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JasonDavidFrankFan4Life 08/27/06 12:45 AM

major question for everyone from your fave person..jdff4l
okie dokie. major question. you all can respond if you want. it's just something on my mind. well the question ain't really a question. i just wanna know you're point of view on it.

we all know that religion is a major part of who someone is. there are tons of christians out there, you see a holy war going on. but think about it. there's more than just christianity in the world. there are many religions. i'm not a christian. i'm a wiccan. now many of you might wonder what a wiccan is. well, it's just a neo-pagan. pagan was the religion that caused people to burn other people. most people say that christians were the first ones to burn witches, but actually, pagans burned the christians first. many people don't know it or they do and just don't wanna accept the fact that christianity wasn't always the dominant religion. what's so wrong with being wicca??? there's nothing bad in it. many chrisitans look at it as dark magick, but it's not. it's good magick. yes, there's dark magick, but there's a little karma thing and a rule that says not to harm anyone so even if someone did do dark magick, they'd most likely have it backfire on them and be in a world of hurt. many people are mean to those of the wiccan religion. i think it's wrong when people do that. it's discrimination. who knows, maybe the christian religion is right about jesus and everything. no one knows which religion is the right one and i hate bible bangers cuz they always say that christianity is the only way and it's not. there are many ways and no one will know the right way until the end of the world and i doubt the end of the world is comming soon.

you all give me your opinions about religion. you can talk about any religion in the world wether it's buddism, hinduism, wicca, christianity, jewish, muslim, satism, anything. just let me know what you think. if ur mad about something a certian religion is doing, say it here. i wanna know.

your fave person in the world,
JasonDavidFrankFan4Life.....haha i may not be ur fave person in the world, but i bet i'm ur fave person on here!!!!!

ybrik 08/27/06 01:20 PM

no offense, but u'r not my fav person on here, cuz no1 is

kiraford5 08/29/06 07:03 PM

i'm wiccan too.

theres this girl in my school named coleen whos totally obsessed with her religion. everyone knows that everyone has there own beliefs, except her. she went up to pretty much everyone, teachers included, and asked them if they were christians. when somebody said no, she totally flipped out and told them they were going to hell.

Why is it so friggin hard for some people to accept that others have different beliefs.

so, does she believe in the supernatural??? Not at all unless its god were talking about. Does she belive in Satin???


I believe in both god and the devil. Not as strong as I do aliens and ghosts and vampires and stuff like that. I mean, do i think that Buffy is real...of couse not. Do i think that theres one special girl in all the world to defeat the forces of darkness. Hell no. But i do believe in vampires, i do believe in ghosts, i do believe in aliens.

No offense to non believers and stuff but in my opinion your stupid if you think that theres not even a possibillity of some other living creature in the world. Do think theres something on Pluto??? No, but i do believe that there are other galaxys other than the milkey way and we cant reach out to them because of our technologies.

so judge me how you want, but reply if you want to agree or debate!

Razi 09/02/06 09:26 PM

I believe in God but am not a Christian. I haven't been Baptised or anything but I do believe.

I think there are many people that express their feelings towards God in all kinds of ways and it doesn't matter what your religion is. I think Wicca is cool.


Sweetened Angel 11/05/06 04:33 PM

i am part of christian and wicca.

PRangerX 11/05/06 06:20 PM

I am a Christian. I beleive in God, but I respect other people's beleifs. I beleive that the whole truth has not been found yet. I don't beleive one group can claim to know it all. I think it is interesting to study what various groups beleive.

Also organized religion is good for society. As it makes people think twice before they do something wrong. Plus it gives them structure.

The people who do awful things in the name of religion, are not truely religious.

jasull1 11/11/06 06:10 AM

The Virginian you have made some good points but there is also error in you judgement. I am of Christian Faith although I am not a bible banger and I don't go to Church very often because too many people are there to make friends and I just want to pray and read the bible. I think that we should live and let live. Because in the end we can only answer for ourselves.

