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Old 10/24/06, 01:35 PM   #3
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 10/20/06
Posts: 24

She finished the last of the great mean and Considering what Lesat said she found the Roger and he immedeatly took her to a room. It was a nice desent size. with and small bed and a TV set. "hmm not bad." She whispered softly to her self, her now healthy voice sounding more vile and thrilling. I guess I can get me a shower. She sat down on the bed and took her worn dark brown swad shoes off. Then her tan socks, exposing purple scaled skin unexposed to light as her shadow loomed over it. She then took off her hooded clock, exposing more of her. Like her foot her body was scaly cetp this part touched light making her a shimmering blue color. She had slanted red eyes, two mid-sized nubson her forehead,elf-like ears, and a mouth that litterally split her face, filled with sharp white teeth. Her body seemed to change colors as sat her clock down and turned and headed into the bathroom with only a light shirt on. Every angle she turned her body seemed to change color as the shadowed parts were purpleish to a deep blue and the parts exposed to light were was a descent medium blue. She went into the restroom as her body contiued it's spectacular sight, giving off it's radiance of blue and purple.
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