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Sentai Envy 11/14/16 10:38 PM

MMPR is horrible!
I just had to say this. I always here talk about how great MMPR was. Some people here even want to relive it on the show today.

And I think its time to point out that MMPR was terrible. It had shoddy writing, bad characters, and silly plots. It hacked the Sentai footage and ruined three Sentai. Especially the Dairanger , where we didn't even get to see the suits until Super Megaforce.

American Sentai is much better off using the Sentai approach and embracing the sentai as much as possible. It will never be as good as Sentai. But at least it does its best to import it over correctly in this scenario.

Dino Charge has changed far too many things, I hope it is not a sign of things to come. Because aside, from a few hiccups, American Sentai has been important Sentai fairly correctly for years. I would hate to see that end. But Jonathon Tzachor is gone, so I have little faith there.

Space Seasons 11/14/16 10:40 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
I do think MMPR was overrated. It was just silly and had no real storylines to care about. I really think the show was still in its learning phase. Copying Sentai isn't always good however.

Gold Ranger In Danger 11/14/16 10:41 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
Yeah, it sucks...It only started the whole franchise. I mean come on guys! You're being way too hard on MMPR. It was pretty good for its time and more importantly...Fun.

Sentai Snob 11/14/16 10:43 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
Good post envy, these PR fans needed to here it. It was pretty hard listening to keep going on about MMPR. Especially when we know the greatest of Zyuranger, Dairanger, and Kukuranger that we were denyed. MMPR season 1 gave us more footage but it was a poor adaption of Zyuranger.

Ranger Sentai 11/14/16 10:45 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
Since I have been watching a lot of sentai, it does make me wish MMPR was more like Sentai than it was. And I am realizing MMPR isn't as good as I remember it.

Massive Ego 11/14/16 10:46 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
MMPR was ok, but its what got the show going. And is nowhere near as bad as the show is now. At least MMPR was the beginning when they were trying to get things right.

No Green Spandex 11/14/16 10:47 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
MMPR was good, Tommy just weighed in down in Season 2 and 3. Season 1 was perfect for its time.

White Spandex Rules 11/14/16 10:48 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
I thought MMPR was great! And Tommy was part of the reason why to tell you the truth. But there is a lot more to like.

MMPR Forever 11/14/16 10:50 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
MMPR is the only good series out of the bunch. The rest our knockoffs. I think Envy is way off by saying it is terrible. Just because he loves Sentai, doesn't mean its the best. Power Rangers was awesome as MMPR. It was a mistake to end it. Zeo flopped big time to prove this.

Power Rangers Forever 11/15/16 01:39 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
Just because you guys want us to like Sentai over PR, don't go trashing things just to do so. Calling MMPR horrible is a stretch and your really not going to get people to agree with you here.

No Green Spandex 11/15/16 01:41 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
Yeah MMPR definitely didn't suck, despite Tommy.

Goldar's Revenge 11/15/16 01:42 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
MMPR's campiness and wild storylines are part of its appeal. So it hardly makes it horrible. Plus it set up the shows whole universe. Are we going to call Star Trek: The Original Series horrible?

Sentai Snob 11/15/16 01:45 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
Bravo! Envy I feel this really needed to be said. A lot of us should have posted this sooner. But its so frustrating seeing American Sentai fans look at these series with rose colored glasses. When it did so much to ruin the Sentai's that it was supposed to be based on. Even Zyuranger was heavily damaged and they used most of its footage for the first year and a half or so.

Dark Specter's Revenge 11/15/16 01:46 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
MMPR was the beginning. Its not my favorite season but it got the ball rolling. Its not horrible.

Sentai Is Forever 11/15/16 04:30 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
MMPR season 2 and 3 are barely American Sentai and almost unwatchable.

MMPR Guy 11/15/16 04:40 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
MMPR is the best. It was so fun to watch. It is everything PR should be.

Goldar's Revenge 11/17/16 09:06 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!

Originally Posted by Sentai Snob (Post 60107)
Bravo! Envy I feel this really needed to be said. A lot of us should have posted this sooner. But its so frustrating seeing American Sentai fans look at these series with rose colored glasses. When it did so much to ruin the Sentai's that it was supposed to be based on. Even Zyuranger was heavily damaged and they used most of its footage for the first year and a half or so.

Its not American Sentai, its Power Rangers. Both brands are just as important in their own countries. Outside of Japan you could argue PR is more important. Since its more exportable to the West.