While yes Some Christian and Islamic people belive that their way is the only way. Some of us belive that as long as you are a decent person then you have just as good a shot as the rest of us. And the Koran and Bible can be interpreted many ways. While some belive the Koran says to kill infidels it also does say that killing is wrong. As far as treating People like Second class Citizens I don't agree with that but that is not my call.

Second you are right and wrong that some people use that belief that it is "God's Will" to do wicked things to one another. But the Key Word there is Some. PRangerX is also right that some use the teachings of all Religions as a guide to life and find morals. Once again that is some not all.

Third and finally I must say that I can only speak for myself and should not be asked to answer for what someone else did long before I was born. But Sometimes when you think you are doing the right thing there is nothing that anybody can do to talk you out of it. I am not making excuses for the people of the past they were idiots and there is no excuse for the things that they did. There is no excuse for Slavery, Taking the Native Americans off there land and killing them for not believing in Christ, The 9/11 attacks, or for that matter the way that people of the Islamic faith were treated after 9/11, The Burning of "Witches", The mistreatment of people during the Red Scare, The Holocost, the placing of Japanese-Americans in Holding Centers during WWII, and countless other events throught history. But even with the recent events of 9/11 and the following war you should not judge an entire group of people because of what a portion of that group may think or do.

This has to be the longest post I have ever had.

jasull1 11/11/06 08:09 AM

About my Ancestors I have to say that you are right that is how some translate part of the Bible but not everyone.

And as far as the Bible being the word of god. It was written by man and man is flawed. And for future refrence I am not aginst Gay marriage (Like I said Live and let live)

As far as the Spoils of war there is a little thing called compromise and peaceful coexistence.

And while I know why they put Japanese-Americans in Holding Centers. It was still a violation of the Civil rights that Americans Hold so dear to are hearts.

While I still don't agree with you, I won't deny that you have every right to feel that way.

PRangerX 11/11/06 04:00 PM

The people that use religion for excuses to do bad things, aren't truely religious. There have been a lot of people who used religion for personal gain. A lot of the popes during the middle ages were currupt , because they were in it for the wrong reasons. They just wanted power, not to serve God.

My relgion teaches free will. That God lets us make our own decisons and will not interfer. He just gives us guidence and saves for us when our mortal lives our over. So I don't blame God for anything that I do, or for bad things that happen to me.

I don't read the bible word for word. The bible was written by men. So its not God's clear vision. Same with other religions text. The message is is whats important. I am not a fundementalist. I don't recall anything about the sins of the father being visited about the son ( I thought it was " The sins of the father shall not be visted upon the son"). In the bible there were numerous instances where Jesus discouraged people from being hateful towards sinners and non beleivers. Islam does not teach to kill infidels. They are supposed to fight the enimies of Islam, as in people trying to hurt them. Purely Jihad means has to do with ones inner struggle. There is another jihad that has to do with fighting the enimies of Islam. But it says nothing about killing infidels for no reason. These terrorists are wrong.

Muhammed taught that the Christians and Jews were people of the book and should be respected. During the early days of Islam, all the groups lived in harmony for the most part. During the Crusades some local Christians even fought on the Islamic side, due to being treated so well. It was the crusaders that could tolerate the Muslims not the other way around.

People who truely beleive in religion can use it for structure. Those that don't have it , oftend suffer from lack of structure. Unless the find something else positive to rely on.

The internment of the Japenese is seen as one of the biggest travesties in American History. Many of the people sent to interment camps were fourth generation Americans. And it certianly was even more wrong to conquer the land of the Indians.

PRangerX 11/13/06 05:44 PM

I'm not trying to insult anyone who is an athiest. Thats why I pointed out that there are other positive ways to find structure. I don't want to act like being religious makes anyone better than anyone.

I do think there are a lot of people without any structure that could diffinitly use religion. To give themselves a moral center and a more disaplined life style.

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