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Old 03/12/08, 08:46 PM   #33
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Diffinitly better then the last episode. One thing I didn't like is how Casey attacked the monster too. It made it look wierd when Theo got all bent out of shape about his own loss and Casey didn't care about his. They should have edited Red attacking out of the Sentai footage. Also they already established that Casey was good at pizzas. Made it wierd to suddenly have Theo as the best employee. The monsters attacking one by one after attacking together last time continues to be lame ( but thats a pr trait so not surprising).

But it was a nice Theo focused episode. And I agree that RJ was played well in this. It wasn't a memorable episode, but it wasn't a horrible one either. It was fine for what it was. Flit isn't even bothering me anymore ( I guess I have accepted the fact that there is no way around it).

I think they play the theme more because it works more as background music. The power pop rap stuff in MF and OO was difficult. I actually liked it. Its old school PR. I loved it when they brought it back in NS and DT. The thing is I don't thing the BGM is as strong as it was during Space-WF.
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