, and without the part where he grabs his own arms for no reason, and JB, and Kaitlin's transformations are the Spielban, Dianna Lady ones with Michael Bacon, and Sarah Brown.

We then see JB, and Kaitlin fight an ape like mutant called Kongbot who attacks with huge fists he can launch at opponents, while Ryan fights Grimlord's second in command Decimator, and the Tankbots who open fire on him.

JB, and Kaitlin jump to attack Kongbot who punches JB, and pins him to the ground, but JB gets out of the way, and Kaitlin tries to kick Kongbot but he just punches her out of the way.

Meanwhile Decimator jumps at Ryan with his sword, and tries to slash him but Ryan keeps getting out the way, then he jumps, and kicks Decimator, and blocks him with his arm but Decimator jumps out of the way.

I'll also add that when they're in Trooper mode they have what I like to call Trooper vision where you can see what it looks like in the helmets, and in addition to the main visor there's also a little screen so they can talk to others, and see what's going on elsewhere.

It's a small thing but it adds a nice touch to how the Troopers' powers work, and adds to the techno feel of the show.

Meanwhile JB does a jump kick at Kongbot, and knocks him upside the head, and then tries to slash him with his sword but gets punched aside, so he tries again but still gets punched so he kicks Kongbot and knocks him back again but Kongbot keeps running at him.

So the Professor tells JB to use his Laser Lance against Kongbot, and I'm not gonna lie it's awesome. Lightsabers are cool, double edged Lightsabers are cool so using a double edged Lightsaber to slash a robot until it blows up is just perfect.

Meanwhile Ryan is still dealing with Decimator kicking him, and trying to dodge his sword slashes but then Decimator rushes at Ryan, and slashes his shoulder, and exposing his circuits, and sending him off a cliff.

At the lab JB, and Kaitlin back in civilian mode return from defeating Kongbot, and wonder where Ryan is. The Professor explains that Ryan's communication system is down, has JB use the geo thermal scanner to find Ryan.

Meanwhile at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord, and his mutants celebrate Ryan's defeat, and plan to continue the invasion of Earth. While at the bottom of the cliff Ryan lies quiet, and motionless as the words To Be Continued flash on the screen.

Now here's where I would talk about Finale Thoughts but I'll save those for part as this is a multi parter.

So tune in next time for more Magic Happy American Tokusatsu Reviews.

Zabitan 02/19/14 12:51 AM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
So we start where we left off with Ryan in Trooper mode lying at the bottom of a canyon only now he's talking about the time his dad told him to never give up.

Back at the lab JB, Kaitlin, and the Professor are still looking for Ryan. The Professor explains that Ryan's main power source is down so he has one of the lab's machines materialize a device to fix Ryan's circuits.

Kaitlin, and JB then take Jeb, and her car to get to Ryan in time with Kaitlin wishing they could get there faster but she, and JB start to regret that when her steering wheel, and breaks are stuck, and the car is still moving on it's own towards off a cliff.

Just when it looks like they're going to have a car wreck the doors of Kaitlin's car sprout wings and it starts flying, and the radio turns into a computer screen with the Professor who explains that he upgraded her car when know one was looking.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries. One of Ziktor's Skug secretaries informs him that Ryan is still alive. While he is watching it on a tv in his office for himself I might add.

However he believes that he can use it to destroy all three Troopers at once.

Kaitlin lands her car, and they all get out to look for Ryan who's okay except for the fact that he can't move so JB uses the device the Professor gave to fix Ryan.

Just then a group of Ziktor's secretaries appear, and transform into their true forms, and which Kaitlin just automatically knows, and we get our first Skug battle.

They both kick at them, but then Kaitlin gets flipped over by the Skugs while JB kicks at them but they get out of the way.

Kaitlin gets flipped over again, and JB gets knocked down by a leg sweep kick but gets back up and kicks a Skug but then gets down, and let's the Skug run towards him so he can grab it with both his arm and leg, and throws the Skug off.

Meanwhile Kaitlin is trying to get two Skugs off so she runs up a tree, and slams them into each other.

Now here is where we get into the elephant in the room. The infamous weakness where the Skugs disintegrate when they touch each other.

Yeah it's pretty lame 1994 was not a good year for henchmen in American kids based on Japanese ones.

Anyway Kaitlin tells JB and he wastes no time, and kicks the two Skugs in front of him into each other Kaitlin, and JB then go to take Ryan back the Lab.

Once there the Professor scans Ryan, and has a machine fix Ryan. Kaitlin wonders why the Virtual power didn't protect Ryan.

To which the Professor explains that the Troopers must still defend themselves even with the powers.

Afterwards we see some flashing lights, and Ryan turns back into Brad Hawkins.

I will say I like the idea that their VR Trooper forms are actual robots, and if they get damaged as robots they have to get repaired.

Zabitan 02/19/14 12:52 AM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Meanwhile at Ziktor industries Ziktor tells his secretaries he wants to purchase some land that will soon be available. Then he brags to Juliet about how it's like a game of I Win while they watch scenes of factories, and construction crews.

Why? I'm guessing to try, and make it look like the stuff about the old building from the last was actually relevant.

Unless Haim Saban generally thought that kids, and parents liked shows buying land.

VR Troopers: Superheroes, Robots, Martial Arts, Real Estate

Anyway back at the lab the Professor congratulates the Troopers on their first time. But the Troopers themselves are worried about Grimlord, and his mutants.

So the Professor has them put on the visors, and he shows them some more Metalder clips of monsters they'll have to fight and there is an admittedly funny part where the Troopers actually get freaked out by a monster, and make defensive poses while the Professor does an aside.

Afterwards Ryan says that if that's what it takes to find his father he'll do it, and Kaitlin says they'll be with him.

Just then Jeb gets on the machine, and starts messing with it which then starts electrocuting him, and when it's done he starts talking with a Jack Nicholson impersonation.

Now I'm just going to flat out say it I like Jeb because I like his whole sarcastic commentary on everything.

Anyway the Professor says he can make Jeb normal but Jeb doesn't want to so Ryan makes him promise not to talk around anyone besides them.

Back at Ziktor industries Ziktor transforms into Grimlord, and goes to the Virtual Dungeon.

While at Tao dojo the Troopers are practicing martial arts while a Ron Wasserman song plays afterwards Tao himself comes out with some brooms, and dust pans, and asks them to clean the dojo before they leave.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where Woody is playing with some toys when Kaitlin comes in, and Woody asks if she has her story ready which she doesn't.

So she grabs her camera, and drives her car just outside Crossworld City when she sees something strange, and finds Grimlord's mutants getting ready for the final assault on reality.

At Tao dojo the show sets up this sub plot where Ryan is trying to become part owner of the dojo when Kaitlin comes in and tells them she has to talk to them while grabbing her Virtualizer to show them it's Trooper related.

So Ryan and JB leave with her while Tao just stands around confused.

While at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord's mutants are cheering while Grimlord has all of them attack the reality barrier.

Back at the UVD JB puts a floppy disk into Kaitlin 's computer that lets them talk to the Professor so Kaitlin shows him her pictures and he tells them to stop Grimlord's army.

Zabitan 02/19/14 12:53 AM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
So they all go to the dark room, and transform into the VR Troopers.

The Professor tells Ryan to attack Grimlord's base to stop his army, and gives him a spaceship called the Skybase to do it with.

Just then the Skybase is attacked by Grimlord's remote controlled jet fighters so he fires some missiles at them.

Meanwhile JB and Kaitlin sneak into Grimlord's base, plant explosives in the main power core.

Just then the alarm goes off so the Skugs go after JB, and Kaitlin who try to escape the base in time when they are attacked by a robotic surveillance camera but they manage to escape before it's destroyed.

Which I'll say I like this part because of how it reminds me of a live action Contra.

Back in the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord tells General Ivar to send an Ramada of tanks at the Troopers so the Professor tells Ryan to use the VR Battle Cruiser.

Ryan tries to attack all the tanks but they keep coming so the Professor tells him to attack General Ivar's tank.

The Battle Cruiser, and Ivar's tank try to run each other off but Ryan succeeds in pushing Ivar's tank off the cliff and JB Kaitlin high five while Jeb's eyes bulge out.

Back at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord is mad the Troopers beat him and vows revenge.

At the lab the Professor congratulates the Troopers but warns them that Grimlord will strike again.

Then Grimlord himself sends a message to taunt them.

"I miss you Dad" the end.

Zabitan 02/22/14 09:12 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
So finally (pardon the pun) here's my final thoughts.

I'll start by saying that as VR Troopers fan myself I'm not too big into the whole idea that the show is better than PR because it's "Darker" and " Edgier" since that's only half the show.

I'm usually not a fan of stereotypical evil businessman types, and it's especially weird since one of the richest guys around made this but at the same time I can see why they other people might see this as more "realistic"

I'm not to sure about the Virtual Reality motif since aside the visors, and some of the effects this could easily just about technology in general.

I'll admit I do like the whole theme of technology like how the Troopers, and the Professor represent technology being used to for peace, and fixing the world, and Ziktor represents it being used for war, and pollution, and all that bad stuff.

I guess I should talk about Ryan's epic daddy issues but I don't don't know like I said all the good jokes have been done, and despite or perhaps because I've seen so many Anime, and Tokusatsu shows that I'm pretty much just as used to missing/dead family issues as I am with monsters, and robots.

I like how the Troopers have jobs, and goals like all of them working at the dojo, Ryan wanting to be part owner, JB being a computer genius, Kaitlin being a reporter.

I like how the heroes turn into robots, and have armor, and the vehicles, and how you can see what they see.

I also like the comic relief side characters

I like the monsters, and how they look like how I imagine robots, and mutants would look like though I wish they weren't so many at a time though that's more with Metalder then VR Troopers.

The only real combo breaker for me is the stuff with the old building in part 1, and Ziktor talking about land.

On one hand it's only three minutes but that's three minutes that could have been spent on anything else.

Like having Tyler's message make more sense, having that deleted Skug fight that part 1 was supposed to have, and maybe even having an actual Battle Grid scene to introduce the suits, or just use the unused fight scene footage that was in the episodes they adapted.

Which reminds me, and I'm probably going to point this out a bunch of times for a show that uses two later three Japanese superhero shows and ended because of a lack of footage there's either a whole fight scene they don't use or they use it but not all of it.

Especially since there was a whole fight scene from the episode of Metalder they used in Part 1, and in the Spielban fight they used had Spielban use the Gaios tank.

Other than that it's a good premiere.

Zabitan 02/23/14 01:57 AM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
We start off with Ryan thinking about the time his dad taught him origami which leads to a scene where he, and his friends are riding on horseback through the woods talking about how great it is to get out of the city for a bit while Jeb gives snarky commentary about the horses’ breath.

Eventually they see a seemingly abandoned building, and dismount to investigate.

Kaitlin takes out her camera, and sees that it’s a prison with a single scraggly faced middle aged looking white guy as a prisoner, and a mysterious “S” symbol on the wall.

The Troopers then decide to investigate further.

