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-   -   Which zords weren't destroyed? (powerrangersonline.com/showthread.php?t=7882)

raz 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Which zords weren't destroyed?
I was thinking about this in the Dragon zord thread and no one went through all seasons. Someone want to take a stab at it?

redranger89 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
Dragonzord, Tor, and Titanus weren't destroyed. I guess you could say the dinozords weren't destroyed, because the thunderzords couldn't operate without the original dinozords, and Alpha salvaged what remained of them to be put into the thunderzords.

Henshin_King 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?

Originally Posted by redranger89 (Post 66347)
Dragonzord, Tor, and Titanus weren't destroyed. I guess you could say the dinozords weren't destroyed, because the thunderzords couldn't operate without the original dinozords, and Alpha salvaged what remained of them to be put into the thunderzords.

but if you recall reto blew up the thunderzords, which in the same mannor he blew up the dinozords

redranger89 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?

Originally Posted by Henshin_King (Post 66348)
but if you recall reto blew up the thunderzords, which in the same mannor he blew up the dinozords

Yeah, I just thought of that after I made my first post. D'oh, stupid me!:shame:

Remmy 84 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
SPD Deltamax Megazord (The flying one) wasn't destrpyed and neither were the Zeo zords iirc

WhiteMystechRanger 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
The Thunderzords however were completely destroyed.

The Season 3 Zords are kind of iffy, the Alien Rangers seem to have the Shogun Zords, the Ninjetti Zords are back with Ninjor I believe, or just vanished when the coins were destroyed.

Zeo Zord's fate was never discussed.
Turbo Zords destroyed.
The Astro Megaship and MegaWinger were both repaired and are operational.
Galaxy Beasts/Wild Force animals are still around.

Lightspeed Zords may have been destroyed with the Aquabase.
Time Force Zords are still operational.
Ninja Storm Zords I honestly have no idea.
Dino Thunder Zords were destroyed.
SPD were destroyed, or at least the first set were.
Mystic Force Zords are still around.
Jungle Fury Zords are animal spirits, thus can't really die.
RPM Zords survived I believe.
Operation Overdrive Zords survived.

Um, well, I think there has been plenty threads about this before.

That's all I can think of right now

Remmy 84 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
The SPD original megazord was destroyed as in the finale the rangers pull themselves from the wreckage

PedroMcNamara 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
The wind rangers zords and the thunder rangers zords were destroyed. Not sure about the samurai chopper, since Cam never got it out of the zord bay in the finale due to Mara and Kapri's interferrence before storming the base with Lothor.

Merlin 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
I'll bet some peope regret that the Mystic Titans weren't destroyed...

raz 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?

Originally Posted by Remmy 84 (Post 66350)
SPD Deltamax Megazord (The flying one) wasn't destrpyed and neither were the Zeo zords iirc

You mean SWAT megazord? It was functioning at the end of Endings Pt. 2. The Delta Runners were all destroyed, though.

rocky505 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
If the Zeo Zords were held inside the Power Chamber then they could be destroyed after what happened in Turbo. I remember the Mach Megazord getting deleted I don't remember if it came back though.

WatcherMark 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?

Originally Posted by rocky505 (Post 66356)
If the Zeo Zords were held inside the Power Chamber then they could be destroyed after what happened in Turbo. I remember the Mach Megazord getting deleted I don't remember if it came back though.

When Gem and Gemma returned, they shot down the control tower with their Zords, so it's safe to say those and the others were still functional at the end of the series.

JungleBeast 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
Dinozords > Parts of the 5 main ones used by Alpha 5 to create the Thunderzords, the rest of them is gone for good.
Dragonzord > Asleep in the Angel Gove lake/sea, powerless without a fully funcitional MMPR Green Ranger.
Titanus > still in one piece, but needs a MMPR Megazord to fully operate.
Thunderzords > Destroyed by Rito.
MMPR Ninja Zords > Lost in time, but still around somewhere.
Shougn Zords > Still around, the Alien Rangers have access to them.
Battleborgs > Still around.
Zeo Zords > Located in the Zeo Zord holding bay. ALL OF THEM.
Turbo Zords > Destroyed. ALL OF THEM.
Original Astro Megaship > Destroyed in the finale episode of Lost Galaxy. However, the one from Forever Red is still around.
Mega Voyager > Gone.
Mega Winger > Presumably destoryed, although Zhane said it was in the reapir shop.
Delta Megaship/Megazord > Gone.
Galaxy Megazord > Still fully functional. The three of the Lost Galactabeasts are gone.
Lightspeed Rescue Megazords > Gone, but probably rebuilt off-screen.
Time Force Megazords > All still very functional.
Wild Zords > All currently reside on Animaria.
Ninja Storm Megazords > Storm - Gone; Thunder - Gone, Samurai: still in one piece, but useless without Green Samurai Powers.
Dino Thunder Zords > All gone.
SPD > Delta Megazord is gone, SWAT Megazord is fully functional, Command Megazord is still operational as well (since it's just a SUPER-MEGA GIANT walking command center)

