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PRangerX 02/05/05 03:01 PM

SPD Thoughts
So its all ready that time of the year, the time to get ready for the next PR season. What our your expectations for SPD?

Well I assume SPD will follow DekaRanger at the beginning. You can tell this from the Press Release. But as the season goes on there will be more originality. Things will start off With A Squad getting captured. Our Three B Squad members will meet two theieves. Later B Squad and the two theives will be recruited by Anibus to become the SPD Rangers. All that of course is from the PRess Release.

Now over the course of the season Cheif Anibus will used his own Ranger Powers. Will get a White Ranger sometime after that. Given us the biggest PR team ever. As to weather they have a counter part for Deka Swan is anyone's guess. From what people have said I would assume Kat would morph into the Deka Swan counter part at least once.

I expect Emporeor Grumm will be a dark villian much like Mesogog. It would be interesting to see interction between him and Anubis. I expect a lot of the henchman to be dark as well , save Piggy.

I expect the tone of the story to be dark ( at least by PR standards). Hopefully we will get some good story archs that will carry things into the end of the year. There is a little uncertianity how things will go since we have new showrunners. Which is kind of exciting.

GreenwithEvil 02/05/05 03:01 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
I believe SPD is going to be a let down. You cant expect much from the PR Universe anymore thanks to new production staff. See I think that due to the Ranger Academy thing, its going to be a futuristic repeat of LSR. Light Speed Rescue had their own "WE MAKE RANGERS HERE" attitude and the show bombed. Perhaps worst season I can remember. They used technology to make their own morphers and have their own rangers and no one liked the idea much, even adding a Ranger who wasnt even in the Sentai version didnt help. our version of SPD will just be a futuristic repeat of that show in my opinion. But who knows, mybe we will get good production staff this year to make up for that?

PRangerX 02/05/05 03:01 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
I guess were going to have to wait and see. I am not going to judge SPD till it at last is half way done. Even than the jury will still be out. I think Doug and Ann did a good job on NS and DT. I have faith Kalish and his partner will do a good job with SPD. But I understand your aprehension.

PRangerX 02/05/05 03:01 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
I believe this show is gonna bomb worse or as equal to NS's bombing and is NS is the worst. LSR was better than NS on its best day. DT was better than NS but not as good as any of the MMPR Productions best, it was however on the level of Zeo.

mattavery316 02/05/05 03:01 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
I'm afraid Cheetamus is right. I also believe that the reason a lot of people liked Dino Thunder is because of Jason Frank's Tommy character. It brought back memories of when Power Rangers was enjoyable.

Hey! Maybe that's what SPD needs to do...

They can bring back Amy Jo Johnson.

GreenwithEvil 02/05/05 03:01 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
LoL, Hey Avery, any relation to IndyWarz Matt Avery?

And on a side note, SPD will most likely bomb...I mean just look at the costume for the bad guy..looks like he is the love child of Skeletor and Lord Zedd.

But I guess LSR did have a few advantages of Ninja Storm,

PRangerX 02/05/05 03:01 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
I think you guys are putting the nail in the coffin of SPD a little early here. I mean we have barely seen any info on the new show beyond the press release and what we know from DekaRanger.

I don;t think people only loved DT because JDF came back. Yes it diffinitly added greatly to the enjoyment of the season. But people liked DT for other things besides the MMPR nostolagia. They liked the story archs, action, and more. If DT was a boring directionless show even JDF couldn;t save it. Sure DT is overrated a bit. I would be the first to attest to that but I surely wouln't hinge all its success on JDF's return.

Now that said to me JDF doesn't neccessarly reflect PR's glory days. I think Power Rangers was at its best during Space-WF. I loved the older seasons too but don't feel like they can compare to the writting of that period. NS-DT was good too just not quite as good as Space-WF. I thought it was great seeing JDF back and having nods to the past. I just don't think PR went downhill after JDF left as a regular. The writing got better, not because of JDF" depature, just because it did. If you mean people responded to their nostolgia and a yearned to when PR was innocent I would agree with you to an extent. While there are a lot of MMPR-Turbo fans too, I just can't count MMPR-Turbo as my favorite PR era.

Kamen Rider Decade 02/05/05 03:01 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
I also believe that the reason a lot of people liked Dino Thunder is because of Jason Frank's Tommy character. It brought back memories of when Power Rangers was enjoyable.

