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Kamen Rider Decade 07/16/05 11:05 AM

Something I just remembered, Kalish didn't watch past seasons so it wouldn't influence his work and ideas. To bad he couldn't keep from repeating from the future to save the past extra hero/Ranger thing like they did in Turbo with Blue Senturion.

Omega is Sam? That was the biggest DUH! in history ever since Sam Part 1 & 2.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/16/05 06:18 PM

Yep. at least it was'nt boom

Kamen Rider Decade 07/16/05 07:10 PM

Anything would have been better than Boom as a Ranger.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/16/05 07:32 PM

Yes. We saw him pretend to be a ranger in episode 11. pathetic

Kamen Rider Decade 07/16/05 08:21 PM


Originally posted by Ryu Dairenjaa@Jul 16 2005, 11:32 PM
Yes. We saw him pretend to be a ranger in episode 11. pathetic
That is even better than Boom actually being a Ranger.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/16/05 10:36 PM

not the dream, the arts and crafts class ranger suit, like what emiri did in aba 38

harold17 07/16/05 11:58 PM

This was another nice and entertaining chapter, I think that omega ranger will bring a nice twist to SPD, it will be interesting to see how they manage a team of 7 rangers now.

I wasn't really surprised when Omega revealed that he was Sam from the future, but I'm sure that the writers will make it work well. But to be honest, I'd rather had a totally new character as the Omega Ranger, to change a bit the tradition of the extra ranger being someone that has been present during (or at least part of) the series already.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/17/05 05:25 PM

I Think Sam should be sam and not a light ball

Kamen Rider Decade 07/17/05 05:30 PM


Originally posted by Ryu Dairenjaa@Jul 17 2005, 09:25 PM
I Think Sam should be sam and not a light ball
Well Sam is Sam, he just got fucked by the time hole. I would feel sorry for him but he is way to happy for being stuck like that plus he is that annoying kid I want to die from earlier.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/17/05 06:40 PM

:blink: :ph43r: . But if hes not a light ball he could be cool as an adult

Kamen Rider Decade 07/17/05 09:18 PM


Originally posted by Ryu Dairenjaa@Jul 17 2005, 10:40 PM
:blink: :ph43r: . But if hes not a light ball he could be cool as an adult
Sam is Sam, don't care what his age is.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/18/05 01:48 AM

True, But that was character devolopment, for omega, he had genetic power, his parrents worked for S.P.D. , Had a conection with Z, Granted it just made a big DUH! when he said "One day, i'm gonna' be a POWER RANGER!" , But he does'nt seem to bummed about being a light ball, being as he did'nt complain

Kamen Rider Decade 07/18/05 06:52 AM


Originally posted by Ryu Dairenjaa@Jul 18 2005, 05:48 AM
But he does'nt seem to bummed about being a light ball, being as he did'nt complain
He's a freaky little twit that way.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/18/05 05:37 PM

True, hes probobly like "Hey i'm a ranger, i don't care if i'm a little ball of light, I'M A POWER RANGER!"

Kamen Rider Decade 07/18/05 05:57 PM


Originally posted by Ryu Dairenjaa@Jul 18 2005, 09:37 PM
True, hes probobly like "Hey i'm a ranger, i don't care if i'm a little ball of light, I'M A POWER RANGER!"
That so reminds me of Justin's line when he annouces he is the Blue Turbo Ranger to Tommy and company.

Technically he was a Ranger before getting all crystalized into light energy. How the hell a time portal turns human flesh into crystals that become light energy is to way out there in the realm of freaky scifi that just isn't believable.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/18/05 06:29 PM

Its an alien portal, not for humans, so it can alter humans but not aliens like katana

Kamen Rider Decade 07/18/05 06:58 PM


Originally posted by Ryu Dairenjaa@Jul 18 2005, 10:29 PM
Its an alien portal, not for humans, so it can alter humans but not aliens like katana
It was a time portal not an alien portal.

Kimberly got sent through a portal created by Zedd, yet she doesn't get all cyrstalize light energy from it.

Face it, Bruce by ignoring the past fucked up.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/18/05 07:44 PM

A time portal for aliens, and grum would'nt want a ranger to go through and help them,
Grum screwed with it seeing that help was coming and the rangers were in trouble

Kamen Rider Decade 07/18/05 08:05 PM


Originally posted by Ryu Dairenjaa@Jul 18 2005, 11:44 PM
A time portal for aliens, and grum would'nt want a ranger to go through and help them,
Grum screwed with it seeing that help was coming and the rangers were in trouble

First of all the monster was coming from the past, Omega was coming from the future. No way in hell Grumm would have fiddled with the portal to prevent Rangers from coming through, because there were no fucking Rangers back then.

