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Old 09/09/06, 11:33 AM   #121
Ranger In Training
Join Date: 09/06/06
Posts: 81
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cheet is right rita

i used to be a rangerboard member. i'm 14, and i was really new to it. i asked a lot of questions, didn't know a lot of the terms like "bumping" and "flaming". so at times I accidentaly did those things without knowing. I never made the same mistake twice. After about two weeks, I got banned. Here's what it said

Reason for Ban: None
Date it Will Be Lifted: Never

Chat boards can be really rough. This one is much better, because besides the occasional fight, we're all just a bunch of people that like Power Rangers.

By the way, that's awesome that your whole family likes PR. My sister makes fun of me for it, and my parents aren't exactly "supportive".
Toby: Who's the greatest guitarist of all time?

Nick: That'd have to be Jimi.

Toby: You're in.

Amen, Mystic Force Screenwriters, Amen
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