The Mystic Force Zords all survived, because as long as the Ranger believe in magic, they have their powers and thus, the Zords. I think the Battlefleet Megazord from OO was damaged beyond repair, which is close to being completely destroyed. Jungle Fury Zords are still in one piece, as well as RPM's, because Dr. K can always re-make them.

At least that's how I remember the state of the Zords/Megazords from all seasons.

raz 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
What about the Ninja Storm Mammoth?

I can't remember what happens to the Overdrive zords.

Wait, every Lightspeed Megazord was destroyed? When did the Zenith Carrier Zord get destroyed?

JungleBeast 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
Well, the Zenith was on Terra Venture, and Terra Venture was destroyed by Trakeena and I don't think anyone even bothered reteriving it.

Ninja Storm Mammooth is also powerless without the power disks, so it's pretty much scrap matal.

Yes, as I recall, every Lightspeed Megazord was destroyed, unless someone re-built them, probably Angela.

NewWhiteTiger 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
I don't believe Artillatron was destroyed...but the only thing it ever did was give the rescue megazord bigger guns.

raz 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?

Originally Posted by NewWhiteTiger (Post 66361)
I don't believe Artillatron was destroyed...but the only thing it ever did was give the rescue megazord bigger guns.

Carried the rescue zords.

JungleBeast 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
That's right. So we might say that we do have fully operational Zords that can still be fully used in a fight, operational Zords that are useless, inoperational Zords and destroyed Zords.

Dragonzord, Titanus, Artillatron, Zentih (if it wasn't destoryed, which I doubt), Transwarp Megazord, Ninja Storm Mammoth Zord are all Zords that are now useless, either they are without powers or components needed for them to be operational, but to be honest, Zords that didn't do much except this thing and that thing aren't really worth mentioning, that's why I didn't list Artillatron (I actually forgot its name anyway) and for Zenith, I think it went into a battle in like 1 single episode. At least Titanus got used outside Sentai footage, multiple times. Also, I didn't mention Tor, because he appeared only a few times in the series.

xOmniCloudx 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
Trent's Dragozord was never destroyed. Funny since reverse scenario in Abaranger. Also, the auxiliary Dino zords weren't destroyed either.

johnboy3434 11/03/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
I wrote the following post after I had finished my big runthrough of PR back in Fall '10. It's a list of all the gear that may or may not have been destroyed over the course of the series. Anything not on this list is pretty much guaranteed to be operational.


Originally Posted by johnboy3434
MMPR (Dino)
--Core five Dinozords heavily damaged by Lord Zedd in "The Mutiny, Part III" (components used to make core five Thunderzords)
--Thunder Megazord and White Tigerzord destroyed by power accelerator overload in "Ninja Quest, Part I" (rebuilt in "Dark Thunder"; may have survived unpublished conclusion)
----Green powers lost due to effects of Green Candle in "Green No More, Part II" (revitalized in "Return of the Green Ranger"; user is left in the 1700s, abandoning powers; source of powers then destroyed)
----All other Ranger powers lost due to power accelerator overload in "Ninja Quest, Part I" (regathered in "Dark Thunder"; at least partially survived unpublished conclusion; Black powers seen badly damaged in "Always a Chance"; Red powers seen usable in "Forever Red"; White powers said to be destroyed in "Fighting Spirit"; Black powers temporarily restored by Sentinel Knight in "Once a Ranger")

MMPR (Ninja)
--No hardware destroyed
----Powers lost when Power Coins destroyed by Rita and Zedd in "Climb Every Fountain" (shown regathered in "With Friends Like These..."; may have partially survived unpublished conclusion; White powers said to be destroyed in "Fighting Spirit")
-----NOTE: Ninjor not dependent on these powers.

