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PrimoPiccolo 08/15/09 09:03 PM

Dragon Knight Episode #18: "The Brothers Cho"
Len kicks their asses before they ever even get their belts on!


PrimoPiccolo 08/15/09 09:04 PM

Pretty good episode. Len blindsiding Kit with the "Be My Lover--er, Dragon Knight" speech was out of nowhere, but other than that, good stuff.

Len basically shitting all over the Cho brothers and everything they stand for was funny as hell, but I still don't get why he'd just let them have their decks, since it's always good not to have more enemies to fight. Didn't Len himself say he didn't feel good about venting human beings?

Chris wanting the spotlight made complete sense, being that both he and Strike view him as the weak link. Lacey's tired of Maya's shit, as she should be. Trent was told to shut up, as he should have been. Michelle Walsh has a new story, as she's been looking for. And the Cho brothers begin their reign getting the crap kicked out of them, as they should have.

Loved it.

Tendou 08/15/09 09:39 PM

It was a very fun episode. The Cho Brothers are interesting characters and I can't wait to see them actually fight in their Kamen Rider forms. What I am really excited about is next weeks episode. Plenty of fighting going on.

Kamen Rider DiEnd 08/16/09 01:29 AM

Anyway... Today's episode, "The Brothers Cho" was interesting. Sting got some focus, and he finished a mutant on his own. But the highlight of the episode? Len giving the Cho brothers a lesson on humility. It was funny to see him completely own them, without even transforming. Which is another thing: he played the best game of keep away EVER! It looked like fun to me. :D

TokuNoob 08/16/09 12:37 PM

I loved this episode for the aforementioned reasons. I was a little shocked when Len actually tossed Albert Cho over the railing and onto a stack of boxes. The sound effect made it sound painful to me. My two favorite fights in the series so far have been when Len battles the two Gazelle creatures without his suit on, and the Cho brothers getting the crap kicked out of them. Surprisingly violent for 4Kids, but who's complaining?

mbozzo 08/16/09 05:02 PM

'The Brothers cho is a good episode. I gave it a 6. We saw Chris a.k.a Sting battle and defeat a monster in this episode. This is a guy with a lot to prove. Let's hope that he'll last until the end of this series.

TokuNoob 08/16/09 09:21 PM

One thing's for sure, Sting has a quite a bit of a handicap. If I were Sting, I'd stick close to the other two, and only jump in when I'm needed, not rushing into a fight with a fire spitting bird... But that's just me. Next episode certainly doesn't look good for Sting either, what with Strike suddenly making him his favorite punching bag and all.

Kamen Rider DiEnd 08/17/09 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by mbozzo (Post 894)
'The Brothers cho is a good episode. I gave it a 6. We saw Chris a.k.a Sting battle and defeat a monster in this episode. This is a guy with a lot to prove. Let's hope that he'll last until the end of this series.

I wouldn't count on that...

Afterall, Strike's got it out for him. And Strike ALWAYS get's his way.

PRangerX 08/22/09 10:44 PM

I like how we got more backstory about Len and how he was chosen to be a Kamen Rider at a young age. We also got an interesting story about Frank sticking up for Kit. It was interesting to see Len ask Kit to be the new Dragon Knight. Which would invovle him chrogenically freezing himself. Does Len plan on getting the real Kamen Rider's back somehow?

The sequence with Len fighting the Cho Brothers was well done. But like someone else said, why didn't Len keep the Advent Decks? There should have been a better reason then Len just throwing them.

It was nice to see Lacy finally confront Maya. Of course she still failed to believe Maya. But that is consistant with here character. It will be interesting to see what Maggie is up to.

I think its kind of strange how Len and Kit keep teaching Chris teamwork, only for him to keep going out on his own. It was cool to see him Vent a monster pretty much on his own. And I guess it fits his character's motivation.

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