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Dino Ranger Knight 07/05/20 12:58 AM

Rewrite the LG/LR team up
The real version seemed pretty weak to me. Any ideas to make a better one ?

Citizen Velancia 07/05/20 01:01 AM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
I would have had the LG Rangers come from a time vortex in the future to stop Trakeena from invading the Earth. My head canon would have assumed the Space Rangers went through the same vortex to get to the team up in LG. This way LG still takes place in the future. Also get rid of the subplot with the young girl. She took too much screen time away from the LG Rangers.

Superhero Galaxy 07/05/20 01:04 AM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
Trakeena is given a new body by Queen Bansheera in exchange to kill the Rangers. Mitchell sends Dana to Mirinoi to get the LG Rangers to help. The combine team defeats Trakeena for good. Its revealed that Lightspeed was created from the Lights of Orion.

Trakeena's Revenge 07/05/20 01:06 AM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
Triskull teams up with demons to destroy the demons. He has Trakeena prisioner and is using her power for himself. The LG Rangers show up to help the LR team . Trakeena is freed and actually helps the Rangers destroy Tri-Skull. Trakeena decides to become good and leaves to rebuilt the Sting Wingers, this time to be a force for good.

Rookie In Red 07/05/20 01:33 AM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
I would have the Lightspeed Rangers go to Mirinoi to help the LG Rangers deal with Triskull and Trakeena.

Summer Is Rich 07/05/20 01:34 AM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
The same team up storyline would work with some changes. Heavily tone down Hannah and give my screen time to the Galaxy Rangers. It would make a big difference.

Venjix Immortal 07/05/20 01:36 AM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
The first part should mainly follow the LG Rangers and the second sees the actual team up against Trakeena.

Starlight Starbrite 07/05/20 01:37 AM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
I think something needed to happen to change the balance of the season. I think Bansheera should have been defeated in the team up so Trakeena could become the main villain. LR could have used a good american original villain.

Miki1988 07/06/20 09:10 AM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
I'd scratch the Hannah character altogether and do the following storyline:

Part 1:
Olympious finds out about the events in "The Power of Pink" and comes up with the plan of counquering 2 planets at once as a proof of his power to Queen Bansheera. He uses deamon magic to restore the Quasar Saber that Kendrix once destoryed. Additionally, he uses his Star power to make it even more powerful, thus giving him the ability to trap multiple people in it. He uses the Saber to travel to Mirinoi, locates Kendrix and attacks her. Before she is able to warn anyone, Olympious manages to capture her. This is all secretly witnessed by Commander Stanton, who quickly uses Astro Megaship's new portal system to get back to Earth and warn the Lightspeed Rescue Rangers. However, he is noticed by Olympious, who chases him back to the 5 Quasar Sabers the Galaxy Rangers once used. There, he's faced against a familiar fameale figure who manages to resist him and protect Stanton. One of the Quasar Sabers glow. Ryan, still on a quest to get the clues on how to defeat the evil deamons, is somehow warned by the events back on Mirinoi. He teleports back to the Aquabase and warns his friends about his visions before teleporting back to the place he paused his quest. Back on Mirinoi, a familliar hand pulls a Quasar Saber out from its stone and follows Olympious back to Earth. Meanwhile, the Lightspeed Rangers are already facing Olympious and the reunion between the two-teams starts occuring just like in the actual episode (with the exception on Hannah). To help her son, Queen Bansheera revives Trakeena (original actreess) and the three Galaxy Rangers are reunited with Karone, Mike and Damon in a similar scene as in the actual episode. Mike tries to have a face off with Olympious in order to get Kendrix back, but fails. Later, both teams re-group at Lightaspeed Aquabase.

Part II:
Trakeena uses her own evil magic combined with the energies of the blast from Leo's battleizer to grow and Olympious uses his enforced Quasar Saber to give her mutant powers (but not a full mutant body), while Mike makes his way trough the combined forces of Batlings and the LG's footsoldiers (cannot remember the name right now). In original Megazord battle footage, both teams face a powered-up Trakeena - the LR Rangers in the Omega Megazord and the Galaxy Rangers in the Galaxy Megazord. Later, Torozod joins the battle. Sentai footage is partially used here - primarely the scene where the Omega Megazord picks up the Galaxy Rangers and gains the Lights Of Orion armor. Using weapons of both Megazords with the Omega Megazord, both teams manage to cancel Trakeena's mutant powers. The Galaxy Megazord, now auto-combined, uses the blast from the Condor Galactabeast combined with Torozord's Lightning Spin to defeat Trakeena once and for all. This also frees Kendrix from her captivity and completely neturalises Olympious's new found powers. Surrounded by both teams, he retrerats. In the final scene, Kendrix reveals that her health condition caused by the combination of the sheild that she had to go trough to save Cassie's life and Psycho Pink's evilness is preventing her to become Galaxy Pink again. Commander Staton and Alpha 6 arrive in the Astro Megaship to pick up the Galaxy Rangers. The Rangers say their best wishes before the ship departs for Mirinoi, where a new battle awaits the Galaxy Rangers.