Meanwhile Ziktor watches the Troopers sneaking around what he claims is his reactor parts facility, and decides to transform into Grimlord.

In the Virtual Dungeon he talks to an unnamed spiky red female mutant who Metal Heroes wiki has dubbed Scarlet Seductress who is apparently Grimlord’s advisor.

She tells Grimlord to distract Ryan, and destroy him.

When Ryan, and his friends get to the building three random security guards show up without saying anything, and transform into Skugs, and the Troopers fight them off while Jeb runs off.

JB kicks a Skug while Ryan punches, and kicks one, and Kaitlin flips over another.

Then Ryan, and JB flip over their Skugs while Kaitlin punches, and kicks hers.

Then Ryan kicks, and flips over his again, and then all three kicks their skugs into each other defeating them.

At the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord requests another diversion, and Scarlet Seductress suggests drawing them into the Battle Grid.

First we go to the Lab where an alarm I jokingly refer to as a Dragonzord light goes off, and then the Professor says Battle Grid alert Prepare for Battle Grid mode.

Then we see Ryan, Kaitlin, and JB’s faces over a black background that turns into seizure lights, and then we see the Battle Grid suits form onto them.

Ryan has these armor like pieces, Kaitlin has these weird little cubes that I jokingly refer to as popcorn pieces, and JB has what looks like glass shards.

I’ll admit I like them because of how unique everyone’s transformation is.

Then some more glass shard looking things appear and turn the black background into a portal that looks like a cheesy 90’s screen saver, and the Troopers fly through it while we see them from behind as a group, then individually from the side, then as a group from the front, and finally from behind again.

I will say while the CGI for the Battle Grid portal is very cheesy, and 90’s I do like the flying effects for the Troopers.

I’ll take this moment to actually talk about the Battle Grid itself.

It’s basically just this small glowing room with all these curtains with weird glowing lights underneath that I’m guessing is supposed to be the “sky” here, the ground is all rocky, and there’s these weird rock formations, and these weird barren trees, and there’s fog on the ground.

On one hand I have to say that I like it because it looks how I imagine virtual reality or some other dimension would look like if I physically went there, and in some episodes it’s the only time the Troopers actually appear in Virtual Reality but in some episodes it’s the only time we see some Troopers appear in VR Trooper mode even if they don’t transform into the full armor.

But on the other hand not only will I admit it’s cheesy I also have to admit as much as I like the Battle Grid suits themselves I have to wonder how much all the stuff for the Battle Grid set actually cost since I can’t imagine any of it could be cheap.

It makes me wonder why they didn’t just make the Battle Grid suits but call it Hyper Tech mode or something, and use the money they would have used to make the set to either make suits for the full armor the stunt people could actually fight in, or an American suit for Grimlord before season 2, and some American suits for Decimator, and General Ivar, or anything really.

Anyway on to the actual fight itself they land in the Battle Grid. JB is on the left, Ryan is in the middle, and Kaitlin is on the right, and they all just stand around talking wondering what Grimlord is up to.

Then we see the Skugs rise up with their arms crossed like vampires, and then unfurling them to make karate poses.

The Troopers do this thing where JB goes V, Ryan goes R, and Kailtin goes Troopers like they’re a Super Sentai team which I actually kind of like.

Ryan jumps through the air while doing a sideways karate chop, and then he lands on this rock formation, and then starts punching, and kicking a Skug, and knocks it off, and then he does this summersault down to the ground, and then Ryan starts kicking, and punching more Skugs.

Then Kaitlin punches, and low kicks some other Skugs, and then there’s this awkward edit where it looks like a Skug is hitting Kaitlin but it’s really JB who got hit, and he gets thrown back, and Kaitlin runs up to help him back up, and then they jump, and JB does this mid air kick that knocks a Skug into two others.

A scene I might add you see in every Battle Grid fight.

Then we see JB, and Kaitlin fight off the skugs some more for about a second.

Ryan punches, and kicks some more Skugs before grabbing one by the neck, and kicking it.

Kaitlin does a mid air summersault, and punches, and kicks some more, and knocks one into some others.

Now all the Skugs are gone, and we see Ryan, and then Kaitlin, and JB join him, and Ryan figures they should find out what’s with the old building that spooks Grimlord

Then they all say VR Troopers, and go back to reality.

What’s weird though is that we hardly ever directly see the Troopers transform back out of Battle Grid, and return to reality it’s usually they say VR Troopers the screen goes white, and then it cuts to the next scene, and most of the time the screen doesn’t even go white it just cuts to the next scene.

Anyway we then go to the Underground Voice Daily where after a brief comedy bit where two people pet Jeb we see Ryan, and JB are researching the building, and find out it’s owned by the government, and that they used to build nuclear weapons.

Meanwhile Kaitlin is in the dark room trying to enhance the pictures she took, and there’s one bit I like where she briefly mentions the Battle Grid.

Then she shows the others her pictures, and they decide to the lab hoping the Professor has some equipment that can help.

Zabitan 02/23/14 01:58 AM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Meanwhile at the Virtual Dungeon another unnamed mutant who will later be identified as the Magician in A Dirty Trick is warning Grimlord that the Troopers will find out everything if they don’t cease operations.

And there’s this funny bit where Toxoid suggests poisoning the water but then Decimator quips that it’s stupid because teenagers don’t drink water.

Then Grimlord suggests they should attack the reality barrier to distract the Troopers while they take the prisoner to Virtual Reality.

At the lab the Troopers use the lab’s image enhancing software to blow up the image, and get a good look at the prisoner’s face, and Ryan, and the others notice something familiar about him so they digitally remove his beard.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries Ziktor is bossing around Rooney the city’s cowardly mayor, and another comic relief character, and after the mayor leaves he transforms back into Grimlord, and orders his main fleet to distract the other Troopers while a ground squad handles Ryan.

Back at the lab the Troopers have finished removing the facial hair from the prisoner’s face (damn I wish I had that image editing software that way my fan made Battle Grid Troopers wouldn’t look like crap but I digress), and Ryan notices the prisoner looks like his father but JB, and Kaitlin warn him that it’s just a digital estimate of what the man might look like but Ryan wants to make sure just in case.

Just then another reality break alarm only this one is some glowing letters that say ALARM over red, and white background, and the Professor warns the Troopers that Grimlord is once again trying to penetrate the reality barrier so the Troopers transform to stop him.

Zabitan 02/23/14 01:59 AM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
The Professor warns Ryan that Grimlord has sent his mutant scouts which are these black and yellow ninja like foot soldiers with these weird helmets that I think look cool though I don’t think they get used much sadly.

And a group of them wrap ropes around Ryan, and try to electrocute him but he just grabs the ropes, and throws them.

But then one tries to fire laser needles at Ryan but he ducks out of the way, and they hit another mutant scout.

Then two more try to come after Ryan with their double edged swords/spears but he gets out of the way then grabs them, and throws them causing them to explode.

Then it’s just one last one (The Magician), and he and Ryan both jump at each other, Ryan karate chops the Magician but he punches Ryan’s stomach so they disconnect then the Magician breaths fire, and causes explosions but then Ryan jumps out of the way so the Magician throws an exploding shuriken but Ryan karate chops it out of the way.

Meanwhile Kaitlin fights off some Skugs by punching, and kicking them, and then using her ray gun on them.

While JB fights yet another unnamed robot mutant one who not even Metal Heroes wiki has a name for though they say they’re thinking of calling him Shockerbot because he was called Mecha Shocker in Spielban which I think is a good name though he’s also been called Shiskabot after Jebs snarky commentary for him.

Though just to be a sarcastic dick I’ll call him Nathaniel Merryweather the 3rd for this review.

Anyway JB jumps at Nathaniel Merryweather the 3rd, and tries to slash him with his sword but Nathaniel grabs it, and throws JB, and then grows out these tentacles to shoot JB with electricity.

But JB shoots him with his ray gun so Nathaniel grows a bazooka out of his shoulder, and shoots JB with lasers but JB teleports, and hits Nathaniel with his sword.

Meanwhile Ryan is still fighting Magician who is running while teleporting at him but Ryan punches, and throws him.

But the Magician teleports away, and reappears with a whole army of clones who come after Ryan with their swords/spears so the Professor gives Ryan a program that lets him see the real Magician who still comes after Ryan with his sword/spear but Ryan doges, and blocks, and then grabs it, and throws the Magician.

Then he uses a move called the Lightning Hand command where his hand grows a laser blade, and he karate chops the Magician but the Magician teleports out, and the Professor says he’s retreated so Ryan searches for his father.

Meanwhile Kailtin is fighting off some more Skugs by kicking, and throwing them while Nathaniel is firing lasers at JB who shoots his own lasers at Nathaniel who keeps coming so JB finishes him off with Laser Lance.

Afterwards there’s a bittersweet part where Ryan goes to the old building but finds it abandoned, and the prisoner gone but sees an origami bird seemingly confirming that his father was the prisoner, and looks for him.

While at the Virual Dungeon Decimator confirms the prisoner has been transferred to Virtual Reality, and Grimlord orders some fighters sent to the reality barrier.

So JB, and Kaitlin get in the Skybase which gets hit so they fire missles at the jet fighters but they keep coming so Kaitlin takes evasive maneuvers, and there is a funny part where the jet fighters keep hitting the Skybase, and JB quips “What happened to ‘evasive maneuvers’” to which Kaitlin goes “This isn’t a Sports Car JB it’s hard work”, and they apologize to each other.

Eventually though they fire missles at the jet fighters, and destroy them, and talk to Ryan who sadly reports he was too late.

While at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord is mad at his minions for failing to destroy the Troopers.

JB, and Kaitlin then go to the abandoned building to find Ryan sitting around holding the origami bird bemoaning the fact that he was too late to save his dad, and his friends comfort him.

And I’ll be honest I find this actually very touching.

Anyway “I miss my dad” the end.

Zabitan 02/23/14 02:00 AM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts.

This was a pretty cool episode.

There’s some generally touching bits when Ryan thinks the prisoner is his dad, and his friends try to cheer him up. I like how they took a show don’t tell approach to whether or not the prisoner is Ryan’s dad, and even the “I miss my dad” parts actually felt relevant for a change

I also thought a lot of parts like Decimator explaining why poisoning the water supply is stupid to JB, and Kaitlin arguing over Kaitlin’s flying.

Also once again this show has some good monster designs I like Magician’s whole ninja motif, and powers, and I like Shockerbot/Shishkabot/Nathaniel Merryweather the 3rd/call him what you will with his electro tentacles, and shoulder bazooka.

And Scarlet Seductress with her spikes, and everything but let’s just say I wish they had saved her for a later episode.

And the mutant scouts where cool with their electro ropes, and laser needles I wish we could have gotten them in American footage since I can imagine the suits are any more complex than the Skug suits.

Also random thought I once had a dream where the Troopers fought the Mutant Scouts in the Battle Grid.

That would have been cool because one of my few problems with Battle Grid mode is that they only fight Skugs who aren’t much of a challenge in civilian mode so it probably would have lent the Battle Grid scenes some weight I think if they used Mutant Scouts for them.

