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Power Morphers 02/03/17 12:02 PM

Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?
I think its great. Why do people want the show to go out of its way to be corny and funny?

Inner Senshi 02/03/17 09:43 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?.
Because Power Rangers is supposed too be fun.Thats why a lot of us watch the show.

MMPR Forever 02/03/17 09:43 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?.
The essense of MMPR is to be funny and cheesy.

Captain Codfish 02/04/17 12:03 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?.
I love it when its darker. That doesn't mean I want super dark film noir like stuff. But a little bit of realism and drama really goes a long way. There is certainly still room for levity in the right places of the story.

Rita's Pita 02/04/17 12:05 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?.
I think it's because a lot of us became fans during MMPR and like PR for what it is.

PRangerX 02/04/17 12:06 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?.
I'd have to say my favorite era of the series is Space through Wild Force. I thought there was a good mix of drama and levity.

mbozzo 02/04/17 09:59 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?.
Power Rangers supposed to be a lighthearted series. It wouldn't make sense for it to be dark and gritty. :mad: :rolleyes:

MMPR Guy 02/04/17 11:39 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?.
Agree, film noir Power Rangers is not what is best for the tv show or the movies.

Sentai Is Forever 02/04/17 11:40 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?.
I wish it was as dark as Sentai.

Power Rangers Forever 02/04/17 11:41 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?.
Oh please, Sentai can be just as cheesy as PR can be. Sometimes even more cheesy than PR.

Goldar's Revenge 02/04/17 11:45 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?.
Power Rangers is at its best when it aims low and over delivers by the end of the year. When it tries to do much it often disappoints.

Captain Codfish 02/05/17 12:36 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?.
I love it when Power Rangers aims high and becomes something more without totally losing site that is a show about spandex fighting heroes.

Super Cena 02/06/17 04:53 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?.
I like it when Power Rangers is well balance between serious and funny.

Turbo Black 02/06/17 09:14 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?.
It just goes too far and makes PR into something it isn't

Cassidy Casablancas 02/06/17 09:18 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?.
Dark and Gritty PR is really an insult since it tries to make PR into something it isn't. PR is supposed to be fun.

Massive Ego 02/06/17 09:20 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?
Because some people have no taste.

Sentai Envy 02/06/17 09:21 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?
People who love dark and gritty PR should come over to the Sentai Snob side. It is so much more dark and gritty than Power Rangers.

Power Rangers Forever 02/06/17 09:23 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?
Like I told you're Sentai Pal, Sentai can be even more cheesy than PR.

Ranger Sentai 02/06/17 09:26 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?
One of the reasons I abandoned American Sentai ( what I used to call Power Rangers) is because Super Sentai is dark and gritty. America Sentai just is too corny and cheesy. I got sick of it. Especially in the last decade or so. Super Sentai still has lighthearted moments but they make them actually work. American Sentai just makes them seem lame. Its why I couldn't really stomach being a fan of what you guys call Power Rangers anymore. Super Sentai is so much better. I can't wait to watch even more of it. Anyone disenfranchised with American Sentai should too. I think you will enjoy what you are missing.

Sentai Envy 02/06/17 09:27 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?
Yes, Sentai Hunter is an example to all you American Sentai fans. Especially the ones who complain about the show and don't switch over to our side. But its your choice. I am just glad Hunter made the right one. I hope at least some of you will eventually join him and the rest of us.

Power Rangers Forever 02/06/17 09:29 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?
Here is a thought. If you guys love Sentai so much and want to be surrounded by other Sentai Fans....Why not either join a Super Sentai Board or start your own.

Sentai Is Forever 02/06/17 09:30 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?
Because we are trying to convince PRangerX to turn this into a Super Sentai board where American Sentai talk is allowed with the expectation we all admit Super Sentai is superior.

Sentai Envy 02/06/17 09:31 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?
Super Sentai Online will be a glorious board once this place finally rebrands.

Green With Envy 02/06/17 09:36 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?
Power Rangers can be dark. I wouldn't go too far though. No darker than RPM or Time Force.

I think PRO is better off staying a Power Rangers forum that allows Super Sentai talk too. There is more potential for discussion and new members that way.

King Ranger 02/07/17 10:56 PM

Re: Why do people hate dark and gritty PR?
I like it when its a serious adventure that has fun mixed in.

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