--No hardware destroyed
----Powers remained with Aquitians after end of mini-series (team still active in "Rangers of Two Worlds"; Red powers still active by "Forever Red")

--Zeo Megazord presumably destroyed by Serpentara in "Scorpion Rain" fan project (events of SR receive oblique reference in "Forever Red")
----Powers abandoned during "Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie" (Green powers somehow not accessible in "Always a Chance"; Red powers usable in "Forever Red"; Red powers somehow not accessible throughout Dino Thunder)

--Robo Racer blasted by Divazords before disappearing during "Parts and Parcel" (may have been destroyed)
--Rescue Megazord destroyed in kamikaze attack on Goldgoyle during "Chase into Space, Part I"
--Turbo Megazord damaged beyond repair by Goldgoyle in "Chase into Space, Part I"
--Turbo Robotic Arsenal Mobilizer destroyed when used to detonate Goldgoyle during "Chase into Space, Part I" (Lightning Sword seen reforged in "Forever Red")
--Lightning Cruiser and Storm Blaster captured by Divatox's forces in "Chase into Space, Part II" (later freed during "True Blue to the Rescue")
----Powers cut off when Eltar conquered by Dark Specter in "Chase into Space, Part II" (Blue powers seen somehow usable in "True Blue to the Rescue"; Red powers seen usable in "Forever Red")
-----NOTE: Phantom Ranger and Blue Senturion not dependent on these powers.

--Delta Megazord destroyed by Ecliptor in "The Impenetrable Web"
--Mega Voyager destroyed by explosion of Tankenstein in "A Line in the Sand"
--Red Galaxy Glider shot down by Velocifighter in "Countdown to Destruction, Part I" (possibly destroyed; later seen repaired in "The Power of Pink")
--Mega Winger critically damaged by Velocifighters in "Countdown to Destruction, Part I" (undergoing repairs at end of Part II)
----Powers remained with teens after end of season (core five still active in "To the Tenth Power"; Red powers still active in "Forever Red")

--Defender Torozord destroyed while holding open a portal in "Escape the Lost Galaxy"
--Stratoforce Megazord and Centaurus Megazord destroyed by kamikaze Stingwingers in "Journey's End, Part II"
--Astro Megaship destroyed in suicidal strike on Scorpion Stinger during "Journey's End, Part II" (later seen rebuilt in "Forever Red")
--Red Jet Jammer critically damaged by crashing into Mirinoi's moon during "Journey's End, Part II" (later seen repaired in "Trakeena's Revenge, Part 2")
--Red Armor upgrade destroyed by point-blank usage against Trakeena in "Journey's End, Part III"
--Remaining Jet Jammers and Astro Cycles were onboard Terra Venture when it crashed in "Journey's End, Part III" (may have been destroyed; Jet Jammers later seen functional in "Trakeena's Revenge, Part 2")
----Magna Defender powers lost in destruction of Torozord during "Escape the Lost Galaxy"
----All other powers left in traditional resting places during "Journey's End, Part III" (shown to be readily accessible in "Trakeena's Revenge"; Red powers still active in "Forever Red")

--Supertrain Megazord and Lightspeed Solarzord damaged beyond repair by Olympius and Diabolico in "Rise of the Super Demons"
--Lifeforce Megazord destroyed by torpedoes in "The Fate of Lightspeed, Pt. 2"
--V-Lancers, Rescue Rover, Rescue Bird, Lightspeed Cycles, Rescue Speeder, and Trans-Armor Cycle may have been inside the Aquabase during its destruction in "The Fate of Lightspeed, Pt. 2" (Rescue Rover and Trans-Armor Cycle later seen in "Time for Lightspeed")
--Mobile Armor Vehicle and Omega Megazord destroyed in collision during "The Fate of Lightspeed, Pt. 2"
----Powers remained with teens after end of season (team still active in "Time for Lightspeed"; Red powers still active in "Forever Red")

--Electro Booster destroyed by power overload in "The End of Time, Pt. 2"
--Red Vector Cycle heavily damaged by Ransik in "The End of Time, Pt. 3"
----Powers remained with teens after end of season, but only Red and Quantum Rangers remain in present (team reunites in "Reinforcements from the Future"; Red and Quantum powers still active in "Forever Red")