Ginger Snap 07/06/20 06:06 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
That would have been a good two parter.

PRangerX 07/06/20 07:12 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
Trakeena Returns Part 1

Maya has a nightmare about Kendrix and Scorpina. When we wake up whe. find ou Kendrix has been missing for months. Maya feels like the key to her whereabouts are by the Quasar Sabers. When she goes to visit them see is shocked to see Kendrix. But before they can say anything to each other a wormhole pulls them and the stone with the sabers in.

The atone with the sabers shows up in Mariner Bay . No one can ull the swords. When Lightspeed goes to investigate they find Kendrix who tells them they need to talk. The Rangers are about to .take.her back to Aqua base when Maya yells at.them to stop. She pulls tthe yellow.Saber and goes after Kendrix. Before the Lightspeed Rangers can act, Kendrix materializes in ¿Trakeena's old armor. Maya and Kendix go at it. The LR team morphs ..KeNdrix retreats seeing that she outnumbered. Maya tells the Rangers that she wasn't Kendrix . Kendrix she was possessed by the spirit of Trakeena.

Trakeena goes to the demon lair and proposes an alliance with Bansheera. Help her get.the pull quasar sabers and she will destroy the Lightspeed Rangers. Bansheera agrees but secretly warns Olympus to be weary of Teacthery.

The Rangers have brought Maya to he Aqua Base with the stone and The Sabers. She tells them about how her friend Kendrix came back after they defeated Trakeena. But she never felt the smee. She the went mysteriously missing. When she reappeared they were dragged into a vortex. Maya sense Trakeena inside her.

Trakeena attacks the city with some badlings. The Rangers go to battle Trakeena. They are able to defeat.the badlings but Maya won't make.the final strike on Trakeena since she thinks Kendrix is still in there. The hesitation gives Trakeena the upper hand. She is able.to capture the Lightspeed Rangers.

Trakeena Returns Part 2

Maya returns to Aquabase crushed.. Mitchell is worried about the Rangers and the fact Marnier Bay has almost no protection. Just then a vortex opens and the four LG Rangers arrive. Maya fills them in on everything. They take their sabers and promise to.defend Marnier Bay until theyy can find their comrades.

Trakeena doesn't Take the Rangers to the demons like promised, she takes them to her own hideout. The Aqua base detect her on there sensors. Mitchell doesn't understand why Trakeena made it so easy to find her. The Rangers decide to go anyways. Karone tells Maya not.to .give up on saving Kendrix.

The Ranger go to batttle Trakeena. But it turns out that this was all part of her plan. She uses a special device to drain the power of the Qasar Sabers into herself. This was her plan all along. She knew if she brought the Quasar Sabers to Earth the Sabers would summon the others. And once they pulled them they would be hers.

Just as all seems lost another Pink Galaxy Ranger appears in astral form. The Lights of Orion rips itself from TraKeena and empowers the Quasar Sabers so the team can morph. The Lightspeed Rangers are freed and its revealed that the Spirit Rangsrs has brought Ryan. She de-morphs to reveal she is Kendrix's spirit. Kendrix reveals the she was never going to come back to life. Trakeena only used her powers to recreate Kendrix's body so she could fool the Rangers until.she had the power to execute her plans. She tells the Rangers that her body is only Trakeena and they should fight her with everything they got. She tells them that she will always be there as she disappears.

Maya becomes Determined and calls for all the Rangers to morph. The Galaxy Rangers are first, followed by Ligtspeed. The battle against thr Empowered Trakeena Is intense but in the end all 11 Rangers are able. to d efeat her. Trakeena reveals that she isn't done yet and unleashes her ful power to become a gigantic monster. The Rangers battle her in the zords. When the Galaxy Megazord is taking down and the Omega Megazprd picks up the Galaxy team. They give the megazord a power up hat allows them to destroy monster Trakeena..The rest of the Quasar energy goes back to the Sabers.

The Rangers say there goodbyes and are happy Kendrix can finally be at peace. The Galaxy team returns their sabers to the stone and a vortex brings them back home after they de:morph. Ryan goes back on his mission.

Olympus brings Kendrix's body back to the lair. Bansheera revives Trakeena and tells her she must now serve the demons for using them for her own plan. Trakeena agrees but secretly says only for now.