Don't give me bullshit, Kalish and crew fucked up.

EDIT: Another thing, time portals are made regardless of species. They can't be limited to just aliens. That is bullshit on the scale of Justin growing when morphing.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/18/05 08:52 PM

Uh there were rangers then, zordons original power rangers

Kamen Rider Decade 07/18/05 09:17 PM


Originally posted by Ryu Dairenjaa@Jul 19 2005, 12:52 AM
Uh there were rangers then, zordons original power rangers
If we don't see the Rangers they don't exist.

Before Jason, Tommy, etc the only Rangers on Earth were the ones we saw when Kimberly went back in time.

Stop making up bullshit to fix Bruce and company's screw ups. They fucked up that is fact.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/19/05 06:08 AM


Originally posted by Cheetamus Primal+Jul 19 2005, 01:17 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Cheetamus Primal @ Jul 19 2005, 01:17 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Ryu Dairenjaa@Jul 19 2005, 12:52 AM
Uh there were rangers then, zordons original power rangers
If we don't see the Rangers they don't exist.

Before Jason, Tommy, etc the only Rangers on Earth were the ones we saw when Kimberly went back in time.

Stop making up bullshit to fix Bruce and company's screw ups. They fucked up that is fact. [/b][/quote]
We saw a clip of one of the old rangers fighting human form, then again it was just a scene of goshi where you can't see his face

Kamen Rider Decade 07/19/05 07:01 AM

That may or may not be true. You know for certain he was a Ranger and not just a warrior like the one we saw that in Lost Galaxy that Astronema turned to stone? You know for certain that was even Earth? You have to know for certain he was a Ranger and on Earth or you just brought more bullshit.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/19/05 04:04 PM


Originally posted by Cheetamus Primal@Jul 19 2005, 11:01 AM
That may or may not be true. You know for certain he was a Ranger and not just a warrior like the one we saw that in Lost Galaxy that Astronema turned to stone? You know for certain that was even Earth? You have to know for certain he was a Ranger and on Earth or you just brought more bullshit.
before that clip he said, "just like my original rangers" and it goes to that clip

Kamen Rider Decade 07/19/05 04:25 PM


Originally posted by Ryu Dairenjaa+Jul 19 2005, 08:04 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Ryu Dairenjaa @ Jul 19 2005, 08:04 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Cheetamus Primal@Jul 19 2005, 11:01 AM
That may or may not be true. You know for certain he was a Ranger and not just a warrior like the one we saw that in Lost Galaxy that Astronema turned to stone? You know for certain that was even Earth? You have to know for certain he was a Ranger and on Earth or you just brought more bullshit.
before that clip he said, "just like my original rangers" and it goes to that clip [/b][/quote]
So he/she/it was a Ranger. Now that is only half the equation. You have to know for certain they were on Earth. Zordon was famous all over the Galaxy for putting down evil not just Earth. Also since the Monster from the past Grumm hired was from Kyoto the Rangers would have to be from Kyoto too.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/19/05 05:57 PM

Uhhm, I doubt sky city is in japan

Kamen Rider Decade 07/19/05 08:44 PM


Originally posted by Ryu Dairenjaa@Jul 19 2005, 09:57 PM
Uhhm, I doubt sky city is in japan
Fool, the monster from the past was attacking Kyoto, Japan. Did you even pay attention? They clearly said it. If you aren't going to pay attention don't bother trying to prove me wrong becuase you have already failed.

LinearRanger Site Katana Bio:

Long ago in 1860, the alien known as Katana crash-landed in Kyoto, Japan. He was Found by a human Samurai and nursed back to health. Once Healthy, Katana learned their ways and became the first Alien Samurai and the Legendary Protector of Kyoto.

Emperor Gruumm used a time portal to put Katana in Kyoto in 2020. Once he arrived there, he began attack innocent tourist, since he believed them to be invading forces trying to attack Kyoto. Though Katana saw that 2020 Kyoto was not the same, he still vowed to protect it.

Commander Cruger sent the Rangers to Kyoto to take Katana into custody and send him back to his time. However, when the Rangers first came across Katana, he believed them to be invaders and attacked them. Though, even after he defeated Jack, he did not destroy him since Jack had lost his weapon. Broodwing interfered and sent in Krybots to attack the Rangers, thus Katana left the battle.

