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PRangerX 03/19/11 07:21 PM

Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?
So Jonathon Tzachor wants to consider the Disney seasons non-canon.


I think people are overreacting about this. Funaro said that Tzachor got overruled when he wanted the Disney seasons off the official website. So obviously Saban Brands is not on board the idea of making seasons non canon. And nor should they be. It makes no business sense. So I don't think we have too much to worry about.

Mnikolic 03/20/11 04:17 AM

RE: Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?
The Disney seasons were cannon. PRDT's "Legacy of Power", the team-ups and other mentions of Rangers, allies villains from the first PR seasons prove that. He just can ignore all of that. We even see the original MMPR team in one PRDT episode! :D

Kamen Rider Decade 03/24/11 01:28 AM

RE: Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?
I agree with Tzachor.

Since he can't get what he wants all he has to do is to write them out of continuity.

Same basic principal, plus Saban can still sell toys of that crap.

Be REAL EASY with a throw away line too.

ciaranred 03/24/11 01:10 PM

RE: Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?
i think it would be unfair to the diseny era power rangers to get rid of them out of canon and from what he seems to want to do aka remove them from exsistence. I feel that thiou they were not the best they still deserve to be preserved and remembered in canon.

Kamen Rider Decade 03/25/11 12:50 AM

RE: Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?
From Rangerboard:


Originally Posted by BatZilla98
Chris Funaro sets the record straight.


Originally Posted by Fallen Star
First 20 minutes.

- Chris spends some time at the beggining explaining how universe-continuity is not really that important in Japan/eastern culture and whatnot and why PR fans should finally get it (which is puzzling to me considering we're talking american/western PR here. I don't care how the show is made. It's made for american/western audience who cares about continuity so why should american/western fans accept something that's relevant to eastern style of fiction?)

- Tzachor treats PR as his own and will do what he wants and feels like and yes, he wants the show to be succesful but only in his own way. Tzachor L-O-V-E-S Sentai and wants PR to be basically Sentai with english-speaking cast. Was pressed for 9 years he couldn't work on PR. Some Lee Marshall woman who worked on MMPR Productions posted on her Facebook "Jonathan is great, everything he does is for right reasons and good for the show, you don't know him, you wouldn't have the show without him" blah blah fans-suck-BS

- Chris says again he had 2 sources going on "Disney season are out" and thinks with Ricardo Medina's return it basically confirms that WF will be treated as the last season before Samurai.

Quality of the podcast is bad (I don't get why some voices are pushed to the right speaker and some to the left) so it's a pain to listen. Maybe someone will do the rest or maybe I will manage to get through it all. And frankly, it's REALLY hard to know which parts of what Chris says are his personal opinions/interpretation and which are some inside-production scoop so take everything in this podcast with a BIG grain of salt.

EDIT 1: I'm in the 23rd minute and it's getting hilarious. These people in the podcast think they're some superior part of the fandom, or 'teh seriouz' PR & fiction analytics and experts LOLOLOLOLOLOL

EDIT 2: OK they've toned down the superiority thing but here comes another thing. 50 minutes in they complain about comic reboots and how it's bad because because of this lack of continuity and canceling of previous events there's lack of feel of consequences and it's hard to get into. But that's how PR has been for several years, basically rebooting itself every year. And Chris at the beggning kinda tried to defend eastern style of writing and lack of universe-continuity. So yeah, PR gets a pass because it's eastern-based yet american comics don't because they're american? LOL They've said reboots are lazy writing. I call eastern writing with lack of care for continuity exactly the same.

ciaranred 03/25/11 07:25 AM

RE: Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?
well lkooks like there nothing to be done, Tzachor is going to get his way and make the Disney era ranger uncanon

Kamen Rider Decade 03/25/11 11:18 AM

RE: Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?
ciaranred, you are forgetting one thing, Tzachor is not the owner. The owner has already overruled him as proven by powerrangers.com. Doesn't mean Tzachor can't ignore all Disney seasons and only refrence pre-Disney seasons. Also doesn't mean Tzachor can't edit out any Gokaiger footage that shows Ranger costumes used during the Disney seasons. Also doesn't mean he can't add in a line that says the Earth has been completely alien/other type of PR villian free since whatever year Wild Force took place in (assuming he can get away with that), if he does that he writes them out of continuity of the Saban seasons but creates the continuity of the Disney seasons.

From Rangerboard all based on that one podcast I linked to earlier:


Originally Posted by rogueguy
So apparently Tzachor also lobbied for Saban Brands to just dub Shinkenger and call it PR? Wow.


Originally Posted by Fallen Star (Post 3719566)
Most of the podcast is just them discussing different PR-related things.

- Around 25 minute mark they discuss potential Gokaiger adaptation and if they think it will suck or be great
- Then they discuss PR producers and various important people who worked on the show, who was nice, who they spoke with personally (at Morphicons etc) and how Tzachor sucks and how he will never lose his job 'cause he's friends with Saban and how he now runs the show on his own with no one there able to keep an eye on him
- Then they discuss how Kamen Rider sucks, how Samurai suuuuuper sucks and how RPM was good
- Then they discuss how 'autistic' the PR fandom is and how people like what's old stuff even if it sucked before (they bring Deca example), one guy mocks when fan like 'adult' stuff
- Then they dwell into comic books reboots and continuity around 50 minute mark. They complain about comic reboots and how it's bad because because of this lack of continuity and canceling of previous events there's lack of feel of consequences and it's hard to get into. But that's how PR has been for several years, basically rebooting itself every year. And Chris at the beggning kinda tried to defend eastern style of writing and lack of universe-continuity. So yeah, PR gets a pass because it's eastern-based yet american comics don't because they're american? LOL They've said reboots are lazy writing. I call eastern writing with lack of care for continuity exactly the same.
- around hour mark they discuss what could potential PR reboot look like

But it's all their fan opinions, nothing with inside scoop except for the part when it appears dubbing Shinkenger and airing it as PR was actually considered at one point.

ciaranred 03/25/11 03:50 PM

RE: Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?
okay okay you win decade you win but we re still doomed and samurai will ignore Rpm and we won,t see any references to Disney era power rangers again under Tzachor.