Not much on the Metal Hero front there was a fight scene with Scarlet Seductress but Metalder was unmorphed, a jet fighter chase, and Spielban morphed looking around a quarry but they were both more relevant to Spielban’s version of what will later be The Rise of The Red Python.

I think there’s a few more seconds of the mutant scout fight in the Metalder, and in Spielban they used the Gran Nazca’s cannon formation but that’s it.

Anyway tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers reviews with me Zabitan.

Zabitan 02/24/14 07:44 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment though this time I don’t think they were even trying since Ryan just says his dad taught him stuff he would learn time, and time again.

Anyway we start off with the Troopers at Tao dojo practicing their kicks on a boxing bag, and we get this funny bit where Kaitlin, and JB get it right but Ryan kicks the bag off.

Meanwhile Ziktor’s secretaries tell him how much Ryan loves Jeb, and that he can talk so this gives him the idea to dognap Jeb thinking he might know the Troopers’ secrets, and his secretaries transform into their true forms, and teleport out.

Back at Tao dojo the Troopers help Tao put the boxing bag back up (try saying that 3 times fast), and then decide to call Jeb before Tao has even left the room.

Anyway we get another funny bit where when the Troopers try to call him Jeb is at the lab ordering pizza, and watching Samurai Pizza Cats, and they leave the phone on, and continue their workout till Jeb answers.

Meanwhile Ziktor transforms into Grimlord, and tells his mutants that they have an important mission, and the their going have a visitor who will lead the Troopers to their doom.

At the lab Jeb is still watching Samurai Pizza Cats when he tells the Professor he in the most family friendly way he has to piss, and the Professor lets him out but three Skugs are waiting for him, and try catch him but he runs off.

Back at Tao dojo the Troopers finally get an answer from the lab but instead of Jeb they get the Professor who tells them Jeb hasn’t got back from his piss break so they take Kaitlin’s car, and then take it into flying mode to look for Jeb using the VR scanner.

Meanwhile the Skugs are still chasing Jeb but he manages to temporarily evade them, there’s an increasingly weird, and silly Benny Hill esque scene of the Skugs chasing after nothing while Jeb just watches.

But they eventually get wise so Jeb tries to hide in an old mine but the Skugs follow him, and we see dust clouds spewing out while Jeb snarks about how he thought he foiled them, and the Skugs take Jeb out of the mine,

Meanwhile the Troopers still haven’t found anything on the scanner so Kaitlin lands the car.

Zabitan 02/24/14 07:45 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
At the Virtual Dungeon two Skugs, and Jeb are digitally inserted into some Metlader footage so that Grimlord, and his mutants can interrogate him, and one mutant later identified as Crabor can say he wants Jeb for a snack but Jeb just snarks at them, and Grimlord tells his mutants to tell Ryan they have Jeb.

Meanwhile the Troopers run into a police blockade, and get out, and one of the police has Jeb’s collar, and the police officers transform into Skugs to fight the Troopers.

First the Troopers punch, and kick the Skugs then JB kicks a Skugs then Kaitlin punches, and kicks another JB jumps on some barrels, and blocks his Skug’s punches,

Ryan punches, and kicks his Skug but it throws him off then Ryan’s Skug jumps on the barrels to attack JB but Ryan jumps, and leg swipes it off, and JB kicks his Skug off.

Then Ryan summersaults of the barrels because Kaitlin is being choked by her Skug so he kicks it’s arms off her, and Kaitlin kicks it but it jumps on the barrels so Ryan kicks it off.

At the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord sees the Troopers defeating his Skugs so he orders the fight be taken to the Battle Grid.

Not much happens differently then the Professor says Troopers in between Battle Grid Alert, and Prepare for Battle Grid mode when he has them transform and we get what I like to call a shorty sequence where the portal sequence ends after we see the Troopers from the front.

Also when the Skugs show up instead of doing the VR Troopers thing Kaitlin just points at the Skugs, and them does a mid air summersault before she punches some skugs

Then we see all three Troopers at once punching and kicking Skugs then JB punches some Skugs before leg swiping another while Kaitlin is punching, and kicking some more Skugs.

Then Ryan punches some Skugs while JB punches, and kicks some Skugs, and kicks some Skugs into each other getting the obligatory “Skugs getting knocked into each other” shot once again.

Then Ryan punches, and flips over some more Skugs onto each other then we see some close ups of the Troopers’ legs as the land, and we get a shorter version of the return to reality part but without the screen going white.

Meanwhile at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord, and his minions are still interrogating Jeb who still refuses to cooperate so Toxoid uses negative effects to scan Jeb’s brain but finds nothing so after a bit where Toxoid compares Jeb’s brain to peanut, and Crabor says he likes peanuts Grimlord suggests using Jeb as bait for the Troopers.

At the lab JB tries to hack into Grimlord’s communications while the Professor has Ryan, and Kaitlin put on their visors, and shows them some Metalder footage of Grimlord’s minions confirming what I said from Battle Begins part 1 saying Grimlord’s main lieutenants are Decimator, Dark Heart, Zelton, and Toxoid, and the others he just creates.

At the Vritual Dungeon Grimlord has the digitally inserted Skugs take Jeb away from the Metalder footage, calls General Ivar who sends a kangaroo like mutant called Frogbot, and Grimlord assigns Crabor, and another mutant torpedo shaped mutant called Torpedobot as well.

Then at the harbor in Crossworld City the Skugs call the Troopers who drive over there while Grimlord’s mutants get ready for the trap.

Crabor brags about how Grimlord will make him a general for this but Dark Hear tells his to do his job, and another mutant tells them Torpedobot is watching which we see for ourselves.

The Troopers arrive at the harbor, and split up to find Jeb then Ryan runs into Crabor, and transforms.

Zabitan 02/24/14 07:47 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Crabor brags about how Grimlord will make him a general for this but Dark Heart tells his to do his job, and another mutant tells them Torpedobot is watching which we see for ourselves.

The Troopers arrive at the harbor, and split up to find Jeb then Ryan runs into Crabor, and transforms.

Ryan does a mid air summersault but Crabor electrocutes him with his tentacles so Ryan uses Lighting Hand to cut off.

Then Ryan interrogates Crabor about Jeb’s whereabouts but Crabor runs off, and Ryan goes Aww man.

Meanwhile JB runs into Frogbot, and transforms, and Frogbot sends some Skugs so JB shoots them with his Ray gun. While Kaitlin finds Jeb’s cage.

Crabor is trying to get away from Ryan so he summersaults up to Crabor who pretends to give up but the Professor warns Ryan that Torpedobot is in position.

Frogbot is firing lasers at JB, and disappears but Ryan tells JB that Frogbot has teleported to the quarry so JB uses the VR Fighter Bike to go there, and runs over Frogbot with it.

Crabor continues to feign giving up but then uses a tentacle to electrocute Ryan while using the other to tie him up with a chain while Torpedobot watches

Frogbot is running after JB so we see the only thing cooler than a Laser Lance a Laser Lance on a motorcycle.

Torpedobot watches as Ryan is being defeated but Ryan breaks out, and rolls around to avoid Crabor’s tentacles.

Then Ryan jump kicks Crabor off the ship they were fighting on, and Torpedobot takes matters into his own hands, and launches himself at the ship but Ryan gets out of the way.

The Troopers are reunited with Jeb, and At the Virual Dungeon Crabor is shamed for losing to Ryan.

Then the Troopers hold a party for Jeb who uses the Lab’s machines to materialize a steak but it gets burnt to a crisp, and then Ryan finally explains that today’s message is about why dogs are man’s best friend, and that’s it.

Final Thoughts

This was an alright episode nothing much on the plot but a lot of good fight scenes, and funny bits.

What’s odd is that this is one of those episodes where not only is the plot of the episode like the plot of the source episode but I think there’s more plot since the Metalder episode was just about him learning about his creator, and God Neros sending out one bad guy from each of his armies.

Well the Spielban episode did have this weird plot about a girl trying to cross cacti with aquatic flowers, and I think there was something about her being part plant herself, and Waher trying to get their hands on her research so they could create their own cactus/water/plant/human hybrids or combine the Waher god’s DNA with them or something I’m not sure since the only Spielban episodes I’ve seen so far are in Portugese.

But even then I’m only watching them for the fight scenes, and usable footage, and on that front not much I wish was left in other than the part in Metalder where Top Gunder is talking to Gamadone.

And in Spielban the monster had this weird laser shooting flying probe that was part of him, and Spielban used the Gran Nazca’s cannon formation on some spaceships but that was it.

Diana didn’t transform so that’s why we got the Battle Grid segment to give Kaitlin some transformed fighting.

What’s weird is that there are these VR Troopers panini stickers (here) that were only available in Europe, and this episode was one of the episodes they used, and it shows Kaitlin in full armor fighting Skugs so I’m guessing they filmed a fight for Kaitlin but then decided the Battle Grid fight was enough.

Random thought on that though for the longest time from about the fall of 01 when I first saw these to spring 06 when I finally saw VR Troopers in it’s entirety I thought there was a Battle Grid segment with Ryan, and JB but not Kaitilin because of the sticker that just shows Ryan, and JB in Battle Grid mode.

Anyway tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 01/07/15 11:31 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Kaitlin’s Front Page written by Robert Hughes, and directed by Debra Spelling

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment, and this time it’s actually pretty good since it’s about how Ryan’s dad taught him to have faith in people but also be careful who you place that faith in which is actually a pretty cool message I think.

we then go to the Underground Voice Daily office where Woody is throwing paper airplanes around while Kaitlin is talking to strange man who looks like a poor man’s Dick Tracy who’s telling her that there’s some secret illegal weapons site just outside Crossworld City, and that he has a map to it, and says the only way to stop it is to expose it in the media but refuses to say who he is.

He then goes outside, and surprise surprise he’s really a Skug transforms into his true form, and teleports to Ziktor’s office where back in human form he tells Ziktor that Kaitlin’s probably on her way to the weapons site so Ziktor tells him, the Skug secretaries to go there, and be ready.

He then gloats before transforming into Grimlord, and teleporting to the virtual dungeon. Once there the virtual mutants hail him before he explains what his evil plan is which is to capture Kaitlin when she gets to the weapons site so that he can use her as bait to destroy the VR Troopers.

Meanwhile at Tao Dojo Ryan is teaching a Karate class, and afterwards goes back to talk to Tao tell him the kids are looking better everyday (that doesn’t sound right) when Kaitlin calls them to say that she is in fact checking out the story she got, and wants Ryan, and JB to come with her.

Ryan has another class while JB wants to go but has help Tao with his paperwork so she’ll have to go to the weapons site by herself while they wait unil the afternoon to talk to her about it

Kaitlin then drives out to the weapons site while Air Striker watches, and checks with Grimlord who tells him to do nothing but observe her.

Kaitlin then gets out of her car sees the weapons site, and walks over to a hill where she takes pictures of workers moving explosives before taking out her tape recorder to take notes when a bunch of workers come up to her.

