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zhane 02/20/07 02:04 AM

What happen to the power ranger games???
It is nice to see this website is finnaly back up, but what happened to those power ranger games?

Before the site went down, there were some fun power ranger games here to download. My favorite was the pr:time force game which you played as the quantam ranger. Any way The games were made with the software: The Games Factory (clickteam).

So, will those games ever be uploaded again or does anyone have any information to where I can find the games or contact their creator? I'd love to play those games again.

PRangerX 02/20/07 03:42 AM

Are you talking about Lahana Forums?

Boukenger 02/20/07 05:48 AM

It makes me wonder why they didn't release a PRMF game? I wonder if we'll get a PROO game this year?

zhane 02/20/07 03:30 PM

to: pranger x, no, the games were not part of the lahana forums. The games were found on the original powerrangers online website (powerrangersonline.com). I was wondering if anyone has any info on where I can find them again

to: Boulkenger. The games I am talking about wern't commercial games.
An individual made them with The Games Factory and let you download them for free.

PRangerX 02/22/07 01:27 AM

Ah you mean Mike Wayne's version of PRO. Unfortunatly, I don't have any of his old files. When I talked to him several months ago, he put up his old files. However I lost contact with him and the files were taken down before I could save them. I'm kicking myself since Way Back Machine doesn't archive the old PRO. Hopefully, I will get in contact with him again someday. I'd love to have the old files. I don't know if he still had any of the games though. But its good to know someone is around, who remembers the old days. At least I was able to save what was left of the old forum.

zhane 02/22/07 10:29 PM

oh good, think that you can contact me if u manage to find that guy again? I hope he kept those games.

PRangerX 02/25/07 01:28 AM

I sure can. However it may be a long time before I get to speak with him again. He hasn't been around for awhile. But you never know.

zhane 02/27/07 08:23 PM

ok, thanks

zhane 04/05/07 11:18 PM

just checking in.

PRangerX 04/06/07 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by zhane (Post 28594)
just checking in.

The archive of PRO was temprally avialable on Way Back Machine. I was able to get some of the files. Unfortunatly the site is now blocked again. It was the wierdest thing. I don't know if the games were on there or not. Here is an image of the old splash. The Llnks don't work ( the forum link does and takes you to an archive of the ezboard).


zhane 04/07/07 05:53 PM

yep, that is definatly it. I wonder why way back machine is acting weird like that. Anyway I will check in from time to time. If I manage to find anything (i doubt it) I will post it.

PRangerX 04/07/07 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by zhane (Post 28608)
yep, that is definatly it. I wonder why way back machine is acting weird like that. Anyway I will check in from time to time. If I manage to find anything (i doubt it) I will post it.

Its blocked because Mike or the current owners put a Robot.txt up. Which tells them not to crawl or archive the site. So that means that all existing archives get blocked. I don't know why it was unblocked temporally. But at least we know the stuff is there, just blocked.

zhane 05/07/07 06:57 PM

Thanks I got your message.
yeap all the pages are unblocking. I wonder if he is still using that email. I doubt it though, that was 6 years ago.

zhane 05/07/07 07:45 PM

hey, I found a wierd page that is similar to the gamezone. non of the game links I tried work though :(


PRangerX 05/07/07 08:42 PM

Mike didn't actually run the gamezone, he just hosted the site for the webmaster. I wonder if that other site is ran by the same guy. You could try the email. I remember seeing the game webmaster around a few years back. But I am not sure if he is active in the fandom now. But he used to post at the Newsgroup.

zhane 05/08/07 11:35 PM

I sent an email to that address.
I guess the account is still active because I didn't get a failure delivery notice.

zhane 05/11/07 04:48 PM

I got a reply from the gamestation guy.

He says he will try to upload them again during the weekend, I am going to try to download all of them.

Mike(or whoever he is) hasn't replied yet so i don't think he is using that email anymore.

zhane 05/13/07 02:17 PM

well, i guess i am giving up on finding cyro for now :(
the gamestation's games are ok, but not as good as cyro's games.

If you find any info PrangerX, just send me a message. Thanks for all the help.

PRangerX 05/18/07 09:41 PM

No, problem. I am sorry you couldn't find cryo. At least not yet. At least the PRO Archives are up for the time being.

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