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Gankun 04/25/10 06:36 PM

Ryuki: The Final Verdict - IC
At the courthouse building five men were siting around a table.
"So is the game ready to begin. I can't wait to see how the Riders handle this one. The mirror world is a serious subject, no one is allowed to tamper with its power. "

"There must have been more to this case. I hardly think Yui was qualified to create a project of this size. We have been able to quarentine the mirror monsters. Their existence is supose to be unkown to the public."

"We should keep a close eye on some of the riders. One of them actually had an encounter with one before. These Riders each have interesting backgrounds. This case can't get too personal."

"The next subject is Odin. Recently Unmei has acted strangely. This case seems to have triggered something in this one. Odin has access to all of the key facts though normally he wouldn't try to find the truth for himself. Keep another one of our Riders with Odin. Someone should keep an eye on him. He might not be able to be trusted."

"Anyways have Maya call all of the Riders. We need to ensure they are ready to begin."


Satoshi sat at a local park. His new Advent Deck was glowing. After staring at it he nearly dropped it as the phone rang. He quickly answered his phone and put away his deck.
"Hello, this is Kagekawa speaking."

"Hello Mr. Kagekawa. This is Maya, the assistant for this trial. I have called to inform you of the two days left in your practice period. No other Riders can fight for the remaining time. Take advantage of this time to practice fighting in the mirror world or to investigate this case before the battle begins. Any questions?"

"No, not really, wait there is something. I just wanted to know if the people who manage the mirror world have any information about the Mirror monsters that were created. Did any of them actually get created and released into the mirror w......"

The phone was hung up before Satoshi could finish. That was weird. I guess I may have to investigate this myself. First stop is the lab where all of this took place.

KamenRiderToriga 04/25/10 06:56 PM

Dark walked down the street. He was no his way to the lab to investigate.

"I wonder what this girl has to do with the mirror world. Cause this is really confusing" he said. He placed his hands in his pocket as he approached.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/25/10 07:31 PM

Daiske answered his cell, and once he was told the battle would soon start he knew he needed to stop practicing in mirror world and go gather evidence. His first stop was the lab. Of course there were police there and they tried to stop him from entering but Daiske pulled out his deck, and they immediently moved away. Daiske looked around the room, gladd was still all over the floor and some of the mirrors were partialy covered with their reflective materials. He checked the notes on the monsters and saw a couple advent beasts he knew...DragonRedder and DragonBlacker.

"How the hell...whats going on here. Why is dragonblacker in the files?"

Drakeonis 04/25/10 08:20 PM

Drake halted his bike and got off in front of the labhe walked past the cops they yelled at him to stop. Without turning around he pulled out his vent deck and showed it to them and kept walking when he entered the lab he noticed daiske

"seems I wasn't the only one who thought to come here , hi I'm drake Archer, kamen rider abyss"

he noticed one of the files daiske showing pictures of his contract beast

"abyssslasher abysshammer, what's happened here"

Gankun 04/25/10 09:03 PM

Satoshi also followed behind the others into the lab analyzing the pictures. Besides these pictures are complex chemical formulas. He turned to a machine that looked busted up. It was surrounded by multiple shattered mirrors. What's this.

"Hey guys look at this." As Satoshi approached the machine the riders were surrounded by golden feathers.

Kamen Rider Odin stood before the others. Silently Odin pulled out a card. All of the riders could hear him speak telepathically. You must not alter the past. Only watch. It is crucial that you see this. Odin inserted the card into his scepter.


The Riders stood in the background in the lab while it was operational. A group of researchers gathered around the machine as a young scientist sat within the machine's chamber. Sparks flew as the mirrors started ringing. A scientist yelled "We did it. We now have access." Suddenly the person within the machine was pulled into the mirror. The mirrors shattered as monsters pulled scientists within the mirrors.

Odin held his hand back to motion to the Riders to hold them back. Suddenly Yui walked into the Lab. "What's going on here. I heard a loud..." Yui then screamed as a monster jumped out of the mirror and stood before her.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/25/10 09:23 PM

Daiske grimaced at the scene before him. He saw the truth..they were doing something involving the mirror world...but it would seem that the suspect was caught up in something she had no idea about. Daiske began to think about those other scientists and turned back to the papers and files...then gasped when he saw advent decks...but with circles and no animal logos.