--Red Savage Cycle damaged beyond repair by Artilla in "Homecoming"
--Animarium Armor partially dismantled and then blasted by Master Org before disappearing in "The End of the Power Rangers, Pt. 1" (may have been destroyed)
--Soul Bird destroyed by Master Org in "The End of the Power Rangers, Pt. 1" (may have been resurrected in Pt. 2, but is never shown)
----Powers taken back into hiding by Princess Shayla in "The End of the Power Rangers, Pt. 2" (are said to return when they are needed again)

--Ninja Gliders struck by attack from Zurgane and set ablaze in "General Deception, Part II" (may have been destroyed)
--Mighty Mammoth Zord destroyed by Vexacus in "Storm Before the Calm, Part I"
--Thunder Megazord destroyed by Vexacus in "Storm Before the Calm, Part I"
--Storm Megazord destroyed by explosion of Lothorzord in "Storm Before the Calm, Part II"
--Battlizer Armor destroyed by Lothor in "Storm Before the Calm, Part II" (seen somehow usable again in "Thunder Storm, Part 2")
----Powers sealed in Abyss of Evil with Lothor during "Storm Before the Calm, Part II" (powers regained during Lothor's escape in "Thunder Storm", but used up in the ensuing battle; Blue powers temporarily restored by Sentinel Knight in "Once a Ranger")

--Thundersaurus Megazord and Mezodon Megazord destroyed in explosion of Zelzord during "Thunder Struck, Part II"
----Powers used up in battle with Mesomonster during "Thunder Struck, Part II" (Yellow powers temporarily restored by Sentinel Knight in "Once a Ranger"; Core three powers regenerated by Kat Manx during "History", but used up sending teens back to 2005)

--Delta Squad Megazord destroyed by A-Squad in "Endings, Part 1"
----Powers remained after end of season, but Jack resigned with Sky and Bridge promoted, leaving no one with the Green powers; also, Omega powers return to 2040 (Bridge has been promoted to Red by "Once a Ranger", with Doggie retiring and Sky promoted; whether the Blue, Green, and Shadow spots have been filled is unknown)

--Manticore Megazord destroyed by the Master in "Mystic Fate II"
----Powers apparently remained with their owners after end of season (Green powers still active in "Once a Ranger")

--Drivemax Megazord and BattleFleet critically damaged by Flurious in "Crown and Punishment"
--One of the Drive Claws detonated in order to take out a squad of Chillers in "Crown and Punishment"
----Powers remained after end of series, possibly still in the hands of the teens

--No hardware destroyed
----Powers remained with owners after end of season

--Paleomax Megazord and Whale Zord destroyed by Venjix in "Danger and Destiny, Part I" (may have been brought back by Dr. K in Part II, but are never shown)
----Powers turned over to Dr. K in "Danger and Destiny, Part II"

ShinySephiroth 11/04/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
That's funny, I Googled the Zeo Megazord to see if anyone had mentioned this. In King Mondo's Last Stand, Billy says Jason needed to get the piece from the "zords he dismantled". I was assuming the pieces of the Thunder/Dino Zords, but I am pretty sure I saw the circle with the five Zeo symbols on it. It appears Billy dismantled the Zeo Zords. They might have gotten more into it had Billy stayed for Turbo ie he made the Turbo cars from the old Zeo Zords.
Granted, I don't remember much of Zeo past the Super Zeo Zord (I am re-watching it right now). The Zeo Megazord never battles with the Super Zeo Zord, does it?

johnboy3434 11/04/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
They fight alongside each other on several occasions. Sorry, but if the Zeo Megazord was dismantled, it wouldn't have been until after the events of the series.

Xenotome 11/04/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
If we're to believe cut scenes from the Turbo script then Divatox destroyed the Zeo zords along with the powers.

Patamon 11/04/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?

Originally Posted by ShinySephiroth (Post 66366)
The Zeo Megazord never battles with the Super Zeo Zord, does it?

I think they do in Rangers of Both Worlds when Cogswitcher took control of the Zeo Megazord while Impursonator took control of the Super Zeo Megazord

RisingSunRanger 11/04/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
The status of the Zeozords depends on weather or not Scorpion Rain is cannon. Personaly, I like to think it is.

