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Angela 01/12/15 02:02 PM

Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
If you ask me which was the most dull PR season, I would say - Mega Force. Why? Because of the low story content it fed us. I mean, the story was not rich. The episodes had just fighting and fighting and action. Although, LOL - PR series is about action and fights only but a story needs to have a good approach on the front of a Ranger as a personal being too. I mean, we feel RPM was a great season. Why? Because each character had his or her own personal life. The past of each character was very well portrayed. Like Samurai had little approach to the personal life and being of a Ranger as an individual, which made it bearable. But Mega Force, I feel hardly presented any of the Ranger's approach as an individual. Even if it did, it never was as intresting, when compared to the earlier seasons.

Actually when a Ranger or character is portrayed as an individual, I feel the character develops a lot and gradually the content of the story enrichens. While , lack of that makes a story extremely monotonous and reptitive. That is what I feel.

Would love to read you views.

MattEmily 01/12/15 04:18 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
I agree with some of your points however Samurai itself didn't have much story to it either all we had was Kevin who quit training to being an Olympic swimmer because he had to be a Samurai Ranger, we had Jayden who was just a decoy Red Ranger while Lauren was perfecting her Sealing Symbol, we had Mia being a bad cook and we had the whole thing with Serrator orchestrating everything involving Deker and Dayu since he wanted to use Deker to crack the world in half.

The first season of MMPR had no story other than Tommy being an evil Green Ranger, becoming good and then eventually losing his powers and then regaining them on a temporary basis.
Zeo had no story until we got around to the Gold Ranger stuff.
Lightspeed had no story until we got around to the Ryan stuff.

I think the main issue with Megaforce is nothing was planned and everything was set up very poorly so even though we had anniversary aspects for Super Megaforce none of them even seemed like a big deal to anyone and they should have a big impact on us fans.

Mr. CD 01/13/15 01:24 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
I think the number 1 thing that hurt this season was the lack of world-building. These two seasons never create a landscape and background for itself. There's no mythology to it. Troy has visions of the future but the seasons never do anything with them. "My mentor Zordon" is never elaborated on. Hell, speaking of Gosei, why is he even involve in the conflict? Sure Zordon abducted a bunch of attractive teenagers to do his dirty work but at least he gave his reasons at the start: He was the one to seal Rita away and now she back and out for revenge. Soon members of her extended family and other villains started showing up until they were retcon into being apart of one big group. Terra Venture had magical artifacts Scorpius wanted, Captain Mitchell had a personal connection with the demons and was assign the task of defeating them, the Time Force Rangers viewed it as their responsibility to capture Ransik since he escape under their watch, Hartford unearthing the Corona cause various aliens to come to Earth sniffing around for it, the Order of the Claw fought in a war to decide Earth's evolutionary line. Every season went out of their way to explain why the good guys got involve in the conflict.

Gosei has none of this. He knows who Malkor, Professor Cog, and Mavro are yet there's nothing to suggest he has any connections to them and since Zordon dead we have no idea if he knew about the WarStar and the Armada. The Power Cards remain unexplored. No explanation for the Ranger Keys or where they came from or how they work. Shoot, if Zordon behind them, that just raises even more questions. These two seasons are so hideously basic and bare-boned.

J3M10 01/13/15 01:25 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
I could guess what the characters could've been:

Troy: He moves alot being a military brat. Had a tough upbringing, practiced martial arts most of his life. Doesn't get into his emotions easily. At 6 years old, he was saved by the Red Time Force Ranger, wanting to be a power ranger one day after that incident. Once he got to Harwood, he starts having dreams of the Legendary War. Throughout he learns to be a leader while being a ranger.

Gia: Like the show suggest, she is Ms. Perfect. Very good at many things, many adore her while others are jealous of her. While everyone thinks she has a perfect life, deep down she gets a little tired. Growing up in a strict family, they pushed her to be the best, going over the limits of tiring her out. Throughout, she learns what it is to be let loose & free while being a ranger.

Emma: Like the show suggests, she loves nature & photography. Her mom died at a young age, but back then, her mom would take her out to beautiful hikes through the woods, taking pictures, giving Emma her first camera before her passing. Emma was a sad little girl one day until she met a girl who cheered her up, eventually becoming her best friend, Gia.