That must be the number one reason I detested it, it wasn't enjoyable back then. Only good part was the Megazord battles and they @#%$ that up with Tommy in his days as the White Ranger

mattavery316 02/05/05 03:01 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
My two little boys have every tape/dvd of PR from MMPR to DT and when given the choice, they always choose the early series. I guess that's what I mean by "enjoyable"... like "Classic Power Rangers".

Let's face it... none of this stuff is award winning material anyway.;)

And yes, Green with Evil... I am that same Matt Avery.:eek

PRangerX 02/05/05 03:01 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
I see your point. Even though MMPR seems more cheesy you can look back to those days as an exciting time to be a PR fan. I just think the show has been better writing wise in the last 7 years or so ( from Space and Beyond).

There are people who like MMPR the best and would react to Tommy's return in the way you described. So its all subjective in many ways.

mattavery316 02/05/05 03:07 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
is VERY subjective...

And as I said, it's not emmy winning drama. It's what they call a "guilty pleasure"... kind of like reading comics.

That's why I crack up when I see people who want to break down and criticize every aspect of the show. :rollin

You know what they say about opinions.8)

PRangerX 02/05/05 03:07 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
Yeah everything is subjective when it comes to tv shows. PR isn't exactly emmy material at times. But I think it is well written for a kids show. I think the show has really grown up writing wise since its conception. I agree sometimes the fans overreact and read into things too much. But thats true with a lot of shows.

jzt451 02/05/05 03:07 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts

Now that said to me JDF doesn't neccessarly reflect PR's glory days.

I am affraid you are wrong here man. Th financials & raitings haven't ben this good sinc JDF.

PRangerX 02/05/05 03:07 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
Yes, but I was talking about the glory days of the show writing wise. Yes, DT has had higher raings than recent seasons. I also agree that Tommy is the face of the Franchise. I like Tommy personally and think it was cool having him back. I don't think Tommy is not the only reason why DT has been successful.

I just was trying to say that MMPR-Turbo was not the glory days of the show for me. Sure in terms of fad status MMPR was the best. But I just feel that the show really evolved and improved writing wise in PRIS. The show didn't jump the shark when Tommy left it actually got better. I like MMPR-Turbo, it was just a time when the show was more cheesy than it is now. But that era is what started PR and I never would diss it.
Edited by: PRangerX at: 12/3/04 2:26 am

Kamen Rider Decade 02/05/05 03:07 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
I am affraid you are wrong here man. Th financials & raitings haven't ben this good sinc JDF.

The financials were better in America, they cut the budget when they moved to NZ. Any fan who uses the internet should know that.

As for the ratings until I see the statistics Lost Galaxy is the only season to have the highest ratings period. No show has ever had it higher.

Sure in terms of fad status MM

Fads are a joke. Their popularity as a fad is a joke. Everything from conception to their failure is a joke. MMPR is no exception. Luckily Saban got some decent talent to write the show and it became more than a fad and the idiot fad "fans" stopped watching.

The show didn't jump the shark when Tommy left it actually got better.

Thank god that no talent hack left, to bad Disney is to stupid to see a no talent hack when they are looking for actors because if they could they wouldn't have hired back people who left the show because they were no longer needed to make a fad show, this includes Doug and Ann.

But that era is what started PR and I never would diss it.

I have no problem dissing crap of any type. MMPR-Turbo is crap personofied and turned into a television show.

PRangerX 02/05/05 03:07 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
I was merely stating a fact Primal. I wasn't trying to say that MMPR was great because it was a fad. I was just trying to explain myself to Jzt45.

I don't think MMPR-Turbo is some great epic but I did enjoy it at the time. I mean without MMPR-Turbo, Space-WF couldn't exist. Everything is a progression. The show just took a few years to come into its own creativly.

I don't share your disadain for Tommy Oliver or Doug and Ann. But I guess we all have our own opinions.

mattavery316 02/05/05 03:07 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
Cheetamus Primal is obviously Austin St. John...

PRangerX 02/05/05 03:07 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
For the record Cheetamus Primal is not a mod. He was mod of the rpg section at one time, thats why he has the custom title. Sorry for the confusion. The only mod around here is me.