GPS 11/04/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
Dragonzord, Titanus, Thor, Ninjor, The ninja zords, The Shogun zords, The Battleborgs, All of the Zeozords incl. Auric, Artillatron and Robo Racer, Mega Winger, Astro Megaship mack 2, The Galactic beasts/zords, Zenith, The Timeforce zords, All Wild zords, Samurai star and Mighty Mammoth zord, Dragozord, Delta Base Megazord and SWAT Megazord, All Mystic force zords, I'm not sure for OO zords, Jungle Fury zords exsept for Jarod and Camille's zords, I'm not sure for RPM too, but more or less these are still around.

raz 11/04/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?

Originally Posted by ShinySephiroth (Post 66366)
That's funny, I Googled the Zeo Megazord to see if anyone had mentioned this. In King Mondo's Last Stand, Billy says Jason needed to get the piece from the "zords he dismantled". I was assuming the pieces of the Thunder/Dino Zords, but I am pretty sure I saw the circle with the five Zeo symbols on it. It appears Billy dismantled the Zeo Zords. They might have gotten more into it had Billy stayed for Turbo ie he made the Turbo cars from the old Zeo Zords.
Granted, I don't remember much of Zeo past the Super Zeo Zord (I am re-watching it right now). The Zeo Megazord never battles with the Super Zeo Zord, does it?

I just watched it and saw that circle. It's hard to tell what it is on it. However, the two Megazords fought in the same footage in Rangers of Two Worlds later in the season, so he didn't dismantle the Zeo Zords. The Dino Zords got destroyed. The Dragonzord was sent back into the sea. The Thunderzords were blown up, but the pieces were all over. The Ninja Zords went back to Ninjor's temple as per Tommy's line in Alien Rangers of Aquitar or Zeo Beginning, can't remember which one. The Shogun Zords, not where they went.

Without assuming the dino zords were salvaged, however their power was used for the Thunder Zords, and the fate of the other zords, excluding the Billy dismantled the Dragonzord or the Shogun Zords (Both ancient weapons as per the lore), the only likely zords the power booster in Mondo's Last Stand came from would be the Thunder Zords or the Tiger Zord.

The one curious thing was about MMPR:TM. Ooze destroyed the Command Center, the rangers lost their powers and they had to go get new powers and zords. Did they have old zords before Ooze appeared? What happened to them?

johnboy3434 11/04/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
"Thanks johnboy, that big list you typed up was sure helpful." :(

Miraculous Bikkun 11/04/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
You made the terrible mistake of being the last to post on a page.

ShinySephiroth 11/04/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
I only just saw that post, John. It is very helpful! :D Thanks!

I do wonder about Dark Thunder being canon. Official vs. canon and all. MMPR: TM is official, but not canon. I would personally consider it canon. I only wonder about the community of fans in general.

Mentioning the movie and Zords, since it is a different timeline/dimension (Sliders, anyone?), I assume something changed the timeline so that Zedd and Rita hooked up 10,000+ years ago, for some reason she not needing to/not coming up with the idea to make a Green Ranger. With the added threat of Zedd and Rita early on (and they DID have some good plans before and including Rito destroying the Thunder/Dino Zords), Ninjor forged even more powerful coins, including a sixth (why it is a White Tiger I don't know, ask him?) to answer the threat. That could be why they have added armor/abilities. I would think they have variations of the Dino Zords before Ooze, with Tommy having a White (Sabretoothed?) Tigerzord (imagine the White Tigerzord in Battlemode, or the Mega Tigerzord ^_^ ).

I guess it would be possible that the Shogun Zords were what were dismantled if the Thunder/Dino Zords are under control of the Dark Rangers (barring being canon), since they couldn't be used. Ninja Zords are intact with Ninjor, Battle Borgs with Aquitians. If Dark Rangers AREN'T canon, then I guess the Thunder/Dino Zords were what were dismantled.