Kaitlin tries to pretend that she’s just a tourist taking pictures of rock formations hoping to get them to leave but they turn out to be Skugs, and attack her.

Kaitlin kicks the Skugs away from her but then two try to grab her but she kicks those as well, and another tries to grab her but she flips it over, and takes a defensive stance while they circle her.

At the Virtual Dungeon Zelton or Decimator (I’m honestly not sure who since they're both Michael Sorich) informs Grimlord that the Skugs are losing so he orders the fight be taken to the Battle Grid.

We then get another Troopers less Battle Grid alert Prepare for Battle Grid mode before Kaitlin transforms into Battle Grid mode by herself, and we get to see a full portal sequence with just Kaitlin.

Which instead of the usual from behind, from side, from front, from behind we get from behind, from front, from side, from behind.

We then see Kaitlin land in the Battle Grid where she taunts the Skugs hoping to get them to come out which they do so she jumps into the air before twirling mid air, and landing, and starts kicking the Skugs,

The Skugs then try to circle Kaitlin while she points out that they just keep coming when the Skug make hatchets appear, and try to hit her but she just punches them into each other disintegrating them.
Kaitlin then backflips for a bit before saying she doesn’t how much longer she can do this before punching, kicking, and flipping some more Skugs.

Kaitlin then points around and proclaims how the Skugs may be tough but it’s not over yet, and jumps into the air, and performs some weird swan dive/scissor punch attack that destroys some more Skugs.

Then we see the exact same punching, kicking, and flipping we saw earlier only this time at the end Kaitlin proclaims she can’t keep it up, and that’s it it just cuts to the Underground Voice Daily.

Ryan, and JB are wondering what happened to Kaitlin who was supposed to be their over an hour ago so they ask Woody who’s doing a comedy bit where he tells a reporter to do a good story but doesn’t know what about, and afterwards Ryan, and JB ask him if he know where Kaitlin is which he doesn’t.

We then cut back to the weapons site where Kaitlin who has already transformed back into Sarah Brown offscreen is being tied to a bomb by Skugs, and starts taunting them.

While back at the Underground Voice Daily Ryan, and JB are checking Kaitlin’s computer to find it empty so they decide to use the aerial scanner at the lab we then see them riding their backs to the lab while Air Striker watches, and Grimlord tells him to just keep watching.

Zabitan 01/07/15 11:33 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
At the lab we then see Jeb sing his number one smash hit the Doggy Rap before Ryan pulls out a dog whistle so JB can ask the professor to use the aerial scanner which actually confuses him since he doesn’t know she’s missing (even though he was the one who had her transform into Battle Grid mode earlier).

We then cut back to Kaitlin at the weapons site only to immedtiatley cut back to JB hacking into a weather sattlite to find Kaitlin at the weapons site by tracking her virtualizer.

Meanwhile at the virtual dungeon Grimlord asks General Ivar, and a heretofore unseen, and currently unnamed Colnol Icebot who should be today’s monsters, and Ivar picks a blue, and silver robot with oversized fists named Metalbot while Icebot suggests Cobrot (not Cobrabot Cobrot) a red snake like robot with two arms but no legs, and Grimlord chooses both.

We then see Ryan, and JB drive to the weapons site while Air Striker watches (again), and Grimlord tells him to just keep watching (again), and we then see Ryan, and JB arrive at the weapons site to see Kaitlin, and the Skugs but Kaitlin warns them it’s a trap, and Metalbot, and Cobrot show up so it’s Trooper time kids.

Ryan goes after Metalbot who just skips around, and taunts him and tries to punch but Ryan blocks but Metalbot, and him jump up to a hill.

While JB goes after Cobrot with his laser saber while Cobrot blocks with her bow, trips him with her tail so he tries to get up but Cobrot keeps tripping, and hitting him with her tail but JB eventually blocks it, and jump kicks Cobrot.

JB check in on Ryan who tries to punch Metalbot who punches back causing an earthquake, and they keep punching each other until Metalbot gains the upper hand and punches Ryan repeatedly until Ryan is able to grab him, and flips him over while JB fires lasers at Cobrot who just fires arrows at him.

Ryan charges at Metalbot who keeps punching him while JB keeps getting grabbed by Cobrot’s tail, and shot at byt her arrows, and the timer on the bomb is counting down.

Ryan is still getting beat up by Metalbot but charges up his powers, and starts kicking Metalbot, and gaining an advantage.

JB on the other hand isn’t so lucky still being grabbed, and shot at by Cobrot while Metalbot turns his eyes into tentacles, and fires lasers at Ryan who just jumps out of the way.

JB meanwhile finally decides to use his laser lance to destroy Cobrot while Ryan uses an attack called laser fist command to punch Metalbot also destroying him, and the two are able to rescue Kailtin, and escape before the weapons site is destroyed, and at the virtual dungeon Grimlord proclaims he will no longer tolerate failure (spoilers there’s still 87 episodes which means he will).

At the Underground Voice Daily Ryan, and JB meet up with Kaitlin who tells them that not only did her story make the front page (we have a title people) but also lead to the weapons site being closed down.

Woody then tells Kaitlin to do a story on a spelling bee but she wants to do real news so he suggests a story on the VR Troopers leading to one last comedy bit where they joke around about whether to do it or if anyone would believe it.

Anyway “I miss my dad” the end.

Zabitan 01/07/15 11:36 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts

This episode was okay it wasn’t the worst ever but it was the worst of the ones I have reviewed so far.

I mostly blame it on the fact that it’s a damsel in distress episode especially since they usually trout out Kaitlin as this tough tomboyish woman of the 90’s who can do anything the boys can.

I get that in Spielban Diana was more of a sexy sidekick who didn’t even have a finisher, and sometimes they didn’t have footage but they still had vehicle battles, and Battle Grid mode.

Which remimds me that this episode brings up my one real pet peeve with the Battle Grid concept which is that the Battle Grid fight seems tacked on as an afterthought because they needed to pad the runtime or because Sarah Brown wanted at least one transformed fight this episode.

I wouldn’t care if they either saved the Battle Grid fight for another episode, and had Kaitlin win or at least actually showed her being defeated instead of just cutting off.

What also bugs me is that in the Spielban episode they used Diana had a tank battle with Deathzero (Ivar), and was even the one who hurt the monster enough for Spielban to beat it.

Plus considering over half the monster fight from Spielban was cut for this episode it makes me wonder why not just use a different Spielban episode.

Also I didn’t like the parts with Air Striker or the constant cutting back, and forth.

Not much to say on the Metalder front since the only things they left out where part of the Topgunder arc which we’ll see in Defending Dark Hart.

I did like the comedy bits with Woody, and Jeb, and aside from the editing I did like the fight scenes.

Do I think I could have done a better job than Robert Hughes or Debra Spelling? Probably not but maybe a better job than Terry Chiappe, Shawn Paper, Matthew Silver, and David P. Frediani.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews,

Zabitan 01/08/15 11:06 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at The Dojo Plot written by Stewart St. John, and directed by Debra Spelling

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment, which isn’t all that much since it’s just Ryan talking about how he, and his dad used to practice Karate when the weather was nice moving on.

We then go to Tao Dojo where Tao himself is teaching a karate class to some kids when a shady looking guy comes in, and after the class Tao talks to the man who is a banker, and has come to tell Tao that the Dojo is in financial trouble, and unless Tao can come up with the money the dojo will be seized.

Then the Troopers walk in with Ryan, and JB arguing over which one of them a pretty girl was looking at while Kaitlin points out that she was wearing sun glasses.

But the comedy ends when they ask Tao what’s wrong, and he gives them the bad news while outside the banker who surprise surprise is working for Ziktor who’s latest evil plan is to seize the dojo, and turn into a weather station to take over the world (we have a title people), and transforms into Grimlord.
At the virtual dungeon Grimlord calls up Col Icebot (who now has a name), and tells him to test out the weather device at -50 degrees but instead of showing footage of a snowstorm or something we just see a bunch of machinery working while Grimlord, and Col Icebot once again remind us they need Tao Dojo.

Later at the lab the Troopers are trying to come up with a way to help Tao while Ryan trains on Skug simulator using his visor, and JB works on a device so the professor can contact Jeb when Kaitlin suggests a fundraiser.

Meanwhile at the virtual dungeon Grimlord orders Decimator, and today’s monster Cannonbot (who despite his name looks more like a robot sumo wrestler) to prove themselves in hand to hand combat but we don’t see anything.

At the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin is asking Woody who’s goofing around with some paper if they can hold the fundraiser at the Underground Voice Daily which he agrees to much to the delight of the Troopers while at Ziktor industries Ziktor hears from one of his secretaries about the fundraiser, and doesn’t want it to happen.

We then go back the Underground Voice Daily we see Kaitlin setting up the party when a bunch of caterers show up, and tell her the party’s canceled before transforming into Skugs so Kaitlin kicks one before somersaulting over and kicking another then another tries to kick her but she ducks down but another Skug grabs her from behind but she just uses it to kick the other Skugs, and is able to force two together to disintegrate them when Ryan, and JB show up, and help destroy the last two Skugs, and afterwards the Troopers realize Grimlord wants to stop the party while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord orders Cannonbot to destroy the Troopers but otherwise nothing happens.

Zabitan 01/08/15 11:07 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
We then go back the Underground Voice Daily we see Kaitlin setting up the party when a bunch of caterers show up, and tell her the party’s canceled before transforming into Skugs so Kaitlin kicks one before somersaulting over and kicking another then another tries to kick her but she ducks down but another Skug grabs her from behind but she just uses it to kick the other Skugs, and is able to force two together to disintegrate them when Ryan, and JB show up, and help destroy the last two Skugs, and afterwards the Troopers realize Grimlord wants to stop the party while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord orders Cannonbot to destroy the Troopers but otherwise nothing happens.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where the fundraiser party is underway, and the Troopers are finished setting thing up when they see Mayor Rooney, and his wife show up while at the virtual dungeon Grimlord once again orders Cannonbot to destroy the Ryan but otherwise nothing happens other than Grimlord teleports away.

Back at the party Kaitlin introduces herself, and the others to the Mayor, and his wife, and tries to appeal to their better nature to help the dojo when Ziktor shows up to give the whole “silly rabbit idealism is for kids” speech.

While at the lab the professor gets strange signals on the computer, and finds out about the weather station so he has Jeb contact the Troopers who tell the mayor, and his wife something’s come up, and leave while an obviously suspicious Ziktor also leaves.

The Troopers sneak off to Kailtin’s desk, and take out the VR disc to contact the professor who informs them not only of the weather station but also about Cannonbot but just when it looks like the Troopers are going to transform to stop it a Battle Grid alert breaks out so they all transform into Battle Grid mode.

After another shorty portal sequence we get a different landing scene where the Troopers are filmed from a different angle before the Skugs show up, and they do the V,R, Troopers thing again.

Then we’re treated to some recycled footage from Searching For Tyler Steele of Ryan fighting Skugs only it cuts off around the time Ryan somersaults off the rock formation.

Then we see some new footage of JB kicking Skugs when one of them knock him out, and we see some more recycled footage of Kaitlin running over to help him up.