Tv1boy 02/05/05 03:07 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
Sorry to interupt your discussion...

But would it be interesting to see Emperor Gruumm is related to Lord Zedd & Rita?

Kamen Rider Decade 02/05/05 03:07 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
I wouldn't mind Gruumm being the children of Zedd & Rita or any other past villians. Just one problem with Zedd & Rita being that things parents unless his appearance is a disguise, armor, or as in Zedd's case got his freak on with good magic while being evil, cause Rita & Zedd are now just plain ordinary humans due to Zordon's wave. But most likely if his lineage is past now turned good villians it won't be explained how he became a freak of nature

Midori Kou 02/05/05 03:16 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
I think SPD is gonna be bad. Since the last MMPR Production series, the chosen cast doesn't seem to click and connect. They tend to stay flat and never grow up. With this cast, I'm just not feeling anything. Also, with the scripted age for each character, the cast just doesn't look like it. Plus, by adding "special genetic abilities" to each character, at this point, Power Rangers just doesn't feel like Power Rangers anymore. They maybe be trying to connect the timeline with Time Force, but still, it seems too immediate to occur.

I forgot to mentioned, why does a villian need to rely on a little girl to draw some monsters? It sounds really corny. It's like Ernie's Pachinko machine going berserk. Talk about lack of creativity. Couldn't they thought up something better? =\

A little side thing. Couldn't they name the Swan counterpart another name than Kat? I'm just expecting Catherine Sutherland to return because of the name usage. Would be cool, but according to the character profile, it's a definite "no".

Can't you see I'm a Tamer?! Now stop bothering me!

PRangerX 02/05/05 03:16 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
Personally, I liked the characters from PRIS-WF. No disrespect to NS or DT. Like I have been saying, I think we have to give SPD a chance. I mean it hasn't even aired yet. Its impossible to see how good it is until we watch it for ourselves. I don't expect SPD to be like any PR series or have anything to do with TF. I think it will be a self contained series. And if it is bad we have a new pr series to look forward to the next here, at least presumably.

Kamen Rider Decade 02/05/05 03:16 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
Personally, I liked the characters from PRIS-WF.
They are the only characters I liked.

No disrespect to NS or DT.
And I mean disrespect.

Like I have been saying, I think we have to give SPD a chance.
Same company that did NS & DT is doing SPD. That is about as much of a chance I am willing to give that shotty company. I gave them two seasons to produce worth while tv they came out with 1 episode. I am not even giving SPD 1 episode to prove me wrong, that is how little faith I have in that shotty company.

I mean it hasn't even aired yet.
But the history of the company tells us what to expect. Past actions are indicative of future actions.

Its impossible to see how good it is until we watch it for ourselves.
It's not impossible.

I don't expect SPD to be like any PR series or have anything to do with TF. Nothing is going to change I think it will be a self contained series.
Every season is past Space/LG.

And if it is bad we have a new pr series to look forward to the next here, at least presumably.
If it is bad that is 3 seasons in a row they screwed up on and they prove they are incapable of producing good television. Thus the season after SPD isn't going to be any good.

PRangerX 02/05/05 03:16 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
Actually Primal, SPD has new showrunners. So that a lone can change the direction of the show. If you really want to know the direction SPD is taken I would got to the toonzone thread
I posted and read the spd reviews. But even than I think we all have to watch for outselves to enjoy.

Kamen Rider Decade 02/05/05 03:16 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
Actually Primal, SPD has new showrunners.
True, but they work for the same company as the last one. And in NS & DT it was much more than bad talent running the show that ruined them for me.

So that a lone can change the direction of the show.
Creatively and somewhat visually but 99% of the visual is out of the showrunners hands.

If you really want to know the direction SPD is taken I would got to the toonzone thread
I posted and read the spd reviews.
I don't care for reviews. I have seen glowing reviews for stuff and the stuff that was so wonderful was purile crap. Look at DT & NS it is raved by the reviewers but it doesn't deserve it. Reviews are meaningless.

But even than I think we all have to watch for outselves to enjoy.
Of course you have to watch it yourself to enjoy can't enjoy a tv show any other way.

PRangerX 02/05/05 03:16 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
True the production is also heavily infulenced by others. But the showrunners of a show are basically the bosses of the production staff. Sure they have bosses themselves. But the point is their are one of the driven forces behind a show.