Jake: Like the show suggests, Jake loves 2 things: Soccer & girls, specifically Gia. Jake's life has been very simple and calm, no worries. When he became a ranger, he wanted to tell everybody, wanting everyone to praise him. While he had a good life so far, others didn't & while being a ranger, he learns how to understand other people's struggle.

Noah: Like the show suggests, Noah is the brains of the group. Fascinated of many things, he wants to learn as each new thing comes along. Him being best friends with Jake gets him in funny situations. He always admires how stong his brother from another mother is, so becoming a ranger was one thing Noah doubted he can do. Throughout he puts himself down, though Jake supports him, while Troy teaches him Martial Arts along the way. He'll treat at becoming a good ranger like trying to get an A on a test.

I wish they had characer development! Lol

Antiyonder 01/13/15 01:27 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
Using fanservice to compensate for effort in writing.

Granted the fanservice was lackluster whether it trying to emulate MMPR (Even having a new character named Ernie) or paying tribute to the past seasons in SMF, but it feels like the fanservice overall was suppose to carry the series rather than developing the cast and story on their own merits.

Frankly Dino Thunder does it right. The fanservice had more heart put into it, plus the characters pay homage to the MMPR cast without being ripoffs. Simply put, DT succeeds as both a love letter to longtime PR fans, while still doing it's own thing and doing it well.

Xenotome 01/13/15 01:28 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
You know, I like the idea of the Rangers coming from various attacked towns of PR past when they were young. Each having an experience with a Ranger of their color and when the time comes that their new town is attacked and they're able to act (Via Gosei) they jump at the chance because of their prior experience. And then come Legend War when each of them could see the Ranger they knew from their childhood coming and taking off their helmets allowing them to see their faces for the first time.

MattEmily 01/13/15 01:35 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
actually it was never said in-show that Zordon was the one that sealed Rita and her minions away... although more than likely he was the one that did it... however you do have a point that at least he did explain his reasons but technically so did Gosei the only difference between the 2 is that Zordon was actually familiar about the villains so he could assist the team when they had issues however Gosei wasn't as familiar with the villains so he couldn't do much to help out.

Terra Venture only had the Lights of Orion and the Galaxy Book. The Rangers were the ones that had the Quasar Sabers.

Captain Mitchell did have a personal connection to the demons but technically Lightspeed Rescue was set up to deal with the possibility of the demons being released.

Time Force was responsible for dealing with the capturing of mutants and it was Jen's decision to decide to follow Ransik to the past along with her team because she felt responsible for letting him get away.

Wild Force really didn't have much of a reason other than the Ancient Warriors and Animus fighting the original Master Org years ago. Cole and the new Master Org however did have a connection.

Ninja Storm had the whole Scroll of Destiny thing where everything was destined together with Sensei's brother; Lothor returning and then eventually the Wind Rangers would have to face him in a final battle.

Dino Thunder had the connection because of Tommy and Trent's connections of Mesogog.

S.P.D. because of Cruger and Gruumm.

Mystic Force really didn't have any connection except when it came to Koragg.
Overdrive because of the Corona Aurora and its jewels.
Dai-Shi's only connection was Jarrod and because Dai-Shi had been trapped in a box held by Phai Zhuq the Order of the Claw.

RPM because Dr. K likely felt responsible for creating such a deadly virus.
Samurai and Megaforce there's no reason for it. Also no connections either.

jg13145 01/13/15 01:38 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
These ideas could work. Each of the Rangers were saved by a former Ranger in the cities, but because of the rebuilding, they all eventually moved to Harwood County. Emma could've lost her mom during a monster attack and run into the Wild Force Rangers in person but didn't know who they were. Maybe Jake had some interaction with Conner at one point post-Dino Thunder, pre-2011. As for Noah, it wouldn't surprise me if he somehow got to see or meet someone like Captain Mitchell, Ms. Fairweather, Cam, or Andrew Hartford, all whom helped develop Ranger technology.

Dino Charger 02/08/15 01:11 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
I thought Mega and Super Mega were great! I think the characters were actually interesting. The action was awesome. Plus we got all the old Ranger Forms in Super. Talk about amazing call backs from the past. And "Legendary Battle"? Best episode where, better than "Countdown To Destruction ".

