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Kamen Rider Decade 10/13/04 03:02 PM

Chaos Guide to Power Rangers
I see that the site has an error. It says:

Another Zord belonging to Tommy.
Cephalozord does NOT belong to any Ranger at all. It is an auxillary zord only and can be used by anyone at anytime with the faceplate of the Zord showing up on the Ranger's morpher. Conner uses it in his Triceramax Megazord and the faceplate shows up on the Shield of Triumph.

PRangerX 10/13/04 03:02 PM

Re: Chaos Guide to Power Rangers
Thats probaly due to the fact that MiChaos wrote that Months ago before the zord really saw a lot of action. He is a busy guy and hasn't updated his site for awhile. I have nothing to do with his site (Chaos Guide TO Power Rangers) so I can't speak for him. You brought up an interesting piont though.

Kamen Rider Decade 10/13/04 03:02 PM

Re: Chaos Guide to Power Rangers
Auxillary Zords are team's bitches. But Brachio takes the cake for being the biggest bitch, and I don't mean size.

GreenwithEvil 10/13/04 03:02 PM

Re: Chaos Guide to Power Rangers
Brachiozord = Tommys Zord for Dino Thunder.

Even if it is a transport zord its still Tommys.

If you pay attention tommys powers are based of a brachio.

Since his weapon is the Brachio Staff.

But other than that, the zords carried by the Brachiozord are simply the Power Rangers Bitch Zords that help them kill the bad guys in different ways.

Kamen Rider Decade 10/13/04 03:02 PM

Re: Chaos Guide to Power Rangers

Seems you are the one that needs to pay attention. Brachio carries more than just the auxillary Zords, he also carries the Tyranno, Pterra, & Tricerra Zords as well.

Brachio is the biggest bitch because he does nothing but carry all other Zords around except Drago (maybe Stega). Doesn't matter that he is not an auxillary Zord.

PRangerX 10/13/04 03:02 PM

Re: Chaos Guide to Power Rangers
The Axulliary Zords are basically secondary zords that any Ranger can use. I wouldn't call them bitches personally but to each his own. They give the Rangers some cool power upgrades. The problem with Brachio is that it doesn't do much. But it is a carrier zord so i suppose you have to expect that. There is plenty of other zords anyway. DinoThunder's zords kind of remind me of the Wild Force Zords ( in the way they function).

Kamen Rider Decade 10/13/04 03:02 PM

Re: Chaos Guide to Power Rangers
The reason that Brachio is the worst carrierzord ever is because that is all it does. Pacifistic little snot.

All past carriers have fought and combined with other Zords to form an Ultrazord or just a more powerful Megazord, with the exception of Zenith who only faught.

PRangerX 10/13/04 03:17 PM

Re: Chaos Guide to Power Rangers
Well in Strange Relations the rangers conbined their zords and used the carrier zord as a sling shot. It was probably the closest thing we have had to a ultra zord in years. But yeah Brachio doesn't tend to do much.

Kamen Rider Decade 10/14/04 03:16 PM

Re: Chaos Guide to Power Rangers
Using Brachio as a sling shot is just them using their bitch.

PRangerX 10/15/04 03:16 PM

Re: Chaos Guide to Power Rangers
Still it did show at least some use. However, as I have said I agree Brachio doesn't do much besides carry the zords.

Kamen Rider Decade 10/17/04 03:04 AM

Re: Chaos Guide to Power Rangers
It didn't show a use beyond carrying the Zords, what the Rangers did while they had both the Thundersaurus and Dino Stegazord combined into one mode with weapons and helmet from Mezodon could have been done by a tidal wave, roller coaster, or just about anything they could have found and worked with. Brachio was there and a matter conveince not because they had to use him.

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