Kamen Rider Decade 02/05/05 03:16 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
and they have bosses who they have to cater too. besides somethings are out of their control and those things are the biggest problems i had with NS & DT.

Delta Red 02/05/05 03:16 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
And so, Cheetamus bitches just to bitch, because all he does around here is bitch and moan, and say everything is crap. Dear god, is there anything you WON'T start a fight over?

This month's spotlight:
Power Rangers: The Lost Galaxy.

Kamen Rider Decade 02/05/05 03:16 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
As long as there are people who disagree or just downright stupid I will.

Anyways shut your pie hole fag.

Delta Red 02/05/05 03:16 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
I'm a cigerette, then? Hard to "shut my pie hole" when, according to you, I am an inanimate object, and thus have no "pie hole" to shut.

Here's a tip. People generally don't like trolls, which seems to be exactly what you are these days, unless you can provide proof where, recently, bitching and attempting to start fights wasn't the only thing you did.

This month's spotlight:
Power Rangers: Dino Roar.

Kamen Rider Decade 02/05/05 03:49 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
I knew you were stupid but you damn you proved your retarded now.

If you want proof go find it yourself.

PRangerX 02/05/05 03:49 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
Damn, you really don't get the idea of sarcastic humor. A lesson, learn what a sense of humor is before dealing with me. I'm hardly retarded, in fact, I pride myself on my high intelligence, and, mind you, have so far commented only on your lack of tact rather than stooped to immature name calling and the like. However, the fact you seem to be trying to "convince" me that you are better than me seems to betray the idea that you're afraid it's indeed the other way around.

I could continue on, pointing out that, every time I see a post by you, it's always a negative bashing of the subject in question, often times vulgarly bashing. So please, provide me with evidence to the contrary, because so far, you never have anything positive to say about anything.

However, to make a worthwhile contribution to the topic proper, I think it's far too soon to make any nail hammering judgements on SPD. God knows, I'm still weirded out that the terms "Delta Rangers" and "Delta Red" are now in canon, being that I've have them coined for almost five years now.

Kamen Rider Decade 02/05/05 03:49 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
so far commented only on your lack of tact
When dealing with humans I never use tact I always speak my mind no matter what, who, where, when, why, or how.


However, the fact you seem to be trying to "convince" me that you are better than me seems to betray the idea that you're afraid it's indeed the other way around.
Believe that idiotic idea if you want, it's your life.

I could continue on, pointing out that, every time I see a post by you, it's always a negative bashing of the subject in question, often times vulgarly bashing.
Then you clearly haven't seen everything.

So please, provide me with evidence to the contrary, because so far, you never have anything positive to say about anything.
Find it yourself. You claim to be highly intelligent, use that intelligence and find it. You don't have to look far, go to the General Discussion area scroll down a ways. I am the last poster in that thread. It is exactly what you are looking for. Find it or not it's up to you.

Smokin Ranger 02/05/05 03:49 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
does anyone know if we will see crueger or kat become a ranger first?

Kamen Rider Decade 02/05/05 03:49 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts

Originally Posted by darkranger (Post 59275)
does anyone know if we will see crueger or kat become a ranger first?

Crueger will be a Ranger before "Kat" ever will.

Smokin Ranger 02/05/05 03:49 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
i was checkin out supersentai and i saw the deka gold u ppls had been talkin bout and that shit looks tight i will be highly disappointed if we do not get a chance to see this ranger.

Kamen Rider Decade 02/05/05 03:49 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
Then go ahead and be highly dissappointed Dekagold was only morphed for 5 seconds at most and that is all the morphed footage there is of her. Said morphed footage is only in the movie and for a long time there have been no footage from movies brought over.

Smokin Ranger 02/05/05 03:49 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
nobody thinks that boomer is goin to be the deka break in this series?

PRangerX 02/05/05 03:49 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
I don't think that will happen with Boom. There actually is a group of fans who think Boom will be a Ranger. I just don't see Boom as anything more than comic relief.

Kamen Rider Decade 02/05/05 03:49 PM

Re: SPD Thoughts
If Boomer becomes a Ranger I know that Disney has completely lost its mind and has turned itself into Teletubie.

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