I think people just got their hopes up and got themselves disapointed. The two seasons couldn't have been much better. I know people wanted more actors back. But I am just happy we got the ones we did. I don't get why the Megaforce seasons are so hated?

Kilobyte 02/08/15 01:21 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
Megaforce was decent for a 20 episode season. It's Super Megaforce where the story went bad. They should never have tried to adapt two different sental's into 40 episodes. They should have just stuck with with Gokaiger and did a two year anniversary. These days two seasons are about equal to one in the old days anyway.

No Green Spandex 02/08/15 01:26 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
They should have got a bunch of Rangers from the Disney or Neo Saban seasons ( and maybe whoever they could get from the older days) and have them have been brought together as the Megaforce team. Than Megaforce could have been about finding the Legend Keys. Leading to Super Megaforce.

MattEmily 02/08/15 02:00 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?

Originally Posted by Shelby's Boyfriend (Post 51756)
I thought Mega and Super Mega were great! I think the characters were actually interesting. The action was awesome. Plus we got all the old Ranger Forms in Super. Talk about amazing call backs from the past. And "Legendary Battle"? Best episode where, better than "Countdown To Destruction ".

I think people just got their hopes up and got themselves disapointed. The two seasons couldn't have been much better. I know people wanted more actors back. But I am just happy we got the ones we did. I don't get why the Megaforce seasons are so hated?

I didn't think Megaforce or Super Megaforce were even remotely decent.
Yes the Legendary Ranger modes were cool but we didn't even see the majority of the Rangers. Look at how many Orion ended up morphing into to. Not many... not to mention it did very little to actually celebrate the 20th anniversary of Power Rangers instead someone had the bright idea that they wanted to celebrate the anniversary with using things that were NOT Power Rangers and had NEVER been in Power Rangers.
Legendary Battle is anything but the best in fact it's one of the worse.
My (main) issue isn't with the actors that returned or didn't return (except I would have preferred Jen to return over Wes and Ryan over Carter) but my issue is because of how pathetic and weak the battle was as well as how short it was. You're bringing back like that many Rangers just to fight a bunch of X-Borgs and you seriously expect us to believe Megaforce can't handle that many despite the fact they've done so countless of times before? Heck Orion dealt with how many all at once in his premiere episode? He kept on beating up on like 20 or 30 of them before the others were even notified of them appearing.

Usagi Reborn 02/08/15 02:12 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
Yeah that ruined it for me too.

You know if they wanted to have a few new Ranger teams it would have been fine. But they should have given them a better backstory. And did a better job with the team's from the past that they were suppose to be celebrating. It would have been cool if we got a better origin for the Dairanger suited team for instance. The whole thing was just handled badly.

MattEmily 02/08/15 02:36 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?

Originally Posted by Usagi Reborn (Post 51773)
Yeah that ruined it for me too.

You know if they wanted to have a few new Ranger teams it would have been fine. But they should have given them a better backstory. And did a better job with the team's from the past that they were suppose to be celebrating. It would have been cool if we got a better origin for the Dairanger suited team for instance. The whole thing was just handled badly.

no doubt about that. The Dairanger thing was so pathetic. They should have done something more if they wanted to include Dairanger and the pre-Zyu Rangers. They needed to have more of a backstory to them if they were going to be included... it didn't even need to be anything that big just something simple as "You've unlocked the powers of the Rocket Rangers who were the first known Power Rangers that my Mentor became aware of."

Usagi Reborn 02/08/15 05:41 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
Exactly, would have been that easy.

MattEmily 02/08/15 09:03 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
yup I could come up with something quick for each pre-Zyu team and the Dairanger team even without trying. Let's see here...

for Dairanger I would say "Rangers you've unlocked the new Lightning Ranger powers which were created by Zordon in case of an emergency in conjunction with the Thunderzords but the powers were never needed."

Lightspeed Zeo 02/08/15 09:48 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
This is probably geeky. But why didn't Zordon give the Rangers those powers in season 3 instead of sending them to Ninjor?

