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Luke 11/16/14 11:46 AM

Why let the rangers remain secret?
Anyone here ever wonder why Rita, Zedd, or whoever never bothered to reveal the rangers identities to the public? Rita, and Zedd especially had a downright creepy insight to the rangers personal lives, so they had to obviously know that it was a big deal that nobody knew they were rangers. Why not reveal it, and add quite a bit of unwanted stress to the rangers?

MattEmily 08/20/18 06:52 PM

Re: Why let the rangers remain secret?

Originally Posted by Luke (Post 47999)
Anyone here ever wonder why Rita, Zedd, or whoever never bothered to reveal the rangers identities to the public? Rita, and Zedd especially had a downright creepy insight to the rangers personal lives, so they had to obviously know that it was a big deal that nobody knew they were rangers. Why not reveal it, and add quite a bit of unwanted stress to the rangers?

well it was kind of their own honor system not to mention that they didn't want to do something that would extremely anger the Rangers.

You reveal their secret identities then you're risking an attack of epic proportions which could include invading their lair. Would Rita, Zedd, etc. truly be stupid enough to risk an attack on their base? No they wouldn't be.

Massive Ego 10/21/18 11:58 AM

Re: Why let the rangers remain secret?
It is a valid question. Same reason why they didn't just send down all the monsters at once every episode....plot convenience.

Rita's Pita 10/21/18 11:59 AM

Re: Why let the rangers remain secret?
I was a big plot hole that the villians knew the Ranger 's identities

Turbo Guy 10/21/18 12:00 PM

Re: Why let the rangers remain secret?
That would of made an interesting episode though. Rita or Zedd expose their idenities and the Rangers have to prove they are "lying".

Superstatler 10/21/18 12:01 PM

Re: Why let the rangers remain secret?
That epislde may have been hard to pull off though.

Miki1988 10/21/18 02:56 PM

Re: Why let the rangers remain secret?
Tommy even asked Cassidy does she realize how their lives would turn out if the tape she and Devin filmed of the DT Rangers' finale battle gets on television. She willingly surrendered it to the Rangers despite the fact that the tape could be the business break she and Devin desperately needed. That just goes to show that the Power Rangers having secret identities does have its advantages:
- Protection by the government:
How many times did the MM Rangers yell "It's Morphin' Time!" in various parts of the school or the city WITHOUT anyone hearing them? That's just impossible. That proves that becoming a superhero and having a secret identity goes beyond then just receiving a morphing device. Not to mention that the MM Rangers go to a LIVE TV SHOW during their 2nd season. I'm sure their parents would recognize the voices of their children - Bulk and Skull DID IT when the Z Putties showed up in battle for the first time at the race track. So any Ranger team with secret identities is covered with a little sign on a piece of paper by the members of that Ranger team and the people close to them. Just look at the episode where Bulk and Skull take the Rangers' footprints - everyone just rushes at the two when the Rangers give the cue.
- Assistance by the government:
In exchange, everyone keeps quiet about their identities, even if someone ends up recognizing their voices trough the helmets. Other examples: All Justin had to do is to mention who he works for and everyone believed him when it came to him sending his 4 friends to open space. Cleaning up parts of destroyed Megazords after the Rangers lost the battle and just casually walked off to get new powers? Even technicians of the Ranger teams who had their identities revealed from the get-go needed government backup - I just don't buy that a Capitan with an underwater base got it started just by renting his apartment or something. Rocky, Adam, Aisha, Katherine, David and random people in various seasons promising NOT to tell anyone about who the Rangers were after seeing them morph based on a friendship/family ties? I think not. The 4 Time Force Rangers in 2001 without some kind of political support - no go.
- Close contact between all Ranger teams (like in case of "Legendary Battle").
- The non-public-identity Rangers know who the public-identity Rangers are and vice-versa.
- Political protection for the Ranger families, friends, co-workers and neighbors. That especially goes with non-public-identity Rangers.
- The villains can't provoke them publicly in the media.
- etc. etc.

On the other side, the Ranger teams like Lightspeed Rescue have pretty much the same advantages, except they still have to play by the rules and respect a Ranger having a secret identity situation because of various, either personal and/or business driven reasons (Levi).
That means if, for example, Carter (LR Red) and Alyssa (WF White) met in a mixed company of people where just some know the true identities of both, the two would have to be very careful what to talk about. That means carefully choosing conversation topics and leading the conversations in a neat way.

MattEmily 11/04/18 06:38 PM

Re: Why let the rangers remain secret?

Originally Posted by Massive Ego (Post 76470)
It is a valid question. Same reason why they didn't just send down all the monsters at once every episode....plot convenience.

I think there's a better reason for them not doing so instead of just excusing it away as plot convenience personally I like to think most villains use the Morphin' Grid which is why they have limits on what they can and cannot do.

It was mentioned by Lord Zedd that the grid is maintained due to the struggle between him and Zordon but I think it's more to do with the good vs. evil struggle that maintains it and might help both sides in some situations.

Due to Rita choosing Tommy as her evil Green Ranger and there was only 1 of him I like to think that the grid gave him more power since he was fighting 5 Rangers which would explain why he lost that extra power once he turned good.

Yes Rita and Zedd could've sent down multiple monsters at once but any time they tried that they were much weaker than the original monster they came from which is why I believe the grid was taking away their energy to even the playing field.

However it had issues with evening the field with Tommy when Zordon and Alpha gave him the new White Ranger powers since they had been created from the Light of Goodness


Originally Posted by Miki1988 (Post 76475)
That means if, for example, Carter (LR Red) and Alyssa (WF White) met in a mixed company of people where just some know the true identities of both, the two would have to be very careful what to talk about. That means carefully choosing conversation topics and leading the conversations in a neat way.

that'd be interesting to see.

Miki1988 11/05/18 08:33 AM

Re: Why let the rangers remain secret?
Yes it would. I would love to see a scene when a Ranger with a secret identity and a Ranger with a public identity are asked the same question by a regular individual or by a regular group of people when out there in a bigger crowd - how would each answer the same question and what would be the consequences for the secret-identity Ranger if he/she would say something that they really shouldn't or something that only a public-identity Ranger is authorized to say in public.

The more I think about Power Rangers, the more I realize how deep some facts go about some factors of the show, like some story elements and such.

MMPR Forever 11/26/18 08:37 PM

Re: Why let the rangers remain secret?
The Rangers should always have secret idenities. The seasons where they don't have secret idenities don't count anyway. It is funny how Zedd and Rita never tried to reveal them.

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