Then we go back and forth between recycled footage of Ryan fighting Skugs, and JB, and Kaitlin jumping but then we see a new scene that’s pretty cool.
First JB lands, and starts punching, and flipping Skugs then it pans over to Kaitlin punching, and kicking more Skugs before Ryan backflips over, and kicks some more Skugs.

Then we see Kaitlin, and JB do midair kicks, and Ryan does a midair somersault, and then that’s it they’ve defeated all the Skugs, and instead of returning to reality they just transform back out of Battle Grid mode, and immediately transform into their full armor.

Ryan then charges at Cannonbot, and the two of them just grab each other’s hands, and taunt each other before Cannbot flips Ryan over while JB, and Kaitlin fight off Skugs so they can destroy the weather station.

Then Ryan charges at Cannbot only to once again get flipped over, and Cannonbot puts him in a headlock (it looks like he’s trying to steal Ryan’s brain) so Ryan tries to charge his powers.

While JB, and Kaitlin continue fighting Skugs when Grimlord orders Ivar to send jet fighters, and quantum cuisers to attack them.

Ryan is still getting a noogie from Cannonbot who’s stealing his powers but then Ryan gives him a taste of his own medicine, and grabs Cannonbot’s head weakening him long enough for Ryan to punch him around, and twist his head, and knock him out.

But Cannonbot get back up, and decides to finally live up to his name, and turns his head into a Cannon, and fires at Ryan while Air Striker provides support but Ryan uses lighting laser command to destroy Cannonbot.

Afterwards we get a brief clip of JB, and Kaitlin sneaking into the weather station, and destroying it, and then a brief clip of Grimlord once again swearing he’ll stop tolerating failure.

Back at the party the Troopers tell Jeb what happened when the mayor shows up to tell them that the party wasn’t a success but he’s decided to pay the difference out his own pocket which angers his wife but then Jeb turns on a fan, and blows off her wig starting one of the shows biggest running gags.

Anyway “I miss my dad” the end.

Zabitan 01/08/15 11:08 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts

Well today’s episode was pretty good not as good as Searching for Tyler Steele but better than the last one, and my only real complaints are in the nitpick department.

Such as the fact that they skipped the monster vs monster fight from Metalder since they use the other ones in later episodes.

And the fact that despite the show being able to show stabbings something Saban’s Masked Rider couldn’t do they can’t show decapitations or heads being twisted even when we see the aftermaths something oddly enough Masked Rider could show.

In a perfect universe all of Saban superhero shows would be able to show both stabbings, and decapitations especially since in not only VR Troopers, and Masked Rider but also the Japanese shows the monsters were Robots, and Mutants.

Which you think would be okay to show violence against since last time I checked Robots, and Mutants aren’t a group you have to worry about offending.

That and it seems like Grimlord’s evil plan is oddly irrelevant since we don’t actually see any snowing in Crossworld city so Grimlord’s plan might as well have been to turn Tao dojo into a crack house.

It did make me think since a common criticism of the show is that it’s hard to tell reality from virtual reality since they tend to look the same.

Perhaps maybe they could have just explained that virtual reality or at least the part where Grimlord lives is perpetually snowing since we later learn that it never snows in Crossworld City.

So Grimlord wants to make are reality more like virtual reality something he also does in later epsisodes, and maybe also have JB, and Kaitlin fight Snowbot who did have ice powers.

I do like seeing a VR Troopers episode use only one monster, and it was cool seeing JB, and Kaitlin destroy the weather station since I think seeing them destroy Grimlord’s bases as an alternative to just vehicle battles, and Battle Grid mode.

That being said I still liked the Battle Grid fight since it was cool to see a Battle Grid segment that doesn’t come right after the regular Skug battle since it makes the Battle Grid fight feel like it’s own thing vs just an extension of the regular Skug fight.

I also like that we got to see the Troopers transform back out of Battle Grid mode even if it’s just their regular Battle Grid transformations in reverse.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 01/09/15 10:59 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Battle for The Books written by Adam Gilad, and directed by John Blizek.

So we start of with today’s “My dad taught me” moment which this time is another actually good one since it explains how his dad used to read to him everyday, and about the importance of books which again is a good message, and actually fits the plot of the episode.

We then go to Tao Dojo where Ryan, and JB are practicing Karate but it looks like their just flexing their muscles around while Tao watches, and then shows them how it’s supposed to be done by looking like he’s freaking the heck out,

Afterwards Ryan, and JB talk about an upcoming tournament which gives them the opportunity to remind us of Ryan’s sub plot of wanting to buy into the dojo but also sets up a new one for JB where he’s trying to save up money to go to college, and sets up the main plot of JB’s dad having a bookmobile.

Speak of the devil as they say we see JB’s dad himself driving around giving books to kids, and says “these kids make this job worth everything” (that doesn’t sound right) while at Ziktor industries Ziktor is watching and gives exposition on his latest evil scheme which is to destroy all books so that he himself, and only him can have access to knowledge of Solar energy (no really), and transforms into Grimlord, and orders his mutants to destroy the bookmobile.

At the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin is showing some kids around, and explains how reading is an important part of becoming a journalist, and how she herself visits the library five times a week for research, and that the bookmobile should be there soon,

We then cut to JB’s dad’s bookmobile when JB’s dad see’s a police blockade (which I’m sure will have no uncomfortable implications), and proceed to transform into Skugs, and trash his bookmobile with axes.

While back at the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin wonders what happened to JB’s dad so she calls JB who in turn takes out the VR disc so that he can ask the professors help to check his dad’s route.

Then JB, and Ryan get on their motorcycles to where JB’s dad is, and a Skug fight breaks out where Ryan, and JB just punch, kick, duck, and legsweep the Skugs until one Skug accidentally kicks another Skug trying to hit JB destroying them both, and Ryan kicks a Skug into another destroying the last of them.

JB’s dad is okay but the damage is done as his bookmobile is totaled, and the library can’t afford to fix it since it can barely afford upkeep as it is, and he’s worried about JB’s college fund, and we get an actually pretty touching bit where JB decides he’s going to use the prize money from the Tournament to help his dad.

At the virtual dungeon Grimlord ask Ivar, and Icebot who the most powerful soldier is, and they both suggest the Eliminator a silver computer like robot while at Tao Dojo the Tournament is underway against the generic Crossworld City dojo to the delight of another inexplicably large crowd of random people

JB is fighting with an Asian guy in a white gi, and punches him earning a point while Kaitlin takes pictures JB then does jump kick but his opponent blocks earning him a point which worries Tao but JB does another jump kick, and hit earning another point to Ryan’s delight.

Now for the tie breaker JB’s tries to kick his opponent who keeps dodging then tries his own kick, and punch which JB doges, and then lands a punch of his own winning the first half of the semi finals.

Now it’s Ryan’s turn, and his opponent is some long haired guy in red pants, and a white shirt who has an eye patch. Ryan tries to kick him but his opponent blocks punches him with his palms, and laughs.

Then Ryan’s opponent does a bunch of kicks, and jump kicks but Ryan dodges them, and punches him, and knocks him down while Tao, and the random juges in business suits look approvingly.

Now for the tie breaker Ryan’s opponent tries to punch, and kick him but Ryan blocks, and then downs him with a jump kick allowing Tao Dojo to advance to the finals.

Ryan then takes off his virtualizer, and puts it in his gym, and Kaitlin, and Tao both congratulate Ryan, and JB but Kaitlin has to go develop some pictures but promises to return before the finals against Midtown dojo

Ryan then puts his gym bag on a chair when the phone rings, and he picks it up to find Jeb who says it’s a problem at the lab so he, and JB leave but forget Ryan’s virtualizer.

At the lab the professor informs them that the Eliminator is attack but also tells them that he’s given JB some new weapons like the vr techno bazooka a powerful cannon launched from the mothership, and the vortex command which will allow him to send mutants back to virtual reality so no one in the real world gets hurt Ryan, and JB are about to transform when Ryan remembers he left his virtualizer at the dojo so he has to go back, and get it leaving JB to fight Grimlord’s minions.

Zabitan 01/09/15 11:00 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
JB charges at the Eliminator, and tries to jump kick him but the Eliminator predicts it, and knocks JB out of the air but JB just parkours off a building„ and tries to punch Eliminator who again predicts it, and knocks him away then the Eliminator grabs JB, and throws him.

Back at the dojo Ryan tells Kaitlin what’s happening, and she goes out to help JB while Ryan gets his virtualizer when Tao shows up to inform him it’s only 30 minutes till the finals so Ryan tells him he’s returning some overdue books.

JB tries to fire lasers at the Eliminator whoonce again predicts it, and doges them so JB uses his vr saber, and charges at Eliminator who dodges, and punches JB who again tries using his sword but Eliminator again dodges, and punches him.

Not only that but Grimlord has sent quantum cruisers, and jet fighters forcing JB to take the battle to virtual reality where the jet fighters, and quantum cruisers fire at him with lasers so JB contacts the professor who reminds him to use the techno bazooka which he uses to destroy the quantum cruisers, and jet fighters.

That just leaves the Eliminator who grabs JB, and throws him so JB tries using his sword again but the Eliminator once again predicts it, and punches him, and also grows these weird panels to shoot lasers at JB who tries to fire his own lasers but the Eliminator again predicts it.

Luckily at the moment Kaitlin arrives in Trooper form to help JB while Ryan is in the Skybase so Kaitlin, and JB fire both their lasers which Eliminator can’t predict so the attack works weakening him.

Then more jet fighters appear, and attack the Skybase but Ryan fires some missiles, and destroys them while JB uses laser lance to destroy Eliminator, and Grimlord again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at the dojo we get to the finals of the tournament Ryan is fighting a blonde guy in a white shirt, and black pants, and tires to kick him but his opponent blocks, and punches Ryan who also blocks, and lands some punches.

Then Ryan’s opponent tries to punch, and kick him, and Ryan blocks but his opponent lands a punch so Ryan tries to kick his oppenent but he keeps blocking, and tries a jump kick but Ryan dodges, and does a jump kick of his own that hits his opponent.

Now it’s JB’s turn against some guy with a mullet in stereotypical Chinese kung fu clothes JB tries to punch but his opponent blocks, and kicks JB who also blocks, and punches his opponent which knocks him down.

But JB’s opponent flips himself back up so JB kicks him but his opponent blocks, and the two punch each other but JB’s opponent is the one that lands a hit.

So now it’s the final tie breaker JB’s opponent tries to punch him, but JB blocks, and kicks him, and lands a hit winning the tournament.

Afterwards Tao, Kaitlin, and JB’s dad congratulate Ryan, and JB for winning the tournament especially JB’s dad who wants to use the prize money for JB’s college fund but Ryan, and JB instead give it to his dad to fix the bookmobile, and we get a touching moment between JB, and his dad which leads to today’s “I miss my dad” moment.

Zabitan 01/09/15 11:03 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts

Today’s episode was pretty good.
I liked that in addition to the main plot of the show with Ryan’s dad we get to see JB’s dad which leaves Kaitlin as the only Trooper whose parents we never find out about.

