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Titanium Ranger 04/30/06 06:50 PM

Titanium Ranger
He was the only American-made ranger and had the only American-made Zord. He is the Titanium Ranger. Appearing in Lightspeed Rescue as Captain Mitchell's son, RYan first fought for evil, then turned good. I was just wondering: what do you all think of him? I mean, to me, he was totally awesome. The fact that he wasn't shown much bugs me but other than that, his fighting, his courage and his suit were the things I liked the most about him. PLus his Max Solarzord was one of the coolest. What do you think of him? Post your thoughts and issues here!

Zero 04/30/06 06:50 PM

Re: Titanium Ranger
Well...just one thing, his zord isnīt american made

I havenīt seen enough of Lightspeed so I donīt have exactly a opinion on it, but in the few eps I saw the Titanium ranger looked good to me

DekaCrimson 04/30/06 06:50 PM

Re: Titanium Ranger
I do wish we could've seen more Titanium, but I do admit this intro was rather cool.

Mini Man 05/01/06 06:50 PM

Re: Titanium Ranger
Me too. I liked Ryan as the titanium ranger but they didn't keep him evil long enough. It was basically one episode where they show him evil and then mitchell gets him good.

MattEmily 06/09/17 07:08 PM

Re: Titanium Ranger

Originally Posted by Titanium Ranger (Post 66505)
He was the only American-made ranger and had the only American-made Zord. He is the Titanium Ranger. Appearing in Lightspeed Rescue as Captain Mitchell's son, RYan first fought for evil, then turned good. I was just wondering: what do you all think of him? I mean, to me, he was totally awesome. The fact that he wasn't shown much bugs me but other than that, his fighting, his courage and his suit were the things I liked the most about him. PLus his Max Solarzord was one of the coolest. What do you think of him? Post your thoughts and issues here!


Originally Posted by Zero (Post 66506)
Well...just one thing, his zord isnīt american made

I havenīt seen enough of Lightspeed so I donīt have exactly a opinion on it, but in the few eps I saw the Titanium ranger looked good to me

yea Zero is correct while the Titanium Ranger is original his zord; the Max Solarzord wasn't original in fact it was a mecha that could control itself and even talk in GoGoV but when they made an original Ranger they decided to give Ryan the Solarzord... and yes he was awesome but it was also disappointing that we didn't get to see much of him but that was because he was an original creation so because of which they couldn't really afford to do much with him not to mention they had to explain his absence for why he wasn't there for Trakeena's Revenge.


Originally Posted by DekaCrimson (Post 66507)
I do wish we could've seen more Titanium, but I do admit this intro was rather cool.

no doubt his intro was definitely cool.


Originally Posted by Mini Man (Post 66508)
I liked Ryan as the titanium ranger but they didn't keep him evil long enough. It was basically one episode where they show him evil and then mitchell gets him good.

no doubt I thought they should've kept him evil longer but this was back during the days of when Fox Kids had their Summer breaks so they had no choice but to stop the evil storyline when they did since they had already decided on giving Ryan the Solarzord and because of footage limitations they needed the Solarzord in order to activate the Lightspeed Solarzord so that they could destroy Diabolico so in the case of Ryan stopping being evil so quick it's a bit of footage limitations and because of the breaks that they were still having at that point in time.

Wild Force Rider 06/10/17 09:29 PM

Re: Titanium Ranger
I think it was hard to get into Ryan because he wasn't around long enough. If they weren't going to go all the way with Titanium they shouldn't have used him.

Kimberly Hart 06/10/17 11:39 PM

Re: Titanium Ranger
i didn't like how Ryan got off scott free for working with the villains and all the destruction he caused.

Sentai Master 06/10/17 11:46 PM

Re: Titanium Ranger
I give them credit for at least trying to something original when their was no Sixth in Sentai.

Space Crazy 06/11/17 08:41 AM

Re: Titanium Ranger
Titanium would have been much cooler if he was Andros.

Decepticon 06/11/17 09:00 AM

Re: Titanium Ranger
It would have been better if he was on the demons' side longer but Solar Zord would have need to be it's own thing until Ryan jioned the team.

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