MMPR was pretty unique. Season 1 actually does a great job of showing a lot of the Zyuranger action footage. I think the contemporary feel of the American Actors really makes it tick though. It was amazing how they had to adapt two unrelated Sentai's over the next two years. In addition to keeping the Zyuranger suits. MMPR was a very interesting time. To call it terrible is doing it a disservice in my opinon.

Galaxy Forever 11/18/16 11:41 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
It actually is pretty horrible. Not because it butchers sentai. The writing and characterization just isn't good.

RJ Wolf Ranger 11/18/16 11:45 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
It had its moments of greatness.

Smarty Pants Rose 11/19/16 07:44 AM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
MMPR is a classic. I find it hard to trash. It was the originak that set the template. Sure there were inconsistencies but all shows take anfew years to work the kinks out. It says somethint hat people still talk about MMPR today.

Zeo Power 11/19/16 07:45 AM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
I really wish Zeo got that kind of love.

Mystic Ranger 11/21/16 09:48 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
This is a weird topic. MMPR isn't the best but it is the most popular. It was really fun and set up what has been more than 2 decades worth of Power Rangers. I fail to see how anyone can say it was terrible. Even if they just don't like it themselves.

Kimberly Cares 11/22/16 08:24 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
MMPR was the best. I don't know what the thread starter is talking about?

Eye Guy 11/23/16 07:57 AM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
MMPR was not horrible at all. It set the template for what Power Rangers is. To say it was total crap doesn't do the show justice.

Starlight Supreme 11/27/16 09:41 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
Horrible is too strong. It wasn't as dramatic as the Space or Time Force years. But it diffinitely has a lot of value as the first incarnation. It was also the beginning of the series. A lot of series take a few years to really get good.

Quasar Saber 11/28/16 09:12 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
MMPR season 1 is a but overrated aside from the Green Ranger archs. But season 2 and 3 were actually quite good. I fail to see how it was anywhere near horrible.

Sailor Dragonzord 11/28/16 09:31 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
MMPR is the best. Just because you love Sentai doesn't mean Power Rangers is horrible. I think both can be good. And there are so many different series its hard to paint all with a broad brush. But MMPR definitely doesn't suck.

Tuxedo Moon 11/28/16 09:56 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
I have heard people criticize parts of MMPR. But not many people would call it horrible. It was the original. And honestly, is beloved by most fans.

Goldar's Revenge 11/28/16 09:58 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
These guys always base there opinion on PR based on there love of Sentai. So they have a skewed view. Are there certain Sentai's better than some PR seasons? Sure...But not to the degree that the Sentai Snobs are trying to say. I for one love PR for what it is. And really Sentai will never give me what early PR did. The fun archs that just came together by happenstance. MMPR is really a fun thing to watch. Particularly when you get to season 2.

Inner Senshi 11/28/16 09:59 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
I don't like it when people criticize PR. Its so amazing, especially MMPR. I don't know why the Sentai fans here have to be this way.

Captain Mutiny 11/28/16 10:02 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
I don't mind when people criticize PR. Even I will when I feel it warrants it. But I really think the Sentai Snobs come off as biased. That's fine, but I take what they say with a grain of salt. I don't think the show will ever be what they want fully. Even the seasons close to Sentai have at least something that makes them at least a tinge original.

Sentai Master 11/28/16 10:11 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
Not all the Sentai fans here think like the Sentai Snobs. I like both Power Rangers and Sentai for different reasons. So I understand where you guys are coming from. Its really just a small group. I mean a lot of PR fans do like Sentai. The Sentai Snobs just have a very narrow view and seem to have attracted each other here. That's fine but just because they think a certain way doesn't mean we have to agree.

I have been asked privately join up. But I just don't share there views about Sentai being better than Power Rangers. Its too much of a narrow view for me to take myself. I will keep watching and liking both. And won't let my love for either influence how I compare them to each other.

Ninja Storm Fan 12/05/16 06:34 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
Ninja Storm is so much better. It blows any PR season out of the water for that matter.

Dinoguy 12/06/16 11:45 AM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
MMPR was very fun and started it all. Season 1 is the closet to my heart.

SPD Emergency 12/07/16 12:08 PM

Re: MMPR is horrible!
I wouldn't say it was horrible or even bad. Its just that it so primative to a lot of the later seasons that it is hard to go back and watch.

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