I also like how in addition to reminding us of Ryan’s goal of becoming partners with Tao we get another sub plot for JB where he’s trying to save money for college.

I also liked that the only thing they skipped from the Spielban episode was fight scene with Hellvira that we’ll see in Rise of th Red Python, and a base invasion we already saw in The Dojo Plot.

I also got a kick out of the more out there opponents Ryan, and JB fought.

Really I think the only thing that remotely bothered me was once again Ziktor’s evil plan seeming phoned in though I did like the idea that he’s trying to destroy the world’s books so that he can own all the world’s knowledge even if it was just for a very specific thing

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 01/14/15 06:44 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Kaitlin’s Little Helper written by Doug Sloan, and directed by John Grant Weil

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where he talks about how kids should always have somebody to look up to which I like.

We then go to Crossworld City Park where Kaitlin is helping her cousin Betsy Scott take pictures of a frog for her wildlife article when Ryan throws a Frisbee to her, and they walk over to give it back while they gush over each.other.

Meanwhile Mrs Rooney is waiting outside a limo where her husband the mayor is inside talking to Karl Ziktor who wants to tear down the park to expand his power plant, and steals the flower on the Mayor’s suit to give to his lizard all while the mayor just goes “Mr Ziktor”.

Then we see Mrs Rooney get a drink from a water fountain when Jeb sees her, and we get treated to a comedy bit where Jeb pushes her into a mud puddle, and licks her.

Later at Ziktor industries Ziktor transforms into Grimlord, and goes to the virtual dungeon where he orders Col Icebot to create a substance that can destroy plant life so everyone will think the park is useless, and after a brief commercial break Icebot is successful, and we see some green ooze seeping out of an air vent.

Back at the park Ryan is cleaning up Jeb while he, and Kaitlin scold Jeb for pulling pranks on the mayor’s wife while JB, and Betsy actually find it funny then Ryan throws the Frisbee again, and Betsy goes to get it when some of Icebot’s plant toxin falls on it from a tree so she calls over Kaitlin, and the others to see, and Kaitlin realizes this could be a whole new story.

Back at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord orders a status report, and Zelton explains that the plant toxin is doing it’s job but the Troopers know about it so Grimlord orders them to stop the Troopers so we go back to the park where three park rangers go up to the Troopers, and Betsy, and transform into Skugs.

Ryan, and JB each punch and kick at a Skug while another Skug tries to kick Kaitlin but she grabs it’s leg, and kicks the Skug instead then we just see all three of them kicking Skugs while Jeb, and Betsy watch.

Then Ryan tries to karate chop a skug but it blocks, and punches him instead while JB kicks his Skug while Kaitlin blocks, and punches her Skug.
Then JB flips over his Skug while Ryan, a flips, punches, and blocks his Skug while JB punches, and blocks his Skug but gets kicked while Kaitlin’s Skug tries to kick her but she catches it’s leg which Ryan, and JB do to their own Skugs, and the Troopers push them into each other, and after destroying the Skugs decide to take a sample of the green ooze to the lab for testing.

Then there’s a brief scene where Kaitlin leaves Betsy at the Underground Voice Daily to finish her wildlife article, and be watched by Woody who’s currently on the phone.

At the lab Kaitlin puts a sample of the substance on one of those little glass slabs you use on a microscope, and puts it in the lab’s analyzer, and JB finds on the lab’s computer that it’s a toxin meant to destroy plant life.

Back at the Underground Voice Daily Betsy is bored, and wants to go back to the park, and look for clues so she asks Woody to go to the park with her but he’s busy writing a story so Betsy leaves a message on Kaitlin’s computer, and goes to the park to investigate the slime.

Zabitan 01/14/15 06:45 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Kaitlin, and the others return, and wonder what happened to Betsy, and find her message on the Computer while Woody apologizes because he though she was there while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord gets the idea to capture Betsy who thinks the slime has something to do with Ziktor’s power plant nearby as bait to destroy the Troopers.

Then Grimlord summons General Ivar who wants to send an all out aerial assault across the reality barrier but Grimlord instead orders him to send one only if necessary, and send a skeletal gun wielding robot called the Gunslinger to assist the Skugs.

Back at the park the Troopers see that the slime is everywhere, and decide to follow it to find Betsy’s hair band so they go the lab, and ask the Professor to use the geothermal scanner to find Betsy, and find her at the park captured by Skugs with jet fighters, and the Gunslinger patrolling the area so it’s Trooper time.

Ryan briefly turns into digitally colored Spielban again, so he can pilot the Skybase, and fire missles at the jet fighters while Kaitlin fights Skugs, and has to deal with quantum cruisers dropping bombs, and JB fights Gunslinger who fires at JB who doges, and fires back but Gunslinger uses an energy shield to block it, and fire again.

Ryan gets out of the Skybase, and into the VR interceptor jet while JB tries to hide from Gunslinger who’s using a antennae to track him then JB comes out, and Gunslinger tries to shoot him but JB kicks the gun out of his hands, and tries to slash at him with his sword but Gunslinger blocks with an energy shield.

Then he makes a scimitar appear out of nowhere, and slashes at JB with it until Kaitlin shows up to jump kick Gunslinger but he just slashes at her, and then turns one of his hands into a gun, and shoots at her which angers JB enough to rush at Gunslinger’s shield, and short it out, and then destroy him with laser lance while General Ivar attacks Ryan with his own fighter jet but Ryan destroys it.

Back at the park JB, and Kaitlin find Betsy who apologizes for running off by herself, and later we find out that because of their story the slime has been traced back to Ziktor industries thus ruining his own plan, and at the virtual dungeon Grimlord again swears vengeance.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Zabitan 01/14/15 06:45 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts
Today’s episode was pretty good about the same quality as the last couple of episodes, and in my opinion a better Kaitlin focus episode than Kaitlin’s Front Page.

There wasn’t even anything really wrong in the editing department since there was nothing they took out of the Spielban episode that I felt was missing,
I think my only problem looking back is that like Kaitlin’s Front Page, and The Dognapping I can’t help but wonder if this episode, and Battle for the Books shouldn’t have switched Spielban monsters considering that was a JB focus episode but he needed Kaitlin’s help to beat, and here we have a Kaitlin focus episode where she gets hurt, and JB has to help.

Other than that this was a very good episode.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 01/21/15 07:40 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Lost Memories written by Margo McCahon, and directed by John Bilzek

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where he just talks about his memories of his father, and how today’s episode is about memories.

We then go to Tao dojo where the Troopers are teaching a karate class when Tao tells them they’re doing it wrong then an old lady just randomly wanders into the dojo.

Kaitlin ask if she lives nearby, and the old lady reveals she has amnesia or at least the TV version where you forget everything that happened to you but you can still talk, and make new memories.

Anyway at Ziktor industries we find out that she got amnesia because Ziktor evicted her from one of his apartment complexes (I thought he was an energy magnate now he’s a real estate magnate?), and if he doesn’t do something it could ruin his reputation (what reputation everyone already knows he’s an asshole, it’s just that the mayor’s a wimp) so he transforms into Grimlord.

Back at the dojo Tao has made the woman soup while a doctor has checked up on her, and confirms that her amnesia is emotional induced, and JB decides to check the missing persons database while Kaitlin decides to do a story about her.

Ryan gets a message from the Professor telling him he has a surprise while at the virtual dungeon Grimlord orders
Ivar, and Icebot to send in an unseen robot called Laserbot to Crossworld City.

At the Undergound Voice Daily Kailtin pitches her story to Woody which leads to a comedy bit while at Tao Dojo the old woman is interrupting Tao in the middle of a lesson to tailor him when two of Ziktors secretaries come in claiming to be the woman’s daughters but JB suspects something so he follows them back to their car when Tao asks for proof, and a Skug fight breaks out.

First they try to fly at JB but he just punches them out. Then he kicks them, then one tries to come after him but he flips it over. Then the other Skug tries to kick JB but he doges, and it gets it’s foot stuck in a car door so JB beats it up, and finally they try to come at him but he throws them both in the back of the truck, and destroys them.

Zabitan 01/21/15 07:41 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
At the lab we get a comedy bit where Jeb uses the lab’s computers to make popcorn when Ryan comes in, and the Professor informs him about Laserbot, and tells Ryan to transform which he does, and the Professor shows him a new motorcycle called the VR Turbo Cycle that Ryan’s father invented for him, and tells him to practice using it while he tries to intercept Grimlord’s minions.

At the virtual dungeon Zelton informs Grimlord that Ryan is flying the turbo cycle so Air Striker volunteers to destroy Ryan. Then we see Air Striker in the real world flying, and trying to destroy Ryan with missiles but Ryan keeps dodging them but even though we don’t see it one hits, and Ryan crashes into Air Striker so the Professor alerts the other Troopers.

At the Virtual Dugeon we get a funny bit where Air Striker’s wings are damaged, and Grimlord still berates him for failing to destroy Ryan, and all Air Striker can do is blame it on Ryan not knowing how to fly, and then Grimlord tells Decimator to send some mutants to find Ryan.

We then see Ryan still in Trooper form wandering around a forest, and we find out he has amnesia now too, then the other Troopers, and Grimlord’s minions both find him, and Ryan’s friends bring him to Kaitlin’s car while Grimlord’s mutants fire at them, and there’s a funny part where Ryan is seemingly more concerned with losing a flower he was looking at then the fact a bunch of robot mutants are trying to blow him up.

At the lab JB, and Kaitlin explain everything to the Professor who informs them that Laserbot is attacking so JB transforms to fight it while Kaitlin also transforms to pilot the Skybase against Ivar’s tank fleet, and the Professor changes Ryan back to human form.

Laserbot (who we finally see) fires at JB who then comes after Laserbot with his laser saber but Laserbot punches, and grabs JB then jumps up to the surface, and kicks JB into a building.

Then Ivar, and his tanks show up so JB takes the battle to virtual reality but the tanks are still too much so Kaitlin gets into the battle cruiser, and after a brief skirmish destroys Ivar’s tank.

Meanwhile JB is being grabbed by Laserbot but notices that a glowing jewel on Laserbot’s head is his weakness so kicks Laserbot away, and tries to fire his own laser but Laserbot fires at him but JB fires at Laserbot anyway, and destroys the jewel which allows JB to finish off Laserbot with Laser Lance.

Meanwhile at the lab all attempts to jog Ryan’s memory have failed so Jeb, and him go out for a walk, and Jeb tells him the story of how they first fought the Skugs (which is flashback to Searching for Tyler Steele) but JB tells it like he’s the hero even when the footage shows him running away, and Ryan’s calling him out on it restores his memory while at the virtual dungeon Grimlord swears vengeance.

At the Undergorund Voice Daily the old woman who’s name turns out to be Mrs. Evergreen is reunited with her real daughter Jane which leads to today’s “I miss you dad” moment.

Zabitan 01/21/15 07:42 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts

Today’s episode was pretty good.

I thought a lot of parts where funny, and I liked seeing the turbo cycle, and when they finally showed him I thought Laserbot was a cool robot with his name, powers, and even appearance.