MattEmily 02/08/15 09:58 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
Perhaps he didn't have them at the time or perhaps because of the situation with the Command Center he couldn't do anything in regards to creating new powers or zords. Notice when he's asked whether he can do anything to save the zords he says that he can't as long as the Command Center was under damage so I would assume that because there was so much damage to their base that he couldn't do anything to assist except to hope that Ninjor was real and that they could find him and befriend him.

A Gia To Remember 02/13/15 11:09 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
Megaforce didn't fail. It was one of the strongest seasons. The dynamic was a new take of MMPR. And the concept worked. It was high time PR went back to school. The teens were a throwback to the original team but had their own personality. The episodes were fun and exciting. It felt like the classic formula was back.

mbozzo 02/24/15 08:40 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
Megaforce failed because the writers made the mistake of trying to combine 2 Sentai series into one. Megaforce should have focused on one Sentai series for its two season. :mad2: :mad:

MattEmily 02/24/15 09:24 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?

Originally Posted by mbozzo (Post 52437)
Megaforce failed because the writers made the mistake of trying to combine 2 Sentai series into one. Megaforce should have focused on one Sentai series for its two season. :mad2: :mad:

That wasn't a problem their problem was not properly planning things out because Megaforce could have worked out well even with 2 Sentai series being used as stock footage for it.

PRangerX 02/24/15 09:43 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?

Originally Posted by Lightspeed Zeo (Post 51795)
This is probably geeky. But why didn't Zordon give the Rangers those powers in season 3 instead of sending them to Ninjor?

Matts's right. The Command Center was demolished. The connection to the grid was tottally shorted out. Even if Zordom had those powers they would have ben gone or unusealble.

Superhero Galaxy 02/24/15 09:48 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?

Originally Posted by MattEmily (Post 52438)
That wasn't a problem their problem was not properly planning things out because Megaforce could have worked out well even with 2 Sentai series being used as stock footage for it.

Megaforce and Super could have been awesome if they planned it right. Especially since they used two sentais and could have been so creative with it. Not many PR season had that cushion. Especially with the two sentais being already done. No execuse to slave to Sentai when you know how it all turns out ahead of time

MattEmily 02/24/15 10:46 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?

Originally Posted by Superhero Galaxy (Post 52440)
Megaforce and Super could have been awesome if they planned it right. Especially since they used two sentais and could have been so creative with it. Not many PR season had that cushion. Especially with the two sentais being already done. No execuse to slave to Sentai when you know how it all turns out ahead of time

exactly and if they were smart they could have planned it all the way back to Samurai since that is where I would've started the planning at. I would've made it so that Vrak was officially the leader of The Armada and that it was a subdivision of Dark Specter's old United Alliance of Evil which the Nighlok were part of until the previous Samurai Rangers had sealed Xandred away. I would have still killed off Dayu and Deker (not in the same way as the show though) but instead of Xandred and Serrator being destroyed I would have had it so that Lauren would succeed in sealing them away.
The Samurai Rangers would then go their own way. The Warstar would come in like shown but Malkor and Creepox would actually be defeated close to one another instead of saving Malkor until later in the season but they wouldn't be destroyed they would just be in hiding. Vrak would take over things for the time being and he would find Bigs and Bluefur and of course the 2 mutants will eventually be defeated and go in hiding. Vrak builds Metal Alice and the Messenger comes and everything there plays out like normal except for the Mega Rangers finally destroying Malkor, Creepox, Bigs and Bluefur and of course they destroy Metal Alice and Messenger as well or so they think in the case of Metal Alice and Messenger.

The United Armada arrives as shown in the series and the Legendary Morphs that we see are only the true Ranger Morphs that we actually physically do have in the series. Some morph sequences are reshot such as the ones in the RPM tribute(s) since they wouldn't fit with the actual morph sequence that the respective Ranger team had used in the series.

The Legendary Battle happens but not in the same way that we saw in the season.
Emperor Mavro and Vekar were seemingly destroyed previously but Vrak brings them back to life. Vrak was hiding out previously in Panorama City so he resurrects Xandred as well but instead of saving Xandred around he absorbs his energy which kills them and gives Vrak a Nighlok form. He also resurrects Serrator and steals his energy and because Serrator is such a dark villain it gives Vrak another form to use as well a very dark one but Serrator still remains alive because he had stolen the last of Octoroo's life force and because of which that killed Octoroo.

