Thread: any one know
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Old 11/24/06, 01:50 AM   #14
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There really is nothing you can do to speed it up. Once the dl is compelete you just leave the program on, it will seed automatically ( you don't have to but it is considered a nice thing to do). Sometimes it says a time frame but doesnt take as long. Its also possible you choose to download a really big file and it is taking a long time. It also has to do with how many people are seeding or have seeded. I have had some torrents take me a half an our and others more than a day ( usually for hour long shows ). Your best best is to download episodes from the orginal site I gave you. Even if they aren't all there, there is still a lot. Plus waiting an hour to dl another episode is not that long. There really isn't a place where you can just download pr eps straight up without any type of software. At least not every episode. No one has the resource to do striaght direct downloads. The closest thing I have seen is that site. There is a PR mirc channel, but I am tottally confused about how to use it. So I can't explain it, since I would be just as confused as you.

I am sorry I am not being of more help, its just hard for me to explain some of this stuff via text. Plus like I said, there is not one site with all the episodes without, some sort of software.
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