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Sentai Master 12/18/14 05:19 PM

Did it seem random that Black Condor died in Jetman?
It seems wierd to me that Gai Yuki got killed off so randomly in Jetman. I mean he didn't even die saving the worked. He just randomly got killed chasing a mugger, long after the Jetman saved the world. Seems kinda random to kill him off so randomly at the end. Its like they wanted to shoehorn in some drama. It seems pretty rare for Sentai to do this to one of its Rangers.

Sentai Is Forever 12/18/14 07:04 PM

Re: Did it seem random that Black Condor died in Jetman?
I really liked that part actually. It made a nice dramatic end to the series. It was surprising but it worked. It was something thats not commonly done and not really done now. And really I dont expect something like that to happen again.

But don't forget Burai. He is the only other major death that I can think of.

Sentai Master 12/18/14 07:06 PM

Re: Did it seem random that Black Condor died in Jetman?
I know. But Burai's death was part of the main plot. It wasn't an after thought it the finalie.

MMPR Forever 12/18/14 07:08 PM

Re: Did it seem random that Black Condor died in Jetman?
I don't like the idea of Rangers dying. I'm glad MMPR didn't have Tommy die. Its far too depressing for Power Rangers. And if I was big Super Sentai plan, I would say the same thing about characters dying in that franchise too.

Willow 12/18/14 07:14 PM

Re: Did it seem random that Black Condor died in Jetman?
I always thought that was a little wierd when I first read about it. Never had a chance to watch Jetman. But it does seem out of left field.

Byron Stinger 12/18/14 08:06 PM

Re: Did it seem random that Black Condor died in Jetman?
I would have rather him die in the final than after chasing some mugger. A little too soap oprah for me.

The Burai storyline was perfect and made a lot of sense. It added to the overal story. It really completed Geki's own arch.

Captain Codfish 12/18/14 08:08 PM

Re: Did it seem random that Black Condor died in Jetman?
Kinda stupid for him to die like that..I.agree with you guys, Burai's death was so much better.

VR Master 12/18/14 08:11 PM

Re: Did it seem random that Black Condor died in Jetman?
Wow didn't even know Black Condor died? Especially not that way! I always thought Burai was the only Sentai hero to die. I don't really know what to think. On one hand itn adds some surprise drama. But on the other, it would make more sense to kiill him off due to Ranger stuff.

Kelly Power 12/18/14 08:13 PM

Re: Did it seem random that Black Condor died in Jetman?
I thought it was fine. Clearly just something they wanted to do to surprise everyone and add a touch of excitement. Not a bad thing to try. Pretty cool that its very rare. And seldom happened like that.

Captain Codfish 12/18/14 08:15 PM

Re: Did it seem random that Black Condor died in Jetman?
Yeah, but shocking people doesn't mean good. It came off like such an after thought. If they did something like that now everyone would be pissed.

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