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Old 08/30/07, 11:53 PM   #7
Power Ranger
Join Date: 01/14/08
Posts: 308

Originally Posted by PRangerX View Post
The problem with the Tommy character is that after he became White Ranger there was no internal conflict. The Green Ranger arch showed Tommy's conflict to restore his powers. Also he had more insecurities about himself at the time. When he became White Ranger the power loss conflict was no longer an issue. Also he seemed to be more comfortable with himself.

Tommy did so some interesting stuff in Zeo.The arch with his brother and Tommy having difficulty with the Red Battle Zord is one example . As well as the "King for a Day" two parter ( which saw him Gasket strip his memories and make him an enmey of the Rangers.

Tommy wasn't in Turbo long enough to do anything that interersting. IN DinoThunder the Tommy character was multidemendsional again.

in an episode of dino thunder tommy went into a coma to regain his phsyical form by using his black dino gem but it backfired on him so in order to wake up he had to fight the red zeo ranger white ranger and green ranger in turbo like ranger x said he wasn't around long enough
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