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Lu Bu 09/20/06 05:43 PM

Does anyone happen to have a link to Scorpion Rain I have been looking every were for it.

PRangerX 09/20/06 05:45 PM


Originally posted by Lu Bu@Sep 20 2006, 09:43 PM
Does anyone happen to have a link to Scorpion Rain I have been looking every were for it.
Scorpion Rain was never posted on the net. Someone made there own version of it and posted it on youtube. But the real Scropion Rain remains with the creators.

Lu Bu 09/20/06 05:47 PM

I looked all over you tube and I could not find it. Do you have a link to that.

PRangerX 09/20/06 05:50 PM


Originally posted by Lu Bu@Sep 20 2006, 09:47 PM
I looked all over you tube and I could not find it. Do you have a link to that.
I have to look for the link. I can't remember it off hand. But here is a link to an old post at rangerforums about the real Scorpion Rain.


This is an old post so keep that in mind if you try to reply to it.

Kamen Rider Decade 09/20/06 05:52 PM

If you are looking to see a film that is canon or in continuity you will never find it because as far as the TV show/movie universe is concerned it never happened, period.

Lu Bu 09/20/06 05:53 PM

Well there is alot of things out it.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/20/06 06:20 PM

I hear members at Rangerforums.net can download it, But yes, It was out of continuity until Wild Force had Forever Red making it part of the continuity as the makers of Scorpions Rain are those who made Forever Red

Kamen Rider Decade 09/20/06 07:44 PM


Originally posted by Rider_Leangle@Sep 20 2006, 06:20 PM
I hear members at Rangerforums.net can download it, But yes, It was out of continuity until Wild Force had Forever Red making it part of the continuity as the makers of Scorpions Rain are those who made Forever Red
It is under absolutely no circumstances a part of continuity, believing so is asinine.

PRangerX 09/20/06 10:02 PM


Originally posted by Rider_Leangle@Sep 20 2006, 10:20 PM
I hear members at Rangerforums.net can download it, But yes, It was out of continuity until Wild Force had Forever Red making it part of the continuity as the makers of Scorpions Rain are those who made Forever Red
No some fan edited together a bunch of clips from Zeo and/or Oh Ranger and used text to tell his own version of Scorpion Rain. It was just a fan film about a fan film no one saw. The guy did a good job though. One of the people behind the real thing ( Derik) even said the fake was better than the real thing.

PRangerX 09/20/06 10:17 PM


Originally posted by Cheetamus Primal+Sep 20 2006, 11:44 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Cheetamus Primal @ Sep 20 2006, 11:44 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Rider_Leangle@Sep 20 2006, 06:20 PM
I hear members at Rangerforums.net can download it, But yes, It was out of continuity until Wild Force had Forever Red making it part of the continuity as the makers of Scorpions Rain are those who made Forever Red
It is under absolutely no circumstances a part of continuity, believing so is asinine. [/b][/quote]
Amit was one of the people behind Rain when he was a just a fan/webmaster. When he became Story Editor during Wild Force and wrote "Forever Red" he wrote "Scorpion Rain" in as the back story. Thus Rain is in continuity. They can never come out and say it is canon since it was a fan film and it would violate legal matters.

How else was Serpentera buried on the Moon ( what became of it at tne end of Rain)? Tommy's line ("Awwman, thats one ugly zord!") is from "Scropion Rain".

Kamen Rider Decade 09/21/06 06:33 AM


Originally posted by PRangerX+Sep 20 2006, 10:17 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (PRangerX @ Sep 20 2006, 10:17 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>When he became Story Editor during Wild Force and wrote "Forever Red" he wrote "Scorpion Rain" in as the back story.[/b]
He tried, he failed. You can't take anything fan made and make it a part of a show, period. If it isn't produced by the production company at the time of it's making then then there is 0 chance of it ever becoming canon, in continuity. No matter if one of the lame brained morons behind it works for the show years later.


Originally posted by PRangerX@Sep 20 2006, 10:17 PM
Thus Rain is in continuity.
And the Tooth Fairy is real and actually a pedophiliac fag in a dress with a fetish for baby teeth.


Originally posted by PRangerX@Sep 20 2006, 10:17 PM
How else was Serpentera buried on the Moon
Someone put it there duh. Just like the shit load of stuff that happened we never see. Like them using the bathroom, eating, doing their chores, sleeping, traveling, whatever.


Originally posted by PRangerX@Sep 20 2006, 10:17 PM
(what became of it at tne end of Rain)?
Last I heard it crashed into the OCEAN. Not no the damn moon.

@Sep 20 2006, 10:17 PM
Tommy's line ("Awwman, thats one ugly zord!") is from "Scropion Rain".[/quote]So. There are lines from movies that have been used in shows, doesn't make the movie a part of the show. If using lines from movies did make the movie a part of the show, then the first PR movie would be in continuity.