Vrak splits himself into his various forms because of how powerful he's become so now the battle is currently his Warstar Form, his Mutant Form, his Cyborg Form, his Armada/Prince/King/Emperor Form, his Nighlok form and his Dark Form as well as Mavro and Vekar.

Metal Alice and Messenger are also rebuilt.

Vrak has also recruited all of the various foot soldiers that he could find in the various underworlds and dimensions (Putties, Z-Putties, Tengas, Cogs, Piranhatrons, Chromites, Quantrons, Craterites, Stingwingers, Swabbies, Batlings, Cyclobots, Putrids, Red Putrids, Kelzaks, Kelzak Furies, Tyrannodrones, Triptoids, Krybots, Blueheads, Orangeheads, Hideaks, Styxoids, Lava Lizards, Chillers, Rinshi, Grinders, Loogies, Moogers, X-Borgs, Bruisers, Royal Guard.

Because of this all of the Ranger teams have shown up on the hill as you could see in the episode but there are no missing members for any of the teams.

All members of the Megaforce Rangers acknowledge at least one of the Ranger teams.

Gia acknowledges the Mighty Morphin Rangers.
Emma acknowledges the Alien Rangers.
Orion acknowledges Zeo.
Noah acknowledges Turbo.
Jake acknowledges Space.
Troy acknowledges Galaxy and Lightspeed.
Gia acknowledges Time Force and Wild Force.
Emma acknowledges Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder, SPD and Mystic Force.
Noah acknowledges Overdrive.
Jake acknowledges Jungle Fury.
Gia acknowledges RPM.
Troy acknowledges Samurai.

All of the teams come down to meet with the unmorphed teens face-to-face as well as Robo Knight coming by.

Robo Knight and Troy have their little reunion with Robo Knight explaining that he wasn't destroyed previously since he snuck into his Zord Form at the last second which the Ranger Key that represents his power don't reflect on.

Tommy explains that they're there to fight by their side and to help them out in this grand battle. By using the Morphin Grid as well as some help from Circuit, Logan, Alex and Dr. K he was able to call on the forces that he used to use himself as powers so all powers could be represented in the battle.

Ninjor, Auric and Blue Senturion also arrive. Phantom Ranger arrives as well.

That is when the battle begins but not before you see the scenes that you saw in the actual episode itself with each of the actors that returned holding their helmets in front of themselves and each one has a line that references their previous history with one of their seasons.

Jungle Fury uses the Spirit Rangers in their fight for a little added assistance.
Orion uses the Ranger Gold and Silver Key in the battle for some assistance as well.

After the battle they bid their good byes and they teleport out (for the ones that can teleport out) and for the ones that can't teleport out they just walk/run/rush out... except for Ninja Storm since they can Ninja Streak out.

Superhero Galaxy 02/24/15 11:22 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
That would be awesome! But if you are gonna plan in that far in advance, why not have the same Ranger team from Samurai to Super Megaforce? Instead of having the Samurai Rangers be from Samurai families just have them be high school kids like Megaforce really did. Then you can start fresh with Dino Charge.

Captain Codfish 02/24/15 11:29 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
I don't think they knew they were doing Gokaiger so soon when they did Samurai. Samurai came together quick after the buyout. So it would have been tough for them to plan like that.

I accept actually loved Super Megaforce. I think "Legendary Battle" was handled perfectly. Its my favorite episode ever.

Sentai Is Forever 02/24/15 11:32 PM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?
I would have rather got a full year of the two sentais rather them condense them into two small seasons. I do like that they stuck pretty close to sentai when they could. "Legendary Battle" thrilled me as a sentai fan.They should have had it in the beginning of the season like Gokaiger though.

MattEmily 02/25/15 02:46 AM

Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?

Originally Posted by Superhero Galaxy (Post 52442)
That would be awesome! But if you are gonna plan in that far in advance, why not have the same Ranger team from Samurai to Super Megaforce? Instead of having the Samurai Rangers be from Samurai families just have them be high school kids like Megaforce really did. Then you can start fresh with Dino Charge.

it would make sense using the same Rangers from Samurai but then again it wouldn't have at the same time. Them being High Schoolers just wouldn't work with how heavily Japanese the footage was.

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