Kamen Rider Decade 03/25/11 04:46 PM

RE: Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?
I am not seeing the bad in that.

PRangerX 03/25/11 10:34 PM

RE: Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?
Funaro never said that Tzachor sucks. He actually made it clear that Tzachor is a good guy that honestly cares about PR. Its just that his ideas of what PR is totally flies in the face of what the fandom wants out of PR.

Chris wouldn't even be worried about contunity if it we're for the adaption of the latest sentai that we are going to get in a few years ( the big team up style sentai).

But Chris is more concerns with Jonathon's desire to copy sentai scene by scene. And feels that fans should do a handwritten or typed letter writing campaign. But one where they are rational and simply state what they want in the franchise ( not calling for Jonathon's head or something crazy like that).

But until something is explicitly stated on screen I am not going to accept word of god in this case. There is just too much evidence that PR is one universe ( save maybe RPM ).

Kamen Rider Decade 03/26/11 01:53 AM

RE: Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?
If Tzachor wants nothing more than scene by scene translation, he is going to have to force something different out of Gokaiger's translation if the show can't get the past actor's to return.

Tzachor would probably have a frakkin coronary if they refuse. So I hope they refuse and he is forced off the show for medical reasons. Then someone can come in and adapt not translate.

Also I read over at Rangerboard the writting staff is the same or nearly the same writting staff that the Transformers Unicron Trilogy had which are good for nothing but dubbing not adapting. There are two exceptions there are 2 writers who are PR alums.

As long as Tzachor is friends with Saban and Tzachor doesn't screw up the toy sales somehow and the ratings don't tank. No matter what the non-target audience fans do Saban isn't going to get rid of him, there be no reason to we don't matter.

ciaranred 03/26/11 06:30 AM

RE: Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?

Originally Posted by Kamen Rider Decade
If Tzachor wants nothing more than scene by scene translation, he is going to have to force something different out of Gokaiger's translation if the show can't get the past actor's to return.

Tzachor would probably have a frakkin coronary if they refuse. So I hope they refuse and he is forced off the show for medical reasons. Then someone can come in and adapt not translate.

Also I read over at Rangerboard the writting staff is the same or nearly the same writting staff that the Transformers Unicron Trilogy had which are good for nothing but dubbing not adapting. There are two exceptions there are 2 writers who are PR alums.

As long as Tzachor is friends with Saban and Tzachor doesn't screw up the toy sales somehow and the ratings don't tank. No matter what the non-target audience fans do Saban isn't going to get rid of him, there be no reason to we don't matter.

wait the unicron triliogy. Oh dear god, no. run run defend the children run i tell you before we get all are names mixed up and we get hit by half developed amination. Oh hurray i know they drew us with no legs because they were to lazy but still run run. Quickly before they send eddy from ed edd and eddy and have him as an annoying bully. Oh no its to late Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwww.

Burt seriuos;y the writers being from the unicron trilogy would make so much sense.

PRangerX 03/26/11 07:43 PM

RE: Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?
Yeah, there more like dubbers then writers. Which is pretty sad.

Yes Decade, the target audience is important. But Saban Brands has been very nice to the fandom. And handwritten letters can make a difference. Rangerbar is having a handwritten letter drive. Obviously its not guarenteed to work. But the chances are better with it then without it. As long as people are respectful. Which is part of the reason why Rangerbar is having all the letters sent to them ( so they can get rid of the bad ones). They got the idea from another fandom.

ciaranred 03/26/11 09:19 PM

RE: Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?

Originally Posted by PRangerX
Yeah, there more like dubbers then writers. Which is pretty sad.

Yes Decade, the target audience is important. But Saban Brands has been very nice to the fandom. And handwritten letters can make a difference. Rangerbar is having a handwritten letter drive. Obviously its not guarenteed to work. But the chances are better with it then without it. As long as people are respectful. Which is part of the reason why Rangerbar is having all the letters sent to them ( so they can get rid of the bad ones). They got the idea from another fandom.

Aw you do know its getting worse right. Not only are the disney areas non canon and all ranger season are in there own universe. This is the end of rangers

PRangerX 03/27/11 10:25 AM

RE: Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?
We have to see how they adapt the team up Sentai first. Until then the Disney era is in continuity for me.

Crimson Soul2 03/31/11 04:38 PM

RE: Tzachor views Disney Seasons as uncanon?
Truthfully, I'm fine with having a fork continuity if that's what Tzachor really wants. MMPR - RPM in one continuity and MMPR - WF & Samurai in another continuity isn't really too bad. Would I rather have all the seasons in a single continuity? Yes. But if Tzachor finds a way to incorporate his ideas to eliminate the Disney seasons into Samurai, than the fork continuity is what we will have to accept for the Samurai universe.

If Tzachor continues to treat the Disney seasons like a red-headed step child by the time Gokaiger roles around, I could see him replacing the Disney season actors with unknown new actors to play characters similar to the Gokaiger counterparts of the previous Rangers. It would be a large slap in the face to the Disney-era fans and the continuity freaks, but from what we've seen of Samurai, as well as what we've heard of Tzachor's individual universes per season, it seems both likely and possibly.

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