Scorpian Rain is as much canon, continuity as any of the fanfics and rpgs written with a PR theme.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/21/06 03:08 PM

Actualy, The creators made Forever Red and added Scorpions Rain into continuity, And It got on the moon because it somehow got ther in the years that they did'nt show it

Lu Bu 09/21/06 06:34 PM

Does anyone know of any were else I may be able to find it.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/21/06 08:24 PM

Maybe Youtube

Kamen Rider Decade 09/21/06 09:38 PM


Originally posted by Rider_Leangle@Sep 21 2006, 03:08 PM
Actualy, The creators made Forever Red and added Scorpions Rain into continuity
And pigs fly, cows jump over the moon.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/22/06 04:43 PM

*Straps Jet-Pack to a pig and puts a Cow on a Giant Catapult*
Seriously, they added it to the continuity

Kamen Rider Decade 09/22/06 05:18 PM


Originally posted by Rider_Leangle@Sep 22 2006, 04:43 PM
*Straps Jet-Pack to a pig and puts a Cow on a Giant Catapult*
Seriously, they added it to the continuity

And the devil is just a really nice guy who is just misunderstood by a big bully.

Seriously one are one dilussional son of a bitch, fan made anything can NEVER be a part of any other continutity other than more fan made crap.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/23/06 01:39 AM


Originally posted by Cheetamus Primal+Sep 22 2006, 09:18 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Cheetamus Primal @ Sep 22 2006, 09:18 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Rider_Leangle@Sep 22 2006, 04:43 PM
*Straps Jet-Pack to a pig and puts a Cow on a Giant Catapult*
Seriously, they added it to the continuity

And the devil is just a really nice guy who is just misunderstood by a big bully.
Actualy thats true, But Scorpions Rain was added to the continuity by the makers who went on to make Wild Force

Kamen Rider Decade 09/23/06 07:33 AM


Originally posted by Rider_Leangle+Sep 23 2006, 01:39 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Rider_Leangle @ Sep 23 2006, 01:39 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Actualy thats true[/b]
And you just lost all credibility.

@Sep 23 2006, 01:39 AM
But Scorpions Rain was added to the continuity by the makers who went on to make Wild Force[/quote]MAKER, singular. Only one of them went on to WRITE for Wild Force, he didn't make it, to make it he would have to be on the set helping with the actual production.

Scorpion Rain is just as much in continuity as the original PR movie. To believe that it holds any canonical or continuity value is moronic.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/23/06 07:54 AM

He still added it to the Continuity,

Kamen Rider Decade 09/23/06 09:25 AM


Originally posted by Rider_Leangle@Sep 23 2006, 07:54 AM
He still added it to the Continuity,
Prove it.

Show me unequivocal proof of its continuity status? The only unequivocal proof that exists is the series bible. You don't have access to it, and the guy who wrote Forever Red denies Scorpion Rain's existance when asked about it. The one time he did acknowledge its existence he said that he considered it to be canon (or to be incontinuity), he didn't say it was, he in no uncertain terms stated it was his opinion that it was.

You have absolutely no ground to stand upon, I on the other hand have planet sized amount of ground to stand upon.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/23/06 10:22 AM

You just said he admited it was Canon which means that its part of the storyline

Kamen Rider Decade 09/23/06 10:31 AM


Originally posted by Rider_Leangle@Sep 23 2006, 10:22 AM
You just said he admited it was Canon which means that its part of the storyline
You stupid fucking moron.

I said he considered it, as in it is his opinion not fact.

Get a brain.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/23/06 05:25 PM

He had to add it to make Forever Red (Kind of) Make sence

Kamen Rider Decade 09/23/06 06:07 PM


Originally posted by Rider_Leangle@Sep 23 2006, 05:25 PM
He had to add it to make Forever Red (Kind of) Make sence
Quit smoking pot, snorting cocaine, or whatever brain cell destroying habit you have.

Forever Red made perfect sense as is without adding in some stupid piss poor fanfilm.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/24/06 02:19 AM

Explain how Serpentera got onto the moon then after its final battle in the show was on earth

PRangerX 09/24/06 03:05 AM


Originally posted by Rider_Leangle@Sep 21 2006, 07:08 PM
Actualy, The creators made Forever Red and added Scorpions Rain into continuity, And It got on the moon because it somehow got ther in the years that they did'nt show it
At the end of Scorpion Rain Serpenterra crashed on the moon. According to Funaro, it didn't crash in the ocean like some people reported.