Broodwing then took Katana and lied to him, telling him that the Power Rangers were evil, and wanted to destroy Kyoto. Thus Katana had to fight them. In the Rangers next fight with Katana, the Rangers lost again.

Jack then went into the forest to battle Katana. He explained that S.P.D. was not evil and that he was telling him the truth about getting back to his time. Katana offered Jack the chance to prove himself truthful, but only through battle. Jack Morpher and he and Katana battled. Katana used his Sword of Kyoto and the Red Ranger used what he thought was the Shadow Saber. Though both fought hard, the Red Ranger did eventually turn out victorious. To make sure Katana was not evil, he was Judged and found innocent with the S.P.D. Morpher.
Katana believed what Jack had told him, and once the time portal opened once again, Katana stepped through it and returned to his time.

PRO Episode Synopsis for Samurai

Cruger spars with Jack in a holographic training exercise in swordsmenship. Cruger defeats the overzealous Jack. Jack claims that he would have on with the Shadow Saber. Cruger says he would have lost just the same with the saber. He says its not about the weapon, but Jack doesn;t beleive his teacher.Gruumm tells Morgana of his latest plan . He has arranged for a temporal portal to bring a powerful alien Samuari, named Kitana to present day Japan. Kitana was an alien that landed on the earth over a hundrend years prior. He was trained in the ways of the samurai and swore to protect his city. Gruumm plans to use him against the Rangers. Bridge demonstrates his ability to read thoughts to the others. He senses Jack's frustrations with Cruger not letting him use the Shadow Saber. The others are impressed with Bridge's ability. The Rangers get called to the Bridge. Cruger informs them of the samuria that has come to present day Japan through a time hole. He sends the team to Japan. He refuses to let Jack have the Shadow Sword. Since Jack has all he needs. The Rangers travel to Kyoto Japan In search of Kitana. Gruumm sends Broodwing to help Kitana. Kitana is very confused at the future world and attacks civilians ( he thinks they are invaders). The Rangers find him, with help from Bridge's mind reading ability. They are unable to defeat him in a fight. Kitana has Jack at his mercy when Jack looses his blaster. But Kitana gives him back his weapon before he attacks again. Broodwing sends Krybots to attack the team and Kitana gets away. After the Krybots are defeated, Jack wonders why Kitana didn't finish him off when he had the weapon. Broodwing meets with Kitana. He tells him that Gruumm brought him back from the future to help fight the Power Rangers,. Who were "evil invaders" according to Broodwing. Broodwing says he is here to help Kitana. The Rangers search for Kitana but find Broodwing's new robot is attacking the city. It is capturing buildngs into itself. But Kitana isn;t controling it. The Rangers have to wait for SPD Headquaters, to transport itself to Japan. They engage Kitana again in morphed form, but are still unable to defeat him. When Cruger and Kat arrive ( the base was made mobile), the Rsngers form the Delta Squad Megazord to fight the robot. After they are unsuccessful, Cruger calls them back and forms the Delta Command Megazord. They realize a krybot is controling the robot and suspect that Gruumm has fooling them. Cruger sends Jack after Kitana and finally agrees to give him the Shadow Saber. Now that New Teck City is unguarded, Gruumm dends krybots to steal a procious metal. Jack tries to tell Kirtana that Broodwing lied to him, but Kitana decides that they most duel. Whoever is right will win, according to Kitana. Jack and Kitina enter into a fiece Duel. Jack defeats him and Kitana realizes Jack is telling the truth. Jack uses the judgement scanner to make sure Kitana is truly innocent. A trime portal opens and Kitana uses it to go home. A strange ball of light leaves the portal, but Jack doesn't notice it. Cruger tells the Rangers that while they were gone, Gruumm stoled some powerful metal. He tells the Rangers that they must find out what he wants with it. Jack and Cruger prepare to spar. The Shadow Sword disapears into a regular sword. Cruger reveals it was a fake, Jack defeats the Samuari with the fake sword.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/19/05 08:53 PM

I know, i'm saying that its impossible for deltabase crawler can't cross water so theres an error in the episode

Kamen Rider Decade 07/19/05 09:07 PM


Originally posted by Ryu Dairenjaa@Jul 20 2005, 12:53 AM
I know, i'm saying that its impossible for deltabase crawler can't cross water so theres an error in the episode
Wrong again fool. It went to Japan that is a FACT. You are wasting your time you have done nothing to prove your stupid theory. Give it up.

NO errors exist in the episode, the only errors here are in your head.