I’m tempted to think showing the Skug battle from Searching for Tyler Steele was meant to imply that the show was supposed to be in production order but then I remember the times when Robert Hughes, and Doug Sloan both have said that they didn’t really have a plan for the show.

Honestly the only nitpicks I have are that Ziktor industries is changed from being an energy company to a real estate one, and Ziktor has gone from not caring what people think, and only getting away with anything because the mayor’s a wimp to now caring what people will think.

Unless the idea is that Ziktor is one of those people who thinks that hates everyone but still expects them to like him or something.

I’m tempted to think maybe it’s supposed to justify all the real estate talk in The Battle Begins, and The Dojo Plot but even that was just so he could build more power plants.

That, and in the Spielban episode they had another fight with Laserbot they cut out, and the one they did use was longer especially since unlike the last few times it happened this episode wasn’t trying to cram in extra stuff like a Metalder battle.

Other than that another great episode.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 01/23/15 07:08 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Oh Brother written by J.K. Richards, and directed by John Bilzek.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how when he was a kid he wished he had a brother, and how his dad said all men are brothers.

Which leads to the main plot of the episode as Ryan is training two feuding brothers Josh, and Scott Turner for a junior tournament that Kaitlin is covering but Tao warns Ryan that if they can’t get along they won’t be able to compete.

Meanwhile in classic Power Rangers villain fashion Ziktor reads Kaitlin’s article, and gets the idea to send two monsters after the Troopers, and he summons Icebot who recommends the Swordbot brothers Slice, and Dice.

Back at the Dojo Ryan, and JB do a practice together in the hopes of showing the boys to use teamwork but the boys still argue so they stop the lesson, and Kaitlin decides to drive the boys home while she investigates the old industrial site for a story.

Kaitlin arrives at the industrial site with the boys still arguing when they all see a Skug tampering with the power lines, and Kaitlin decides to investigate, and the boys finally agree on something when they want to see what’s going on but Kaitlin tells them to wait, and no surprise both times she tells them the boys sneak off, and no surprise a Skug tries to catch them, and a Skug battle breaks out.

Not much happens except the Skugs try to punch, and kick Kaitlin but she dodges their moves, grabs their legs, and flips them over while one Skug tries to catch the boys, and there’s some actually funny bits where whenever the Skug tries to catch them they beat it up but when the boys are almost home free until their arguing gets them caught by a group of Skugs.

Meanwhile back with Kaitlin she jumps on a panel, and uses a human steam roller move to destroy the Skugs but finds out that the boys have been captured, and calls the dojo on a 90’s era cell phone, and they tell her to meet them at the lab.

At the lab Ryan, and JB bring over the boys’ workout clothes so that Jeb who’s wearing some weird gizo that enhances his sense of smell a thousand fold can get a scent, and they drive back to the industrial site.

Zabitan 01/23/15 07:09 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Meanwhile the boys are still arguing, and their arguing gets so bad that even the Skugs can’t stand it so they split the boys up which actually gets them to stop arguing, and Jeb smells it anyway so the Troopers split up.

At the virtual dungeon the Swordbot brothers show up, and display their powers like the Ultimate Sword of Destruction, and the Whirling Blade of Doom (I wonder if their friends with Kaos from Skyladers), and Grimlord orders to them to go to reality, and destroy the Troopers

In the real world Ryan who’s looking for Scott sees the Swordbot brothers tells Jeb to leave, and transforms, and Dice tries to attack him with the Whirling Blade of Doom but Ryan keeps dodging it, and grabs it, and gives Dice a flying kick.

Meanwhile JB, and Kaitlin are looking for Josh when some Skugs try to ambush them, and some Quantum Cruisers, and Jet Fighters appear so they transform, and take the battle to virtual reality but there’s a brief malfunction where it takes them to a different part of Crossworld City so they try again, and it works.

Meanwhile Slice fires a smoke bomb, and he, and Dice try to attack Ryan but he just doges, and blocks their attacks, and despite doing good with them he claims he needs a new plan.
Then Ryan runs, and does a jump kick at Dice, and tries to finish him off but Dice just grabs Ryan’s legs while Slice slashes him then Ryan breaks free, and tries to doge Dice’s attack but gets slashed by Slice again, and starts to lose power so they go after him again but he blocks again.

Meanwhile JB, and Kaitlin are still dealing with Quantum Cruisers, and Jet Fighters so JB uses the Techno Bazooka to destroy them, and he, and Kaitlin return to reality, and retroform, and go look for Josh again.

Meanwhile the Swordbot brothers are going after Ryan so he uses a double version of the Lighting Hand command, and blocks their weapons again, and throws them in the air so they try to use daggers on him but he jumps out of the way, and they stab each other instead, and then try to throw their daggers but Ryan catches one, and uses it to block the other, and the Swordbot retreat to virtual reality.

JB, and Kaitlin find Josh, and Ryan finds Scott, and the boys have learned their lesson about arguing, and there’s a brief comedy bit from Jeb, and Grimlord once again swears vengeance.

At the tournament Josh, and Scott perform their technique perfectly now, and later win the tournament, and Kaitlin takes a picture of them with Ryan, and JB, and Tao congratulates Ryan leading to another comedy bit.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end

Zabitan 01/23/15 07:11 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts

Honestly this episode was okay not better than the last few episodes but not really all the worse either.

I liked the designs and weapons of the Swordbot brothers especially how they seemed to evoke the whole Red Oni Blue Oni schtick.

I did like how they tied the whole idea of two brothers having to learn to get along with the idea that the monsters are feuding brothers as well, and while Ryan’s students learn their lesson the monsters don’t, and that’s how Ryan beats them

My only complaints were the part with JB’s vortex command not working since it didn’t really add to anything, and the bit about Skugs stealing the city’s power for the same reason.

The only thing I can think that didn’t use from the Metalder episode is the part where the Japanese versions of the Swordbot brothers practice on various other monsters, and it seemed like they shortened the fight they did use.

I used to think it was because they keep trying to shoehorn in a Metalder fight, and a Spielban fight in the same episode along with Battle Grid segments but a lot of these episodes have no Battle Grid segments, and use only one Metal Hero show, and they still do it.

Then again I also wish the monsters Slice, and Dice practiced on in the Metalder episode got to be MOTDs themselves since there’s like two or three more episodes with these guys.
And with that I am officially 1/5 of the way done with the first season, and 1/9 done with the show overall.

Here’s hoping that it doesn’t take me as long to finish the rest of the show.
Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 01/26/15 09:09 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Error in the System written by Mark Litton, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that things aren’t always what they seem, and how that ties into today’s episode.

We then go to Crossworld City park where Ryan, and JB are goofing off on roller blades when they realize they have to meet Kaitlin for lunch, and decide to make a race out of it.

When they get there there’s some comedy bits but then Kaitlin’s computer acts weird, and JB finds out a virus has wiped out her computer, and Woody informs them that all the computers in Crossworld City are down making the Troopers worry about the Professor, and the lab.

Meanwhile at Ziktor Industies we find out that no surprise Ziktor is behind it, and plans to use the virus to access the VR Troopers secrets, and destroy them, and then he transforms into Grimlord to brag about it,

Then we see the Troopers driving in Kaitlin’s car when Air Striker, and Fighterbot attack them but Kaitlin transforms her car into flight mode, and they evade the mutants then they arrive at the lab, and check the machines.

Then JB recommends a system scan which JB monitor on the VR visors, and after being treated to random Metalder clips JB finds the Proffesor, and explains the situation to him but the Professor just acts like an asshole about it, and the Troopers are still worried about the virus.

Meanwhile at the virtual dungeon show some Spielban footage to explain how not only is he transmitting the virus from a secret underwater installation but the professor currently in the lab is an imitation created to distract the Troopers.

Grimlord then demonstrates by having the fake Professor send the Troopers to the Battle Grid under the guise of a reality break at the lab.

To be honest though it’s literally just The Dognapping’s Battle Grid segment in a different order with a full portal sequence, some parts shortened or removed, a different return to reality scene, and different dialogue but otherwise the exact same fight.

When the Trooper return to the lab the Professor tells them there’s another reality break nearby, and JB tries to confirm it but the Professor snaps at him, and tells the Troopers to investigate the reality break while he restores the lab’s computers but of course he’s really evil, and only Jeb of all creatures knows.

Then we see the Troopers flying in Kaitlin’s car to the reality break when they see a stalled car down where the fake Professor say the break is going to occur, and land to help the stranded people but this is all part of Grimlord’s plan, and a Skug fight breaks out.

Skugs try to kick Ryan but he blocks then JB kicks another Skug while Kaitlin does some back flips before kicking another then Ryan kicks two of the Skugs while JB, and Kaitlin punch the other two then Ryan kicks his Skugs into each other while JB, and Kaitlin finish off the other two.

The Troopers don’t see any sign of a break, and blame the whole thing of a system error (not quite a title) brought on by the virus.

Zabitan 01/26/15 09:10 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
At Tao dojo JB is helping Tao bring back the dojo’s books then puts the VR disk in when Kaitlin comes in, and explains that the virus appeared out of nowhere making it a virtual virus, and call the Professor for help but get a pathway inoperative message which JB explains means they can’t talk to the Professor there or at the lab, and the Troopers figure out what’s going on.

Just then the Professor appears, and tells them to go to virtual reality, and destroy the virus transmission site, and since he’s using the Professor’s pathway this time the Troopers decide to take the risk, and transform.

The Troopers then go into the Skybase where the Professor tells Ryan, and JB to go to virtual reality, and destroy Grimlord’s hidden base while JB stays in the real world.

But of course this all really a trap by Grimlord so he has Ivar, and Icebot send Quantum Cruisers, and a robot called Metaborg after JB.

Then we see Metaborg himself run over JB while Cruisers fire at him but JB fires his laser at Metaborg but it does nothing, and Metaborg fires his own laser while the Quantum Cruisers fire theirs.

Meanwhile Ryan, and Kaitlin can’t find Grimlord’s base,a nd figure out the trap, and return to reality to help JB by blowing up the Quantum Cruisers with lasers but there’s still the matter of Metaborg.

Metaborg proceeds to run over JB some more before transforming into his robot form, and punching JB, and ramming him with his head while the fake Professor gloats, and Ryan tells Jeb to leave the lab.

Metaborg then flips JB over, and over like a ragdoll while the Skugs cheer on, and in if you look hard enough it looks like their smoking some kind of hookah so Kaitlin gets into the battle cruiser, and fires at Metaborg, and the Skugs before recharging JB’s powers.

JB, and Kaitlin combine laser power to weaken Metaborg, and JB finsishes Metaborg off with Laser Lance but surprisingly Grimlord is chill about it because he hacked their systems, and will learn everything but the Trooper find the real base in virtual reality, and destroy it bringing Grimlord back to his grumpy self.