PRangerX 09/24/06 03:07 AM


Originally posted by Lu Bu@Sep 21 2006, 10:34 PM
Does anyone know of any were else I may be able to find it.
Its not on the internet anywhere, sorry. The best you could do is find that fake one I mentioned. Its actually fun to watch, even if it isn't the real thing. I'll see if I can find it for you.

Kamen Rider Decade 09/24/06 07:33 AM


Originally posted by Rider_Leangle+Sep 24 2006, 02:19 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Rider_Leangle @ Sep 24 2006, 02:19 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Explain how Serpentera got onto the moon then after its final battle in the show was on earth[/b]

Simple my dear idiotic compadre.

It happened teh same way as such events as the moron Tommy getting a Doctorate, Dana Mitchell getting her doctorate and starting her own pediatrician practice between Lightspeed & Time Force, the Rangers eating, sleeping, or taking a dump. IT HAPPENED OFF SCREEN YOU FUCKING MORON.


Originally posted by PRangerX@Sep 24 2006, 03:05 AM

@Sep 21 2006, 07:08 PM
Actualy, The creators made Forever Red and added Scorpions Rain into continuity, And It got on the moon because it somehow got ther in the years that they did'nt show it

At the end of Scorpion Rain Serpenterra crashed on the moon. According to Funaro, it didn't crash in the ocean like some people reported.
Don't really care what he says about a fanfilm, fanfic, or anything fan made. Talk to me when he is talking about the real PR.

Until I see differently, I am going with ocean not moon.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/24/06 11:47 AM

One of the creators said themself that at the end it (Serpentera) crashed into the MOON, and the show would show something as important as that happening

PRangerX 09/24/06 02:59 PM

Well, I looked for the link to the fake Scorpion Rain. The bad news is that the video has been taken off youtube, so I can't find that either. I originally found the link on Funaroboard several months ago not rangerforums. But the video is gone now so it doesn't matter. As for the real thing, that has never been put up anywhere.

jenniferc 09/24/06 03:08 PM

forever red episode on youtube. you can watch video and find scorpion rain.

PRangerX 09/24/06 03:09 PM


Originally posted by jenniferc@Sep 24 2006, 07:08 PM
forever red episode on youtube. you can watch video and find scorpion rain.
What do you mean?

Kamen Rider Decade 09/24/06 09:12 PM


Originally posted by Rider_Leangle+Sep 24 2006, 11:47 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Rider_Leangle @ Sep 24 2006, 11:47 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>One of the creators said themself that at the end it (Serpentera) crashed into the MOON[/b]
Prove it. Your word means nothing.

@Sep 24 2006, 11:47 AM
and the show would show something as important as that happening[/quote]There is nothing important about a useless, energy guzzling Zord crashing or any Zord at all crashing.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/25/06 03:38 AM

It would be important because if nothing happened to it, It would be free to attack the earth as much as the controler wants, (Think about all the villans on the moon, I think someone would have found it),
But Forever Red totaly shrunk Serpentera, People were standing in front of the mouth, and in the original appearances, Serpentera made the Megazord look small, And in Dairenjaa it has been proven that a person can ride on the Red Dragon Thunderzord but in Forever Red, Serpentera was totaly shrunken.
Picture linked for those with low bandwith

Either the rangers really grew or Serpentera shrunk, and everyone was the right size, Except Serpentera :P

Kamen Rider Decade 09/25/06 07:32 AM


Originally posted by Rider_Leangle+Sep 25 2006, 03:38 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Rider_Leangle @ Sep 25 2006, 03:38 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>It would be important because if nothing happened to it, It would be free to attack the earth as much as the controler wants,[/b]
So what. It was a gas guzzling sob, none of them gave a crap because they didn't want to have to keep recharging its batteries or whatever the power source was. Zed was a moron for using it anyway, he could never keep it powered up long enough.

@Sep 25 2006, 03:38 AM
(Think about all the villans on the moon, I think someone would have found it),[/quote]You have no point here. After Rita & Zedd abandoned the moon there was only one other villian team who used the moon as their base, and that was the original Machine Empire.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/25/06 03:47 PM

Well if you had to leave the moon and you were wanting to rule Earth, would'nt you bring your most powerful weapon

Kamen Rider Decade 09/25/06 05:55 PM


Originally posted by Rider_Leangle@Sep 25 2006, 03:47 PM
Well if you had to leave the moon and you were wanting to rule Earth, would'nt you bring your most powerful weapon
You are forgetting one important thing, doesn't matter what you want, you have to deal with the reality of the situation you are in. If you are about to be destroyed, captured, and your gas guzzing hunk of junk is out of power you can't take it with you. And obviously something like that happened.

Ryu Dairenjaa 09/25/06 08:28 PM

Uhh, Uhh, I think you're right on that one ^_^

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