This isnt right...they were making decks...but not like us.

Drakeonis 04/25/10 10:29 PM

"this is so wrong I don't know if ishould feel sorry for them or believe they had it coming"

drake never trusted the rest of those scientist whenever he was at this lab

"why decks?, what could they possibly want with mirror world it obvious they were trying to contract the summoned monsters but still why?"

he reached into his pocket and grabbed onto tightning his grip he couldn't help but wonder where abysslasher and abysshammer be created from this experiment

Ignis 04/26/10 04:41 PM

Nick rushed into the lab, knowing he was late. "Lightning..." He often said random things instead of curse words.

He wasn't there at the time when Odin transported the other riders through time, so he was there alone. He began to search the lab for evidence to prove Yui guilty.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/27/10 06:49 PM

Daiske sighed softly and tossed the papers down. "Something doesnt smell right...if they were working on decks why didnt they defend themselves from the mirror monsters? Could it be that someone set them up? Set HER up?"

He tapped his chin, wich he often does when he is trying to sort things out and put clues together. Daiske then turned his attention to kamen rider oden. "I wish to learn more...like was there anyone else involved? Maybe someone else wasnt in the room just like the suspect. Someone that has a great knoledge of the mirror world."

Ignis 04/27/10 10:03 PM

When Nick saw what experiments were being done to the mirror monsters in the lab, he heard a sad telepathic growl from his Dragredder card. He held the card out in front of him.

"They're messing with your world, aren't they?" Nick asked.

He put the card back in his advent deck, knowing it wouldn't be able to give a distinct yes or no. As he was looking down, he noticed all of the fake decks on the ground. Fascinated, he decided to look through them.

Zarkenor 04/27/10 10:46 PM

Pheonix woke up in a bed, realizing that thsi wasn't a dream at the least, he got up and wondered why was he here,

I've gotta gather clues for this case, I guess I better go out....

He noticed a weird object in his coat pocket, he took it out, the object was the Advent Deck, not knowing what it does at the moment, he stuffed it into his pocket and ran out the door.

Ignis 04/28/10 12:51 PM

Suddenly, Nick was attacked by security guards.

"Chain!" He yelled. "Don't tase me bro!"

His deck glowed, trying to tell him to henshin. Unfortunately, this made it more visible. The guards noticed it and took it from him.

"Hey give that back!" Nick yelled.

Gankun 05/04/10 08:25 PM

Odin turned to Daisuke. He shook his head no slightly and closed his visor once again. "TIME VENT" The group were placed back into the present with Odin leaving them. As the image of the past faded away one of the advent decks on the ground started to glow and a man stepped out a the mirror. He was tall but his face couldn't be seen. He had on a large over coat.

Satoshi looked around as they were back in the present. "Who was that guy? Odin who was that guy. How did he..." Odin wasn't there as Satoshi turned around. Satoshi turned to the other Riders. "Well see you in a few days. That's when the real battle begins. Until then I'm going to figure out who that man was."

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/04/10 11:00 PM

Daiske blinked at the visage of the tall person in the coat. When the image faded he rubbed his chin and sighed. "Puzzling...but now i know more than before."

He then turned away from the others and was walking outside as the gaurds were about to take away another rider. Daiske saw the glowing advent deck in his pocket and taped the two officers' shoulders. "Let him go fellas. You are not permitted to interfere with those chosen for the rider battle, wich he is part of."

Daiske then walked out of the building just as the two men let Nick go with an appology.

Drakeonis 05/04/10 11:07 PM

Drake still consfused even more so now that the man innthe coat appered and dissapered he turned to see daiske and satoshi gone leaving him and Nick in the room he gave a look at Nick said hi and walked out of the building and rode off on his bike thinkng the same thought over and over again

"what where they thinking in that lab"

Ignis 05/05/10 04:44 PM

Nick clumsily got back up on his feet.

"Wait guys! Where did you come from!?"

He picked up his deck, put it back in his pocket, ran outside, and chased after them on his motorcycle.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/23/10 05:45 PM

Daiske looked to Nick and raised a brow. "Were we came from? I guess from the past. Odin appeared and thats all you need to know."