Some notes

Obviously very rough but thats basically what I would do. I think it would be interesting to have it reveLed Kendrix never came back and that it was really Trakeena using her body. It restores Kendrix's sacrifce but we learn her spirit lives on. I figured Maya could be the focal point on the LG side. Since I assumed Danny Salvin still isn't around for ADR.

I also figured using Valerie has Trakeena coveted for Amy Miller walking out. I decided to leave Trakeena around in the end since it would give Lightspeed a more original villain and make things more interesting. Also the thing liked about the Space/LG team up was that it had ramifications for the rest of the season. Plus it gives Valerie. another role to make up for the episodes she had to miss.

I didn't include Russel Laurence as Mike...Since I didn't want to get greedy. Having Kendrix show up in Trakeena armor waa already ambitious enough ( not to mention making her a regular for the rest of the season) I kept most of the ending zord battle from the original team up since it still made sense to use the Sentai Footage.

Kendrix Pink 07/06/20 10:43 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up

Originally Posted by Miki1988 (Post 78811)
I'd scratch the Hannah character altogether and do the following storyline:

Part 1:
Olympious finds out about the events in "The Power of Pink" and comes up with the plan of counquering 2 planets at once as a proof of his power to Queen Bansheera. He uses deamon magic to restore the Quasar Saber that Kendrix once destoryed. Additionally, he uses his Star power to make it even more powerful, thus giving him the ability to trap multiple people in it. He uses the Saber to travel to Mirinoi, locates Kendrix and attacks her. Before she is able to warn anyone, Olympious manages to capture her. This is all secretly witnessed by Commander Stanton, who quickly uses Astro Megaship's new portal system to get back to Earth and warn the Lightspeed Rescue Rangers. However, he is noticed by Olympious, who chases him back to the 5 Quasar Sabers the Galaxy Rangers once used. There, he's faced against a familiar fameale figure who manages to resist him and protect Stanton. One of the Quasar Sabers glow. Ryan, still on a quest to get the clues on how to defeat the evil deamons, is somehow warned by the events back on Mirinoi. He teleports back to the Aquabase and warns his friends about his visions before teleporting back to the place he paused his quest. Back on Mirinoi, a familliar hand pulls a Quasar Saber out from its stone and follows Olympious back to Earth. Meanwhile, the Lightspeed Rangers are already facing Olympious and the reunion between the two-teams starts occuring just like in the actual episode (with the exception on Hannah). To help her son, Queen Bansheera revives Trakeena (original actreess) and the three Galaxy Rangers are reunited with Karone, Mike and Damon in a similar scene as in the actual episode. Mike tries to have a face off with Olympious in order to get Kendrix back, but fails. Later, both teams re-group at Lightaspeed Aquabase.

Part II:
Trakeena uses her own evil magic combined with the energies of the blast from Leo's battleizer to grow and Olympious uses his enforced Quasar Saber to give her mutant powers (but not a full mutant body), while Mike makes his way trough the combined forces of Batlings and the LG's footsoldiers (cannot remember the name right now). In original Megazord battle footage, both teams face a powered-up Trakeena - the LR Rangers in the Omega Megazord and the Galaxy Rangers in the Galaxy Megazord. Later, Torozod joins the battle. Sentai footage is partially used here - primarely the scene where the Omega Megazord picks up the Galaxy Rangers and gains the Lights Of Orion armor. Using weapons of both Megazords with the Omega Megazord, both teams manage to cancel Trakeena's mutant powers. The Galaxy Megazord, now auto-combined, uses the blast from the Condor Galactabeast combined with Torozord's Lightning Spin to defeat Trakeena once and for all. This also frees Kendrix from her captivity and completely neturalises Olympious's new found powers. Surrounded by both teams, he retrerats. In the final scene, Kendrix reveals that her health condition caused by the combination of the sheild that she had to go trough to save Cassie's life and Psycho Pink's evilness is preventing her to become Galaxy Pink again. Commander Staton and Alpha 6 arrive in the Astro Megaship to pick up the Galaxy Rangers. The Rangers say their best wishes before the ship departs for Mirinoi, where a new battle awaits the Galaxy Rangers.

Why did you not want Kendrix to be Galaxy Pink. Just curious?

Ranger Legacy 07/06/20 10:46 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
I like both Miki and PRangerX's ideas

Space Seasons 07/06/20 10:47 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
I would have done a triple team up with Space , Galaxy, and Lightspeed.

Galaxy Forever 07/06/20 10:48 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
Having Trakeena come back and slowly become the main villain would have been a genius way of saving Lightspeed.