If characters in comic books can run across water at super speed then certainly the Deltabase can drive across it using the Hyperspeed Robo Road.

You are way to limited in your thinking expand your brain and do yourself and the world a favor.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/19/05 10:19 PM

I'm just trying to make sence of it.

Smokin Ranger 07/19/05 10:56 PM

A little advice, Primal will not let your opinon matter. To him, his thoughts and opinons are the only ones that count.

Really tho, he has many errors inside his head. I mean could you imagine what PR would be like if he were writing the script. We wouldnt know, bc it would have been thrown off the air. After his first episode.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/19/05 11:43 PM

Who?. i could write PR better then all of you

PRangerX 07/19/05 11:58 PM


Originally posted by Ryu Dairenjaa@Jul 20 2005, 03:43 AM
Who?. i could write PR better then all of you
Dark was just telling you that Primal wasn't gonna agree with you. He wasn't bashing your or anything.

As strange as it sounds, SPD Headquarters did travel to Japan. Kat put it into rover mode and it traveled at super speeds to get to Japan. Not exactly something that makes sense, but it works in the PRU I guess.

Smokin Ranger 07/20/05 12:43 AM

Yeah dude relax, trust me when primal sees this. He will be in an uproar. He will go on a rant that could last a life time

Kamen Rider Decade 07/20/05 06:40 AM


Originally posted by darkranger+Jul 20 2005, 12:43 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (darkranger @ Jul 20 2005, 12:43 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Yeah dude relax, trust me when primal sees this. He will be in an uproar. He will go on a rant that could last a life time [/b]
Oh how little yo know me. Grow up dude, you don't matter enough to give a fuck about.

<!--QuoteBegin-Ryu Dairenjaa
@Jul 19 2005, 10:19 PM
I'm just trying to make sence of it.[/quote]There is nothing to make sense of. It is what it is, nothing more nothing less.

Monster from Kyoto's past is brought to the future, gets confused attacks innocent tourists. Rangers fight him. Broodwing sends a robot piloted by a Blue Head. The Deltabase goes there using the Hyperspeed Robo Road. Robot defeated and monster sent to the past. That is the nitty gritty.

Smokin Ranger 07/20/05 11:27 AM


Originally posted by Cheetamus Primal+Jul 20 2005, 10:40 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Cheetamus Primal @ Jul 20 2005, 10:40 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-darkranger@Jul 20 2005, 12:43 AM
Yeah dude relax, trust me when primal sees this. He will be in an uproar. He will go on a rant that could last a life time
Oh how little yo know me. Grow up dude, you don't matter enough to give a fuck about.
This is coming from a 23 year old male, that watches Kim Possible and writes in Pink.

Kamen Rider Decade 07/20/05 12:28 PM


Originally posted by darkranger+Jul 20 2005, 11:27 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (darkranger @ Jul 20 2005, 11:27 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by Cheetamus Primal@Jul 20 2005, 10:40 AM

@Jul 20 2005, 12:43 AM
Yeah dude relax, trust me when primal sees this. He will be in an uproar. He will go on a rant that could last a life time

Oh how little yo know me. Grow up dude, you don't matter enough to give a fuck about.

This is coming from a 23 year old male, that watches Kim Possible and writes in Pink. [/b][/quote]
Coming from a 22 year old male who gives a crap about what I watch and the color I choose to write in. Yeah you're more pathetic.

PRangerX 07/20/05 01:23 PM

There is a lot of love on this message board =p.

Kamen Rider Decade 07/20/05 01:35 PM


Originally posted by PRangerX@Jul 20 2005, 01:23 PM
There is a lot of love on this message board =p.
Yeah, and I aim to kill it. Starting with Doug then Bruce.

Ryu Dairenjaa 07/20/05 05:13 PM


Originally posted by darkranger+Jul 20 2005, 03:27 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (darkranger @ Jul 20 2005, 03:27 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by Cheetamus Primal@Jul 20 2005, 10:40 AM

@Jul 20 2005, 12:43 AM
Yeah dude relax, trust me when primal sees this. He will be in an uproar. He will go on a rant that could last a life time

Oh how little yo know me. Grow up dude, you don't matter enough to give a fuck about.

This is coming from a 23 year old male, that watches Kim Possible and writes in Pink. [/b][/quote]
He Writes in pink???,

Back on subject either the delta base went so fast it could go over water (Depending on not stoping) or just riped the space time continunum (Pardon my spelling) and went into hyperspeed and teleported there (Plausable)

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