Later at the lab JB has deleted Grimlord’s virus, and brings back the Professor who congratulates them for solving their own problem, and JB returns to Tao’s dojo to fix Tao’s computer, and Kaitlin returns to the Underground Voice Daily where Woody is making the reporters use old typewriters, and Ryan is just glad to have the Professor back.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Zabitan 01/26/15 09:11 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts

I still remember when I first heard about this very show back on Labor Day weekend when my family was staying in a hotel on the way to San Francisco when I first saw a commercial for VR Troopers, and I was hooked.

Now at the time I didn’t live in a place that got VR Troopers so for the longest time I had to go off just video tapes, and books until direct downloading, and Youtube became a thing before I actually was able to watch the show in it’s entirety.

Now my whole point is that the very first episode I saw was a video tape I got for my ninth birthday back in 1994, and that tape was this very episode.

That’s right kids this was the first episode of VR Troopers I ever saw so how does it stack up?

Well pretty good all things considered.

I like the plot of using a fake version of the Professor to lead the Troopers onto fake missions designed to distract, and destroy them.

I also liked Metaborg, and his design, and powers since he could transform from a vehicle to a robot like a Transformer.

I also liked seeing Kaitlin’s power transfer ability since she’s the only Trooper who can heal anyone though I think it was an attempt to compensate for not giving her a finisher move.

I think the only thing that really bugged me was the Battle Grid segment, and that was only because it was all recycled footage instead of anything new,

And even then I thought it was interesting to see the Battle Grid fight before the regular Skug fight instead of the usual other way around.

Heck there was nothing useable in the Spielban episode they used that didn’t get carried over so there’s that.

Honestly while I still think Searching for Tyler Steele is the episode I would show someone who never saw VR Troopers before to explain the show I still think this is one of my favorite episodes.

In a perfect universe the tapes would have had two episodes each with one having both parts of The Battle Begins, one having Searching for Tyler Steele, and this episode, the next having The Dogapping, with Lost Memories, then Kaitlin’s Front Page, with Battle for the Books, and finally The Dojo Plot with Oh Brother.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 01/27/15 08:44 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Grimlord’s Challenge written by Margo McCahon, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him about determination.

We then go to Crossworld City park where Ryan, JB, and Kailtin are goofing off on roller blades with Ryan giving commentary, and then they decide to take a water break, and after a brief comedy bit from Jeb a policewoman named Officer Johnson goes up to the Troopers with a troubled girl named Randy who will end up in reform school unless Ryan can teach her Karate.

So he bets that they can get enter her in an upcoming tournament, and if she wins anything she won’t go to reform School, and Officer Johnson, and Randy agree with Johnson agreeing to donate a 1,000 if they succeed.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries Ziktor watches the Troopers, and once again in typical Power Rangers villain fashion proceeds to transform into Grimlord, and announces he’s going to have a tournament with the winner fighting Ryan.

At Tao dojo Randy sees various other kids practice Karate, and almost leaves the Dojo when Tao goes up to her, and reminds of what will happen if she leaves, and she decides to give it a chance, and then there’s a brief comedy bit at the Undergound Voice Daily with Woody, Kaitlin, and Jeb when Kaitlin pitches her story about Randy.

Then there’s a brief training montage where Randy tries to practice but keeps messing up, and then we see the Troopers in the park with Ryan trying to encourage them to keep training Randy when one of Ziktor’s secretaries comes up to him with a challenge to fight Grimlord’s most powerful mutant, and proceeds to transform into her true form, and a Skug battle breaks out.

Not much happens other than the Skugs try to punch the Troopers but the Troopers keep blocking, and punching back then they hide in some playground equipment, and Ryan flips over a Skug, Kaitlin kicks another, and JB just dodges his Skug then they all kick the Skugs into each other, and destroy them.

At the virtual dungeon only two mutants are left in Grimlord’s tournament Hammerbot, and The Blade, first Hammerbot swings his hammer at The Blade but then the Blade turns his arms into a sword (hence his name), and a claw, but Hammerbot blocks both, and hits The Blade with his Hammer, and decapitates The Blade earning him the Right to fight Ryan.

Back at Tao dojo Tao encourages Randy to keep practicing while at the lab the Troopers intercept one of Grimlord’s messages that in addition to Hammerbot he’s going to send another robot called Spiderbot after Ryan while Ivar sends fleet against our reality so the Troopers decide to transform, and split up.

Zabitan 01/27/15 08:44 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Ryan does a jump kick against Hammerbot who throws mini axes at Ryan but he just doges them, and then Ryan scans Hammerbot but can’t find any weak spots then Hammerbot almost hits Ryan with an axe, and tires to hit him with his hammer.

Meanwhile JB pulls out his laser saber to attack Spiderbot who gives some rather funny comments about hating kids with attitude, and fires a laser at JB who dodges, and leaps at Spiderbot who catches him, and kicks him away.

Hammerbot tries to hit Ryan with his hammer but Ryan keeps getting out of the way while Spiderbot, and JB fire lasers at each other, and JB blows Spiderbot’s arms off but Spiderbot traps him with a laser disc from his back.

Hammerbot keeps trying to hit Ryan with his hammer but Ryan is still dodging but Hammerbot hits him, and Ryan tries to block with a Shovel but Hammerbot breaks it , and Ryan can barely keep dodging Hammerbot’s swings.

Quantum Cruisers, and jet fighters try to attack the Skybase but Kaitlin destroys them with missles while JB breaks out of the laser disc, and Laser Lances Spiderbot into oblivion.

Ryan once again dodges Hammerbot’s hammer swings, and does a jump kick knocking away his hammer, and breaking his helmet (and if you pause, and look for it you can see that he’s really a Japanese guy underneath), and Ryan is about to finish off Hammerbot with his own hammer when Hammerbot’s pleas for mercy remind him that’s not the right way, and Grimlord once again swears vengeance.

Later at the tournament has just one more match against a random boy named Kowalski, and if she wins it she can still make 3rd place, and at first it looks like she might lose but with some encouragement from Tao she wins, Tao congratulates her, and Officer Johsnon gives the check to Ryan.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Zabitan 01/27/15 08:45 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Final Thoughts

Well today’s episode was really good.

I liked the idea of Grimlord having a tournament for his Robots since it gave them an excuse to use the monster vs monster fights from Metalder.

I also liked the designs, and powers of both Spiderbot, and Hammerbot.

And believe it or not nothing was skipped from the Metalder, and Spielban footage except for a base invasion that was already used in The Battle Begins part 2.

So I like that it seems like they were starting to figure out how to use footage.

I thought the stuff with Randy was okay it just reminded me of a fast food version of that The Next Karate Kid movie with Hillary Swank which I think either came out before or right around when this did not bad but not really good either

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Zabitan 01/28/15 07:58 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Computer Captive written by Robert Hughes, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad told him to use his skills only to defend himself, and others which leads to a surprising heavy moment where he outright says he had to save his friend’s life in this episode.

We then go to the city pool where the Troopers, and Tao are diving of a board while Jeb gives commentary, and Ryan, Kaitlin, and even Tao have impressive dives while JB just flubs it, and then JB, and Kaitlin dry off so they can go to the Underground Voice Daily, and help Woody install a graphic program while Ryan, and Tao stay.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries one of Ziktor’s secretaries hands him a profit, and loss report, and this just by itself leads him to go on about how wonderful it is that computers can do anything.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and after a backhanded compliment to his monsters summons Icebot who informs Grimlord that he’s invented a device that can capture someone through a computer, and Grimlord decides to use it on the VR Troopers.

At the Underground Voice Daily there’s a brief comedy bit where Woody is playing a Footbal game on the computer while wearing it, and gets so excited he throws down the controller, and breaks it when he scores a touch down then JB goes to install the graphics program while Kaitin works on her photo layout.

While in virtual reality Icebot has completed the computer abduction device, and Grimlord orders him to use it on JB and just as JB has finished installing the graphics program Icebot appears on the screen to talk to JB, and then we see Icebot’s hands come out, and pull JB through the computer screen, and Kaitlin tires to help but Icebot almost abducts her as well so she turns off the computer, and seeks Ryan’s help.

At the virtual dungeon JB is being held in the air with ropes made out of electricity while in the Metalder footage Grimlord, and his mutants explain that the electricity ropes will drain JB of his VR Trooper powers, and give them to Grimlord’s mutants.

At Tao dojo Ryan, and Tao are practicing karate when Kaitlin comes in, and explains to Ryan what happened to JB so they use the VR disc to contact the Professor but instead get Icebot who tries to capture them but they turn off the computer before he can.

Grimlord scolds Icebot for failing to capture Ryan, and Kaitlin, and JB points out it was because they were too smart for Grimlord, and Icebot but Grimlord decides to send a Skug fleet after Ryan, and Kaitlin, and the two are about to head to the lab when three guys in karate gis show up, and turn out to be the Skugs.

One Skug kicks Ryan a whole bunch of times while another tries to punch Kaitlin but she blocks, and punches it, and then the Skugs try to hit Ryan, and Kaitlin but they keep dodging then Ryan uses his backpack to block a Skugs hits, and then throws it at the Skugs while Kaitlin kicks, and flips over another Skug then finally Ryan hits one with a punching back, and punches, and kicks another before throwing them into some bleachers, and Kaitlin punches her Skug into the others destroying them.

Zabitan 01/28/15 08:07 PM

Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews
At the lab Ryan, and Kaitlin explain everything to the Professor, and Jeb, and the Professor tells Ryan, Kaitlin, and Jeb to put on the visors, and after a 90’s screen saver effect they see JB trapped in Grimlord’s Dungeon.

Ryan decides to go to Grimlord’s dungeon himself to rescue JB but the Professor informs him his powers won’t let him access it directly so Ryan decides to transform, and let Icebot capture him, and Kaitlin wants to go too but Ryan, and the Professor tell her to stay, and monitor things until Ryan needs help.

After being teleported to Grimlord’s dungeon Ryan sees JB who’s almost completely drained, and tries to get him out but Grimlord mocks Ryan, and his dad so Ryan tries to attack Grimlord but Grimlord sends out all his mutants, and teleports away.

Ryan fights off Grimlord’s mutants, and rescues JB, and the two escape through a portal but Grimlord’s mutants chase them, and the Gunbots open fire on them while at the lab Kailtin, Jeb, and the Professor see that Ryan has rescued JB.

Ryan tells JB to hide by a tree, and rest while a samurai themed mutant named Slashbot tells the Gunbots to return to the dungeon while he deals with Ryan personally.

First Slashbot tries to stab Ryan with his sword but Ryan dodges so Slashbot takes the crescents off his helmet, and throws them, and hits Ryan but then Ryan starts blocking them so Slashbot tires his sword again but then Ryan does a jump kick, and kicks the sword out of Slashbot’s hands.

Then he makes a scythe with two crescent edges appear, and hits Ryan but then dodges, and throws Slashbot’s own sword at him but Slashbot blocks with the scythe but gets disoriented allowing Ryan to finish him off with a spinning kick, and Grimlord scolds his mutants for failure.

Ryan takes JB back to the lab, and he, and Kaitlin put JB on one of the lab’s machines, and it restores his powers then everyone has a tender moment, and that leads to today’s “I miss you dad” moment.

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