Trakeena's Revenge 07/06/20 10:49 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
I deffinitly wanted to see more from Trakeena. The real team up wasn't enough for me.

Superhero Galaxy 07/06/20 10:50 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
Miki did you mean the Savage Sword ?

Astro Delta 07/06/20 10:51 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
How could the megaship pick up the Galaxy Rangers if it was destroyed. Is it just a new one?

KimandTommy 07/06/20 10:54 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
I would have Karone become Astronema and try to capture Mariner Bay. The Galaxy and Lightspeed Rangers team up to take her down. She is finally arrested.

Timelord Tommy 07/06/20 10:55 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
I would have Mike show up as the Megna Ranger. It would be a repainted version of a Galaxy Costume to save time.

Ranger Eagle 07/06/20 10:56 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
I don't think they would ever have made Trakeena a regular in Lightspeed. Not even with Valarie. I don't think they would have retconned Kendrix to still be dead either. They wouldn't have brought her back otherwise.

Goldar's Revenge 07/06/20 10:58 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
Kendrix had to come back. Due to union rules Valerie had to be allowed to come back if she was healthy enough to do so. It was also the right thing to do by the actor. I don't think they were interested in having anyone from Galaxy stick around longer. The ramifications from the Space team up only came about because Valerie got sick.

Lord Leo 07/06/20 10:58 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
I would have just had Mike become Galaxy Red. And finally expose Leo as the dope that he was.

Maya Leo 07/06/20 10:59 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
I like the idea of Maya being the main Galaxy character. Leo got a lot of focus in Galaxy. Plus it made sense for Maya to sense things, since she always had a sixth sense.

Captain Logan Knows Best 07/06/20 11:02 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
I never understood why Trakeena wanted to go green again so bad after she desperately wanted to avoid it.

Galaxy Supreme 07/06/20 11:03 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
She only cared about power and revenge by this point.

Dragonzord Beta 07/06/20 11:04 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
Remember Deviot was also influencing her and he wanted desperately to have the raccoon.

Dustin Dude 07/06/20 11:06 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
Triskull takes tricks the Rangers into pulling the sabers to fight him. He does this so he can take control of their minds and use them against the Lightspeed Rangers. In the end the Galaxy Rangers are freed and help the Lightspeed team defeat Tri Skull and Olympius' forces ( Tri-Skull makes an alliance with the demons).

Starlight Starbrite 07/06/20 11:07 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
Just have the team up with the Space Rangers instead. Lightspeed takes place during LG and is the reason why they have to return to Earth. They have to help the Rangers against a dangerous new enemy name Tri Skull, who has allied with the demons. After Tri Skull is defeated the Rangers are summoned to KO 35.

Lightspeed Omega 07/06/20 11:08 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
I think the original team up was fine. They just needed to tone down Hannah and give more lines to the LG Rangers.

Khan's Wrath 07/06/20 11:11 PM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
Bansheera sends Trii Skull to conquer Mirinoi and try and claim the Quasar Sabers for her conquests. The Lightspeed team comes to help the Galaxy Rangers defeat him. In the second part Trakena shows up on Earth to destroy it and let the Galaxy Rangers sugger. But this time the Galaxy Rangers come to Earth to help Lightspeed defeat Trakeena.

Miki1988 07/07/20 12:11 AM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up

Originally Posted by Kendrix Pink (Post 78830)
Why did you not want Kendrix to be Galaxy Pink. Just curious?

The main reason is continuity issues. The second reason is story advancement and expansion on the PRLG side. Karone replaced Kendrix as Galaxy Pink, allowing her to at least partially make up for what she did as Astronema. The Pink Galaxy Saber re-selecting its Ranger candidate and making Karone being able to pull it out of the stone would serve as a nice ending to Karone's story arc and it would mark the new beginning for the Galaxy Rangers.

Plus, Valerie's health condition could have worked perfectly story-wise and a scene where Kendrix explains why she can no logner be Galaxy Pnk would be a nice reference to that.


Originally Posted by Superhero Galaxy (Post 78835)
Miki did you mean the Savage Sword ?

Yes, I did. It's been a while since I've seen any of the classic PR seasons, so some expessions have already slipped from my mind.


Originally Posted by Astro Delta (Post 78836)
How could the megaship pick up the Galaxy Rangers if it was destroyed. Is it just a new one?

Just a back-up one until a newer model would arrive which was seen in Forever Red. This would happen partially because of another subplot and that's Leo still having nightmares of nearly loosing Mike back when Torozord kept the portal open so Terra Venture could escape the Lost Galaxy.

Astro Delta 07/07/20 08:58 AM

Re: Rewrite the LG/LR team up
I see...And I assmee that has something to do with how ToroZord comes back?

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