I guess we should also add Serpenterra to the list of Zords active/non-active. :) Judging by Serpenterra's "size" in Forever Red, my personal bias is that the info the remnants of the Machine Empire are slightly off, and that was just a prototype of Serpenterra and the real, BIG, thing is being taken care of by Squatt and Baboo at Master Vile's old house. *wink icon*

Hellion01 11/04/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
Thunder Megazord was one of the 10 megazords that was going to be in the battle against serpentera (if things went as planned). This means that Dark Thunder has to be cannon. Otherwise, the writters would have to come up with some explanation as to how it was repaired. It actually makes alot of since seeing that Amit did say Jason went to go retrieve his Coin/morpher from the Osamu (was that his name...?), thus giving him control of Red Dragon Thunderzord. If they were going to use it, i guess Jason mustve went to alpha and they found a way to remotely control and take control of the other thunder Zords.

johnboy3434 11/04/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?

Originally Posted by Hellion01 (Post 66376)
Thunder Megazord was one of the 10 megazords that was going to be in the battle against serpentera (if things went as planned). This means that Dark Thunder has to be cannon.

Actually, it doesn't mean anything because that scene never made it to the finished product. If you consider "Dark Thunder" to be canon (only one "n"), then the Thunder Megazord could still have been destroyed in the unseen conclusion to the story. We simply don't know.

Juan Martinez 11/04/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?

Originally Posted by raz (Post 66372)
I just watched it and saw that circle. It's hard to tell what it is on it. However, the two Megazords fought in the same footage in Rangers of Two Worlds later in the season, so he didn't dismantle the Zeo Zords. The Dino Zords got destroyed. The Dragonzord was sent back into the sea. The Thunderzords were blown up, but the pieces were all over. The Ninja Zords went back to Ninjor's temple as per Tommy's line in Alien Rangers of Aquitar or Zeo Beginning, can't remember which one. The Shogun Zords, not where they went.

Without assuming the dino zords were salvaged, however their power was used for the Thunder Zords, and the fate of the other zords, excluding the Billy dismantled the Dragonzord or the Shogun Zords (Both ancient weapons as per the lore), the only likely zords the power booster in Mondo's Last Stand came from would be the Thunder Zords or the Tiger Zord.

The one curious thing was about MMPR:TM. Ooze destroyed the Command Center, the rangers lost their powers and they had to go get new powers and zords. Did they have old zords before Ooze appeared? What happened to them?

I wondered this myself. It seems the comics (dark thunder and the zeo one) where all about bringing back all the old powers and zords. Its a shame none of them got off the ground.

Hellion01 11/05/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?

Originally Posted by johnboy3434 (Post 66377)
Actually, it doesn't mean anything because that scene never made it to the finished product. If you consider "Dark Thunder" to be canon (only one "n"), then the Thunder Megazord could still have been destroyed in the unseen conclusion to the story. We simply don't know.

Haha that doesn't seem likely since the ninja zords are technically stronger than the Thunder Megazord. Once Tommy connected the falcon zord to the ninja megazord...the Dark rangers split lol. But I getcha dude, it really does suck not knowing...but at the same time it is best to go with what seems logical you know?

Juan Martinez 11/05/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
Question: If you consider Dark Thunder canon and the thunderzords could be brought back, could it seem it would fit more under the Movie universe instead of tv series? In the movie's, they never show what happened to the old zords.

johnboy3434 11/05/11 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?

Originally Posted by Juan Martinez (Post 66380)
Question: If you consider Dark Thunder canon and the thunderzords could be brought back, could it seem it would fit more under the Movie universe instead of tv series? In the movie's, they never show what happened to the old zords.

The comics in general were clearly meant to follow (loosely) the events of the series. It's notable that Katherine is the Pink Ranger in the comic in question, not Kimberly. In one unique issue that actually was supposed to follow up on the movie, Kimberly was still part of the team and Mordant makes an appearance.

OmniMystechRanger 10/23/16 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
So officially what zords were destroyed and survived causwe we should know an could someone rename this thread please? Plus whar about the zords from various comics what survived an what didn't? An should the various zords be rebuilt with new modes added an new weapons an such?

Digifiend 10/23/16 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
Why bump up a five year old thread? There's nothing wrong with the thread name.

zjranger 10/23/16 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
I guess we should update it now? I know Megaforce and Super Megaforce didn't have destroyed Zords from what I know (although really, it is more of the dullness of the story being the reason why it wasn't even a thing IMO).

PinkMystechRanger 10/23/16 10:04 AM

Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?
The Super Megaforce zords were destroyed.

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