With that he kept walking, the hem of his jacket flowing gently behind with each step. As he walked past reflective surfaces on his right, DragonBlacker would be seen keeping a watchfull eye on his rider wich Daiske didnt mind. He knew if his dragon could speak it would tell him much more about this case than odin had. Daiske was still undecided on the woman's fate but knew now that there was something more to it...something he would dig up even if he had to vent Kamen Rider Odin himself.

Ignis 05/23/10 10:10 PM

Nick got up on his feet and ran after Daisuke with his arm reached out, not wanting to be late again.

"Hold up! I'm coming!"

He had a feeling he was not wanted, but kept it to himself.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/25/10 07:52 PM

Daiske looked back towards Nick and sighed. "Why are you fallowing me? Shouldnt you be prepareing for the rider battle? Its only a few days away."

Daiske wasnt the kind to have people fallow him...and that fact grew greater when he became a rider. He was a bit of a loner.

Ignis 05/25/10 11:42 PM

"Okay, fine!" Nick walked back into the building. "Suit yourself..."

He didn't really know how to prepare, other than to fight actual mirror monsters, but he felt it unwise to disturb those lying dormant in the lab.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/25/10 11:45 PM

Daiske blinked then continued walking. He knew that nick was upset with his words but he couldnt help it. Daiske had to be a bit mean to see who he could trust. He didnt know who he could trust now knowing that someone else was involved in the incident...someone who quite possibly had control over the non-contracted advent beasts.

Ignis 05/26/10 11:23 AM

Nick paced around the lab, unsure of what to do. He tried hacking into the computers, but they were too protected. He eventually decided to sit down in a chair and read thoroughly through the many documents on mirror monsters.

Drakeonis 05/31/10 12:25 AM

Drake pulled his bike into a abandond warehouse far from the city he often came here when he needed time to think but right now he was ihere for a diffrent reason he turned his head to face a nearby shattered mirror his two contract beast walking into view they stepped out of the mirror and took fighting stance a smirk formed across his lips and he pulled out his advent deck

"let's do this guys,henshin!!!" slotting the deck into his belt and taking the form of abyss he slotted a card into his visor

Sword vent

he ran at his advent beast and prepared to spar

taking hold of the sword he began to practice

Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/31/10 12:43 AM

Daiske walked to an area hidden from view of normal people. He already had ample practice with his advent deck, knowing soo many combanations and such that it was scary. This time he needed to train his body so he began practicing his martial arts. He hit wooden dummies that moved, piles of bricks and cement, even metal to harden his fists and legs. He planed to last until the very end.

Ignis 05/31/10 03:40 PM

After hours of painstaking research (only because he was actually bored enough to read every detail), Nick decided to get back on his motorcycle and ride back home. At his house were various exercise machines. He worked out on them for a long time, thinking of how cool it would be to participate in an actual battle.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/01/10 06:26 PM

Daiske kept on training hard. Around his feet and the room lay broken wooden dummies, pieces of concreate and stone, and bent pieces of metal with impressions of his fists in them. All this to train...to resist pain as much as possible. All the while a few mirrors were around the room, and in them circled dragonblacker. The mirror monster watched his partner with determination, if possible even enjoying how strong his partner was. Daiske's mind raced as he trained, trying to put together all the clues he had gathered then it hit him.

He cleaned himself off and raced out the door heading towards the crime scene once again. This time he was searching for a name. He looked over documents, pictures, sketches, anything there, searching for that person they had seen in the flashback given to them by odin.

Ignis 06/02/10 11:54 AM

After working out, Nick began to research Yui on his computer. He typed her name in Google and began to read about her.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/15/10 01:39 AM

Daiske sighed as he found nothing new. Maybe the police had something but he didnt want to go to them. That would mean going through alot of paperwork and then them knowing who he was. He prefered to keep secret at all times...a bit of mystery was a good thing in his opinion.

Ignis 06/15/10 11:07 AM

All that Nick could find online was her name on several lists of scientists and a few descriptions of her, none of which delved into the esoteric mention of mirror monsters.

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